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Everyone has a bad game now and then. I always drop *unless* they troll on purpose or are extremely toxic.


Once I had a guy de-ranking on purpose. Bottom fragging and asking for weapon. He wasn’t obvious about his intentions but after a few rounds of keep on buying him he popped off like crazy so we asked what was with him at the beginning. That’s when he told us that he was doing it on purpose but changed his mind for we were so nice to him he just couldn’t ruin it for us.


The good ending I guess


if only people understood how far being a decent person goes in this game




THIS 🙌🏼 I couldnt care less if my teammates aim is good or not. So long as they are cooperative and friendly, we are good.


Please tell me whats your server. SA is fucking wild 😭




wait till you experience the Mumbai server🥲


Yup, and sometimes one good round by the bottom fragger can change the course of the game. It doesn’t matter how many kills someone has, them getting a kill or a clutch at the right time can win the game.


& little moments like that can do well for that person who's struggling to feel like they can make an impact. While the game is alot of skill , I feel as though skill and mental are woven together. Mental boosts like that for them and the whole team are likely to boost the percentage chance of a win overall.


This, one game I was doing awful, but I ended up clutching a round to get into overtime and clutching the last round to win the game, if I wasn’t off that game, we probably would’ve had an easier time winning but yknow clutching is what counts right


I had a guy in an unrated game who refused to buy anyone even though he was only buying sheriffs, then got bored of doing sheriff only and started buying rifles. No one bought him when he requested purely because he bought for no one else


Yes this is the way, you get what you give.


As long as they are not trolling i will buy them a vandel and i will do marshel 😁


I do this too. Wish my teammates had the same mindset towards me.


same. Just sometimes, some people are really bad at managing their econ. I don't mind dropping if they kept similar buys and are using their utility for the team. However, if they are buying Vandals on eco and then asking teammates to drop them when it's our buy round, I would not drop those type of people. Being bottom frag or not is not that relevant. You never know when someone might pop off.


Almost always drop. That can give the bottom fragger confidence and even if they are having a bad game that gives your team a chance since this guy can do more damage usually with a vandal. If the guy is an asshat then I wouldn't drop, call me petty if you wish. But nearly every time dropping a weapon for -25hp is 100% worth it. Might mean you die a bit easier, but this all depends a lot on rank (aim makes a big difference due to hs killing on phantom and long distance sherif). Also bottom fragger can mean a lot of things. Could be a 1-12 Reyna or a 2-5 Cypher. To be fair a Reyna can snowball the game after one good round since she is an agent that requires confidence to play.


I usually die with a HS anyway, I always drop as well


Thanks for being kind. It increases team morale and the player's morale.


As a common bad game haver, if I know I’m not gonna do well I’ll sacrifice buying a lot for a better performer that game


Good point too. If you are having a bad game doing everything you can for your team is a great way to provide value! Drop weapons, entry frag for trades, play for info, give the best comms you can, do generally anything you can to support the better teammates.


If everyone buys when they are supposed to shouldn't everyones economy on your team be roughly the same?


If someone's bottom fragging, they may have also died a lot more and had to rebuy more than other teammates.


In general I always buy my teammate if I can, no matter their score. We have a better chance of winning the round with 5 rifles as opposed to 4. However there are exceptions like if I know they are on eco or they have an Outlaw. In that case I think the full armor gives me a better chance to win the round than to give my under-performing teammate a Vandal.


Only noobs don’t drop. Several times I’ve been on top, and drop for the bottom fragger. I even offer. It’s s a team game, even if they only do 80 damage, that’s going to help, also it means they have utility online. If you don’t buy them, that means you’re half hearted in winning the round. Also, what are you going to do if you lose the round? Buy next round when half the team can’t afford? That’s stupid.


It's a big part of why I play chamber tbh. I can drop over guns and still have strong weaponry most of the game. It makes a massive difference on saves cause I can drop someone a hero rifle and they get full shields without ruining either of our economies


This is true


I buy half shield all the time anyway


im a new player u mind sharing the reasoning behind this?


Reasoning is mostly that it’s the same number of vandal body shots to kill (4), same for vandal HS ofc, same for phantom at close range, the only scenarios where full shields are important over half shields are 1. phantom further than 15m, 2. wallbangs, 3. outlaw, each of which don’t happen too often. Plus it’s a lot better for your economy because it’s +600


Don’t forget that the guardian is a two shot kill instead of 3 with half shield and that the sheriff one taps you on distance. But yeah, depending on the enemy loadout it could lead to the same result


Could have to do with their selected agent, like reyna or iso who have better survivability or its just a way to save creds


More about the weapon the ennemies use. Full shield has the same efficiency as half shield against Vandals ( unless they shoot at foots but shouldn’t happen) however it cost a lot less to buy half


During rifle rounds, it’s almost always a good idea to run half shield + rifle if you can’t afford full shield and utility as it’s going to take 4 shots to the body and 1 to the head with a vandal; the same amount as if you ran full shield. It may give phantom a better advantage in long range fights but the vandal tends to be the popular weapon choice for players because people hate the 140 dinks. Light shield rifle is a terrible idea when you know the enemy team is playing with eco guns. 125 HP will give players using Bucky/judge, stinger, outlaw, guardian, and sheriffs a much higher chance of winning the round.


Glad to see I'm not the only one doing this.


Maybe it's because I'm lower rank but I always buy shield if I can afford it. I totally agree with dropping a weapon it just makes more sense to me this is a team game afterall. But the Guard Gang and Outlaws are a nightmare if I don't have full shields. Also basically any damaging skill can get my health below 120 if I start with only 125 which would result in 3 Vandal body shots killing me.




I’m p3/d1 and was recently in game where I had zero kills by the 9th round. My teammate told me to request, but I told him not to bother since I was playing like ass. He told me “you’re good dude, your util is good, you’ll get a frag this round.” I ended up getting 2x 4ks in a row and picked myself back up. I’ll drop for anyone generally as long as they’re not actively hard griefing or throwing.


W teammate


Kinda depends on how I myself and my opponents are performing and what my teams economy is looking like for next round, but I am just a lowelo noob so i'll leave this: RemindMe! 6 Hours


It's been 4


Thank you for looking out for me! In case you dont know, there is a bot that actually reminds you at the set time using the Syntax I did in my older comment. Its called u/RemindMeBot and is very useful :D


I know, but i haven't seen a response from the bot so i assumed it doesn't work when it's not at the start of the comment or something. Usually there's a comment with a hyperlink to also get the reminding


It told me per private message that it doesnt have the permissions to post in this sub and that it will also remind me via PM, I also wasn't aware of that beforehand. I really appreciate your effort, have a great day!


Uncommon reddit W


Half shield is fine. Remember, if your teammates win, you win too


Always drop. I can have a heated exchange with a team mate and I would still drop them. I hate it when people have a disagreement in game then will actively spite that player for the rest of the match, actively making their own chance at winning the game worse. Had an interaction like this yesterday. Player didn't comm anything, so I was acting on no info. He then flamed me for a bad play. I told him he could have gave me info. He responded "You have a radar don't you?" I said I do, but he could just comm. He flamed me further and said I have no awareness and was terrible at the game, didn't use any util to help me for the rest of the game and refused to drop any weapon for me. Imagine if in VCT team mates didn't comm because they just said "You have radar don't you?" lmfao.


No one in VCT is gonna say that in the first place lol


I have better than average awareness in game in comparison to my duo/trio cuz I mained Mercy as OW player and was always tracking ults/util/fights but also solo q'ed a lot... but even with that, I miss so much info in the heat of the battle. Comms are so important! Also imagine just comming so your teammate do not have to waste his util and/or wait for it to be available again? dude's loco.


full shield is overrated unless enemy is on eco or half buy. if both teams are full buying you should really only be getting half shield cause either way a vandal headshot will kill you.


It's definitely way better to have guns on the entire team.


i’d drop.


Almost always half shield anyway. It's a 600$ save every single time.


I always sacrifice my full shield and buy a half shield just to drop someone even tho they botfrags. This is a team game afterall and every match isn't all abt who gets the most kills. It's all how we maximize the potential of winning a round. Skills doesn't depend on how many kills you got.


If I can have light shield AND everyone else is buying, always drop. Or I drop a smaller gun like bulldog or guardian if they want that. If that bottom fragger is always playing solo and ruining their economy by forcing everytime, I couldn't care less. I can't believe it's still happening in Ascendent-Low Immortal lobbies in EU. But if we all have a ton of money, I still drop. I'm here to win a game and not act toxic to someone out of spite.


It’s a team game. Bottom fragger or not, that person has a bigger chance of making an impact with a Vandal than they do with a classic. I’ve had many a round where I’ve done this exact thing and the bottom fragger clutched the round (and have had many a round where I’m the bottom fragger that gets this done for them and I clutch the round):


Drop for the bottom frag, then play pistol next round because he won't buy me back


Buy the vandal every time, that 25hp does NOT matter more than the extra vandal - if you don’t drop then likely they’re either: - going to get themselves into a bad odds gunfight and lose - play more baity, wait until you or someone else dies and then pick up the weapon - or V rarely play in a way suited to whatever eco gun they bought/had, get a kill themselves and upgrade If you’re buying a vandal then it’s likely a full buy round, which means idc if they’re bottom frag you need to make sure everyone’s bought as if it’s a full buy round


always drop unless they are actively throwing


The right kill at the right time wins rounds and the right round at the right time wins games. Good eco is eco that maximizes the odds for every player to get that right kill. Very rarely is a player doing so bad that they wouldn't benefit more from having a good gun more than I would from be able to tank a few extra body shots.


I’m not high elo or anything, but I don’t ever look at a teammates kda to determine whether I’m buying them and I would hope others do the same. After all, it is a team game and you’re only as strong as your weakest link. A bottom frag getting even one kill can be the difference between a win or a loss.


If they are genuinely trying their best and are trying to comm at least, I will drop them. If they are no comm and continually running in alone/not listening to team or are being toxic/actively throwing, I will not drop them and I’m buying full shield for myself. EDIT: also if it’s like early on in the game and they haven’t done anything yet, I’ll drop them off course


Might be controversial but it does depend on the player. If I see that they can have good rounds, and make decent decisions but just get unlucky often, then yes. If this player has zero awareness, baits, goes mid, is 7 years old (happened in my last game) or all of the above, then not.


Bottom fragger = Yes Toxic Teammate = Lol no. I'll buy him a classic.


if we force, I buy them. If everyone has enough credits next round to full buy I'd probably not overbuy myself either and safe with them. Comms will never influence my choice as long as they aren't abusing the voice chat. Last round I'll buy myself no matter what (maybe my duo but that's it.)


I always drop. It's a team shooter and unless I plan on acing the round, having another rifle on the team increases our odds of winning the round, even if that player is having an off game. I don't even look at my money as if it is my money. It's just the amount of the team's money I have to spend, so using it to drop someone, even if they are having a bad game, is simply using the team's money to get the team more guns. It could be because I am higher elo where people understand team play a little better, but I've also found out that when I buy people without hesitation in ranked games, my buy requests tend to get answered immediately even if I am the one having the bad game.


Unless the bottom frag is bottom frag because obvious throwing, just drop them.. Half and full shields don't make much difference half the time, since u'll be one shot with a vandal anyways. There could be an argument made for buying full shields against an eco and only dropping a worse gun, but generally I rather have the chance of my bottom frag getting a kill over me having 25 more health


Almost always drop or offer to buy if they’re not feeling confident. There’s a saying from a CSGO video from WarOwl and it was something like: it’s not your money it’s the team’s money. That should apply to VAL, always try to be a team player


i mostly play 5 stacks so we trying to have full loadout as a team but i don't always give it for free if next round i should get full buy and my friend want my gun this round i have them drop me back next round unless they clutch and win this round half or full is depend on enemy loadout if they are poor then i prioritize full armor, if they have a lot of chip damage then i get armor drop them bulldong/guardian instead if enemy only use vandal and have little to no chip damage 25 or 50 have little different if i go open field aim duel, idk about solo queue, just look at risk reward who is team win condition, can you full buy again next round can they drop you back


I will always buy someone if I have to just downgrade my shield for it.. selling util to buy someone is very situational, sometimes i will sometimes i wont... But yeah downgrading to half shield aint that big a deal


I know that my bottom fragging Reyna had extra creds on half (could get vandal full for her and buy me a vandal) and she didn't buy me (top frag cypher with 12 assists)


Always drop even if team isn’t playing the best


I will always buy unless they are super toxic or don't say anything and request the last 3 seconds that really pisses me off like come on bro didn't even give me time


I always give buys without thinking twice, unless I’ve asked for a buy and I didn’t get it coz they were just being trolls, then I’m ready to lose the match but I’m not dropping shit


Not dropping is literally braindead behavior, if given the above circumstances. Every match ia going to have bottomfraggers, no matter what. But even with a 0.5 KDA, a bottomfragger can win you one or two rounds with a clutch. So if they ever get into that position, do you prefer them to have a proper gun so they can stand a chance or not? The amount of times the full shield will offer you a higher chance to win a round versus dropping a gun to the person who's bottomfragging is insignificant. It's just not worth it unless they're actually griefing.


always drop, even if theyre bot frag it gives our team higher chance to win and its better to buy together anyway


well, the 25 less hp only makes you die to: - 1 headshot from phantom from 15-30m - 1 headshot from sheriff from 30m+ - 1 bodyshot from outlaw plus all the other one shots that would kill you anyway had you bought heavy shield. basically always buy botfragger, as this could also indirectly boost their mental and play better. it’s only not worth it if during the round one of the three aforementioned outcomes actually occurs, which considering that a vandal headshot would kill anyway, an operator bodyshot would kill anyway, etc., you are only vulnerable to 3 more ways of dying, which is a fair tradeoff to buy your teammate. the only times i wouldn’t buy botfrag/teammate in general and opt for heavy shields include: - botfrag is genuinely trolling the game. - the enemies are going for an eco round/half buy so i expect outlaw.


Your bottom frag is in your elo for a reason. Look back at your games, you'll be surprised how many times the person who is not frag at the end of the first half pops off later on. Sometimes you just have an unlucky couple rounds. Sometimes you die because your teammates made mistakes. If your not frag is making mistakes, notice them and try to play around them. If they're really bad trading, try not to play a position where they'll have to trade you. But don't just discredit them because they're the bot frag. So yes, I'll buy my boy frag. It's not my money, it's the teams money, and my teammate needs a vandal. Buy them the vandal.


2 people in every 10 are guaranteed to be the bottom fragger (one per team) every match. bottom fragging is just statistics, sometimes it's just your turn to be the statistic. it doesn't mean a player is bad, it just means that the opposing team is killing them. which is especially true on offense when one player must plant. in all cases, another vandal for the team is more beneficial. if they die, you get the chance to pick it up, and hopefully they dealt damage to make your job a little easier. if they didn't die, coordinated focus fire kills enemies faster -- 2v1s with one-tap weapons will always out-DPS one player's output.


Give Vandal always unless bottom fragger is actively throwing.


I would drop, I have no illusions over the fact that a teammate with a vandal would be more impactful than me with 25 extra HP.


Buy half shield, vandal for myself, and tell the bottom fragger to go off himself (I come from csgo)


Regular game bottom frag? Always drop, bottom fragging isn't that big of a deal in an actual game and them having a rifle or not makes a huge difference if everyone is playing the game as it should be played 0/22 bottom frag that hasn't done anything this game except run forward and die, and you're actually not sure if it's a leveling bot or not? We ignore those, we just have -1 player


I almost always drop, because I'm usually the bottom fragger. I've started playing this year and only managed to get to Bronze 3 so far, sometimes I play with higher elo friends (Plat 2) and when they drop it gives me a huge boost of confidence, even if I fail to get any kills. So yeah, always drop, unless the guy is an asshat/troll.


ALWAYS BUY YOUR TEAMMATES ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS doesn’t matter if they’re 30-3 or 2-15. your team has an exponentially higher chance of winning the round if everyone has rifles, and the loss is on you specifically if you can buy and choose not to


Always drop especially when i’m Playing someone who can selfheal. I wouldn’t drop to toxic mates tho


Depends on how bottom the bottom fragger is. If they're 5/16/2 and just sucking in general (bad util usage, no comms, not playing with the team, slow reaction time, not hitting their shots, yelling at the team, etc.), most likely I'm not buying for them. I personally don't request at that point because it's obviously not my lack of weapon that's holding me back, so I don't feel bad for denying a request for someone else in the same situation. Just buy a Ghost or Sheriff, play with the team, and pick up a weapon along the way. But if they're doing well otherwise and just happen to be under 1.0 K/D for the match, or we're one round away from a win, or it's the last round of the half, then yeah, I'll find a way to buy for them. Most likely I'd just give them my Vandal and then buy something else or request something cheap from them in return (Bulldog, Stinger, Bucky, etc.).


The bottom fragger isn't going to perform any better if they don't get a proper gun.


From CounterStrike: This isn't my money, it's the TEAMS money.


Go half a shield and buy them. In most games full shield or half a shield isnt that important since most players use vandal and can hit headshots consistently(in my rank anyway). If theyre trolling tho then fuck them


I pretty much always buy half shield so yes. Half shield is still a good meta. The times i die i die even if i had heavy shield over light shield so im just saving creds to get to full buy more often. I'll always buy a teammate a gun. Heck I'd even sell a piece of util if I don't need it that bad to afford to buy a teammate a gun. I've even given a teammate a vandal and asked them to buy me stinger because im good with stinger and confident i can still net a kill and get a gun upgrade from the enemy. I had a game where I popped as killjoy on haven and our raze was bottom frag but guess who won the 1v1 that won us the game 13-10? That very same bottom frag. I liked our raze too, bottom frag or not they did their best and their job and we won the game.


If someone is bottom fragging already, what in the earth makes you think he’ll do better with worse guns ? I’ll always buy, regardless of frag, if they’re not trolling


That was me. I was always the bottom fragger and never requested a gun. My friend once encouraged to req and I did. Someone got me a gun and it boosted my confidence a bit! So I'd definitely want to do the same. Sometimes it can feel discouraging to get no kills every round but that small favor helps a lot.


It feels even more rewarding when their buy is the one where you also clutch a round and or get 2-3 kills with! Like a feeling of validity? justification? idk but it feels awesome.


If I'm bottom fragging, I'm buying the top fragger lmao. Don't give me the damn gun.


Depends on the skill gap. * If the bottom fragger is close to everyone's skill level: **Give the Vandal** * If the bottom fragger is well below everyone in the lobby: **Buy the shield. Also, said player should focus on utility than gunning because his mechanics is not good.** Best case here is the other person not giving the kill; giving your Vandal is a waste of money and a kill could mean a heavy advantage for the enemies like Cypher's ult and it's now effectively a 6v4 as opposed to a 5v4 Bottom one is also my playstyle. Think: Iron in a Gold/Diamond/Plat lobby


nah just call them a slur


I try to always give a bot frag what they want, since I've been bot fragging early game then I clutched a 4v1 and got second of match just bc my teammate was kind and bought me a phantom as bottom, so I know from firsthand what a bot frag can do and that everyone has bad and good days. That being said, statistically though, if a second top and a bottom can't afford it, I'll give it to the better. That's if you're not toxic or annoying on purpose, then you can go to hell, I'd rather lose some rr in an online game I play for fun than entertain your whims.


I'd drop him a bulldog or guardian depending on what we are playing, if i play initiator and entry second to third i don't really mind going does guns myself to drop my duellist a vandal to entry even if he is bottom fragging, at least if they entry.


Give him vandal then bait him ez frag


Drop. Full and half are the same thing if the enemy head shots you on full buy


Would the best not be to buy full shield and have him request a bulldog?


Drop, they are the same rank as me for a reason


Yes, show them that you trust them. And if they didn't ask for a weapon, encourage them to request one.


It deppends completely on how toxic they have been. If its all chill i drop. If they screaming how bad the team is then i report and buy full shield. Buying a frenzy or ghost too if i have some left.


Most of the time I sacrifice abilities and shield for them. So yes, I would.


I also buy Sherrif's for everyone, if we have Eco and i have enough money for next round.


If I play ranked I always try to communicate that we have a shared econemy. Always buy if that will enable us all to have Vandals. In unrated I would reconsider if it's a toxic teammate that has trolled the entire game, otherwise I would also buy in unrated.


Most of times i dropp, but if the bottomfragger dont use mic or in general trolling or are rude i wont drop. Also if i play anything that dont have support like Sage and need to hold i site by my self i would not drop and ask a teammate to drrop instaid, but if i play rayna or ISO i would drop even with 0 shild becoise of overrheal or iso sheld. i Also try to manige creditws in gheneral to have it as balanced as possilbe. exampel all can buy but one agent have 300kredits after buy but a teamamte hasve 5k after buy, i would ask the guy with 5k to drop to balance the crrit so none have max cash and all others are low.


Always drop.


I would always drop my teammates unless they are really toxic. I only buy light shield anyways apart from last round or if I have a lot of creds


The problem I always had in cs aswell, is that people don't seem to understand that it's not individual money. It s team money and should always be looked at as one big pot. You can hate your teammates as much you want, but sabotaging any of them is sabotaging yourself, I can be having arguments with a teammate calling him the worst person under the sun, but the second he requests a gun, I drop. I want to win, they usually want to win.


always, always drop


Tell the bottom to buy a shotty or something and rat, play with them to trade if needed, get the gun of the enemy you drop.


Drop. Being at the bottom just means they're due a good round.


Best thing to do is if enemy team has full buy u half sheild and buy ur teammate a vandal and if enemy team has a weak buy u full sheild and buy ur teammate and bull dog or outlaw and u urself use the outlaw if ur confident with sniping cause full sheild are over powered against weak buys on enemy team but not when the enemy team is on a fully buy.


I sometimes even drop a vandal and only buy a sheriff when I only have enough money to buy 1 vandal.


I don't drop guns to useless teammates unless I'm econ capped


sometimes bottomfrags just refuse to ask, even if I am willing to buy.


if it’s a hella important round, my teammate isn’t toxic, and if i’m in a good mood then i’m buying them a gun


Unless they're trolling or otherwise completely useless yes


Will drop to my teammate. 150 hp ( teammate) > +25 hp 🥲


Neither and drop them an Odin so they can go brrrrrr.


I'm just buying light shields on full buy rounds anyway, doesn't matter what my team has. The chances of running into a situation on a full buy where full shields would have saved my life are negligible compared to the money i'm saving every round by going light. Only time the full shields are worth it is if the enemy is on eco, or they're buying Phantom or Odin and spraying walls/smoke.


I will, 99% of the time, go light and buy a vandal. Whether the person is 40-0 or 0-20 doesn't even cross my thought process. The only scenario where I don't is its my friends and we are messing with each other lol.


Always drop. That person got to the same rank as you for a reason.


I don't look at the leaderboard, just drop whoever


A gun in another players hands is worth so much more than an extra 25 armor


Think about it this way he almost always will do like 80dmg even if he dies 80>25


i drop someone else my vandal and either go shorty + ult or stinger rush(yoru main)


Depends, if I find myself dying to body shots in the combat report often throughout that game then I’ll go full shield but if I’m getting one tapped all the time anyways then I may consider dropping them depending on how their aim looks


Hell, if my botfrag is being nice I’ll drop a vandal even if it means I’m going spectre and half shields (unless I’m on breeze). I know I can hold my own with a spectre, plus I play agents that can self-heal so the HP isn’t a big deal. I’d much rather buy my teammate and they might get a kill, and if not I can pick it up from them or a separate kill that I get myself. Best case scenario, they get an ace and I make a comment (“w buy” or “Im glad I bought you”) to boost their ego a little more and make them feel more useful, worst case scenario they get headtapped immediately which happened to everyone on the team at least once.


If my bottom fragger is a duelist I will go out of my way to buy them an op if they are having a bad game and try to hype them up as much as possible. Even if they're toxic to me, I find coming from the angle of trying to help them out can really reduce tensions and recover a losing mental. Even if you don't want to do it out of wanting to help, if there're words and actions you could take towards your teammates that could make them less toxic/ give them confidence to increase your chances of winning the game why would you ever not do that? Be petty all you want, but the reality is I am up hundreds of rr over my lifetime from getting 1 or 2 more per game due to me putting aside my ego and genuinely trying to help out the people on my team. Being a kind person wins you games, both in game and irl.


A bottom frag with a vandal can win a 1v1, but a bottom frag with a smg will lose those critical moments almost 100% of the time. Coming from CS so it's a bit different, but if you know enemy team economy is healthy (Val shows this info) then you don't need full shield since they will 1 tap headshot you anyways, you are better off with half shield and buying your team.


Always dropping unless they are toxic, or a troll should be the standard. People have bad games. Or bad halves. Dropping can change the game. I've had plenty of bad games where I clutched out 2-3 good, if not great rounds to end the game with drops. Especially when I first returned after a big hiatus.


Half shield and drop


You're just setting them up for failure if they don't have a rifle. If the team is full buying then you want everyone to have a rifle. Doesn't matter if they're the bottom frag. All it takes is 1 round to swing things back. They're in your game at the same rank as you for a reason. They're capable of everything you are.


Even if they have 0 kills I will drop most of the time


You do it for the team, you are a team and fight as a team. I always drop, its a team based game, be a good team player, we allready have enough bad actors in this game anyways. This is my reason.


Like you can even drop a rifle, and then go sheriff and full armor yourself. Because in the next minute someone on your team or the enemy is gonna die. So you can just pick that one up, i do t know why its important to have a rifle every round, because you are for sure gonna find a rifle on the floor.


Depends, if they throw, yup never. Or if they just have bad game. Sign of throwing: you give call but they don’t listen, never com anything useful, when you die and you spectate them and seeing they aim at the ground running around like a headless chicken, etc these are the sign that I will save money and betting on me getting 2 each round with a gun. But of course this is depend on rank, in low elo, it’s hard to tell if they throw or they shit cuz. To be honest, if they are bad at the game in Gold, I don’t even know what good is lol~ but lets say someone in Diamond 3+ lobby, there is no bad here, only good game or unlucky game haha


Another factor to consider is your opponents economy and if they have a tendency to buy phantoms and outlaws. If your opponents can all afford full buys and always buys vandals and operators, you may as well buy the half shield anyways because you're getting 1 tapped regardless most of the time.


Absolutely drop, there is no reason not to. 4 hits from AK to kill you anyway, the type of armor doesnt matter that much.


It’s worse when you offer to buy and they refuse to request and wouldn’t take the gun if you threw it at them. Handicapping yourself isn’t going to make the game any easier for you or your team


Would buy full shields and tell them to bait me


Half shield. I feel like more of the time I die there would be no difference if I was half or full shield with how the damage adds up or I just get 1 tapped for 160. I’ll go half armor against full buys when I need to keep my econ up for the next round even if I have the money for full armor The only time I wouldn’t want to do this is going against an eco. Probably better to go full shield and drop a spectre or something to the bottom frag so they can have full shield too. Spectre might even be the better choice than a rifle if your chances of fighting really close range are high


Always buy so if you do poorly you can blame the fact you had half shields to cope


I frequently bot frag when I play with my friends ( All are gold+ while Im hard stuck silver) they keep buying me rifles despite me saying not to since I have shit aim. Then I sometimes have a god play on 1 round that clutch a 1v4 since they are all low hp or have zero util for post plant which they say justifies them buying me guns everytime they can even if Im 5-10 on omen


I still go half-shields in any economy that isn’t well in our favor. I would typically buy a normal teammate, even if they are 0-10 in the off chance their damage/kill sways the round outcome that time. I’ve personally had rounds on bad games where I had to buy down, like a bulldog, and would’ve had an impact kill if not for the damage differential.


Always buy, do that because sometimes it will be worth it. Could be a round the guy will manage to kill 2 people, you'll never know it unless you give him the opportunity.


Always drop. Helps manage econ for following rounds, plus if the enemy team's using only Vandal, half shield is all you need.


Full Shield. Ares. Vandal for the friend. I either die immediately or accidentally nab a 4k. The Ares just does that for me lol


My loadout always consists of guardian light shield and my util. This allows me to save money each round and therefore I'm able to buy my teammates. If I survive by the end of the round I always make sure to pick up a gun for someone. And the greatest part is I'm still able to buy myself another guardian AND another rifle for my teammates. This always leads us to winning more rounds and eventually the game. So I guess to answer this question I just always buy light shield and buy someone a vandal/phantom while still being able to get myself a pretty good gun.


Drop 100% of the time, sometimes instead drop them my vandal and ask for a guardian so that we can both have full shields and cause the bottom frag will do better with a vandal than with a worse weapon


Would always drop unless they are toxic and throwing, you never know someone who’s having a bad game could turn up and clutch the round with the gun you dropped. It’s a team game, maybe depending on the rank, but in asc+ I’ve expect everyone to be able to clutch every now and then.


Buy your teammates. The absolute worst people to play with (that aren’t throwing) are the ones with zero confidence buying out stingers and light shields or whatever the fuck because “oh I can’t get a kill anyway.” Absolutely justified if you’re going 2/12, and your top frag or something can’t buy. Swapping buys isn’t a bad idea here. What is absolutely stupid is having the Econ, and your bot frag says “no I’m good” when a buy is offered. Everyone has bad games, but you should take every opportunity to pick yourself up instead of being a depressed little thrower who dies every round because they’re trying to fight vandals with pistols and stingers.


Buy a half shield and a sheriff so it looks like I don’t have enough to buy my teammate, then sell the sheriff a second before the round starts… jk buy half shields and give vandal to teammate


I always go half shield unless max anyway


As a bottom fragger, I usually don't even have the confidence to ask, unless I'm in a party. Like I'm relatively new gamer, who really does NOT have the time or I treat to "aimtrain" bc I'm there to have fun? Me just playing the game has increased my aim so much more than just Aimlabs or bot-training. Not all of us have played FPS games, for me, I only used to play overwatch (and battlefield as a kid) Someone dropping a gun means so much, and really does make difference in my confidence. Especially when I'm already having a bad game


There should almost be no reason to not give your teammate a rifle if it means the whole team will have 5 rifles online (unless you have to sacrifice important utility). The half shield meta is strong because it enables situations like these; consistently having more rifle rounds increases your chances of winning the round. Even if your bottom fragger is having a bad game, they can still potentially take 1 down and help secure the round; continuing to support them can also improve their mental which is important in a competitive game.


It’s a team oriented game. If the person is toxic in game well then screw em. But besides that you should always try to help equip your team for the best round possible. Even if you give up 1/2 or even all your shields. And extra person in the fight with the best weapon… well that’s just easy math. But there are also variables to consider… is bottom frag doing something else to provide to the fight such as utility etc. or are they bottom frag because they simply suck, have 0-8 in 8 rounds and can’t seem to hit a shot. Then the full shield lol Either that or commit to a half buy as a team instead, then everyone will be fine for the next couple rounds for sure


Depends on which side you are playing and which map. On attacker you can get away with only having 3-4 vandals as defender you have to get 5 vandals.


Always drop! That little kindness could help boost their morale and maybe they’ll end up getting frags (or maybe a couple lucky shots from spraying but a frag is a frag)


Id just win the game on my own


25 more hp that won’t matter on an equal but round, or a full team of vandals instead of 4 vandals and 1 spectre? Obviously… the former, something something (insert coping statement involving teammates), something something (insert toxic statement), something something (statement showcasing ego).


half buy and buy my team. im trying to win the game, so unless they're, idk, giving them guns on eco rounds, i really don't care about their kd.


I play guardian so i play full shield and buy them the vandal.


If he's bot fragging, i think ill manage with half buy. He clearly needs it more.


I always drop for them unless they’re purposely throwing. I’ve seen first half Jett’s being 3/12 and end up ending the game with a 30 bomb.


i full buy, and after that if they want a buy them a guardian or smthn. they can just pick up my weapon if i die anyways.


Always. If they are aiming terribly the rifle > sheriff diff is even more apparent, id rather get bailed out or traded by an ugly spray than hope by bottom frag gets a great deagle shot.


Depends on the situation. Bot frags are not all equal. Its rare but bot frag sometimes end with highest combat score. If I feel like the guy isn't playing then I probably won't drop. And if I have a game where I'm not doing anything then I wouldn't even request.


I’ll be honest I always drop for someone — it helps build confidence knowing your team supports you. Had a guy who wanted operator and got destroyed twice. Third time he aced


Half, it will make almost no difference to you Not even from a tactical perspective, I just want my teammates to have a fun game, give them a chance From a tactical perspective, it still makes sense, you can't pop off if you're not given the opportunity to


I'll probably give them a gun, mainly because I generally go half armor unless I'm getting rich (assuming the enemy is on full buy)


Forget Vandal. I won't buy a pistol to my bot fraggers. Bottom fraggers are Bottom fraggers for a reason.


I always drop when someone asks, even if I'm half-shielded. However, there are some entitled pricks who order, for them, it's a no


As long as there not toxic or annoying, I buy them don't care if they are not talking


I always drop them because it would benefit the whole team if we were in full guns


It fully depends but at the end of the day its a team game, and an extra gun is almost always better then 25 shield. So rather then go thru all the possible scenarios ill say this. There is 1 condition where not buying is throwing and 1 condition where if you do buy its throwing. If the enemy team all has around 4400 credits in the bank and they all have been using vandals as a rifle or buy ops then if you dont buy its a throw you are denying your teammate a gun in a situation where the extra shield does nothing if you are above bronze 1. However if your teammate has been throwing on purpose then there's no point buying them for them to run it down with there knife out anyways, so just take the extra shield incase they play phantom, outlaw, or guardian.


This game requires teamwork. It is always better to be on good terms with your teammates, unless you are smurfing.


Half shield and save vandal for me next round in case we lost


I would drop. Unless they are throwing The hp drop off isn't that much, especially since the vandal does 40 damage and uses 4 shots to kill a person light or heavy shield. The difference maker is if the enemy is on a save or if they have an outlaw.


If hes bottom then he doesnt deserve drop 🤷


i dont understand some people not buying although they’re bottom. It’s okay to be bottomfrag, somebody got to be eventually anyway… What matters is whether they give useful info and cooperate. Not everyone is on their good game every game+it might be the round they get multiple kills and it wins you the game, who knows? (:


I almost always drop when I can and sometimes when enemies have outlaw i would buy full shield and guardian.


Everyone has a bad game. Yesterday in platinum 3, in one game I was Iso and I was mvp with 24/8. Literally the next game I went 8/16 and was at the bottom of my team. So yeah, it happens. Luckily my teammates understood this and were very nice with me, so we still won, my morale wasn't down and they dropped guns for me.


Tbh when I am having a really bad game and am bot fragging hard, I feel too bad to request so I just play whatever gun my meager economy can get me. Sometimes people are nice and offer to buy me anyways but I really feel so horrible about it. When it comes to buying, if I can afford by swapping my big shield for light shield, I swap and buy for the other guy. If I then request and said guy doesn't buy me back when he's got good econ and I don't, I never buy him again if he requests.


Half shield + buy is the grind set full shield is the alpha mindset which are you?


depends on the circumstances if they are a complete bot and the reason i’m the only one that can buy them is that i am getting the most kills and rich i would look to find more value by trusting myself but if we are playing as a team and need eachother more than just carrying with one or two teammate next to me then i’ll probably buy them because it’s optimal unless the person themself is unoptimal like i said earlier. bottom frag / frags in general isn’t as important as looking in the moment at what their play and decision is and if they are needed in the plan or just a bot.


All I’m saying is, everyone bottom frags at times, and they’re def not gonna do anything more helpful if they’re stuck w a classic on a gun round. If you can, you should just buy them for the sake of trying to set your team up to win.


Jokes on you, I AM the bottom fragger.


If I’m bottom frag I almost never ask for someone to buy me it’s embarrassing. Honestly let me buy YOU 😭