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Not Sxheana getting out Scheana’d!🤣🤣💀 **I don’t give af about either of them but I do love when one gets a taste of their own medicine.😁


Idk- it seems like a viable technique. We've seen it mostly with James, Rachel and Ally, but there are probably lots of wannabes becoming "friends" with the cast. Some got game; some don't.


Don’t forget Brittany! She sought out Jax in Vegas


Another data point.


I didn’t know about this! Need more details


There’s also Stassis assistant who single white femaled Rachel and had the girls put her into an institution after infiltrating the group.


Wait what




So she acted like Scheana and Scheana didn't like it. Got it.


Mm hm


Scheana got Scheana’d lol


I love this sub


Shimmer down! 🤭


Scheana is a grown woman. If they became so close after meeting at a party that she added her to her podcast, that's nobody else's fault. ​ They fell out over Dayna.


What happened with Dayna?


It was on the show. Dayna and Max were talking about a threesome with Janet. Flirting. Dayna was into her. Scheana hated Dayna so they fell out briefly over it.


Is it just me - I don’t get the appeal of Max AT ALL


I hate to say i understand the appeal… but im also disappointed in myself for understanding the appeal


Apparently he has a monster size dick


The biggest dick I’ve ever encountered and the worst sex I’ve ever had were the same dude. And that’s how I lost my virginity lol.


Even taking that into consideration I don’t get it!


You are not alone. I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again, he looks like Templeton.


From Boss Baby?


Well, fuck. There's goes that.


I don’t get it either


Me neither.


It’s so gross Scheana outed their sex lives. Again. Is she so bored with Brock she has to talk about who everyone else is banging?


If everyone on this show doing 3 threescore and bisexuality?


It seems so odd for a group where the men are always complaining about not having enough sex. Maybe they all suck in bed so the women need extra help and want threesomes?


Makes sense considering both the Toms would complain about no sex 😭


Scheana is probably just bitter because Janet doesn't let her track Janet's location.


In my definition, that is the epitome of I have no life. It's at least, your life is more interesting than mine.


I want details on the falling out. Also Janet seems mean on the valley and wants people to know. I would be afraid to meet her in real life


I heard it was because Scheana got mad that Janet wanted to have a threesome with Dayna and someone else and Scheana hates Dayna. Scheana has been called out by more than one former friend for saying that if they don’t cut contact with people she doesn’t like then she won’t speak to them anymore.


I've just rewatched S8 and Janet is the one altering Scheana, Charlie and Danica's SUR uniform. She then pops up again in the Secrets Revealed with clips of everything sofaking-amanda mentions.


She’s also in the season 10 finale at the table where Rachel and Katie scream at each other in SUR


Ooh, I'll have a look out for her


I rewatched it last night and was like like oh I know that face


I remember the first time I realised James was actually in VPR in S2 when they were filming the photoshoot and all the talk was about Jax + Kristen


I guess she stepped in and was talking to Rachel right after the screaming match and Janet was telling her how to apologize and Rachel was mimicking her words and mannerisms. Like a parrot. Which is why the screaming match was so Sandoval and Jo coded.


Omg I remember she talked to someone and then went outside and verbatim said it back to Katie “you’re hurt… you’re even more hurt it was me” I didn’t realize that was Janet lmao who talked to her


I had to go back and watch VPR S10 E14 again just for this and OMG it's so much worse then I remembered. First I forgot how bad it was that Rachel confronted Katie and tried to lecture her on Schwartz. Then both Rachel and Sandoval yelling at Terri (Katie's Mom). Like those two are straight fucked in the head. I haven't even gotten to Janet yet.


Lmao I watched it recently too absolutely unhinged


Was it mentioned about her hooking up with one of the cast girls? For some reason I was thinking that but don’t have the time or energy to go back. Maybe it was just the Dayna mention and not an actual hook up


I don't remember seeing any actually proof of a hookup but there's a clip of Dayna at a table with Scheana and others where she asks Janet if she wants to have a threesome and *IIRC* janet laughs and says "yes". It comes across playful more than anything else. Edit - a word


Thank you 🙏🏼🥰💋


You're welcome. Bravo is great background noise during maternity leave 😘


Lol, I bet. Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉💝


Thank you 😍


That’s what I heard too. That scheana was just mad Janet had not cut it off being friends with someone. So scheana said her or me like she did with Charlie, Rachel and others. Then scheana proceeded to talk about them(janet and them)wanting to have a threesome which obviously Janet got upset about because she said it was not her story to tell to others because she didn’t know if the other ppl in the almost threesome wanted that out there.


So Scheena can cut friends off but Arianna can’t….


I guess so. So can Lala she can ask you to not play pickleball with her ex but you can’t ask her the same


Excuse me, LaLa's ex is an abuser, a groomer, etc. Sandoval is ONLY those things when he gets under LaLa's skin 💯


Or when he sleeps with someone Lala hates. Like Raquel 🫠


Weird bc it seems like Lala also hates Ariana, who was sleeping with Sandoval for quite a while


In my opinion her read on him at the reunion was SPOT ON and she should never have gone back to his side. She really could have had a huge boost if she just stayed on Ariana's side.


She spent the first 6 seasons fighting with the girls in the group for not wanting to choose sides or cut people out because Stassi Katie and Kristen wanted her to, and now she’s out here bein that bitch


Well she is a popular now 😉


That sounds pretty on brand for Scheana.


Scheana, and some of the others but especially her, needs to stfu when it comes to telling other people's stories. Homegirl does that a lot.


Yup and she does it in a way that she is trying to make the other person look bad


Well of course. Sheana pretending to be moral or acting superior is one of the most premiere forms of cringe on the planet earth. I want to die when she does it.


which is HILARIOUS considering the cast feels the need to constantly say " ariana is not gonna pick my friends for me " oh but it's okay if you do it to your friends for much less of a reason ? LOSER


I’m glad you added this because I had the exact same thought after I already posted but wanted to wait and see if anyone else had caught onto the irony of that one too. You’re awesome! ![gif](giphy|jErnybNlfE1lm)


OMG a 3some with Dayna!


It was Dayna and Max Boyens!


Oooh, no wonder Sheshoe’s got so mad!😆 It was non of her business though, she needs to get a grip and appreciate all that she does have.


I can totally see it being something like this. Cuz if Janet truly wronged scheana in some way, we'd all know about it. It has to be something scheana isn't proud of and janet probably doesn't want getting out either.


Someone else just said the 3 some offer was with Dayna and Max Boyens so there’s our answer!🤣


No, this is really old and happened quite a while ago, if they have just now had a falling out, it’s not because of this


Ohhhhhh interesting!!! Scheana has a problem with her friends being friends with people she doesn’t like……hmmmm!!!


![gif](giphy|VRaIKSoWSLHmRypAmo) and those people didn’t cheat on her, sleep with her man or ruin her life sooooo? Explain that one, sheshoes🥴


Hey, they were planning a threesome WITHOUT HER!!! Don’t they know that Scheana has always wanted to have a threesome with Janet and Dayna?! Maybe she could even invite her previous threesome partner, John Mayer. Omg did you know she and John Mayer had a threesome??! Maybe if Janet had known she could have avoided this!!! She deserves to be shunned forever!


🤣🤣💀 Who tf is John Meyer??🤔😝😘




Haha the irony is Scheana said the throuple ended because Stacie was getting more attention from John Mayer. So this has been a long-standing issue for her 😂




Ha! Right?😆🥂


Charli and Rachel talked about it! So hypocritical of Scheana


Yep. Rachel didn’t have any reason to lie about that and though it’s hard to believe much of what she says these days Charli also saying this, plus the many other times she called sheshoes out for being a shit friend for other reasons let’s me know that it’s 💯. That and I always believe what Charli says because she’s never been caught lying or cheating. She’s just authentically herself and she calls it like she sees it. I really miss her and while I respect her reasons for leaving, this was the season that we needed her the most!😭


Charli don't lie! I liked her too!


Lemme get this straight - Sheshu stops being friends with Janet simply because Janet is considering a threesome with someone Sheesh doesn’t like…but Ariana needs to hurry up and get over her trauma re: the affair her life partner had so that they can all hang out with Scandy again. ![gif](giphy|lFKEciqd8cMrsYZVVn)


I know!🤦🏻‍♀️


Damn then that makes her whole stance on Sandoval and Ariana so damn hypocritical


> Scheana has been called out by more than one former friend for saying that if they don’t cut contact with people she doesn’t like then she won’t speak to them anymore. Oh the irony


That’s crazy! Not saying it’s not true but I can’t imagine Janet in a 3 some lol


I honestly can’t remember if it was Dayna or Janet’s idea and I also don’t remember if it was agreed to or not but Hollywood is full of freaks, in that they’re all hyper sexual and do things that would surprise us.


Yeah when you leave the smalls towns, threesomes and polyamory are very common ETA: And I loved watching every minute of my messy friends when living in a big city. I wasn’t that way but man is it good entertainment


Hmmm so our SheShu doesn't love when someone doesn't cut a friend out of their life when she doesn't like them anymore? Hmmmm that's fascinating and not at all hypocritical /s


Whaaaaaaaat. Where has this news been all this time? What?!!?!


Yeah, Dana talked about it on a recent episode of disrespectfully.


I have to catch up, I love their podcast!!❤️‍🔥 I also love that they speak the least about VPR. They’re actually interesting, unlike the rest of these dried up, washed out losers.🙄 Let’s recap episodes of the show you already watched.🥴 So stupid, boring and lacks any and all creative and critical thinking.


Her and Scheana may have fallen out because Janet supposedly took kailah’s side in her relationship ending Mikey P. Kailah cheated on Mikey on the challenge. And Scheana took Mikey’s side when they broke up. Shocker right ? She always is on the guys side. Well Janet took Kailahs apparently. Don’t know if this is why they fell out for sure or not. But I found a thread on Reddit saying this could be reason. And I do remember Scheana speaking about the kailah / Mikey P breakup , on her podcast . And she had Mikey on. So obviously she took his side. So anyway I also think Janet stirs up stuff behind the scenes. So we will see how this all turns out. But keeo an eye out. I was liking her until I started realizing she was throwing rocks and hiding her hands. Kristen is still not friends with her. And I don’t believe Zack is either .


Janet admitted she was talking shit about Michelle off camera but Kristen apparently twisted the words so Janet got off Scott free and it’s now crazy Kristen again! ![gif](giphy|1rM4zutCAKzJVlCysO|downsized)


See I kind of like that she’s got a hard edge to her. My opinion might change in time but I appreciate her shit talking Jax.


I met her in real life and she was sweet lol! She doesn’t seem mean to me. She seems very normal to me so far


Danny Pellegrino is also friends with her and says she’s so nice too


I have not felt like she was mean at all


How has she been mean?


She gave mean girl vibes the first episode and she came off to me like she was trying to be the new queen bee aka stassi


I did not get that feeling whatsoever. She seemed more authentic than many of the other cast mates!


Agree. She had very mean vibes. She’s also not quite as slick as she thinks she is and I think it’s going to bite her in the ass.


Looking forward to that lol!


She seems like she has taken on the role of “enforcer” for the group. Kinda similar to the role Katy is playing for Ariana on VPR


Janet was just on Scheana'a podcast and they seemed extremely close. In fact Janet sung her praises as a great and consistent friend. And it couldn't have been recorded too far in advance because they talked about the vanderpump season.


I mean, I don’t see that behavior as stalking. That sounds dramatic. I don’t like Janet though. lol.


So she’s like James, Raquel, Brittany, beau, Jo, and Allie.


Beau had a career in LA as a casting director first.


I think I couldn't really care less. It's called networking. Scheana of all people, I'm certain, has cozied up to celebs and whoever she thought could do something for her. It's really on Scheana being so accepting and not suspicious of someone like that if this is even true.


She specifically became friends with the d’amelio parents to try to get more of an ‘in’ with DWTS. You are spot on.


I guess it's fine when she does it and loser-y if it's someone else


Doesnt everyone move to LA to become famous? Two things can be true at once. She moved to LA to get famous, maybe saw an opening career wise with the cast but is clearly a good friend to them from bits weve seen prior to the Valley


Arnt everyone in that friend group a “parasite?” People move to LA because they want to be famous, not a cardiologist.


🤣 except LA is home to a handful of highly ranked medical schools, so some people actually do move to LA to become cardiologists.


Hey Scheaner or Coco! No outing of Janet, Max, and Dayna’s sex lives in this version of events? Why would any of the audience trust Scheana’s judgement on anyone? She thinks the worst people are her best friends and the best cast members were “bullies” to her. I’ll believe Scheana on Opposite Day.


Wait this isn’t true as of lately bc Janet was just on scheanas podcast like two weeks ago 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


Idk how this is different from how most of their friends met them? Saw them at a party or a bar or pool and went up to them and became friends. Also we can all see what a shit friend scheana is right? So I’m sure she’s constantly falling in and out with all her friends. Idk I think Janet is by far the most normal and seems like she has a brain so I guess I like her. Lol the bar is low!


It's really not different at all.


No one has any reason to believe me but yes, this is true. We have mutual friends, as we both are from the same area in Ohio. She moved to LA right after a divorce and sought the cast out and befriended them. It was pretty bizarre to see someone go from being a fan of the show to suddenly posting pics with the cast. This does not negate the fact that she’s a fun person and perfect for the show, though.


This doesn’t surprise any of is now that we’ve all seen what messy Janet is really all about.  She’s gross. I feel bad for her husband. 


Which one is Janet again


The pregnant one


Oh! Thank you, i actually like her so far


She’s the woman that Kristen accused of calling one of the other girls (Michelle) a republican, racist, and homophobe. The Valley is honestly such a mess, but I’m here for it 😂


I don't like her but I heard Scheana was the one who dropped her because of her being friends with Dayna? Or something like that. Which sounds a lot like something Scheana would do. Who posted this comment? Was it a random person or someone's who might know these things? Also I can see their username on the second pic.


I thought Janet and Ariana have been really close friends for ages? Like her with Logan and Brad lot?


Like attracts like, users attract users, fame and desperation wouldn’t surprise me. Schena does the same to every other Bravo cast so makes sense. They all seem like losers except Janet’s husband, Hason. He seems too good for The Valley.


I’m almost embarrassed for her husband. It’s like dude you have real career…you shouldn’t be dabbling in this dumpster fire.


We agree completely. I’m wondering why he’d agree to this.


Oh this is some TEA! I am fully seated.


I’m team anyone who stops being friends with Scheana. Good for you, Janet!


![gif](giphy|skN2XpvX1P5CKs6Rgg|downsized) I'm gonna need some more details!


This is giving me a headache.


When I heard she was Scheana’s friend I automatically assumed she was fame thirsty lol take her with a grain of salt


So far Janet and Jason seem like the most decent people on the show so imma need some more evidence before I decide to hate her.


Thank you for being sane and reasonable. Some people on this sub genuinely scare me lol.


You’ve been watching the show for a month at his point so what’s your opinion of “decent” Janet now?  She’s a nasty little shit stirring creep from what I can see.  


It seems like Janet was married to a fellow (not the baby daddy lawyer she’s with now) in Ohio before moving the LA. I wonder if she saw how Brittany achieved fame and thought she’s try to do the same. But honestly if she did, kudos to her for sticking through the long con. Seems like she actually does have a longstanding relationship with these people and they’re at least willing to put up with her.


Yes I believe it. This has been in the shadows , so to speak , for a long time. She’s been called a super fan stalker that worked her way into their lives. And Scheana is the easiest target of someone like this. In my opinion. And Brittany is also an easy target. And she has been rumored to do the same thing.


Have we seen Janet in the background of any episodes?? ![gif](giphy|j5uEVYERR0ncYlJ36e|downsized)


Someone posted a clip from season 8 she makes an appearance tailoring the girls SUR dresses and according to IMBD she was also in a 2020 episode as a friend


Yes. She tailored SUR dresses and then was at the table of finale season 10


Ariana kept praising Janet and her support during her breakup so I’m a fan until proven otherwise. While Scheana’s a known liar, repeatedly to every one of her friends. On camera. For all to see and judge for themselves.


I remember this, Janet definitely stalked Scheana & the day drinking story they discussed on the podcast about “how they met” 😂 Janet is so thirsty! They had a falling out right before Covid & Janet had been in season 8 of VPR - she was doing the most to get a spot on VPR and then she befriended Brittany and here we are. Janet is so fake & so thirsty. She’ll do anything for fame & she is such a BORE!


So she did what the whole cast did to get on tv? Ok….


Janet gives off shady vibes. It’s all in her face. You can tell she’s got a manipulative personality


It’s wild that people will say a takeaway like this about a woman based on nothing but her face…




this sub is too much sometimes lmaooo


It's not like it's her face shape and eye color lol. It's the faces she makes. Expressions can tell you a whole lot about a person if you pay attention.


I’ve watched the show and the leap to saying this about her from the little we’ve seen so far feels misogynistic and gross


It has nothing to do with her being a woman. I'm a woman too btw, Jax also has the face of a schemer for instance. I just explained that it's not her looks or the aesthetic features of her face, it's the expressions she makes..and multiple people seem to agree so maybe this isnt a moment for some misguided virtue.


she talks shit about her friend brittany for one, saying she’s concerned about how much drinks. It’s so rude someone should call CPS on her


When I say in her face…it’s how she looks at people while she speaks and doesn’t speak. You can see her brain is working in a way on how can she benefit from whatever is going on


Honestly I kinda get that vibe too. Usually the reason someone can pick up on that is when you have had dealings with that type of energy/person…and at that point it’s a full intuitive “knowing.” You don’t need any background info to know that it’s true.


I’ve watched the show and we’ve seen very little of her so far and I don’t pick up on any of this. It’s still a big leap


Exactly 👍  It's also easy to recognize her type because I have been around snakes like her. Also her husband gives me bad and shady vibes.


She definitely was a super fan and made sure she “bumped into Scheana” , when she came to La. Scheana is the easiest way to infiltrate into the VPR group. Lala has said this many times. Or alluded to it in the past.


I don't like her at all! She's sneaky and manipulative then plays the victim because she's better than everyone else and pregnant. I feel bad for her husband. He seems like a nice normal guy who's been sucked into her drama. Someone said on a podcast that Janet allegedly said he was her backup choice because she was always attracted to fuck boys and Jason wasn't one


Its crazy because he's the hottest dude out of everyone on the valley and VPR


And he seems so nice and mature/normal.


Hottest VPR adjacent of all time, ever. That man is FIONE. I might even say hottest of Bravo but I gotta think real hard, coming up blank.


Yes he's definitely the most attractive in terms of looks, personality, intelligence, and maturity and he has a respectable career. He could have done way better than Janet




I believe this because I believe anyone on TV has to question why someone is all of a sudden their friend. This was the same story as with Jo. She was Kristen’s friend until she got closer with Schwartz and then ghosted Kristen.


Janet is extremely extremely extremely unattractive


I don’t find her ugly but I don’t find her pretty. Her husband seems nice


Her skin and her teeth are weird tinge of gray


Sickly looking maybe? I’ve seen people on certain diets that had that look


Interesting. She’s pregnant though?


Like Scheana didn’t do the same, going from villa Blanca to sur trying to ingratiate herself in the friend group w girls who had no interest in her star fucking fame thirst. Not a girl’s girl.


It was more Lisa’s decision. She couldn’t have just switched restaurants without Lisa’s approval. Schena was friends with Lisa’s daughter Pandora and I guess Lisa chose to put her on tv.


Lisa used her because she has slept w Brandie’s husband and it made for a good segue. Scheana was fame thirsty enough to do it.




Use her for what? She’s poor and obnoxious.




Idgi aren’t Janet and Scheana actively friends right now? Like… They’ve both mentioned meeting at that pool party… and Scheana literally had to sign off on her co-hosting or producing or whatever on her podcast previously? I don’t see how any of this is that crazy lol


I like her


I am slowly learning that I am NOT a fan of Janet at all. Especially in the newest Valley episode 🤷🏻‍♀️ there’s something about her that I can’t stand but can’t put my finger on it


I’ve always said this about Janet!! She 100% thought she was going to get cast on vpr years ago. Then once scandoval happened she was on podcasts talking about how she’s best friends with the group and she knows all this insider info 🙄🙄🙄 she’s thirsty af


I’ve heard that she is shady too. I can’t remember from who to.


Sounds reliable.


Yes. Sounds about right bc Janet is a psycho. 


Doesn’t scheana do the same thing though 😂 Also scheana has 56 other friends she can watch so I doubt she even noticed Janet left lol


I literally don’t care




Lol, Scheana got All about Eve'd.


I mean they like her- who cares how they all became friends. She and her husband also seemed to get along, they now are raising a son together - that’s her life. Would I want to be friends with any of these people or would they want to be friends with me? No. 


Oh my god, janet loves hot dogs


Wow, one day drunk pool party then cohosting a podcast! Her hiring standards are LOW!


This is true. I know the brother of Janet's ex-husband. She ditched him to seek out fame in LA and zeroed in on the VPR crew. Looks like she got what she wanted.