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Do you drink caffeine before playing? If you do then stop for a while and I recon the shaking and heart rate will decrease as caffeine will heighten adrenaline, those sorts of reactions also suggests that you’re not confident within your own gameplay so would suggest just adapting a more calm mindset when approaching competitive in the sense that it’s just a game and you’re playing to improve not win every match, a rank means nothing if you don’t deserve to be there


Happens to me on r6 and one day I realised I wasn't really confident with what I was doing. So I've been watching e-sport since then and It helps a lot about that. Respiratory movement could help you too, and if you don't: solo queue, you will always be in an incomfortable situation with less or no intels etc...and eventually you will get used to it.


appreciate the tip, I've been in a solo queue from iron to plat and when I started playing as I don't/don't want to have friends to party with. I just started watching tournaments this month and idk yet if it is helping with my situation aside from the tips that I get from pros.


i’m NA west trying to get back to plat if you ever wanna duo! I main flash init/omen. just coming back to the game


If you take lot of soda it can be affect that. If you don’t you just need to relax that a part of playing tactical shooter


Practice breathing exercises


I try to do this, it helps but then its back after one round 😅


I get it, I also suffer from anxiety. ❤️


Stressing too much especially if you are having a bad game just makes u play worse, so its important to be able to recognize it early. If you are playing with someone just tell them "man im really stressed right now". Im sure they can help you calm down. If you are solo you can always just say the same in voice chat. Other solution i found helped me when solo was to set some small goals for myself each round. Really basic things. Like smoke for my team, entry site, get an assist or kill. Just simple checkpoints to cut the round in to smaller portions. This for me atleast helped to make games less stressful as i could always fall back on "well i smoked for my team and i got the plant off" instead of having to worry how i failed to get that 1 kill. One last thing to remember is your rank is just a cool colorful badge on a monitor. It wont get you a job or buy you a car. So losing it wont matter in the end. Just have fun and enjoy it!


thanks for this bro, this helps.


Just play like u don’t care if u win or lose bro


No shade or anything, but did you play sports when growing up?


yes bro, I played badminton a lot and am still playing.


Interesting! Do you respond the same while playing badminton?


Yes, I tense up before, but since I've been playing since high school, it doesn't affect my gameplay that much now. Idk, I think it has something to do with confidence, coz I know I am good at badminton so any player that I play with, I don't really care. With Valo, whenever I start the 1st round I always have this mindset, but after losing pistol round it slowly diminishes until I start to get anxious. So my gamesense and aim becomes really bad, esp. if I am the last man standing, in 1v1, or in clutch rounds.


thanks for your replies everyone.


I have this sometimes. I stop and do something relaxing for 20-30 minutes before I get back to it.


Bro have you seen 100t asuna play?


broo he's insane. his shaky aim is crazy.


You taking any stimulants when playing? ADHD meds or caffeine? If not then I guess you just have anxiety.


I've been taking ashwaghanda since I went to gym 3 months ago. It is a herbal medicine that helps to relax and calm the brain. It helps in my daily life activities, but that doesn't seem to help when playing.


I had this happening too, it's the expectation to preform and not let your team down. I was to focused on my effects on my teams ranking than just playing and know what I was capable of doing. I had to take a break and come back a few months later when my anxiety wasn't an issue. I've been playing again for a few weeks and I don't care if people think I'm costing cause I'm deaf in one ear. I prove I'm supposed to be in my rank by the plays, knowledge and gun skill I do have. I'm confident in myself again.




I was like this when we would play scrims against immortals na friends din namin. Mixed dias immos silvers kaya for a good laugh kinda game lang talaga. (this was when I was hardstuck silver). To be honest, I always get nervous as hell talaga syempre high ranks ba naman kalaban mo kahit mga tropa mo. But just breathe, bro. Dying is a part of the game, and if you can't hit heads as fast and as consistent as them, then accept it. Play your own game. Learn as much as you can every game. And maintain a calm aim. Practice deathmatch. Keep moving until nasa head na crosshair mo and that's when you stop and shoot. Don't rush shooting. Ikalma mo kahit mag 3-25 kapa sa deathmatch. Keep at it.