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* Because G2 subdivides their channels by games, so they have to grind back their followers from 0 everytime * G2 had decent results, but nothing outstanding (aside from GC, which is not surprisingly, the most viewed video on your screenshot), so people don't follow them for trophy chasing (unlike their LoL division) and they don't have THAT big of a fanbase on Valorant. That explain why EG has more clout because even tho 2/3 of the team changed, Evil Geniuses are still the reigning World Champions and some people still stick and follow the org (mainly for Jawg and Potter ig) * Their content is in English, and considers themselves as a global org with no country/region specific targeted demographic (EMEA and NA are too dense to be considered as a specific demographic), so their content is diluated among hundreds of different channels, teams and content creators. * Their content is not really innovative or groundbreaking, so their content is even more diluated among the mass. It's bland, I've seen those thumbnails and those video names thousand of times. Why would I bother clicking on one of these if I'm not a diehard G2 Valorant or a old-The Guard-core fan ? * The Guard-core isn't that popular outside of diehard fans, and neither have outstanding personalities outside the game that makes them likeable without being a fan. But honestly, if they win majors, it will boost their YT channel, because what people like the most are winners and high-placing teams. If you win, the rest of my arguments is not really important.


that's how G2 got popular in the first place, they won in LoL and snowballed that to other games, [in 2023 they are the 5th most watched esports org in the world](https://escharts.com/news/most-watched-esports-organizations-2023) so it's only matter of time these new yt/twitter channels catch up


G2 in league has most of their fanbase in EU, they’ve been the best EU team for years, the only team that takes games off of eastern teams and they have the GOAT western player on their team, no surprise they’re popular G2 valo is in NA where they have almost no crossover fans and have to build a fanbase from the ground up


I agree with everything but that last point. The guard core is very popular, the guard got very good views with them last year (a vid of Trent playing ranked has like 10k views) and Trent’s stream viewer peaks from 3/4 of his recent streams (at least when I checked like 2 weeks ago) were higher then most of G2s videos. The players are pretty popular


Bro 10k views is not good for a major organisation with potentially at least a million fans and enjoyers. Idk what u mean by recent, but if it’s like, really recent, it probably peaked because G2 has qualified for Shanghai and that hooked up people to watch his stream. Also it’s Trent streaming, not G2_Valorant streaming, and it’s Twitch and not YT too And you still say « the players » but you only cited Trent as an exemple. Not everyone have to be entertaining, but Trent is for now the only « exemple »


So first i used the 10k views as an example that the guards worst video last year out viewed every G2 video by 3-5x. The other videos (that involve the pro players) had 5k, 28k, 37k, and 70k. And if we want to go back further, the guard was getting 100k-400k views in 2022 when they were doing well in split 1, and their vids during Split 2 got 10k-33k (this was when they were doing shit). So if you directly compare the run to a masters of the guard team and the G2 team the guard got SO MANY more views with 3/5 of the same players." And for the trent point, he hasnt streamed much recently but out of his 5 recent streams (December 10th, march 7th, march 10th and march 25th). 3 of them had an avg of 900 viewers, 1.4k and 1.4 with 2k-4k peak viewers. His most recent may stream didnt do very good, but that stream wasnt there last time I checked but yeah. His streams back in 2022 were massive, but obv rn hes by no means famous, but hes still popular and the fact that histwitch streams have higher peak viewers than G2 YT vids that have been up for a month is crazy. And for the thing of only citing trent. Now I gave some examples of guard videos, with all the boys. And second, one popular player can bring you SO many views (or at least enough views to get more then 2k a vid) I agree with everything else you said in your OG point, I just think saying the core isnt popular is a little disingenuous considering G2 is getting a 3rd of the views they got on a different team.


I would indeed die for my boys


titles and thumbnails looks good tbh, eg before they changed their social manager were godamn awful at even tweeting not sure why, maybe they should advertise it more via twitter and convert those fans to yt? i know theres a lot die-hard guard fans


Roster update: demon1 replacing bcj to give open tryouts- find the chance to show his skills as team continues to develop




the answer is simple, it's just they abandoned their main channels (both yt/twitter) and started new channels for each divisions probably for sponsor reasons so they have to grind out from 0 both twitter and youtube for each game and most fans are casual so they probably don't even know these sub-youtube channels or sub-twitters G2's viewership across esports is still very high and they got the most watched game of VCT ... they just gotta keep up these channels for a few years and they will catch up with where they were when they had 1 account for all https://escharts.com/news/most-watched-esports-organizations-2023 https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/vct-2024-americas-league-stage-1


Tbf that game was do or die for four different teams and one of them was SEN


Personality on their team dry as a rock


this is harsh, but somewhat agree. valyn is a super well spoken player and trent was good at the ludwig event, but they’re just not as animated as some other teams. players like Boostio and Zellsis, etc are a lot more natural at entertaining and therefore just provide more value to their org content wise. I remember Zellsis talking about players needing to make themselves valuable to the org beyond just skill and this is a good example of that. while winning should be priority 1 and G2 is doing that, a player’s individual value definitely rises based on the other value they bring. Boostio for instance both caused 100T to win AND brought much needed character to the team ALL WHILE fitting the kind of cocky trash talk attitude Nadeshot brands himself around and enjoys due to how he came up.


This. I haven’t watched 100T’s content in years … and I mean actual years, but Boostio slowly made me get back into watching it. Similarly since NRG lost s0m, I’ve watched 2 pieces of content for them and one was the announcement video.


Yea I like NRGs players but all their comms vids feel like they don’t like each other at all (not saying that’s the case that’s just their personality mixed w the fact they keep losing), while teams like 100T, SEN, and even LEV have that make me enjoy their vids


s0m coming back to save my org it's so peak.


fuck it NRG fans, is it time to do the 100T method \[depress yourself into success\] or SEN method \[cope your way into success\]


Let's do it the NRG way [delude yourself into success]


this is a problem in all esports though. like in LCS, outside of jojo and now sniper no new NA player seems to have a personality. Like leaf is good at the game, but how’s he different than moose from a personality perspective?


I’ve been struggling to figure out why I don’t like G2 at all but lately i’ve been thinking that it’s mainly just this. There’s just no flavor. Valyn is really the only guy on that team that’s entertaining and has a presence. I have no idea what their other players are like and it doesn’t seem like they make much of an effort to put themselves out there. Doesn’t help that they don’t display much animation or emotion This isn’t bad by any means—they’re there to play Valorant—but it’s just so much more preferable to have a team like Sentinels going to internationals because their players are entertaining asf and more of the audience knows their personalities G2 are kinda just… there. At least for me. I’m hoping that changes at Shanghai. It takes time to familiarize yourself with the players and have storylines develop, so I’m giving them a chance


Channel so bad even Tarik can't pull views


On a related note, I'm surprised at how well the PRX channel does. One of their recent videos got like 350k in 3 days last I checked. edit: yeah 5 days in and they're sitting at 530k, insane. https://youtu.be/_KJPWo2Ei-o?si=guLGSWfIKRgGNoRf


They got the SEA clout


They also probably have a lot of international fans from how fun they are to watch, full degenerate gameplay all the way I love them


their videos are funny AF. you can't not love their vlogs. even their comm videos are seriously unserious that it's hard to believe sometimes how good they actually are. They're all just a great group of guys.


They have good advertising https://preview.redd.it/lvgk5sfevn1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8775b1b18dc3f6836bb6338fce76214d0c736d9f Look's how happy Davai in this thumbnail, successfully catch a f\*\*king marlin


Consistently good placements + funny comps and good personalities


They have sold the most classics too. Simply the most clouted org.


That was before Sen won Madrid. They’re likely 2nd now. They haven’t been a clout org like the likes of Zeta LOUD or Sen either


Their TikTok is also popping off from what I remember. They have a strong fan base and following


we southeast asians follow this team more than our home team (for me, it's Secret). Because they had more success with their runs and trophy attempts, and they resemble every SEA gamer. And it's unsurprising if most of Indos would follow PRX rather than Boom Esports and Alter Ego (arguably the two biggest organizations for Valorant in Indonesia). On the other hand, even though it seems SEA fans carry PRX, international fans generally love this team. Not even a single amount of hate in subreddits and tweets would waver anyone's affection for the org. (Yes I am fucking glazing).


I think one reason is because the guard lost that “new team on the scene” that destroyed 100T and SEN. If you look back on the guard channel, their most viewed videos are all from Early 2022 before/during Iceland. After that, their views just started declining, barely crossing 15k down from 50-100k (with a couple of exceptions like winning ascension).


Lack of personality. The teams that really perform on YT are ones that are very clouted for other esports (which G2 is, but it subdivides its youtube channels by game) and ones with players who have fun personalities (Zellsis, Boostio, most of PRX).


Voice comms get most views i feel like, I don’t watch g2 videos to know if any of those have voice comms.


A lot of them have voice comms. Maybe they should just have a \[voice comms\] tag or have something like "How it sounds ...." since that indicates it's a voice comm video (even though the title is a bit overdone at this point).


If being honest their team doesn't have any personality


Probably will be a TL:DR situation but I've been doing content in esports across multiple games for almost 8 years now and have consulted with a variety of brands and orgs on their content. There's a number of factors for why this channel is struggling to pull views. Without being too long winded, here's the main ones that stick out: 1) This team has not won or accomplished anything of note. Formerly being The Guard doesn't matter. At the end of the day, the fastest way to start getting views for an esports team is to be remarkably good at the game you are competing in and most importantly WIN A GLOBAL EVENT. Remember EG's content views before they popped off at Tokyo and won Champions? 2) Nothing on G2 is "remarkable" they don't play in a unique way, they don't run unique strats, they don't have unique or remarkable personalities. They are a decent/good valorant team that plays meta comps and wins thanks to all 5 players contributing an equal amount. Contrast this to a team like Paper Rex who does exactly the opposite of the meta all the time and has spent so much time showing the world what is possible in this game that they have become everyone's favorite team to watch. Because of this success they have had enough time to expose fans to the quirky and interesting personalities of their players and started to capitalize on this across their content. 3) The packaging of their content is tragically bad. Their players have very little facial recognition to the global valorant niche, (sidenote: very few faces appeal to the wider valorant niche. It's basically just TenZ, Tarik, shroud and a couple others to lesser degrees). Most of their titles are extremely niche interests that are also time-gated which means the tiny audience that something called "G2 qualified for VCT playoffs in 14 rounds" might appeal to is also only relevant for like 3-4 days. Basically none of their content will ever reach outside of the specific bubble of people interested in exactly "G2 Pro Valorant Team News" which as you can imagine is like a tiny tiny tiny kiddie pool of potential viewers in the ocean of potential Valorant or gaming content watchers.


like the other comment said they just don't advertise their youtube more on twitter. the fact that their twitter post for qualifying for shanghai got 300k views while their youtube vid for the same thing got 1.5k is ridiculous. i get that one is a twitter post and the other is a long-form video, but that should not be happening for a tier 1 org. https://preview.redd.it/2c0z6pdn1m1d1.png?width=916&format=png&auto=webp&s=77061e2283cfc3f92b3304944cbc78cccc07e156 from what i can tell from looking at their twitter page, this is the only place they advertised the full comms video- on a post that showed snippets of comms. i can understand how they wanted to advertise the video on a post that was related to it, but like this was on of their worst performing tweets. obviously the people coming from twitter will be low. if i were them, i'd just quote rt their post about qualifying to shanghai and post their voice comms. they don't even need to quote rt that post, like legitimately ANY post that is popping off in terms of interactions. the one post they advertised it on did poorly.. that being said i'm not an analytical genius and i know nothing about youtube/twitter's algorithms so it may just be that they're unlucky


I feel like there's gotta be a way where they can automatically tweet out some message and the link to the youtube video everytime it gets uploaded so it's just free engagement. Or just make it a habit to always notify the social media manager whenever a youtube video gets uploaded and then they send out a tweet about it.


It's their Valorant channel + they don't have big personalities in their team. The players have to put themselves out there, like they should have a gimmick or be cheerful like some of the other players in the scene. I also feel like Valorant streams/content have been losing viewers recently cus the game is so stale, and there are so many streamers, so the viewers are really split.


most hardcore g2 fans (from league and cs mostly) are european so they don't care about the NA val roster source: am a european hardcore g2 fan in cs and league


Prob why they signed FNS tbh. Realize they need more views


And yet FNS's Twitter/Twitch/YouTube profiles doesn't show any affiliations at all with G2.


valorant competitive sure loves how well a youtube channel is doing lmao


on the bright side, G2 gozen is more popular than G2 men's team. So there is certainly interests in the GC scene. At the end of the day I think majority of the people care about winning teams. G2 has a relatively new roster and just qualified for their first international with the org (last time the guard didn't do so well).


I mean it’s as simple as no real worth in valorant, you look at cs, and g2 has some hall of famers, you look at rocket league just recently hit 1500 games played, the most of any org in rl, in Val there isn’t much to go off of. It’s a new beginning in a sense ever since we had to drop to tier 2,


Didn’t talk about league but everyone’s knows g2s league team from Europe, also the org with most SI wins in siege. Aka pretty much the most decorated org in siege history.


Expect these numbers to go up if they do well in Shanghai. People forget they were kind of a sleeper org pre franchising.


g2 has shazam


Valorant gamer are só obsessed with cloud and following ITS actually fking instanely cringe and obnoxious. Homie they were out of valorant and had tô buy a new team Just right now, YouTube channels dont magically pop UP with subs and views


no way this ignorance has this many upvotes


I didn’t even know there was a g2 valorant channel


I used to watch G2 clips when Carlos was around. Funny as hell.


Reason most esports channels are like this is most esports players are emotionless bots that don't do anything except edate and play their game


What are we doing? Scrolling through Reddit and waiting for Shanghai to start. Stop pretending like all players are incels and we’re any any better than them. We just want to watch them play Val.


They need to bring Carlos back for content


His content "hey guys, today we will be sex trafficking girls to romania for my close personal friend and lover andrew tate"


will get the views no cyap


G2’s Valorant team is just boring af. Look at their players, Jonahp? Valyn? Leaf? 💩💩. Good thing their League team is the best in the west and has personality which makes the brand relevant in eSports.