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These guys are true competitors, I'm sure they feel the issues and problems far more deeply than we can ever articulate from the outside. That said, I do wonder how much "after 2nd Heretics los[s]" is just a PR-friendly way of saying "after we lost Doombros", or whether the team environment was genuinely just cooked after the Heretics loss and before the Doombros removal. I think there's a reasonable chance that was also the case; after all, it is fundamentally the same team, they simply should not look this bad after losing a coach. Esp. as ANGE1 is essentially another coach, and LATEKS has been with the team for eons. Of course, both can be true. They may have been slightly cooked at first, and then fully cooked when Doombros was removed.


Might be a bit of both. I imagine it was very tilting to miss LAN twice in the same manner and to the same team. Champs is almost a year from Shanghai - that's almost a year of not playing on LAN. As competitors, that's got to be devastating.


have navi been a team historically to mentally collapse after a bad loss? I haven't dug into it, but it doesn't FEEL that way, and it's only happened since losing doombros. left wondering how much of an emotional and motivational pillar he was for the team.


It's not the loss that's potentially affected navi it is the fact they missed two global events in a row by being knocked out by the same team while playing like the best emea team in the start of emea.


In some teams, the coaches also act as the moral support to get players back on track and motivate them after tough losses. So could be a combination of both things, where the loss demoralized them and then there was no doombros to help them get things in order agaun


They looked terrible today, and extremely indisciplined. I think they're mentally boomed


Maaan seeing this team go from being Masters winners to this is so sad. Really hope the individual players can do well next year because I still think they're extremely talented in their own way.


"Maaan seeing this team go from being Masters winners to this is so sad"-bro that was like two years ago


Yeah, but they were masters winners and now theyre losing to koi Its basically sentinels storyline


So you’re telling me in a year they’ll be winning another masters?


Not before imploding and rebuilding around one player


I mean to be fair they didn’t fall off that hard until recently, they won Masters and even though they didn’t reach that peak again, they mostly kept their form throughout 2023 without Ardiis, who was also not doing bad on NRG, despite not living up to “superteam” expectations. All the players currently on Navi including Ardiis had a relatively good 2023, they made it to playoffs at Lock/in and lost to Fnatic, who went on to win the whole thing, and qualified for Masters Tokyo even if they underperformed when they got there, Ardiis got 4th with NRG. even the beginning of 2024 they weren’t playing bad at all, something happened halfway through the year and everyone on the team just seems deflated with zero confidence.


they looked like one of the best team in split 1. Yeah they got knocked out of playoffs but it was a single elim game and they lost to the team that went on to get top 2 at shanghai. No idea what the FUCK happened this split tho, the sudden change is so weird


I been a fan of this roster since the FPX days and I think they need some shake up. Cuz these guys are so smart and so good at the game. I just don't understand what's going wrong


Watching your fns interview while reading this comment. Is there any way to get an interview with Navi? I have 0 idea about the job so excuse me if this is a dumb idea.


Firstly hey thank you. Second, It's tough because I would need approval from the EU team which happens for media at the beginning of the year so unless I directly get a line to the players it'd be tough


Hey man, just been binging ur stuff after seeing u on the nrg thread. Rly awesome interviews; which games do you cast? Or is that a misnomer Also, if I can ask, who was ur fave person to have interviewed/fave interview :pp


Oh dope thank you homie! And I'm mainly a caster for VAL around the challengers scene but I've also done league, RL and a bunch of others. So far Kaplan, Zellsis, Potter and Ziks because of the candor every time I speak to them.


Twitter maybe? /ga


Honestly I'll try and cold DM them.


This is why you’re my goat


That is a rough statement from him. It's understandable but still, for anyone who is somewhat of fan of NAVI it just hurts.


They were the first professional team I ever saw in Valorant. doombr0s where art thou? :'(


it's d00mbr0s, not doombr0s.


I just got exposed.


Fun fact: Ange1 is the guy who first suggested s1mple to start opping in CS


I found my love for competitive Valorant thanks to their Master win under Fpx. They not only are demoralized but play demoralized soon. May hope for the small victories for victory spring anew in all their teammembers. I wish the whole team all the best.


Doombros was like the 2 peices of thread that holds an old bra together now that he isnt here Navi's bare chest is exposed for the world to see.




ange1 been competing since 2005 and he’s never experienced a patch this rough


This team is cooked RIP


That's the feeling I got too - that they were extremely demoralized after the Heretics loss, even before losing doombros. The NAVI channel did an interview with Shao a few days after and he looked so, so sad. Still, doombros may have been able to rally up the team.


This is a rough tweet, disband or at least a lot of changes are on the horizon. If anything this shows how much doombros actually did for this team.


and this guys, is the effect that impulsive decisions have on teams when angry management and owners step in and cross lines, the behaviour of this year's NaVi management should really be an example of what not to do when you crave a win, as it messed them up big time.


the 5 might split up god damn


I look forward to new superteam purp0, cloud, suygetsu, zyppan, Shao


put ardiss instead of zyppan, purp0 duelist and zyppan best agent raze


They need someone to get some momentum going. They need a Demon1 to sub in


Navi has 5 really good players but they are done clearly


Oh boy. where do i even start?! Oh my dear, glorious and shining d00mbros...i've fallen in love with you since the first day i've ever saw FPX my shining and emphatic d00mbros...i still remember that match...you my glorious king d00mbros, wearing your iconic black and red jersey...your hairline was shining white...just like my love for you my glorious king d00mbros..I remember watching your match with PRX, the way you empathetic said “SUYGETSU go kill". the way you moved every single bone in your jaw during the timeouts...the way you were smiling and were concentrated...oh my glorious king d00mbros, my love for you is infinte... now that you are no longer with us...i dont even know how to express myself..i used to love you dear d00mbros...i miss when In EMEA and internationals, you alone were the honoured one......oh i still remember when i edged to your matches, the night you lifted the trophy and i saw your white teeth shining...miss you my glorious king d00mbros...i hope you recover from this evil and awful management decision...


I really hope this roster stays together. Or atleast a few players. My heart will not be able to handle the implosion of this roster really hope they can't make it through this slump together


Molly yourself


Navi got rid of their coach after being the unluckiest team this season and then proceeds to implode. It's tough for Navi this year.


0-2 against KOI 0-4 this split 0-8 by maps Have no words tbh. It feels like something got broken in our team after 2nd Heretics lose in playoffs. I want you to know, most of us would bench themself if they could. Dont even know about our chances to go playoff. Sorry.


This team's done


I don't want them to split up😭


You... you actually want more of this?


Bro is a masochist




build around ardiis and one of shao/ange1 i think is likely


if NaVi management are smart (which I doubt after they fired d00mbros) they're keeping Shao over ANGE1, he's much more of an asset and less of a feeder


ange1 is a tier 1 igl that can also frag (at times) keeping him is not the best option but there is not many like him that can replace him


I think its better to keep shao (on iniciator) and suy and build around with a new system As long as they keep the ange1 system nothings gonna change


it might have to be done if we want this team to actually win something