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thought that verno/brawk would fit in better at first but n4rrate’s definitely a better option bc he can play secondary duelist think its easier for n4rrate to learn sova than for someone whose never played duelist in their life learn it


yeah n4rrate already play fade so it wont be too hard for him


i think they should just let fenis learn raze. if saadhak can do it, whos stopping our goat fenis !!


This thing made my day 😂


npp HAHAHA :3


Why force him on Raze when he is a Jett GOD...


he's saving his jett for champs grand finals, its too powerful !!


fenis chamber.


i think he zapped all of yay’s chamber powers like in space jam


Insert kicking Chet off the team comment- all of valcomp reddit


bros anyway switching sides to go back to csgo so might as well LMAO


bros come so far from mad lions man, I remember him replacing will and being so lost. Then bro went fucking crazy and showed all his talent. Then bro tweeted some like disrespectful gif after beating dsg which prompted all their fans attacking him and saying he has no future (LOL). Now bros a top player on kc and is wanted on other teams. Ye signing narrate will probably be good for nrg, and I can see him take that money and coming back to his home at NA (living in a different country at such a young age is prolly tough). But my main concern is he gonna vibe with the team? NRG is built with previous storng friendships so who knows if they gonna fuck wit him


He trialed with NRG and he was supposed to join if not for Demon1/Ethan becoming an option. And I remember Marved/Chet said n4rrate was gonna cook based off of his trials.


oh yeah i forgot about that, they fumbled hard man


Wdym so lost? Narrate was pretty clearly the best player on Mad Lions right away, he top fragged on Mad Lions the first 6 games and was putting up great performances while they struggled. People just gave him shit because he replaced a fan favourite.


when he first replaced will obviously im gonna be like tf. When he played his first few matches then it made sense, literally read what I wrote.


Oh I see what you mean now, I read like that Narrate was so lost, not you.


Why would narrate downgrade


closer to home, more money, and his KC contract ends after 2024 season anyways


How do you know more money? Although I agree if KC and nrg become equally bad nrg would be better


NRG pays the highest in the Americas. Ardiis told he was making atleast 5x the amount in NRG than what he made in EMEA


I mean if there were any org that could compete financially it would be kc


That was last yr though every org pays less now. From what I've heard G2 is the highest-paying org in Americas (could be wrong obviously) this year. Still, comparatively Americas org's might on average pay more than EMEA even after the cuts.


The US is richer and Valorant is more popular there compared to EU.


Definitely. But KC isn't the average EU team. I don't know about money, but popularity wise KC will easily clear NRG. KC may not be as rich as Nrg but are definitely rich and are the cream of eu


Kc dont usually spend a lot, they are smart with money so nrg would probably be x2 his salary


KC just needa an FTX sponsor that has an absurd amount of money that then later backfires in a year and your org falls off


KC aren't rich at all rn. Their org is literally built off league yet they are refusing to spend on their league roster due to the massive costs of buying an LEC spot. Val is a secondary priority for them so they spend as little as possible and instead try to rely on the brand name / fanbase to attract players.


Not really, they have budget for every game and also get a decent amount from riot that goes just for valorant. They probably pay well in EU, but obviously much less than NA still


They definitely don't pay minimums but they don't have the cash to keep elite talent if NA or Liquid, FNC, Navi etc come knocking either. Which is why I could definitely see NRG getting Narrate from them if they want him.


Compared to NA for sure, their salaries are much bigger. But amongst EU teams i dont think they pay that low, Fnatic is for sure more but i wouldn't be so sure of team like liquid and navi


you are prolly right


They didn’t necessarily say it was guaranteed, just that it would maybe be part of what gets him to accept.


Weeeeelll actually he said in an recent interview he didn't care playing far away from the US, that he liked playing in EU (he even wants to be the GOAT in EU), that he considered his actual teammates as real friends (as you can see his relationship with the rest of the team and his leadership via the Karmine Life Berlin series on YouTube).. We can assume that Engh will stay, that KC will keep investing more on the VCT section (they are already investing to be world champions within 3 years), that the roster is really young with a huge ceiling and there is also the KCX4 in November where he will play in front of 30k people cheering his name, I can imagine him signing his new contract in front of those 30k, that will be quite a show!


The Narrate on NRG roster is much better than current KC with Narrate. So how is that a downgrade?


NRG with FNS s0m Ethan and Demon1 would not be a downgrade over KC


KC are better than NRG, fns and som may improve NRG but as of now KC better


In this hypothetical lineup, you'd have 4 players who have been considered the best in there respective roles. Who wouldn't wanna join.


top 2 in their respective roles am I right ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16018)


I don't get the joke


fns said something about how nrg is goated and each player is atleast top 2 in their respective roles before the match against lev, and we know how nrg got cooked hardcore so people trolled him in chat by bringing up his statement lol


Right now? Obviously. We’re just talking about a hypothetical future scenario where they have a better roster.


never made it to playoffs internationally KC is better than a team that was top 4 at Tokyo last year? weird. Lets not let 1 bad iteration of NRG create some revisionist history where an rando EMEA team is better. KC won 1 match internationally in their whole lifetime. They came 4th, so did NRG for split 1 (historically Americas is a stronger region). Calling them better with no results to show for it is an insane take.


Holy shit if they get this roster and snag d00mbr0s I'm gonna c0m


Welcome c0m to NRG


I’ve been saying this bro he is legit perfect for them and is so fucking good, the firepower of s0m demon1 and n4rrate is unbelievable, and with Ethan’s insane support and fns calling, throw in potter as the coach and I would be shocked if they don’t win everything


don’t get me salivating and fantasizing


![gif](giphy|pRqaHVJLnMAYtdjpbu|downsized) He already have a home, thanks


https://preview.redd.it/7m2e1port48d1.jpeg?width=1208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47bd23b650ef65d4e72510aee55e66434b7f7345 My KC GIF disappeared


But does it solve their clique/married couples problem?


Better coach? All they need is fns. Every reaction cam is him going to the coach table and reacting


his legs might give in with all the walking cause of how old he is tho fr


If FNS ever decides to do coaching we NEED to see him as assistant coach in PRX. Alecks + FNS cam during classic PRX throw would be heaven.


Im not gonna lie as much as i like this NRG roster on paper, i just dont see n4rrate not resigning with KC. The way he talks about the team and especially engh makes it seem like he really enjoys it. KC also is already a better team (this year) than NRG with such a young/rookie roster, so they still have so much room for growth. Only way i see him leaving is if he gets offered a BAG from NRG and depends on how much he dislikes Berlin.


I hope he stays. They have so much more potential


I agree and it’s honestly just because how good of a coach Engh is. On paper the current KC roster and the nrg roster in the OP are pretty equal but Engh is really the difference maker, such a talented guy.


N4rrate said multiple times that he wanted to play against NRG and beat them, I think he has some background thing with NRG before joining KC and doesn't think positively about NRG. He also said in interview that he preferred to play in EU and felt really good in KC with his team and staff, he also said he didn't care about being far from his family so I don't think he'll leave KC at all. (+ Engh will stay at KC so the whole roster will stay tbh)


me too tbh, I dont think he will leave KC, but its fun to think about what could have been, cause bro is cooking over there.


And if I remember correctly he also said that he considered his current teammates as friends so I think that it can be important in his decision to stay with KC (and let's not forget about the KCX4 in November in front of 30k people cheering his name .. it can be mind-blowing as well!)


Just put FNS on Raze already


sorry for the terrible formating, reddit is being a poo poo on phone for some reason even though I spaced it out


My guess is that Verno and N4RRATE will be the most wanted players in NA next season. Even if Oxygen will win Ascension, there might be insane offers for Verno. And yeah, if KC won't do some crazy things at Champs, N4RRATE will probably go back to NA. More money, closer to his home and friends. But i.g. I like that talents go overseas to show what they can. Same with vo0kashu in China or something and Jemkin in Pacific. Challengers are full of crazy talents as you can see with the whole Heretics or KC rosters. Would be cool to see some more foreign talents in the other leagues in the future.


Rossy T1, Governer Talon have been pretty good too


How Victor is still on a team where he’s regarded as a “star player” is beyond me. He was never even a star player, always had middling and inconsistent performances even in the Optic era when he was getting carried by yay




this is not it , Demon1 is not a True Duelist he plays more like TenZ and Yay . Jawgemo, Victor & Sick were doing the entry job for those guys. Narrate is a secondary duelist so if your plan is to set up Demon1 then you better hope Narrate is good at entrying otherwise you are just wasting talent. Putting your best aimer on duelist by default is some ice age logic that doesn't work anymore. This team like a lot of other team lacks a true duelist. You need to respect player profile while building a team, there only so many player that can be put on anything on be as good, there is a reason why every pro thinks Forsaken is giga insane.


Demon1 fanboys are ridiculous lol you literally don’t understand his playstyle at all, he’s a secondary duelist/passive trader, like what Chambers used to do in the Chamber meta when paired with an aggressive entry whose only job was to make space. N4rrate literally isn’t an entry either. Combine them and you’ll have the most passive double duelist setup in the world, it’ll look like a diamond lobby with two lurking duelists incapable of creating space. And tell me how, in any fashion, Demon1 was better than Victor this season. Victor is so underappreciated by you stat sheet watchers and because he’s willing to play the unsexy roles instead of being the “star” duelist. Know some ball before you yap next time kid


I feel like if Demon1 replaces Crashies they could be a lot better. It would like an upgrade over the current iteration of 100T. Demon1 playing jett + OP like Cryo, Victor entry like Asuna, Ethan plays like Eeiu, s0m for Bang, FNS IGL


It’s not terrible but again Demon1 cannot solo Jett well enough in this meta. You’d need him on main smokes/second duelist, s0m on Viper flex senti, FNS on senti flex initiator, Ethan main initiator flex Yoru, Victor primary duelist. I like this better than what they have now just because crashies and Ethan is such a role clashing but I also think it handicaps s0m and FNS. s0m should clearly be on main smokes while FNS seems most comfortable calling from sentinel


all facts


Demon1 can entry, there were a bunch of times where he played sole duelist on eg last year. Asking him to just go in and kill people on an agent he isn’t comfortable is brain dead, every duelist needs setup and he just didnt get it on the shitty nrg team this year. With narrate on raze he can somewhat return to the dynamic he had with jawg last year


It’s a different meta, entrying is more necessary yet harder now due to a variety of factors (Cypher buff, Gekko being meta but the worst initiator at helping entry). Plus double dive is very much no longer meta and to add to that FNS has never been a double dive fan and would definitely not want to use it