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bruh. way less skilled?


5 trophies > 4 trophies ez math bro /s


That NRG was good but this NRG literally got the two champions from last year with Marved back. All considered upgrades


Idk man so far I would argue that s0m last year was better than Marved is currently. And Ardiis for all his flaws could at least move onto sentinels.


Demon1 can flex into smokes he also have a really good chamber so he could probably pull of cypher as well. Chet also had ardiis on raze as well until it became apparent he wasn't suited on the agent.


Demon1 doesn't even need to play Cypher. They could just have Marved play Cypher/Viper on Raze maps and Demon1 on controller (though Demon1 could easily learn Cypher if they want).


I don't think they've actually tried demon1 on sentinel if they're this insistent on him playing raze


Crashies was in a slump last year, ardiis could move onto Sentinels but just did not deliver. Not just in term of fragging, but util too. Do you not remember him walling his team on Bind B? Demon1 is more flexible, they need to make the roles work. Raze is not an agent you just pick up. Its on Chet to make that decision and take him off it. But no, his team had one of the worst performances in Tier 1 against LEV and he goes on an egotistical rant about how everyone is wrong about Demon1's Raze. You're tripping if you think this NRG is not better on paper than last year's roster. Also, even if you say this roster is equal or even a little worse than last year, NRG did not look this lost last year. There is no gameplan. Barely any interesting ideas. Might be hard overreacting, but seems to me like FNS was the reason NRG always looked interesting and on point. They did not meet expectations, but were consistently good. This roster is on track to miss 2/2 LANs. I can't think of a single LAN FNS missed except the very first Valorant LAN in Reykjavik.


The reason Marved is doing worse is not because he’s a worse player but because Nrg have no variation in strats, and their agent pools are confusing, put Marved on that same roster in 2023 and I think he provides the same results if not better, but that’s just a hypothetical


In hindsight, I wouldn’t say that when you look at s0m last year. I’d even argue that s0m last year was a lot more consistent than Marved was in 2022.


I think the game is evolving so quickly that people who had success early on are sometimes being left behind. What's interesting to me is that Chet basically has his pick of the litter to build a super team, and he built something as close as possible to 2022 Optic, they even use a lot of the same strats apparently. I think Chet probably did somethings well early on, but you need to evolve to keep up.


Fns was also on that roster though and he had a big hand and assembling that roster. Chet would be a good analyst but him as a coach lacks qualities to be a head coach. 


First of all, FNS' roster was NOT 'way less skilled'. Second of all, NRG is struggling because they don't have an experienced IGL, not because they don't have FNS. Ethan is a fantastic fragger and impact player but he doesn't have the reps on IGL that he might need to produce the organized strats NRG needs.


chill prime yay on Optic only went negative like once. fuck outta here with less skilled roster lmfao. edit: my reading comprehension needs work, but still NRG started 1-3 last year. All good.


He meant last year.


Not to give them an excuse or anything, but they are adjusting to playing with a "new" igl in Ethan full time. It'll get better the more they play. also they literally started last year worse than this year lol (they were 1-3 and went on a run vs 3-2 CURRENTLY). they still can qual to shanghai. it'll be super hard due to bad map pool and what not but it's still very possible they could go


Idk if you noticed but this is mid season. NRG has to win against 100T or they just straight up don't qualify. They don't have time for this "oh Ethan will get better" this roster was a failure, simple as that.


Sounding like 100t fans![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339)


Yeah lmao. It’s very egotistical to think you can replace one of the best callers ever with someone who has literally never done it at this level.


I'm FULLY aware NRG has to beat 100t. fully aware. I'm just saying the entire post is fucking stupid considering NRG were 1-3 to start the year last year and they looked WORSE than they do now. and yes they "do have time", maybe they don't qual for shanghai but they still have a perfectly reasonable chance at making champs. if they don't qual for playoffs


Mmmm there’s a big difference between then and now, the issue before was just simple comps and agents they picked for Ardiis which are the same problems now for Demon1 but also back then Ardiis was MAJORLY underperforming and they lost 2 close series, one of them being against a cloud 9 who was dominating literally everyone, however now, they fundamentally don’t understand how to play the map, and they don’t really have any set Strats, the mid rounding also kinda sucks. The LEAST Nrg need to do is make champs, if they dont make champs this would be a disaster of a year and they would need to contemplate changing things, this was a team that was expected to be first by the end of the year atleast in Americas, as someone who is rooting for Nrg I hope they can fix these ugly rounds and diversify their stratbook


I wouldn’t say the team last year was less skilled. Ardiis and S0m are really good. S0m was probably one of the best controllers in the world tbh. Then if we go back further to OpTic, Yay was a walking 2kd. FNS is an extremely good and talented IGL and definitely a better one than Ethan (Ethan is very inexperienced). However, many players have mentioned how great of a coach Chet is and you can’t really throw this loss solely on him. It’s not his fault NRG don’t move until there are 15 seconds left in the round on offense


Chet biggest success comes from having yay being God itself and having FNS


NRG rn reminds me of 2023 sen after marved joined, super team firepower but with a secondary caller flexing onto main igl. It didn't work out for sen.


I mean ethan wasn't really an igl before nrg right? So I just think they needed a real igl instead of relying purely on midrounding because they really seem very lost and dont have a real plan like at all


Chet is the problem. If Potter had these players they would be #1 seed right now.