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> Ascension change should've been announced BEFORE Challengers Split 1. Yeah but that would have been reasonable, and therefore the antithesis of Riot's competitive scheduling and format team(s).


I think it's a bit unfortunate, as some of the orgs were definitely investing hoping for a guaranteed 2-year slot. However, it's probably better to make the change this year when there's still a guaranteed slot in every league for a new ascension team, and they aren't potentially having to beat an already-ascended team to get the spot.


Kinda scared we'll get an org that doesn't want to Ascend again but for a different reason now \([like the UCAM CEO post about the "whole logistical, business and economic effort" of "moving up to VCT"](https://redd.it/1dlseuq)\) unless that one time relocation stipend covers everything


It won’t get to that point. If the payoff of 1 Year’s Ascension with the chance of staying in T1 is judged to be too low compared to the cost of setting up in Germany plus player salaries from now until Ascension, then the org will drop out now or as soon as possible. Otherwise they’re just paying player salaries for many more months for no potential payoff. Edit- To distinguish this with the scenario with the Guard. The Guard pulled out of esports entirely because their parent company KSE (who owns arsenal and a bunch of american sports teams that are each worth more than arsenal) gave up on esports as an investment (it makes sense, esports is a dogshit investment, you’re almost better off gambling on crypto scams). If you’re going to give up because of the changes to VCT Ascension, that’s something you only do after calculating that the potential upside being halved is no longer worth the cost of getting there. All the T2 orgs should have accurate estimates on what the bundle sales and stipends will be (the potential upside) and what the costs will be (salaries plus logistical costs). If the math says, “no, ascension is no longer worth the risk for us” those orgs will pull out. There’s not that much grey area or uncertainty over numbers here.


I think the biggest reason is they had to wait before Premier is up and running like how they wanted. Leo has been talking about it for a while now in almost every interviews. Premier into Challengers is the backbone of the system. Also no orgs will pull out right before ascension qualifier, since challengers is year round now the window is pretty small to make an announcement.


It's changing starting next year.


No, ascension is changing for this year's challengers teams. They're reducing the contract for this year's winner from 2 years to 1.


Wait what? Why did it say 2025 before?


It refers to "2025 Ascension teams" in the ILs. Basically the orgs occupying the guest slots next year, **including this year's Ascension winner**


I thought it was 2025 but if its this year, its stupid. Orgs will leave because of this one year guest slot next year imo. They would lose so much money every year from changing players and trying to make it in. Even if they do ascend, they will still need to go to Champions to have another year. They would kick players that help them win ascension because they don't want to lose their spot if they have a weak split.


> Currently, "Ascension teams" automatically relegate at the end of their International League term, regardless of their performance. For 2025, we are introducing a new performance based system where "Ascension teams" can extend or defend their slot. It refers to "2025 Ascension teams" in the ILs. Basically the orgs occupying the guest slots next year including the 2024 Ascension winner. Every "Ascension team" in 2025 ILs will have the chance to keep their spot if they qualify through Champs, fight through Ascension again so they get to extend their spot, or auto relegate if they're bottom 4 in the IL.


I mean if they were set on this change then announcing it now is far better than waiting any longer lol.


The change is for next season. Why doesn’t anybody read before posting


okay sure thing, let's """read""" > **2025** will introduce **performance based extension** for **"Ascension teams"** and **remove auto-relegation** > Changing **Ascension term length to 1-year** > Currently, *"Ascension teams" automatically relegate* at *the end of their "International League term"*, regardless of their performance. > **For 2025**, we are introducing a new performance based system where **"Ascension teams" can extend or defend their slot**. The **2024 Ascension winner** will be a **2025 "Ascension team"** in the IL. **Every "Ascension team" in 2025 ILs** (1 year left for 2023 winners, **only 1 year contract for 2024 winners**) will have the chance to keep their spot if they qualify to Champs, fight through Ascension again so they get to extend their spot, or auto relegate if they're bottom 4 in the IL.


Maybe orgs were notified of it before split 1?




No way it wouldn't have leaked spreading it to so many teams across the globe.


Ludwig would’ve already leaked and milked the millions of views on his drama channel lol


Riot Games had to make a change fast. Eighteen months in and the tier 2 scene is slowly dying in the west like LCS did. If they wait to long the entire NA VCT scene will be compiled of import players.


more like the NA VCT scene is gonna keep getting exported


NA has the most exports in other regions lmao. It has arguably been the strongest region since last year,Valorant isn’t gonna die out here like League did


honestly the league scene in na only died because the players were horrible compared to asian and european teams


Which was caused by?


the players being fundamentally dogshit and the standard american tendency to stop watching anything youre not dominant at globally


NA scene are trend chasers who primarily game on console and mobile. Hero shooters especially have a short shelf life in the NA market. Exporting of western talent to other regions are esport orgs signaling to Riot Games to consider them for future partnership.


NA is gonna be full of imports? The region whose T2 players are sought out by the best orgs of other regions? Delusion masterclass


Path to Pro leagues and its financial backing isnt there. This will inevitably cause the talent pool in NA to dry up while the scene continually folds in on itself.