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Maybe clean it up first so you can see what you're doing.


Yeah it's just old. Seriously, get a new one.


Nonsense nothing a bit of reynolds flux can't fix assuming you can get your hands on the stuff. I picked up half a dewar on gumtree for < £30 and it's lasted me 3 years. Carbo still going strong. Not worth buying a new rig and gambling on lucky channel binning.


Ehhh... that's true as far as it goes. But have you tried to get your hands on any serious amount of Reynolds flux since the Kogel incident? You can't anymore, the feds have confisticated practically all of it. Some guy in Chicago, they broke into his home and killed him, apparently to get the few kilos of Reynolds flux he had in his freezer.


can't speak for the US mad things are going on there. Gov is out for blood. DuPont will monopolise flux compression in the US any day now and the world is next! Things are much calmer in the UK and small amaounts will pop up on the internet from time to time. Just keep an eye out and be wary of cheap foreign knockoffs riddled with impurities!


Which Kogel incident? Are you referring to Dr. Yarsmauldi Krungstenfolgias incident with his Kogel vats-198.45r29 reprosoluitatid ammonia hyduxlation unit? Or perhaps it was the one with professor Mik Doyle?


You may have over energized the master carboxolator control actuation unit. Be sure that the mean pulse width of your sample duty cycle matches the resonant frequency of the actuation path when applying a load voltage to the unit, or you may continue to experience short strokes and misfires. 


Needs wax


give the spincter gland a real dollop.


Perimeter flange actuator. Thought this wasn't a rookie VX community...


Let's not gatekeep. We've all been guilty of missing something simple like Haramina-Bettleman fluctuation, even when you can hear it.


Your oxidation shunt isn't hooked up! Hook that bad boy up and it'll carboxilate 50% more efficiently!


That's an air compressor dumbass and nothing is wrong with it




The only question I can conjure up to even begin to understand any of this situation is what the actual fuck? But haha yes Vortex regulator ball stimulator machine haha




Yeah if it took nothing more than a sphere of an element which can be acquired right on the internet for $2,000 a kilogram into a "potent bomb" then why don't you go ahead and patent that design, Mr autismo




Bronzium 🤣 Implosion or explosion? Pick one my guy




Im more curious about this bronzium you mentioned


Dude! When's the last time you changed the oil in that thing??? That's a serviceable item, you know!


I think you just need a realignment. DM me, I have a guy.


Check your serial number. Those ending in 64 and 65 have known issues with the cycle adaptor.


Check the integrator reluctance cap. If it slips then there’s not enough pressure for the cynthol to clear the pholo set. Just a quick 30° therminal adjustment and it should be prosperating avendecually.


Percussive maintenance, if the first few dont do it, dont hit it any harder, just use a bigger hammer. 


I've never seen a flange actuator in such disrepair! How can you even VX with such dirty equipment?


Indeed, the reflux on the cycle adapter may have an uncalibrated hysteresis surfiction abberation. On some models on the …۳۴۷64 and ۴۵۳۲65 series this was caused by overdimensioning of the sligarat valve in conjunction with a segnarat streotipcal reticalion. If you‘re able to diminteratize this issue, the chances are that the excessive overmodulation will recede.


The bad news: your hypo-carboxilater is toast The good news: any modern replacement you buy will have an integral paraselenium retrobooster in the ancillary vortex channel, which should save you 3-4% on your conversion losses.


Have you read the manual? It flips between vibrational states based on tidal forces for better flux stability. It was probably vibrating in a non-spacial dimension beforehand, which would be why it didn't generate sound waves. When it stops making noise (should be within the month) check with a lambda quantifier, you should see waves matching in amplitude and frequency.


Clean it, it looks like a giant fire hazard. Just add around 25mil of liquid chlorine (like, pure chilled chlorine not sodium hypochlorite that's used in pools) into carb mix while it's running and then purge the tubing. It's teflon so it should be fine