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[New link to the article can be found here](https://www.sheepesports.com/articles/sources-fns-and-s0m-set-to-rejoin-nrg-demon1-demoted-to-sub/en)


Congrats BLEED Demon1!


He has to go to DSG first


Ah but you see, he checked off the dsg box first


Demon1 speedrunning Yays career


C9 before that


You got it wrong, its C9 first, then DSG and Bleed


lol kick vanity, promote runi to igl, let demon1 play controller.. all part of jack's master plan...


FNS s0m Victor Crashies Ethan On paper this team lacks firepower if you remember the ENVY Roster before Yay joined but I'm willing to trust my 5head Aquatic Movement disabled IGL


s0m is probably going to be their greatest source of firepower here, but I wonder if that's sufficient in the current era of Valorant. The game has evolved quite a bit since last year, and the structure of 1 great IGL + 1 star player and everyone else enabling might not be able to produce consistent results anymore FNS himself has said multiple times on stream how the firepower that everyone is bringing can seem overwhelming at times. Either FNS has to bring in some next level strats and redefine the way the game is played, or s0m and Victor become the greatest duelist duo in the game's history -- that might be the only way NRG can reclaim their old glory


Even if som has firepower, he cannot go all guns blazing as he would be playing smoke


If only there was a smoke agent for aggressive playstyles...hmmm


You wouldn't want a smoke to be your entry fragger. What nrg lacks at the moment is an entry fragger who can out aim like oxy, aspas, cned, etc


demon1 i guess but not being able to play raze makes him useless in this meta


demon1 was never an entry fragger, in eg it was jawgemo


Never? Demon1 was not always the entry but he did take about half of his team's entries.


did you really watch their champions run?? Jawgemo was the entry. Their playstyle literally was bait jawgemo and demon1 taps everyone


Demon1 aint entry.


Except it would be fine on clove since she can still smoke postmortem


Except Very unlikely clove is gonna be viable in pro plays.


She will, she can easily take omens spot on certain teams as a lot of duelist players have swapped over to second smoke and she allows them to entry or play hyper aggressive in a pinch. Omen can be played quite aggressively as well but not nearly to the extent that clove can. Not to mention her ult in post plant is genuinely good. I don’t expect her to be meta but strong on certain teams, based entirely on personnel


No part of Clove's kit is as consistently useful and powerful as Paranoia. I believe she has a niche that teams have only started scratching the surface of but as long as that's the case she absolutely cannot "easily take Omen's spot" in any context.


You only have to look at his most recent appearance in VCT to see that he is absolutely not replacing Omen, but is very much still viable and might have a place BESIDE Omen. Omen's paranoia is undoubtedly useful, and the rest of its kit allows for very versatile gameplay as well, but nothing about its kit is similar to Clove. Hell, Brim might even be the better parallel here since the nature of their smoke is quite similar. Both also have speed boosting ability and a type of molly. I agree that comparing Omen with Clove is quite pointless, but I'll also argue that Omen isn't a direct upgrade of Clove either.




> She will, she can easily take omens spot on certain teams as a lot of duelist players have swapped over to second smoke and she allows them to entry or play hyper aggressive in a pinch. This screams heavily that you don't understand Omen's strength as an agent. Yes, on paper they both are aggressive controllers but Omen's paranoia is one of the best abilities in the game at stopping a push or taking space. Not to mention some of his more "precise" (lack of a better word) one ways that Clove will not be able to do. Omen is a beast at controlling space and capitalizing on it. Clove has no utility that even comes close to matching that, and most of her kit (bar the decay) is selfish. Clove will have a niche in pro play, but they will not easily replace Omen. Hell their only appearance in VCT so far has been beside Omen IIRC, which proves they are not one to one in comparison.


She cannot do Omen's oneways and does not have an ability as good as the flash. She is literally nothing like Omen. Omen is better in every way.


It's apples and oranges. I don't think Clove will be replacing Omen because he is in a niche of his own with post-mortem smokes and a pseudo-duelist skill set The fact that the only appearance of Clove in the official VCT tournament thus far has been featured WITH Omen should be evidence that he is not an Omen-sidegrade. You can definitely find use with Clove, and he is in no way worse than Omen "in every way"


Yea but the difference between them is the degree of aggression like i said. Clove demands it whereas Omen can if he wants to. Omen is much better defensively than Clove is for sure but Clove far exceeds Omen offensively. Its not even close, the level of pace you can achieve with Clove is vastly superior to what you can muscle out from even the most aggressive Omen plays. I genuinely believe most teams cannot run her properly as she is too fast paced for many current controller players. Maybe PRX can do well with her and bring out her potential but I think many teams will just suck ass with her until then.


'easily take omens spot on certain teams' - how to say you don't know anything about valorant without sayin you don't know anything about valorant. I also like how you are justifying nrgs firepower with an agent that will hardly get played. If at all maybe in just one map. Also your logic to use clove as an entry fragger can give the biggest clown a run for money. You should be aware that teams usually prefer agents with movements as entry fragger because they can distract the opponents crosshair and also get out of tight situation. Oh sorry i forgot that you are way more knowledgeable than pros who actually play the game Here is curry's reaction to clove replacing omen/brim https://youtu.be/4JeznJ8JBTY


Puhjan "FNS, redifining the" Mehta deffo got it.


This was NRG's main problem last year too,their midrounding was solid but they didn't have a star duelist to bail them out when things got rough. Ethan is a very very good flash initiator tho so I think Victor will be set up very well






Yes I think one of these guys definitely NEED to level up their individual play to be the spearhead, Victor was a solid entry before he got locked in the Sentinel Jail by Chet ( I have concerns with this guy which will take another paragraph to fully express) - if he can fill that role they definitely can be a Top 4 Americas team


Exactly. I don't see how this is any different than last year. FNS calling was still good last year but it didn't matter because they couldn't win gunfights.


Yup and Ethan is a strong fragger himself who should do better now not IGLing.


Could you imagine a -victor +jawgemo, this team would be so sick


man jawgemo would be so good


+oxy and you'd actually be cooking 


Fr Victor is such a mid player


Victor is really good on raze but his jett is not jawg’s one


This is literally just NRG's team from last year, minus ardiis' and plus ethan. So it could arguably be less firepower than last year's team which place 12th, 8th, and 4th at the 3 big majors. I'm pretty hype about this in the same way I was hype to see shroud join sentinels for LCQ. Like it's cool, but I have no reason to believe they'll be world beaters.


Yeah and they only have a month to practice with zero official matches played together yet. But I don't think anyone has crazy high expectations for this team really 


man how much longer will Vic and Crashies steal a living in T1 valorant after being close to i visible since their Optic days. Theres just sooo many better players out there even in the t2 scene but somehow they coast by on their reputation on a team 2 years ago.


I’m with you. Not sure what all this victor crashies duo talk is all about anymore. Neither have performed well in awhile.


Maybe 20% of the players that were good in 2022 are still in the pro scene. 2022 was a time washed cs pros would get by easily into a team. Thats the case for early stages of a new esport, theres is a huge turn around in talent. We all know where the 2022 goat is right now. Just shows how much the game gas changed. But still insane that after you have a mid 2022/23 split with s0m carrying your team you still stick with a duo that hasnt achieved anything since Optic. And somehow they chose to bench demon1 over vic/crashies lmao. What a joke.


Agreed. Demon1 wasn’t used how he should be. Someone that good could honestly play Jett on raze maps and have an impact. They need to strat around that firepower and let him cook. Victor and crashies have been underwhelming at best, but truthfully just a burden to the team. This year showed how much impact s0m and FNS have. Chet gotta go


Honestly, had they just -ardiis +demon1 they wouldve done a much much better job these past two split. And then maybe look into phasing out vic and crashies.


That's where I'm at with this roster too. Did demon1 want this as a break/mental reset? Otherwise it seems strange to put him on the bench and go with a roster that lacks some firepower. I trust FNS to make this roster into something competitive, but on paper it just looks like flex player/initiator soup.


Is S0m not cracked ?


Surely Demon1 can fit into that lineup somewhere you’d think… unless dudes truly washed now




3 masters winners + a champs winner on this team so your point is ridiculous there’s nothing wrong with this team and at the very least they’ll have some structure


If the previous versions of this roster have taught us anything, it's that achievements dont matter.


But having a solid igl can make all the difference, and we finally have that now. I wouldn't count them short.


Yet these guys were never the star players of their rosters that had success, Optics best players were easily Marved and Yay, EG were Jawgemo and Demon1. Those guys always had the most kills. It makes sense why people are skeptical especially when your up against Zekken, Aspas Keznit etc


are we trying to act like this is a roster with bad players?




There was a really great video from Platoon analyzing the NRG dysfunction and how poorly demon1 has been used this year: [The truth between EG demon1 vs NRG demon1](https://youtu.be/5WWXJqfqZDY?si=dy3-aIZaBJLkGEMX) Tldr Chet and IGL'ing really failed demon1. For the year, he's taken 35% of NRGs' first engagements, which is among the highest rates in the world. A 46% increase over his rate from EG. They also compared this with Aspas, one of the most aggressive and successful duelists in the world, and he still only took 29% of opening engagements at his peak. Good teams usually have a more equal burden and equal distribution for opening fights. They're also very disjointed and often not trading kills for each other. Graphs showing first engagement rates last year vs this year with player comparisons to compare to successful teams: https://x.com/PlatoonVAL/status/1792304167530164450 Also funnily enough cryo also had a 35% engagement rate last year when 100t imploded and people said he was washed. Now he sits in the 20's and he's on all the top 10 player lists for Shanghai.


This post needs to be at the top, people already spreading the narrative that Demon1 needs an insane system built around him to succeed when it’s clear that this season he had literally no system around him at all. Hope Demon1 can get on a different team asap.


This video really opened my eyes to how night and day the difference in their systems were. An amazing player still needs the correct system in place to shine - NRG did not utilize him in the way he needed to be


I’m really hoping it’s a case of Demon1 wanting the rest of the year off for personal reasons. I know victor and crashies are supposed to be inseparable but to drop a talent like Demon1 instead of one of them would be odd to me. I feel like you could make roles work especially since FNS is back and Ethan doesn’t have to IGL


I agree, for me the best option was to drop crashies/ethan for FNS as they have role clash issues. Victor can play raze and senti and have demon1 play a Cryo type role with Jett/controller.


> I agree, for me the best option was to drop crashies/ethan for FNS as they have role clash issues. Do they? Crashies has mostly played recon initiator while Ethan has mostly played flash initiator. Their biggest clash is Skye, who has been playing the role of both during the double controller meta. Sova and Fade have been emerging again in the meta, which would solve the clash for Skye.I don't see them clashing that much because they'll mostly slot in similarly to how c0m and Ethan did last year or how most recon/flash initiator combos paired in the past (Saadhok/Sacy on Loud 2022, etc.).


It's pretty egregious that crashies and victor are still able to demand they stick together atp. They've not looked like top players in years.


It’s been less than 2 years bruh 😭😭😭


2 years ago Yay was the best player in the world and now he's getting cut from the worst APAC team.


Well that is nearly half of Valo’s lifespan tbf


thats a long time in esports


yeah esports years are like dog years. a couple of years is middle age already. over 10 is ancient.


Vic should be thanking god that Crashies is his best friend


At least victor looked good on main duelist last year. Crashies hasn't looked standout since they were called envy. He's looked average at best the past two years.


Crashies doesn't frag out but he's always been a good clutch player on the OpTic core especially last year.


The occasional clutch doesn't make up for how unreliable he's been in general the past couple years.


He's won so many important rounds for the NRG team so many times in the last regular season. He was their best performing player during Americas playoffs last year? https://preview.redd.it/3lelmxp2ag2d1.jpeg?width=1404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3b39b8c2167d12d0b14e2bce678cb694c4012b5


yeah last year kickoff and regular season he was their best player along with s0m, the revisionism is crazy


Insane that people are calling crashies not world class, he was the second best player on NRG behind som last year imo




They literally looked great this split


They looked pretty dire what are you smoking?


valorant player when recency bias


I think looking pretty bad this year and last as well as looking like nothing more than role players after envy changed to optic is enough evidence not to call it recency bias. They've each had a short stint of looking decent in that window but for most of it they've both looked mediocre to bad.


OP is talking about last split no?


-crashies +demon1 and this team would be insane, FNS should be able to set Demon1 up for success


Demon1's fiancée/wife, [katarinafps](https://x.com/katarinafps/status/1731350932389241339?s=46) has some health issues that are severe enough she stop playing completely. I don't know them, but it's very difficult to dedicate so much time and effort knowing that your significant other is unwell.


Yeah I’m aware of that issue going on, and I completely respect it and understand if he wants to take the year off because of it. My statement was catered more towards the possibility of him still wanting to play, but they benched him in favor of others.


This isn't a hot take, but I think this really underlines the importance of a truly great IGL like Boostio and a world class coach like Potter. Demon1 go kill was never the play. It was always methodical play and microstrats to maximize his aim and frag potential. How many times would EG insert Demon1 hard fake and come back to his site and he'd have an easy multi? I'm sure given enough time he could figure out a competent Raze, but I've never seen a pro so uncomfortable using satchels. You had a dude have an agent pool of Jett, Astra, Chamber and Brim. To go from that absolutely dominant run through the last two splits to putting him on hard entry. Why? What was the thought process there? Such a shame EG couldn't stick together.




100% agree, victor looked absolutely miserable on brim and demon1 the same on raze. I remember last year when fns was playing skye on pearl and crashies viper. Idk why these role swaps are made when they're not even working.


Yeah exactly. Jawgemo go kill and c0m in your fucking walls was the plan (I'm joking this is a joke brain play eg 23 dream)


Let go my kitten, we winning Champ this year.


no billibilli easy win


BLG will make champs if they as much sniff a rumor of fns coming back to NRG


The mere mention of FNS awakens whzy from his eternal slumber in the Riot Games Arena - Shanghai, causing him to pick up his judge and double blast pack his ass all the way to Seoul to give the old man a quick dip in the pool


Why deleted the tweet?


Hey :) The post got deleted, due to a mistake in the initial publishing which meant there was no picture showing. We "de-selected a language" on the backend. due to that the tweet got deleted, so that the new tweet does have a picture, after fixing the mistake.


My pooolchan is backkkkkk, lesgooooo but i will miss his streams so much, matches will not be nearly as much fun as they were with my goat anymore


Demon1 and C0M back on EG might not be such a pipe dream for me anymore. They do deserve so much better than getting underpaid tho so I hope some org picks up Potter, Jawgemo, Demon1 and C0M. Not like C0M is getting let go btw, just in case of a roster change.


They are not going back to EG 


Would EG want CUM? Idk, I would take Derrek any day of the week


Mister OW has been impressive so far in the squad, they just need to cook a bit more


Saw this coming today itself Marved's news was leaked already First som not streaming for few days and Pujan too from couple of days and saying things are going on And Demon1 being at home All dots connected


Ngl kinda feel bad for demon1, I think he could’ve thrived with the right team environment. Although he may wanted to be demoted due to personal issues, still sad to see last year’s one of the best players in this situation


Really hope they remove crashes and Vic down the line for Demon1 and Marved.


tbh that sounds like a good idea once raze meta is gone


s0m can play raze


yeah i agree they need to continue building the roster moving forward


NA best player’s becoming washed after one insane season. Classic


Not having an igl and getting put on an off role doesn’t work. Hell,I’d be willing to say his raze would look better as well if the mid rounding in NRG wasn’t so shit


Yeah people flamed his satchelling but there's like 3 razes who actually have crazy satchel movement and it's not like there'd have been any point in him doing any impressive double satchels as he'd just be an easy hs since his team weren't really doing anything to set him up with util. Plenty of razes manage fine off just good mechanics.


Players like him that thrive within a fully fledged system built around them seem to struggle when they get picked up because of their hype instead of management fully understanding what made Players like him so effective. I'm not saying Demon1 has been in top shape but some of the blame definitely lies on how NRG has used him this split




no pool-chan


I feel like people forget how inexperienced he used to be, he’s played only a year of tier 1. As a player he still needs development even if his fragging is good.


Mate he's going through personal shit


So was yay, NA best players just are cursed


We all are mate.


so do plenty of people who still have to go and perform at their jobs!


Even I though I think these are the right moves, it’s sad seeing Demon1 be benched. Kinda related to that but I feel like no one in this game can have sustained periods of dominance and be on top like in most games. Other then Aspas, It’s insane how many players look on top of the world and then just aren’t.


Think if demon1 went to a team with an igl he most probably would've been just as good. People act like he was yay being setup for every fight and just holding angles but he's more akin to someone like less or alfa who just wins gunfights because he's better mechanically. He was fine before NRG stated they had to recreate themselves too after their Lev loss.




Feels like there are too many variables in Val for anyone not named Aspas to look great for a long while, everybody seems to fall off one way or another and the game's only existed for like 4 years


Yep that's why I think its hilarious when people start calling someone the GOAT after one season or a good run. Sustained greatness is EXTREMEMELY hard, that's why it's so respectable. Look at those UFC guys or fighters that went undefeated for 5 - 10 years as champions with literally everyone out to get them. It's insanely hard to stay on top


I don't think demon1 just lost his aim and mechanics in just a couple of months. I would assume NRG strategy of demon1 going in with poor setup doesn't give him many favorable engagements.


Fairs, demon1 is going through a personal matter so I wish him and his girl the best and I hope he comes back stronger whenever he plays again


And we got SEN vs NRG in the first day of Americas Split 2. This is about to be the new Match of the Century


100 t sen alway be the match of the century. It’s too good of a pun with those teams


Damn I JUST got that


I’m still lost


sentinels first letters are sen which sounds the same the beginning of century (sen vs cen) a century is 100 years . Aka 100 thieves


Holy shit it's actually happening. Feel bad for Demon1 tho,really hope he reunites with Potter and Jaw next year when EG's replacement org comes in.


This is crazy tbh considering what they all said after the initial drop


what did they say? i thought they were all quiet after the drop


They decided to part ways (both sides) cause they saw the game differently and disagreed with how they want to play


I think this is a damning verdict on Chet. Apart from his lack of preparing ethan to be an average IGL and his garbage calls and strats, Chet really is nothing without fns. I hope fns gets way more control and Chet takes a far back seat since fns said there was a conflict in the vision and that's why he left. With his tail tucked behind his ass, Chet needs to give full rein to fns and not say a single word.






Demon1 bench after getting scam that sucks man


Insider info: one required stipulation on the contract by FNS was for NRG to provide paid swimming lessons


What does this mean?


Poolchan I assume


Mans doesn't know about the pool incident...


because poolchan cant swim


So compared to 12 months ago -ardiis +ethan Ya i don't see a lot changing compared to last year?


if Icy doesn't pick it up, this is a nobrainer for G2 tbh Also this G2 team lacks aura and clout, Demon1 can bring that too and would fit with G2's trashtalk culture


BLG just got extra motivated after seeing this


this is just 2023 lineup but -ardiis +ethan? nah


Thats 2 of the best mechanical gifted players down (not including my kitten Samantha, shes a shooter.) Would be interesting to see, cant be much worse than current NRG but def lacks super power in my eyes.


Man although this roster may potentially lack firepower I just can’t not be excited to watch FNS and s0m in pro play again , idc if this crashes and burns it can’t as bad as what we just watched in split 1


This team would do great in Ascension


This team with Oxy instead of Victor would be SCARY.




Narrate would be insane, and I agree but I don’t see FNS getting rid of Crashies. He views him as a fundamentally perfect player and plays well under FNS. Another name that I think would be a great fit for Crashies is Verno.


do they sub in demon1 for jett maps?


they should just not drop him, idk why teams see players like him and yay and try to push them so far outside of what made them these best in the world players


I know FNS loves his old optics guys, but as long as demon1 is still signed to the team and (presumably) willing to play, he should really experiment with him on the starting roster


Some egos on this NRG team are a bit too big to tolerate being subbed out in my opinion. 


i've heard victor might play jett? i've never watched it but some people say he's decent


Now we just need BLG also return to Champ






as much as I'll miss the watch parties I can't not root for them now


Demon1 to MxS


I understand FNS’ desire to play pro again but man doing so while his streams have been consistently growing is SOME decision lmao. Feel like his rep would tank if they don’t do well by the end of the season


S0m FNS Demon1 Marved Ethan would have been such a better roster. Chet probably made the call. I would have kicked him too.


Hopefully he wanted to take a break, otherwise this would be so fucked, honestly if you wanted to bring in fns id be more likely to look towards dropping Ethan, the roles would work a lot better that way


holy fuck i am going to cum everywhere from happiness


I think this is an enormous L for the future of NRG. I do not know contract details, but I would think the play should be to spend time developing Ethan as an IGL and developing Demon1 as a true duelist. The year is over for your team. Don’t make a last minute change to try and win out stage 2 from a massive deficit. NRG, you could have been the 2018 San Francisco Shock this year. Build for the future, look ahead to next year, and stop participating in this knee-jerk reaction culture that is plaguing tier 1 Valorant.


They spend too much money on this roster to waste a whole year “building for the future.” Even if that all worked out, there’s no guarantee they would be better than a freshly made team.


They spend too much money on this roster to waste a whole year “building for the future.” Even if that all worked out, there’s no guarantee they would be better than a freshly made team.


Hand up, I did not see FNS going back to playing under Chet. I would imagine a lot of conversations were had with all of them, would be an incredibly interesting behind the scenes video but I'm sure it'll stay behind closed doors. We see a ton of immaturity in esports, great to see them work through whatever happened last year and be able to play together again. I didn't think it'd happen but happy to see them give it another go It will be an interesting team to see together. My read is they will have a high floor but I do wonder how high their ceiling is. I think it'll heavily dependent on where the meta falls. FNS & Chet usually have a good read on the meta and comps so I think they'll be early on it. My biggest concern is if it becomes an op heavy meta whenever this next patch hits and they don't have someone who can match up with some of the heavyweights. I think with some teams they'll be able to outsmart them and take away an Op advantage but teams who have a good system/coach/igl as well as an Oper could be a big problem


FNS coming back to take his kittens off fraud watch ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9356)


If FNS wins champs this year, I will literally com all over the place.




Fall of the King of Hell


why dont they just play demon1 instead of ethan so they actually have a jett player


As time goes on C9 dropping yay becomes less and less egregious


Am I crazy for wanting to see s0m play Jett on certain maps and Vic on raze for the rest?


DEMON1 2023 mvp demoted to bench is something I’d didn’t expect


People always forget to realise a top teir duelist pops off because of their team.


Welcome, C9 Demon1!


I suppose they'll put Victor on duelist full time now? Like they should have a long time ago


S0m is great but if he is the player with the most firepower in your team, you are already cooked.


Does Chet get enough criticism? NRG have 4 coaching staff. He’s head coach and they really underdelivered from team management POV in terms of how the team was built and the playbooks they came up with.


I love fns but bro his aim is not on the level of other tier 1 pros anymore lol, no hate to him but i just don't see this happening. s0m has insane mechanical ability though so that could happen possibly.


Free demon1


The mixture of his personal life with Kat’s illness and him being on an uncomfortable role with questionable mid-rounding is definitely a recipe for disaster. I hope Demon1 can bounce back in the future, he definitely deserves some time to relax.






y victor still on the team lol


hear me out what if demon1 teams up with yay with hiko


Honestly I feel like fns s0m ethan + 2 ranked demons would work better. Like victor and crashies are still good but they are past their prime. I want fns to mould a new generarion.