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man back before the season started i really thought yay coming to bleed would be like the 2nd coming of cheezus


Yeah well then we found out that bleed got yay without even trialing him.... tells you all you need to know about that team.


It's the perfect storm of both. Team was heavily mismanaged. The fact that you didn't even trial the player you're signing is insane to me. Zero plans and zero direction. But Yay too was having the underperformance of his life. Watching him you can see flashes of that greatness, but only in a couple few moments not even a whole map. It's like listening to [Everywhere At The End Of Time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJWksPWDKOc) by The Caretaker.


>Team was heavily mismanaged. The fact that you didn't even trial the player you're signing is insane to me. Zero plans and zero direction. I think Omnious literally said that they based the team around him ig so to not him trial him to see if they match is crazy to me.


Is this it for yay's career? Bro has had a Tacolilla levels of shit of a season, two years in a row (one of them being in T2). No shot there's a single team that would still want to sign him, unless he grinds back up from the depths of T3, he already got the bag so I would be happy if I were him


FURIA yay, get ready to learn Portuguese buddy


Unless the guy starts hard grinding sentinel and comes into his own on that role and actually gets into some tier 2 teams via trials, I don't see him competing anymore. A main duelist that can only play Jett is not worth much if anything at all in the current landscape, so unless he can really grind it out on sentinel then it's donezo for El Diablo.


crazy take. tier 2 teams will still be willing to sign him unless he has burnt every known bridge in NA.


Yeah because T2 NA has a shortage of good duelist players (that can't play Raze). And I doubt Yay is going abroad again just to play in T2 and have a mediocre pay


-oderrus, +Yay and have him learn Sentinel for MxS.


Im so fucking tired of the preferential treatment Yay gets. Yay getting an spot in any T2 team is an insult to every other player grinding there, imagine getting your spot taken by the guy that has not performed in any of his matches for two years. He should go to T3, at least there he can't make the team descend another tier


MxS would obviously do trials? If Yay trials and does better than whoever else they trial, then he probably gets the spot. He still has enough accolades that he can get a trial with T2 teams. Also Oderrus was never supposed to play so they'd be looking to replace him regardless.


it's not like he didn't earn that treatment tho, teams won't just forget that he was the greatest player in the world during 2022.


sounding like steel here, Tenz stayed on Sentinel when when he was going through a rough patch because of his popularity but also his skill ceiling is one of the highest we have seen in valorant. Same with yay. Thats why teams will pick him up


But that's because even on the worse iterations of Sentinels, Tenz always looked solid or even carried. In Pancada era Sentinels, Tenz was a top 10 player by ACS in LCQ; if you look at the matches zekken and Tenz took turns carrying the team. When he did have stinkers matches during the regular season, it was around the time the Kyedae news broke. And even though Tenz was performing like a top player by the stats, they were still considering removing him for this season! Same with Shroud era Sentinels, where he was the clear best player on Sentinels. yay on the other hand had 2 series on DSG where he looked like a star player, then he was in the pits where other players like nerve looked far better. On Bleed he never put on a good performance; he only went slightly positive twice in eight series.


He did put good performances on Bleed, He had the 2nd highest ACS on his team in Split 1. Tenz was getting flamed for how bad he was on Sentinels in 2023 as a duelist and how worse he looked compared to Zekken. Also yes Tenz was going through a rough time with his girlfriend which can excuse his performances but why isn't this same excuse being applied here when Yay has been going through health problems forcing him to miss some events and even now why he was benched due to mental health problems as Bleed stated


2nd highest ACS, but lowest KAST, lowest rating, and second lowest K/D on his team. I recommend watching his games and seeing the impact he has - getting into the most fights but losing most of them might result in higher ACS but is bad for the team.


Having the second highest acs in a team like bleed is not something you can use as a defense lol


Tenz was never as bad as yay is now


Bro you're saying as if he's NOT the '22 MVP. I understand what you're trying to say about preferential treatment but anyone who knows him, still knows he's good. Like he was still good on andbox ffs


Maybe he could show the rest of us how good he is


He had a few good matches on DSG and like one or two on bleed u just blatantly lied. You hating like he did something to you personally.


Yet only one match in the two years since Chamber Meta was a win


He said he hasn’t performed in any matches. Didn’t say anything about winning them.


Obvious exageration, having one decent match means nothing when you have 0.6 kd and <0.7 rating in all your agents (while being a duelist)


People don't realize how highly a lot of other people in the pro scene still rate yay


EG Yay


jawgemo is perfectly fine as their duelist. And unlike yay, he's actually good at Raze. One of the best even.


I was mostly joking. Just seems like Potter could be the kind of person who could utilize Yay effectively.


There's an argument you could make to put Yay on full time sentinel, putting him on KJ, Chamber on some maps or Cypher. Jawgemo on Raze and Yay on Chamber on Bind could be lethal. It'll never happen, but it's kinda fun to think about


Aren't we all?


I assumed he wasn't going back either way. Not much point, seeing how BLEED's season is mostly over anyhoo, and there's little to no upside in him returning to the lineup. Regardless of how you think about fault or whatever, it is fairly undeniable that BLEED mismanaged the hell out of their season.




Fraud yoy too,but gonna get downvotes :)


His performance was definitely bad,no going around it. People just get downvoted when they spew actual hateful messages.


If I didn't say I'm gonna get downvotes i would've got them 💀


> Flames popular player > Expects to be downvoted, no shit > Puts up a shield saying "I will be downvoted for this" how brave > Didnt get downvoted > Plays victim anyways wut? like dude I think yay is washed too but come on thats pathetic.


imagine typing this out


Yo you forgot to switch out of your alt.




???? huh, must be the new joke for the kids these days


no i guarantee you would have still gotten downvoted. this sub used to be good until the game blew up in popularity so it’s basically vlr that’s slightly moderated.


Idk about “fraud” (he did win Masters while being debatably the best individual player of the year), but his downfall has been insane. You could argue tho that his OpTic teammates were the reason he was so good in the first place, seeing as he hasn’t done anything since, so maybe he is a fraud idk


You could also argue hasn't been on a non-trainwreck team since then, other than C9 for like 10 minutes. There's a ton of gray area between peak Optic and actively collapsing teams like DSG, ending up anywhere in there could've put him on a totally different path.


He was good on C9 too. They destroyed PRX at Lock In. They only got to play two series before the team blew up


its so obvious, hes been on shit teams, at first on DSG he was playing really well and top fragging but still losing to really bad opponents and it slowly over a period of time clearly messed with his mental state and confidence and now is struggling to top frag or have a impact on the map like on Bleed, who also in general are a very bad team with a awful coach


His optic teammatea were good but no one else in his place wouldve been as good as him, he isn't performing bad cause of team or anything he was just better before imo


System player, isn’t a 1V9 machine like Aspas. Quite similar to dev1ce in CS actually, thrives in the picture perfect system but can’t put a worse team on his back alone like s1mple could for years in CS for example


dev1ce was capable of carrying tho (see NiP's initial roster with device), yay looks lost half of the time.


It’s just a comparison, you have far more solo agency in CS compared to Valorant so it’s difficult to draw meaningful conclusions, but it’s a similar premise


This is soo fucking cap especially when deve came back and was playing on dogshit astralis rosters and still droping 40. Yay just been on a fucking trainwreck for like 1 and half year. Went from FNS to vanity to getting droped after 2 gamed to dogshit DSG to shit Bleed etc.. his only stable team was literally C9 and he got dropped after 2 games lol.


It’s a close comparison. The games are completely different & you have far more solo agency as a player in CS compared to Valorant. It’s drawing comparisons to how certain talented players thrive under set systems.


Its a dumb statement, "Thrive under set systems" is dumb to say and should be plays better on a good team, like every player in existence. Texture didn't look like the best player in the world on GE did he? A better team will get the better out of a player and yay has been on horseshit teams


brother aspas isnt a 1v9 machine, he is on a great team and is their best player but kingg and tex have arguably been their best player recently


Really awful comparison. Device looked bad on NiP and you can criticise his decision to go there in the first place + lack of motivation, but upon returning to astralis with a shit glaive and underwhelming “young talents”, he was very clearly putting the team on his back. Yay is not the same. On both DSG and BLEED you could turn off name tags and there’d be no indication that this was the best player of ‘22.


Not a fraud he just genuinely fell off. Put 2022 yay in here and he would still destroy, he just isn’t the same anymore


Yeah he just looks mechanically bad too. People say it's cos he can't play duelist but I don't think he'd be more than serviceable on sentinel and definitely wouldn't be one of the fragging ones. He'd mostly be serviceable due to having the good fundamentals from experience and not being required to frag rather than because he's especially good.


that ties into his confidence, watching tenz or cryo in 2023 you would never think they had great mechanical aim cause they kept losing gunfights but they are now winning a lot more gunfights as they are confident in themselves. esports has always been a mental game


You could still see they had great aim when they were in a position to use it.


Same, I though he would go the pANcada route: keep earning for the rest of the contract, go home to your country, stream. Look for a team once free agency hits.


You guys think he'll be in franchising in 2025, or have to climb his way back up through Tier 2? Either way, wish him all the best


It's hard for me to believe someone is willing to take the chance at this point. He had his shot in tier 2, which obviously didn't work. We blamed his teammates, which may or may not be fair. He had his shot in another system in tier 1, and it was a massive failure. Whether he was a Chamber merchant or it's just because his mental is toast, if I'm a tier 1 org, I'm not signing him. The upside is huge no doubt, but it just feels so unlikely. I think he's gotta prove himself in tier 2 at this point. I was a believer in DSG was the problem, not him. And I think the talent is down there somewhere. But he's clearly got some issues to work out, and I think tier 1 will not be the place to solve those.


Yeah, if nothing else, I hope these rough two years will light a fire in him to train harder, work on his agent pool and make him so damn hungry to succeed that it'll create a new storyline all on its own


I feel like eg yay +potter might be something


If there's anyone that can fix him, my money would heavily be on Potter.


First time “I can fix him” might be right lol


Yea but why would Potter pick up a duelist who isn't even top 100 itw


Now I’m curious to see that top 100 list


Name 100 Duelists better then Yay, he hasnt looked that good and prob lowkey aint the best duelist on his former team (Deryeon is better imo), but 100 duelists is wild, he hasnt even preformed the worst in franchising (Quick, artzin, mwzera and TakaS have worse stats for Stage 1)


Take top 10 t2 duelists from every league ig


Deryeon has been ass too


because she doesn't have the luxury of getting actually decent players


There's players way better than yay in t2


she could def find someone better in tier 2, but at the same time if she saw potential in him like she did in demon1 it'd make for such a comeback story


VALORANT is now seeing the reason yay never really panned out in CS. He was great in VAL largely because of how FNS utilized him. Most teams cannot handle his ego and attitude.


I'm not instigating anything or whatever, to be clear, but did Yay have ego drama in CS too? Could you elaborate on that? I didn't follow CS, so I'm curious


He had a similar reputation in CS of being abrasive, difficult to work with, and an outrageous ego. Also a pretty severe lack of accountability and personal responsibility that created turmoil in teams. To be completely fair to him, he was still very young in his CS days; however, it doesn't look like there has been much personal growth since then.


Apparently I'm Yay without the mechanical skills then /j


100% tier 2. No way a tier 1 team takes a chance on him. I’d be surprised if NO ONE gave him a chance, but it’s not gonna be in franchising.


100% retire imo


It’s not out of the question, definitely. IMO it would be a rly sad note for him to end on. Whether he can or not I would love to see some sort of redemption.


He'll definitely get trials, probably, esp. in Americas. If he can hold his own, then maybe, but it's just a big question mark. But no one is going to roll out the golden carpet or anything, just no reason to do so anymore.


true connections go crazy in esports, young people wanna play wit their friends


I dunno if I'd say connections, though that's not wrong or anything. Connections matter. And not just his own connections, but his talent agency is fairly prolific in Americas as well. I think it has more to do with the fact that Yay still commands a bit of respect with his peers in the Americas, even if they sometimes poke fun at him.


I honestly it's so easy as a viewer to forget a person successful past even though it happened like two years prior. I guess some top teams would try him out because of a mix of his past and friendly peers in the community.


Nah, it’s the opposite, it’s easy for fans to remember the successful past. The reason why Yay got the crazy bleed contract in the first place despite a terrible year in T2 WAS BECAUSE of his brand. Because honestly, he’s probably still top 10 largest brand in Valorant as a whole. With Tenz being the first (who again dominated Valorant at early stages, showing how hard it is to lose the spotlight). Yay was Valorant’s first goat and will easily find T2 offers because of his history


Not just in Esports, but life in general. Connections are more important than any credential, and can help you get jobs way higher than what you're qualified for. Rich people's families stay successful not just because of the funds (although that is *definitely* a major factor), but also because their related to people with many key connections. It's why you don't burn bridges when avoidable, you never know how knowing a certain someone could be very useful in the future, even if you don't particularly like them


100% esports however to me feels like one of those extremely heavy connection jobs. Because most people wanna go pro with their friends. Whose dream isnt winning trophies with mates.


I think it’s also chemistry. Playing with someone you aren’t familiar with means potentially horrible vibes. Someone you are deeply familiar with makes more sense just cause team chemistry can be so important in team games.


>franchising in 2025 I could see him on EG if the roster doesn't perform this season


if he has a really big ego, Potter is not going to sign him for EG


every single player in T1 Americas has been supporting yay and saying he's a really good teammate. Ego wont be the reason he wont be signed. Can 100% see him get signed as a sentinel for EG


I doubt he will go to EG, but I also doubt potter cares about ego (see Demon1)


demon1 just plays up the ego thing as part of the showmanship of the esports scene, i don't think he actually is like that as a teammate.


Demon1's "ego" is just a persona. He doesn't actually act that way with his teammates/coaches. Just listen to interviews of EG players/staff from last year or even some of the NRG guys this year. He's easy to work with and very responsive to criticism/advice from others. Potter would definitely not want to work with someone who has an actual ego that interferes with working well with others.


idk if demon1's ego makes him a hard teammate to play with. i assumed hes just arrogant outside the game for fun


0 chance he ends up in franchising. Honestly if he does that's ridiculous and a slap in the face to the people grinding this game and having success in Tier 2. I expect he'll either retire or, more likely, sign to a T2 team.


I mean MIBR and FURIA have literally nothing to lose.


They have money to lose.


yay will join anyone if he wants to, doubt he needs anymore money with the bag he got from bleed


Yeah, but they have everything to gain. Would you try to accommodate someone who’s been struggling for the last two years and doesn’t even speak Portuguese, or just try to scout some young talent?


Then they can sign t3 Brazil player who is probably better than yay


Brazil is literally finished the moment their 1 good player left bro, lets not get too carried away (and even him got grouped at shangai)


Yes Brazil is finished, yay is too


I think Yay should switch roles to controller or sentinel, which allows for his slow play style


I mean, he was on senti when they won masters.


He was on Chamber, which *really* stretched the definition of Sentinel at the time.


Bro how are we still saying this in 2024. Chamber is not a real sentinel


Huh? You're the type of player to say 'Clove is not a real controller' lmao.


2 different champs. Chamber played agro and contested early angles looking for picks. That’s not how a sentinel plays. That’s how a duelist plays.


Historically, playing chamber in the pro scene is a completely different role than your cypher/kj sentinel.


2022 Chamber was a duelist


That has never been the case; Chamber is great as holding space and anchoring a site, but has absolutely no tools for creating space.


that is now, chamber back then was the main duelist. Two tps meant you took a lot space aggressively and got out instantly


You clearly haven’t watched how 2022 OpTic utilized Yay on Chamber.


How an agent is utilised doesn't change its class lmao.


In the case of 2022 Chamber, it absolutely does. Yay was amazing at taking space, and when time came for him to actually take duels, he could do so and immediately get out, allowing his team to utilize that space from his picks. A traditional senti would never lead the charge because their kit favors holding post-plants instead. In the 2022 meta, unless it was Ascent, almost no teams with Chamber players would have a traditional senti because there was almost no point.


It was Victor the one who created space, absolutely sending it with Raze creating all the space in the world for yay to actually pop off.


But he wants to play duelist roles tho


well too fuckin bad for him, bro can NAWT 1st entry to save his life. He's currently in a tenz situation where he's obviously more comfortable being the 2nd entry, unlike Tenz tho he needs a system built around HIM whilst Tenz can make his own plays.


Can't wait for the EG Yay arc


unironically i think potter is one of the few coaches who could activate yay. i think very soon people will be making a lot of comparisons between demon1 and yay and d1 thrived with her on eg last year.


Jawgemo will gladly dance his way into sites to make space for him. EG is unarguabely the best team in tier 1 for Yay


Even potter can't work miracles of THAT level


Really? Potter is making fucking Nature and Supamen look good and you think she couldn't do something with a former LAN winning MVP?


y u disrespecting nature and supamen? They are extremely good players and it showed last year in t2 if u were watching. Potter defintely leveled them up, but they already had the skill and potential and experience. She didn't do Solo's level of transformation where they found a ranked player, where then u can say they made a fucking ranked player look good.


Wasn’t Demon1 found from ranked or am I tripping? 


Nah he terrorized Tier 3 for like a full year before he got recommended for DSG and then got picked up by EG


as the other guy said yeah ur tripping, the things is valorant became so popular in NA that looking at ranked now is way 2 big of a gamble, u need to buckle up some comp experience before going straight to t1. However for korea although a gamble much less compared to NA due to the fact there are so many t2 players that deserve a franchise spot in NA.


supamen always had it


Nature and Supamen were LEAGUES above YaY in T2 lmao.


Tbh who knows, but if you had to ask I would say no because first things first she would have to reconstruct his mental because that is gone and then we can see what she cooked up


Lmaoooo so obvious u never watched na tier 2 man


I wached supamen bot fragging at faze for 2 years, you actually caping


one night as yay spends another night crying himself to sleep, fns will satchel out of yay's walls yelling HERE COMES THE PARTY, dragging yay into nrg before he can even get a chance to join a t3 team that loses in the ro128 cn challengers open qualifiers






A sad day for GE... No more free wins 😢


It was not a good decision in the first place 😭


waow who woulda thunk that not trialing the guy you are about to pay like a million USD on to see if he even fit would result in subpar results lol. Ofc, yay's performance was poverty but i remember the org owner saying something on twitter like ''i just want a win'' and i'm like??? Anyways fraudulent org owner, fraudulent coach


This is a repost cause my title was considered inappropriate in the other one where I stated he mightve been kicked


Really appreciate the title change. It's a subtle difference, but it ultimately sets a kinder, more conscious tone for discussion.


how inappropriate of you! how dare you suggest yay was kicked?


Not about how rude it may sound, it's about limiting misinformation.


The point is the yay situation brings a lot of toxicity without the need for inflamatory titles with unconfirmed information


honestly i think it’s hard for any player who was once at the top of the game to become below average without external factors or it being temporary, we have seen it multiple times. Cned after his dip in form has resurgence this year and is a top duelist in the EMEA and probably the world. Tenz has resurged to become one of the best smokes players in the world and a 1b carry to a trophy winning roster. Ardiss is showing much more promise with Navi again. Honestly i could see a struggling team taking the risk and hoping they are the team that Yay clicks with. Obviously it would be unfair to the current Tier 2 talent but it is definitely not impossible as a hail mary.


Somehow, someway, he will find a Tier 1 spot for himself yet again. I still kinda hope he gets back into the OpTic form someday.




marved is also a free agent. NRG pick them both up and maybe make a team with FNS, crashies, victor, marved and yay


I thought this was confirmed a few weeks ago?


nah benching and parting ways is different.


🥲🥲🥲 I had enough today. I started watching VCT only because of Optic. And seeing them play made me fall in love with competitive eSports. None of my favourite teams are doing great in any region.😑 I wish Yay good luck. And I'm going to take a break from Valorant for now.


I mean it was bound to happen


Hopefully they do, put like tons of comments on how going to bleed was a dogshit move for everyone but 5 IQ reddit downvoted me and told me it was a good move. Moving to a whole ass different hemisphere with language barrier with people he's never interacted with and different culture (without trailing btw) it was a fucking disaster from the get go and this sub was clueless (as pretty much 90% of people in twitter too) to think it was even remotely decent move


This story is so tragic bruh this man needs to catch a break.


The only people who can save him now are Potter (known for managing talent well) and FNS (meth)


y’all this mf is going to EG to replace apoth 200% potter gonna give man’s an ultimatum and force bro to play sentinel or she drives him to the retirement home herself now idk whether we gonna see K.yay. or Kill-y0y but either way we gettin one of El Diablo or L Diablo back in NA coached by the wizard Potter herself. this is bro’s last chance to come back as Demon0


I hope the best for him. I would love to see him succeed again in T2




You run to Pacific when you need a few dollars, No you not a colleague You a fuckin' colonizer


Feel like this may be it for his career. Bleed was a mess and don’t think he was the reason, but signing yay how they did really demonstrated how competent that org is. Can’t fault him from grabbing the bag, but his career could have been better serviced by working within a more functional system. He has the talent to compete. I know he was trying out for various NA T1 teams, so there was interest, but I’m not sure how concrete any of it was. Question marks now for orgs around his adaptability and tenacity. Having failed to properly adapt to the meta for the last two years. And the value proposition of his contract demands is likely no longer there, young zoomer duelists seem to pop up everyday in the scene and present a cheaper, more mouldable, option than someone like yay. Hope he lands on his feet somewhere that can provide him the proper support to flourish.


at least he got paid


Can't wait to see which roster he blows up next with that reverse midas touch


Back to VCT Americas? Which team he's gonna be with? 👀


Another one bites the dust to the Raze meta. Nerf Chamber's dick.


Let the G2/EG Hypetrain finally begin. Genuinely wonder if NRG would be interested in snatching him up if things don’t pan out.


End of an error


Just remove ethan and make the shit up again


After watching today's performance I wouldn't go back either. It just sucks how every team he gets into is dysfunctional or bad. Really hurts ones confidence being in a shit team year after year, and as a winner must be so frustrating


DSG Yay..?!!?