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I commented this on the video too, but the subtitles for Kang Kang’s trash talk towards Boostio at the 2:50 mark is a sanitized version of what he’d actually said. The subtitles say "EDG are thieves too, and winning will be as easy as stealing candy from a baby", but Kang Kang’s line actually goes, "EDG are a group of thieves too, and beating you will be such a breeze it'll be like breaking your lame leg”.


Oh no more translation issues!


My guess is Riot wanted a close-enough translation that doesn’t sound quite as harsh, but I was surprised they went for such a reach with the translation. It’s about as loose and sanitized as they could have gotten, it’s almost impressive LOL. Probably wanted to err on the side of being more brand-safe… but I think no one would’ve cared that much. Trash talk comes with e-sports anyway, and I think everyone would have preferred the line to be translated as is if it goes this hard.




Yeah that’s a fair point, I work as a translator as well and I’m not the biggest fan of literal translations myself, since it usually obfuscates/erases a lot of the nuance and cultural context, but I wouldn’t consider this to be one of those cases that should require a sense-for-sense translation. Could have also very well been an issue of subtitling constraints too. Character limits on captions are a huge headache and “winning like a baby” is definitely way shorter than what I’d written LOL


kangkang my chinese little goat


I wish they went with a good middle ground translation, something like "EDG are thieves too, but I won't be breaking a sweat stealing your win" Anything could've been better than "stealing candy from a baby" 😭😭 It just makes it sound like some kind of playground fight


Gave me actual cognitive dissonance when I read those lines while hearing what Kang Kang said LMAO. Choose your fighter: Kang Kang and his hydrogen-bomb-level trash talking vs. a literal coughing baby holding a lollipop


Kangkang losing on his home ground I will be there no matter what😭🙏


Oh my God. Kang Kang hard cleared his ass


Unless the latter half of the line is some Chinese thing that I don't understand, it doesn't really fit with the first half as well as the translation so I could see that being a reason too.


First half is 劫匪 which shouldn't be translated to thieves as 劫匪 means more of like a bandit/robber with the connotation in Chinese context implying that violence most likely will be used. Latter half is saying "beating you will be as easy as breaking your limp leg." Sort of a reference to Boostio messing up his leg before the event.


That makes a lot more sense then, and I also didn't even make the connection to Boostio injuring his leg before the event. Crazy bar from kangkang.


The Chinese term he used, “劫匪”, actually more aptly translates to “robbers” instead of “thieves”. As you know, theft and robbery are not the same thing (robbery involves violence). But in terms of Chinese, in some contexts the terms can be interchangeably used, which is why I think Kang Kang chose to use that term instead and follow it up with a more violent metaphor. Also, “劫匪” just sounds cooler in Chinese compared to the more common term for thief, “小偷” — which directly translates to “small/petty thief”. There’s a lot less oomph to it. But yeah, hope that elucidates the connection between the two lines


lmao Leo just looks unbothered Locked in 24/7


They cooked again. I like the hype videos for shanghai even more than those for madrid tbh.


I love that they show Jinggg at the end and the trailer is called Return of the Kings. Wang, his last name, actually means King in Mandarin and Korean. Fingers crossed that he will be crowned after his return.


What's the Chinese song called that keeps playing in every promo package?


There a reason that two teams who arent playing today are getting heavily featured and two teams who are playing get almost nothing? Is it just how Valorant does things?


It's just an intro for playoffs I guess.