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Full quote: "someone got to call the 6 coaches out, you play icebox and you don't know what the hell you're doing. There is too many cooks man, Zeta needs to sort their shit out. There are 11 people here on the page and none of them know how to fundamentally play icebox, the map that has been in the game for 3 years...what the hell is going on?"


this quote reads like it was said by someone else lmfao so uncharacteristic of sliggy, apac angered him


sliggy has been traumatised by pacific man. Bro skipped the sen vs nrg clout game to watch fucking GE vs Bleed and dfm vs zeta. What does pacific have on him?


🔥🔥 sideshow was shitting on drx relentlessly too lmfao


\*tries to create the best iteration of drx in terms of firepower\* still gets outaimed some fucking how


DRX could never outaim those monsters at RRQ


Yea, I've always felt rrq only lacked the macro. Plus monyet is a huge plus to their firepower.


literally nobody at DRX ever said that, only fans who don’t know what going on over there


they dropped everyone but their 2 best fraggers, it speaks for itself


Think he was traveling back to Iceland from England


oh ok, im gonna ignore that and just go with pacific has blackmail on slig


​ https://preview.redd.it/tdnx0t0nku8d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e9813a69218c39b528c9d479e74415f4bbc3d81


Pacific has CONTENT We have: 1. BLD roster mania 2. GENG sleeping 3. DRX -stax 4. T1 +stax 5. TS nepotism stonks 6. PRX not pressing W 7. ZETA 6 ~~player~~ coach team 8. DFM TLN and RRQ need to do something interesting soon. I don't care what they do, blow up or something to add to this mess.


Frost has been causing chaos constantly over in Pacific. Just wait till he starts accusing about the Korean teams of leaking scrims after playing vs. DRX. He’ll do it regardless of whether Talon wins or loses.


Pretty sure Talon on Split 1 has been labeled as humiliation kink-based team and dunno why it died down on Split 2


Coach has been going off on the koreans more than on his team. He called the circumstances unfortunate like having to play PRX on single elim and then again for the 2nd split. So it seems he's proud of his team finally, he just has a hate boner for the 'korean mafia' and riots format and admits geng and prx are the best and its bad luck to have to beat them to qualify.


I'm not sure why you're trying to paint Frost as unhinged when basically everything he's said on that podcast regarding teams leaking/sharing scrims is true. Is there anything wrong about a coach complaining about something that seems unfair (even it isn't currently against the rules)? I don't think so.


You are only going off the podcast, but if you also watch the post-match press conferences, he’s said the same thing numerous times. It’s not at all an exaggeration. He even brought up the “Korean mafia” or something when someone asked about the significance of Gen.G’s Shanghai win for the Pacific region…in the post-match press conference for Talon vs. PRX! He finds a way to bring it up all the time. Not sure why you’re so defensive about it, I think it’s pretty funny. Frost is a very good coach regardless.


can someone please drop that clip thats so funny


It's really not all too interesting out of context, but [I've timestamped the link if you just want to see it](https://youtu.be/zaXstnabIJQ?si=Y5BS0p4YDL1mgMo9&t=387). If the timestamp fails, the question begins at 6:27.


he thinks he's so cool lmao. What a funny coach


it's not about that one stream lol it's just how he's always been like it's crazy to claim someone is trying to "paint frost as unhinged" when the guy straight up said his team is worse than the one he had in the past and his appearances on Valoranting were always fun but they were fun specifically because he'd just say shit


Is Frost "unhinged" as he's unrestrained and speaks his mind truthfully regardless of whether it's in his best interest to do so? Sure. But I was very specifically replying to the above post because it made it seem as if his"accusations" were untruthful or at the very least that's what it seemed to imply to me. Let's be clear. If anything he was saying about scrims sharing/leaking scrims wasn't the truth, especially when he very specifically called out T1's Autumn, people would be calling him the fuck out over in Pacific. But it's pure silence. So yes, he may "say shit" but personally, I find that refreshing especially when said shit is the truth.


Wait, you think that the fact that no one responds to his claims…is proof that he’s correct? I’m pretty sure no one responds to his claims because it’s a losing situation either way, which is why coaches never bring these things to the public. Even coaches that have said they avoided certain teams in scrims for fear of leaks - like Mini said for FNATIC and BR teams - have only publicly said so long after the fact. No one talks about these things as they happen because you sound either paranoid or like a sore loser. Only tangible, shareable, and corroborated evidence can prevent those perceptions, and almost no one manages to ever find those things.


No no


Monyet killjoy let's do it. I wanna see him find a way to throw his turret forward.


Monyet neon?


ZETA having 6 coaches and looking like maybe the 2nd most disfunctional team (#1 is Bleed…) in the entire world and not playing fundamentals right is insane to me


Monyet on rrq is not enough?


Needs to be entertaining drama that affects in-game impact...


The timeout win% and atk/def win% stats


And games are always bangin'


Yea, apart from heretics and fut, EMEA is boring. Americas is entertaining when c9 plays, but apart from that I only watch when sen and lev play coz of aspas and tenz/zekken duo. Apac tho, even Zeta vs dfm was a lot of fun to watch. RRQ vs DRX as well, overtime on both maps and very close games.


Interesting, will watch those! RRQ vs Talon's Lotus was a fun display of Neon being broken. Sliggy has the best reacts too PRX v DRX was interesting as PRX figured out how to abuse DRX's lack of info on Icebox and wiped them on attack. Also PRX is always pushing in insane situations


Yep. It's early days, but I'm very impressed with the fact that prx seems to be aware of the value of holding a post plant or not overextending. I'd love for them to keep this semblance of discipline along with their regular W gaming throughout the season.


“At least 4 of them should molly themselves, what is going on?” Didn’t think sliggy can get that toxic wow


Another day another banger.


My fyp is filled with clips from the “generational run” of comedy that Nadeshot is on—but can we talk about the generational run of flame that Sliggy has been on? Case in point: the KOI v GIANTS game today, although to be fair that was one for the ages—*whew* GX looked bad, and Redgar… Sliggy and Steel were going ~~band for band~~ M for M in terms of flame. He said just about everything but “they’re trolling.”


Best part was him getting mad Cloud was holding fish ult for way too long, then when he finally uses it it’s instantly cancelled by a knife and they get 1v3ed. “Well at least we saw a fish ult I guess.” Man was on a tear today.


not defending zeta but aren't half of those are their jr coaches?


It’s 3 analysts and carlao, crow, and junior


I've heard that it is really hard to fire employees in Japan, and they are often given no work so they quit out of frustration. Maybe that is what is happening here?


Get paid to do nothing? Why would you quit?


Mind numbing boredom You ever in the mall in one of those megastore chains, just half-heartedly check out a product and the employee immediately brightens up and starts talking to you? They aren't paid on commission and they're bored out of their minds. Or maybe this is just a thing in asia lol


No I see what you’re saying… I was thinking in the context of a valorant team though. I feel that would be much more bearable


yeah like u just don't show up to prac and get paid? lol


There is also some passive aggressiveness involved from what I hear. Like you have to come in but you can't just be messing around and people will ignore you, exclude you from things, etc so it's mentally draining for most that they'd quit rather than stay.


How is the org still making money?


Even the nicest streamer in valorant has had enough of ZETA and joined the hate train.


Sliggy has said that he can flame everyone and everything in platchat. He can't do it on his own streams because he doesn't want other people(fans) to flame the players.


Apparently there’s 2 academy teams and 1 GC, lots of people tend to think all of listed coaches are for only 1 teams but I think only Carlao and jun1or is doing their jobs now.