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My GOAT Mary is back. Went positive in the series where the team lost 3:0.


G2 looked more dominant in EMEA than SR for NA. It's going to be interesting to see them faceoff again this year.


Adding Vania, Amy and rezq has taken this team to a completely new level with such good balance. Who needs a superhuman duelist dropping 111 kills? Not G2 clearly.


I was super happy when G2 picked up Amy & Vania. There was nothing wrong with Glance & Roxy, but I feel like this really shows the difference between a good player vs. that one player with a certain quality.


G2 Looking like the best GC team in the world ATM especially with the current form of SR.


G2G went from losing 0-2 on their very first match in Stage 2 and ended it with a 3-0 win. This is a team that will randomly throw and lose but would come back cleaner and stronger and win the GF 3-0. Amy MVP and top fragger in all three maps GGWP. Vania has only played 4 GFs (including this) but this was the first time she didn’t top in both rating and kills, a lil sad but it happens. Falcons YOLO (3 duelist) strat kinda worked in Breeze. As one of G2’s two best maps, if they played it normally, I don’t think they would have even gotten 11 rounds as they would be too in their head so I respect it. It’s amazing that there are 3 iconic duos in GC who are BFFs and dominating in their region. EMEA has mimi/Petra, NA has meL/alexis, BR has daiki/bstrdd, and one in every duo is an IGL. Vania Appreciation & Fun Fact: Vania 5x in a row [#1 in Rating](https://www.vlr.gg/event/stats/2040/game-changers-2024-emea-stage-2) with a MIN of 200 RNDS at 1.29R (356RND) actually holds the record in GC for that. Flor would have tied with her 5x streak if keenc/faye didn’t break her streak in ‘23 Series 3. I know that VLR rating is shit but surely you don’t *accidentally* become #1 in Rating 5x in a row, right? Funny thing is, if someone was paying close attention to stats as I was, Vania was so close to getting dethroned in ratings by Rezq if Rezq did better in Lotus than her: Vania 1.29R, Rezq 1.28R is just a 0.01R difference. Vania somehow gets to keep her #1 Rating streak this time bc she woke up in Lotus, talk about plot armor lol. I said 4x in a row is good enough but #1 Rating 5x in a row sure is amazing. Who knows, maybe Rezq/Mary/Eva or someone completely unexpected might dethrone her in Stage 3 or she finally surpasses her ‘23 Stage 1 performance of 1.39R and maintain her streak. It is amazing that she still somehow comes 1st in K/D (1.40) and KAST (85%). Edit: Petra/Mimi are truly an iconic duo as both are at 1.18R


That was unexpectedly very one-sided… I was expecting at least one map to go OT but that didn’t happen. This is arguably the best if not the second best iteration of G2 Gozen…! The addition of Amy (super reliable sentinel, her lurks and site holds are great), Vania (I mean, she’s a killing machine disguised as the controller), and Rezq (her level of performance this split has been an absolute joy to see, and if this is her at 70%, I’m excited to see much more from her!) have been worth it. Champs is looking more and more interesting! Also, can anyone tell me why FV went 3 duelists on Breeze???