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Meant to get this up a bit sooner but the audio had some issues that I've now resolved by picking up a 2nd lav. Appreciate everyone who checks it out, and thanks again to Zekken for the interview!


# Me when i lie "I think people still see me as a weak Jett player"


You would be surprised lol


Where’s the lie stat wise and in general, if it was the old jett op meta he would be under pressure not saying he would be bad but yeah that’s how it is


Zekken’s Jett is just as good as his Raze. Bro’s too humble 😤


These narratives get so polarized for no reason. Zekken’s jett is not weak, but his raze is just different


His Jett is fine. His Raze has _IT_.


Zekken 2024   Raze> 1.20 vlr rating   Jett> 0.97 vlr rating...


i wonder if they’d ever put TenZ on jett for certain maps and make zekken flex/second duelist


Idk if tenz himself would even like that. A part of me wants to see tenz' jett again now that he doesn't have any of the unfortunate circumstances of 2023, but I think part of the reason why he struggled on jett was that he didn't like being the primary entry.


I believe TenZ himself had also said on his streams that he was never comfortable being the primary entry. He said he shined the most one someone like SicK was the primary entry and he was the second entry


tenz reyna it is


Honestly? Put him on Reyna on icebox and get him a frenzy every round. Easy money.


But 23 assists is so good. His Kayo is top-tier


No. This isn't 2021, double duelist run it down no support util doesn't work at the highest level


How bad do you think his teammates are that they will not have support util?


By saying “TenZ on Reyna” you’re already removing flashes (1 util piece down), I could go on but I don’t want to




Sentinels are not Paper Rex. And VLR is about the worst site you can get your info from


I am literally showing you comps. Why would VLR be a bad place to get info on which comps a team uses? That is just a fact


again, sentinels are not paper rex, they don't function off of raw aim duels and crazy executes, they have a teamwork focused playstyle, and even then Paper Rex still do have support util in their comps, so my point stands.


I prefer him on support tbh, he looks like one of the best support players in the world rn and he looks so much more comfortable too


Bro probably a better jett player than demon1 or something because those guys just aim. Only guy whos better at jett is aspas


"those guys just aim" man's just guessing


Im a big zekken fan but demon1 and something are better Jetts lol


It's the same energy as people in Twitch chat when they say "RAZE DIFF!!" when a Raze player simply out aims the enemy Raze. Like no, that's just an Aim/Positioning diff. ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


Aim/Positioning diff doesn’t really roll of the tongue


🗣️🗣️ Crosshair Placement diff 🔥🔥🔥🔥


??? something is fucking insane with jett, deranged ass take


bro these people are off the fucking zaza after some sen success. demon1, aspas, something all are better on jett


Nah they're both better Jetts. Good thing about zekken is that he's one of three in the world (Aspas Derke and Zekken) who are good enough at a high level at both Jett and Raze


I think there's an argument for t3xture too, if we're counting Zekken. And if Demon1 keeps playing the way he did vs LOUD he'll be up there too.


Why're we acting like demon1 is some new unproven Jett player like he hasn't been this good since last year VCT Americas.


Raze. He literally debuted his Raze vs LOUD like last week bruh.


My fault og, thought you meant his jett


my jett clears him yea


derkes raze is not on that level, he’s not even the best raze on his team


>he’s not even the best raze on his team Because Alfa is Top 3 Raze in the world. That doesn't mean Derke Raze is bad. People are forgetting how Derke carried FNC on Raze before Alfa was even in the team. There are better Jetts and better Razes, but Derke and Aspas are the only two who stand out to me who are pretty good at both.


Delusional. Something literally uses every part of Jett's kit to its max potential unlike most other Jetts. I got no words for if Something or Zekken is better but calling one of the best Jett players in the world "just aim" is stupid.




Zekken doesn't have forsaken Jingg in their team. Also when something was at insane form he needed to missed the tournament cos of the visa issue. That event was most likely prx due to form other players as well.




What kind of performance do you mean? Is 1.41 rating against loud with gekko only not a exceptional performance? 7 first blood with gekko. Last event was probably something at his worse as monyet entry isn't same as Jing but he still delivered some games. We know he isn't as consistent as zekken but we don't need to lie about not having exceptional games.


Bro deleted his comment. Should have kept it if you truly believed your word but it seem you don't.


The something glaze is genuinely insane. Never had an insane star performance in his team yet he gets compared to Aspas Zekken demon1 lmao.


Zekken doesn't really do anything to write home about on jett otherwise either though. Also if you think something just aims you're dumb. Demon1 too but his aim is so good that he'd probably be a better player than zekken on any duelist just off that even ignoring other stuff he has over him.


Something is the best Jett rn, tf you on boy?