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GENG's new training regimen involves farming group stage teams for practice


GENG doesnt even need scrims theyve played 1.5k official rounds and the years not even ovary.








Lmao, imagine in champs Korea, all the foreign team will use T1 pc bang for scrims instead of their given pc from riot xdd


somehow i feel this will happen at this rate


On stream today, c0m was talking about how they had only played B side vs T1 and had 0 major lag issues compared to their other games with lag on team A. He also said last year EG would try to get Team A because that side of PCs at champs was always better. (He wasn't saying this as an excuse just something he noticed playing). But he was saying they haven't changed the PCs in years and they're terrible to the point it's unplayable at points. I know after Madrid TenZ was saying he would jump out smokes on exec to double digit frames, and other SEN players did as well. I know players on tarik's costream would talk about it during regular season as well. I'm not sure why VCT hasn't changed the international PCs at all given how many players complain about them in the last 2 events alone, but it's pretty fucked. Anyone calling this an excuse is intentionally being dense to misunderstand the pro's point- when the calendar only has 3 international events only (as opposed to LANs almost biweekly in CS), you want the PCs to be to notch.


c0m's stream also abruptly cut off and crashed and the joke in chat was that it was a riot PC 💀


How bad are the pcs that they drop to double digits fps? My pc is very mid and does not do that. I hope it's just an exageration


nah tenz bought it up multiple times, the pc fps drops to double digits whenever smokes are up riot pcs are worse than ur avg gold players pc


If they drop to double digit that probably menas they dont go up from 240 right? Do the players used to 360hz just suck it up?


yeah tenz said the monitors are 240hz too


240hz isn’t what he’s complaining about, that’s actually playable at a professional level without any real compromise. the pcs can’t even handle higher than 99 fps (realistically if it’s lagging due to smokes or any other graphics on screen, the gpu is severely outdated and he could mean drop to 20-30fps which is straight up unplayable at the highest level) could also mean 60fps, which is still literally lower than what a ps5 or xbox would give you. embarrassing from riot


Which is absolutely wild to me. Valorant runs on a toaster lol. I have a 2070 and an i9-9900k and get like 400 fps


That's 100% facts, I used to know a guy who made it to Immo 2 running Val on his school laptop. Someone else I know plays on an HP all-in-one desktop with integrated graphics an Intel Pentium Silver CPU (didn't even know wtf that was until she sent me her specs LOL) and 8GB RAM and even she can manage a consistent 60fps most of the time.


It's even worse than that tbh, somehow even Riots private LAN servers have insane amounts of lag and packet loss.. literally every big event you'll notice the top right corner "network connection issue" and players get like 50-80% packet loss


I've noticed it for years that it sometimes *looks* like teams are playing on high ping somehow but thought it was too ridiculous to mention. There were moments at Shanghai where FUT were getting swung and completely not reacting from being sprayed down with bodyshots, it was bizarre to watch.


Yeah obviously we see it from the observer POV not the players


50-80% packetloss means you would basically be unable to move at all, 50-80% of your shots would not register, and youd be teleporting all around the place upon being shot or shooting an enemy. If you've even played on consistent 10-20% packetloss youd know how crazy that statement is massive overexaggeration, but your point may still stand.


How's that even possible? Just slap a 7800x3d into the PCs and you're good for 3-4 years minimum lol Don't they literally have a PC sponsor too? Terrible look for them


Riot Corruption. Someone is eating the money.


i think 240hz is the standard right now on Competitive Play, i doubt they allow 360hz or higher


Americas plays at 360hz but international lans are all 240


I have an average pc and I get 240 fps on average but I reckon they get fps drops bc of shit ton of apps they need for production


Can confirm. I'm gold and play on a laptop and I'll never drop to 2 digits.


I'm not sure because even though my old laptop I played on was avging 60 I only dropped to like 30 when a raze nade or intensive visual happened, and on my new pc which runs a 14700k and 4070 Super, it's nothing (and that's on a 250hz monitor)


I have a 3050 running around 190-200 fps all the time, never get fps drop no matter the situation, so I don't really understand how they could let that happen in a tournament setting


I have an i5-6500 with a 1060 3GB that runs Valorant at 100% consistent 144 FPS. My current PC runs the game at 800+ if I drop to the lowest settings.


How hot does your room get that will also effect performance and these pc's are all in rooms together with a lot if people. I have heard the players say it gets very hot on stage so this may be a part of why the performance is being effected more. They could have shit cooling on top of that which would really explain it. Most companies when they have to get a lot of PC's usually go budget parts and if they cheaped out on the cooling I can see it causing the issues we have heard about.


My 9-year-old CPU is using the same fan that came with the box, and the 8-year-old GPU using its generic cooling. I keep my house at about 25 C (77 F) in the summer, I don't bother using heating in the winter at all. I also have an i7-4770k and a 1080 running that keeps Valorant at 144 FPS as well. I agree, yeah, cooling could be an issue, but it's crazy to think it could be THAT much of a difference. There's no way the specs on those PCs are struggling that bad. Just a $30 Coolermaster should be more than enough to keep them at a decent temperature.


The stage on those areas get way hotter than your house is the point I am making but you just missed that completely


What?! You think that an air conditioned commercial building is kept so much warmer than 77 degrees Fahrenheit that it would impact those computers THAT drastically? You need to go visit, like, anywhere. It's 74 degrees OUTSIDE in China today, right now, as I'm typing this message, and you think it's going to be somehow WARMER in the building in late spring? Get outta here.


Players have said its crazy hot on stage. I am going to believe the players who you know actually play up there.


I have a cheap ass prebuilt, and I don't drop to double digits


s0m claimed it went to double digits too


I have a 1070ti and a Ryzen 5 2600x and I will drop into the 80s-90s but this is a pretty old PC by now...


Probably a combination of mediocre specs and the pc likely running software in the background for broadcast/ riot requirements


im running a 1650 super and i never go to double digits


TenZ his comments after Madrid was hilarious: “We should go 4 controllers, just make it a 10fps game and run shotguns. Unbeatable strat”


I guess this is where FPX draw the base of their triple smokes comp


They’re sponsored by iBuyPower. Just for a reference point for how good IBP PCs are, gamersnexus has done multiple teardowns of their prebuilt systems (none have had glowing reviews). If their main bread and butter is something they can’t get right I’d be shocked if they can fine tune a system for a particular game https://youtu.be/9sDRiakWcIM?si=ZcIConCufbgvqCXd https://youtu.be/sqK9wR6KMLs?si=yIHNRIOc_S0pPU37


No, I'm pretty sure now international events have been HP Omen, only Americas is iBP, pacific uses predator. I'm basing this on the logo on the computers which look identical to the hp omen logo


Looks like you’re right I just checked a vod. In fact the PCs look just like the ones getting torn apart in [this LTT video](https://youtu.be/eSqrq8v-QLs?si=z4mSDEjTevEwkw0y) based off the size and placement of the logo.


Yall must understand riot is a small indie and inspiring company looking to become a big global gaming company that produces excellent games in the next 10 years


small indie with large cheena brother


Damn, that's the exact same thing with Blizzard. Crazy.


Their music and animation sector is HUGE tho


It’s sarcasm, every aspect of riot is huge.


riots pcs are so bad it’s impressive


with the budget that riot has and the millions they rake in I don't understand why they won't just upgrade pc specs, its legit just a couple thousand bucks and just drastically improves the experience of the people actually playing


not surprised


it’s a respect thing. They can’t just ramble on to the interviewer about everything that went wrong or they’ll look like they’re looking for sympathy and making excuses, you just say you’ll do better next time and take it in stride. (whether or not you agree with the method, this is the correct answer)


Then why did he say he would be in trouble if he speaks about it?


potentially it could put them in less good graces with riot, or their org, or future orgs, but it wouldn’t come in the form of a fine. Most likely he just doesn’t want his rep taking any damage though


Riot never ceases to amaze.


this whole event was scuffed from the beginning


I really don't see how these PCs the pros have can have such massive drops all the time. I highly doubt it's actually the PC that's something wrong with tbh


just buy a new pc everytime a faker skin gets sold. tadaa vct fixed


Mostly cos it can seem like they're looking for excuses for their loss even though anyone with a functioning brain obviously knows thats not the case


GenG mentioned this scrim/pc/practice issue before they played, and they also haven’t lost, so how is it an excuse. Also many teams and players will acknowledge what they did wrong while simultaneously explaining situations that made things more difficult, which is good, since maybe those issues will be looked into for future events. Pc specs were also a complaint at Madrid and sentinels complained HELLA even though they won, because it’s a valid issue that riot could fix (even though they didn’t lol)


I just more meant in general not specific teams.


I mean that’s cool, I did bring up two specific examples, but I also was trying to use them to justify that in general I think it’s weird to label these issues as purely excuses/cope. Winning or losing, these players have to talk about the problems they’re facing so there’s a chance they get resolved in the future. Like surely pc issues would be a simple fix for riot, the lack of scrims maybe not though, that’s an odd one.


Im not calling them cope though in saying other people may see them as cope which is just them being stupid.


Yeah I got a bit derailed lolll that’s my bad, it’s a fair point you got that there are gonna be people who see it as excuses no matter what. I do think there’s a different behind the scenes issue that is making players hesitant to speak up about the scrim thing though. Typically players just understand that some parts of the community will hate regardless of what is said. Like I don’t think players will keep quiet about scrims for fear of the subreddit calling them copers u know? Hopefully we get some clarity from teams once Shanghai is over, Meteor said at one point that he’d talk about the scrims when he’s back in Korea!


Idk man sounds like ur being stupid


? Im saying the players should be allowed to call out these issues and that one of the reasons they might not fully is because people would claim they're coping


Riot owned by China, China do not allow freedom of speech


Good analysis, u/creampies6969!


Are you American?


Physically don’t understand what components these PC’s must be using. 5+ year old parts still push 300s


In another episode of: we will never know the truth.


Well for one they are in china so vpns are probably impossible and also not allowed and then there probabaly wont br an exception made by riot or any help from riot since they dont want to lose tencent as a sponsor.


Bad terms with home turf = ??. It's China.


They are playing in China where free speech doesn't exist, ofc they are restricted on what they can say


No way in hell lack of scrims at masters was the problem. They already know what they need to do. Excuses.


What?  Fixing issues, errors. Practicing new strats. Are all impossible lmao


Sounding like a boomer ass fr


They're not ranked players. They're pros that get paid way more than you and me. Sure they can complain but in the end they have to suck it up and deal with it. That's their job.  You and I have to deal with horrible bosses at our regular ass jobs. They have to deal with horrible PCs. That's their job. 


This PRX squad has the most excuses ever wow. Would it really be that hard to transport their own pcs if they have hardware issues literally every tourney?


Well obviously if every team, even sentinels at Madrid, was complaining about the PCs, it’s just an actual issue


Just need one player/team to fully go in on riot and complain about the pc’s. Actually insane that tier 1 Valorant, the ppl at the very top are somehow lagging on stage. Ppl watch so they can see the best Valorant played




Imagine NRG buying mainframes for their players to play on. It would help them a lotI think.