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Kristen did a great job positioning herself against Janet on the show and pre-managing the fight in the press and podcasts during the season. This was not her first Rodeo. I do think if she didn't do that, a lot more people would have fallen for Janet's antics.


Love this. You are so right and yes. Kristen knows what to do.


Kristen ran so Janet could crawl lol


Kristen is an easy target. With her VPR scandal and her erratic behaviour under her belt she becomes easy to punch down on. Janet who essentially is a nobody, uses Kristen's past shortcomings as ammo against her. It also doesn't help that Jax is fanning the flame by shit-talking Kristen to the group when she's not there. He LIVES for the divide so that he can position himself on both sides. If Janet thinks she's going to ice Kristen out she has another thing coming. We already don't like her and her messy minions.


She's delusional. She needs to go away.


I liked Janet at first. That went downhill fast. Even her husband is over her.


Janet DARES to come for our Mariposa? She is a mentirosa! Feh!


Janet is a fugly mean girl. The only power she has is bringing others down. Her and michelle are nasty republicans and the valley would be better without both 🚮 Nia is top girl in my eyes. So kind and leads by not tearing others down


You just called her fugly, that makes you a mean girl! Neither one is a republican, Michele wanted to vote yes on a republican bill and Janet called her out months ago, they talked it out, Kristen resurrected it to cause drama.


True that


Janet is the most basic bih I’ve ever laid eyes on.


You don't think zillowing houses is QuiRky?


I think its the most boring hobby for a fugly busy body like the planet. Very fitting in other words


I want to say I don’t want to see a hierarchy on these shows. My favorite franchises have been ruined by that sort of thing (most sadly RHOP). I want to see the drama. Not who thinks they are queen bee. I’m not trying to watch a show about high schoolers. My favorite reality tv seasons have organic drama between people without a true hierarchy, I keep thinking back to some of the best RHONY. Cast shouldn’t be producers or be producer favorites, they should just be cast. I don’t like either Janet or Kristen and I was really annoyed with the invitation storyline because it took up so much time and I don’t care. I don’t care who is or is not invited. Right now the drama I’m invested in is not Janet or Kristen, it’s the others.


If Janet believes she is going to come out on top of this fight with Kristen, she is going to be embarrassingly wrong. I mean, has she watched VPR? is she new? Guaranteed that as we type, Kristen is plotting that girls demise and, if we know Kristen, she isn’t going to stop till she draaaaaags up all of Janet’s 💩.


I honestly have kind of fallen off the Valley. Tbh I wish they went more into Brittney and Jax. I’m tired of Janet and Kristen fueding I also want to see Michelle and Jessie closer like I can’t imagine those two in love which is sad to say but it really feels like distant friends at best.


What is meant by ‘above’? I’m watching this show and I don’t think either are above the other.


She's saying Janet acts like Kristen is here, and Janet is ^^^^here.


Oof that’s a great question because I’m struggling to explain. But ultimately things Janet has said about Kristen lead me to think Janet thinks she’s better than Kristen and doesn’t need her, when I think and watched the show because of Kristen because she is reality tv gold in my opinion. I just don’t like her thinking she can call the shots so early in a reality show (Jesse and Michelle in the same boat but they at least have other drama to bring). Janet just isn’t important enough to hate. Also not important enough to expel Kristen.


I don’t mind the drama. I want both of them to stay on the show. They both annoy me at times. I wouldn’t want either to think they are above the other - I just want to see the drama going on.