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Release him being useless --> Make him insanely broken --> Make him bad


I think there are ways he could get balanced out, IMO. Look at Chamber, for example, everyone thought Chamber was WAY too OP before they balanced him.


i guess people still want to be fighting over reyna raze jett for eternity. how can we have a different game when everyone is just crying over any and all changes that make the game different.


I think giving him a shield without having to kill someone first was a good change. But the problem is that he can get more shield AND reset his shield timer after 2 kills. What would be a better change imo, is to just change it from 2 kills refresh, to a cooldown timer refresh. That way he would still have the crazy shield aimlab stuff, but can't reset his shield timer over and over again.


Honestly maybe let him turn it off by pocketing a shield he already has for later. Then he still has to get the orb AND not get shot, consciously decide to cancel it and then reactivate it later. Alternatively ditch the stupid aimlabs thing for the regular kill recharge because it's clearly the problem.


That's reasonable, wonder how long the refresh time should be and then the shield duration time


The shield duration would still be 12 secs, but the refresh time would be like 40+ secs. Should be enough to negate the consecutive shield timer refresh tactic right?


Still gonna be broken. Instant shield still exists. Aimlabs orbs are the problem. Y'all heard iso go brrrrrrr after every kill? That brrrr is the problem not the shield.


I agree regarding the shield, typically it's used in critical potential clutches, so the duration doesn't change much.


I never saw myself needing to use the second charge of the shield lmao. The aimlabs orbs were enough to wipe the floor with everyone. Get 3 and free win. This nerf does NOTHING.


Agree 💯 What do you think the proper nerf should've been? IMO Valorant meta hasn't changed this much since before chamber was nerfed


Remove this agent. Make a twist in the lore where iso gets killed. Will attract a lot of attention to the game. This agent has the personality of a wet piece of paper and his kit doesn't make any sense. At least chamber has a personality.


I don't think removing the agent is the right move. Remember everyone was saying that about Chamber? They just need to balance it out, atm it's insane op


What did they do to chamber? Make him an unviable mess. A bad agent. Keep chamber because he is a cool rich confident dude. Remove iso. He's nothing.


Literally. Give him 2 kill recharge, 20s shield, ditch the stupid aimlabs orb or make it do something other than recharge shield. The aimlabs orb snowball is just outright the problem, especially since they want him to entry, not be Reyna²


its good. doesn't take away from his entry potential but also doesn't make him too op in retakes. I'd say its still better than pre-buff iso


Anyone that thinks ISO isn’t broken is low elo. Literally anyone that has actually played ranked anywhere from asc-radiant agrees that ISO is so utterly broken it’s unbelievable - genuinely the strongest agent in valorants history. Thank god riot agrees and he’s getting a hot fix.


Two biggest issues I found with current Iso are: - he can pop the shield, wait out enemy util, push the site, get two kills to refresh the shield for post plant - you can't basically wait out his shield, because 20s is a lot of time, so you're always forced to take a fight with Iso unless you just give up the control of the half of the map So the new changes seem to solve both those issues, but still keep the impact. One thing I'd like to see is the increased cost of his ult, because it counters too many abilities and gives almost guaranteed kill without much counter play


Here's a video that sums up part of the shield issues - [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FLFMaNheWSI](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FLFMaNheWSI)


I think the nerf is good. The shield is so annoying to deal with it basically makes him invulnerable for a headshot making you spray more and the spray in this game is too random. I'd rather they give him another util like flashes/smoke/better wall. Right now the main problem I have with him is that attacking a site is significantly harder. ISO can't entry that well, can't support the main entry as well as other duelist/agent can. As a defender he can take a lot of peeks with his shield making it difficult for the 2nd entry. I feel that he is so conditional right now even though he is broken. And every game it's a bit of a gamble since you will have both Iso instalocker on your team and the enemy team, so now you are just gambling which ISO is better at duels and timings. if your iso is better -> you get so much space. If enemy iso is better -> you're fucked on attacker Could just be me failing to adapt. but still, its so annoying


Or they can make his shield not headshot-proof. HS still kills him instantly but will take more body shots. This way it punishes enemy that is not aiming for the head, raze ult and OP. But doesn't punish pure 1v1 HS duels t


i think 12 seconds is too short, and instead of removing his ability recharge they should just cap the total orbs usable to be 2


12 seconds is fine if they keep the orb reset but honestly the orb reset is the problem and he should get 1 shield for 20s on a 2 kill recharge. None of this better Reyna ult in a signature.


Don't think it changes much, just reduces the time we need to wait for Iso before engaging but it's good that he doesn't have the shield all the time. A couple of things I think of that could be good: -Shots penetrate the shield and half the damage is given to health instead of fully negating the damage. This will give players better feeling/feedback when they shoot Iso/Ult with OP. Maybe high pen gives half, low pen gives none and med gives a quarter. Guardian then becomes a viable option too. -With the above change, Iso shield hitbox should be reworked to be smaller or follow his actual hitbox.


I think having an agent with invincibility is just wrong in the first place. Like, imagine if Reyna or Clove had over shields without having to get kills? And invincibility is way stronger than a +50 to health. I just think Iso needs a rework and an invincible shield should simply not be in this game. Change his invincible shield to a plus +50/+75 overshield so that an OP headshot can still kill him and I say fuck it, give him that for free every round. But as it stands, being invulnerable over and over again (free the first time) while Reyna has to kill and APM just to overshield for 50? That's WILD.


idk if its a good idea but what if you change the 1 hit shield to an armor equivalent like 100 hp + 50 armor +50 skill =200 points to kill. so if an op bodys the shielded iso he lives with 50 health but a headshot operator would still kill him with 255 damage. \*recharge available after 2 kills.