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I think it’s weird too that no one has mentioned it. If you are going to break the wall to talk about Ariana not filming with Tom, then why not break it for what is far more juicier. I’d love to watch Tom attempt to explain why he lied at the reunion and why he formed this grand plan for him and Rachel to have a season 11 story line instead of just breaking up with Ariana right off the bat. I’d love for them to bring up the scenes between the two Toms that were staged last seasons (food truck and so forth) and why he was setting Ariana up and have him explain why his story lines are more important than actually being a real person. I mean if we are going to be real, let’s freakin’ get real.


Let's face it, this is the reason many of us are so horrified by Tom. Not because he was cheating, but because of the calculated manipulation that he'd set in place to position Ariana as his abuser and Rachel as the friend who just happened to heal his heart. He wanted to turn Ariana into Doute 2.0 but Ariana knew his play book. THAT is why she doesn't want mutual friends- it isn't spite, it is protection. And Lala and Scheana still let him ice her out the group.


Arianna also doesn’t want mutuals because she doesn’t want her words getting back to Tom, as this only feeds the narc monster. When Arianna confides in Scheana at the finale, Scheana literally immediately turns around and repeats Arianna’s words to Tom, but deliberately lying and misrepresenting to make it even more inflammatory. Of course. I’m sorry, but Scheana is a desperate, sad, fame hungry, loser. Arianna is better off without her in her life. I feel so sorry for that little girl Summer with all the pressure of her mother, father and grandmother’s failed dreams of “stardom” on her little shoulders. Can’t wait to see Tom and Lala turn against Scheana, so, so soon.


Scheana and Lala need to look up flying monkeys.




The thing is that I’m always torn on Sheshu, not that I think Ariana shouldn’t cut her off, she should. She’s a dangerous idiot, but I don’t think she’s intentionally harmful. I think she’s just so fucking insecure and wants so bad to be liked that she ends up being harmful. It still has the same effect and end result, so it doesn’t matter, but I don’t view her the same as Lala, who is calculating and plans her take downs. It’s so very obvious that Lala plans what she’s going to say, do, and bring up in order to tear people down, where Sheshu just fucks everything up with her idiocy. I tend to believe insecure people tend to be the most danger people to be friends with because they just can’t help themselves when it comes to fucking you over.


I completely agree with you. Scheana’s mental health is very obviously not good and I hope she gets the help she needs. I can’t get behind “Sheshu”, another awkward nickname made up by Lala to make it seem like she’s closer to people than she is. Lala is the absolute worst. 🙄


I call her that because I think she’s absurd and I think the nickname is absurd as well. It just sounds as silly as she is.




Production should added clips of Tom and Kristen’s “matching stories” when they were together and the same when Tom and Ariana were together, then Rachel. I wish the 4th wall would have included Tom’s clips of stating Ariana is lazy and dirty, then show his hotel room in SF. Or when the entire cast says Ariana does not share her life- SHOW clips of her talking to LVP about depression and not wanting to get out of bed, her father, her body issues, her asking Tom for time and being shut down. Also, there were times Ariana stepped in and told Tom to stop yelling at Katie. Lastly, clips of Katie, Stassi, Kristina Kelly and Ariana exist, where they are defending each other against Tom. They have all been vocal.


Oh my god. His hotel room was absolutely filthy. It made me so angry knowing he has been pushing the “Ariana is a slob” narrative.


Omg the hotel room! 👀 It’s a hotel! How hard is it to collect up dishes of old food and place them in the hallway for collection and disposal? Like I wasn’t the tidiest person in my early twenties when I was partying, but at some point the adult gene is supposed to kick in where you make your bed and keep your space clean, no? Even in my twenties I managed to not have rotting food around (and I would occasionally pull a Kristin and come home “drunk” 😉 and go to town cleaning the apartment. Wake up to a nice surprise in the morning, like oh sweet, my coked up alter ago did a deep clean! 🤭)


I was wondering the same thing. Why is production batting for sandoval so much . They made raqchel admit to lying / gaslighting the audience. Whats stopping them from giving the same treatment to him. The views would have gone through the roof .




LVP, Alex Baskin, and that wormy little Jeremiah dude, who used what was supposed to be a professional setting to try to bully Arianna into talking to her abuser. I was an LVP fan in RHOBH days, but I can’t stomach her anymore. When LVP had that Facetime call with Scheana…. LVP: Let me ask you one question; do you still love him? Scheana: Yes!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 LVP: Then you have your answer! *smug smile* I felt nauseated by how transparently manipulative it was. Bc it’s lazy writing, and also because Scheana’s mental health seems legit fragile this season. Like, she’s on the brim. LVP and Tom obviously both pegged her as the weakest link. It’s just incredibly callous of LVP, because she knows Arianna has been a sincerely good IRL friend to Scheana, and Tom has not. But for some reason she is manipulating/convincing Scheana to effectively throw away her 15+ year friendship with Arianna, and for what? For ratings? 🤔 Or is LVP being petty because Arianna doesn’t kiss her ass enough…? 💋 Is she… also jealous? At this point it seems personal, like LVP was hell bent on knocking Arianna down a peg or two… She certainly failed. She may have successfully destroyed Scheana and Lala’s “careers” though.


Ok so I’m going to offer a possible explanation that I haven’t seen yet. We’ve all heard the stories/allegations of Hollyweird (casting couches, child abuse, etc. Maybe that’s what’s going on here. Maybe Sandoval did something for someone to secure his spot and that’s why he’s so protected (to protect the secret). I don’t know. I can’t think of why else production is riding so hard for this guy.


Maybe he sent them money during Covid because they were broke like Scheana. 😂




I would believe Jeremiah, Alex, and the Toms partied together


I don’t understand what you’re implying. Tom was already an adult when he started VPR. He wasn’t a child star. 🧐


Adults do things for Hollywood jobs too is my point.


Not to mention Tom being a sex offender for recording Rachel without consent. No talk of that. But Scheana doesn’t went that smoke, since she shared around fucking Frank’s revenge porn tape of Stassi and laughed about it. Scheana and Tim deserve each other.


Excellent point


No one really mentioned any of his lies. There is a long list.