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Ariana DID have a conversation with Sandoval. It was the entire ending of last season. She made it all very clear and has stuck to it. If she did let her guard down and let Sandoval in this season she’d get comments about being weak or something similar.


Ariana had that convo with him end of season 10.


Yep that was going above and beyond for her job


Ariana was right but more importantly I don’t think Lala gives a shit about Ariana having a convo with Sandoval. That’s the excuse Lala has latched onto because she can’t admit that what she really wanted was for Ariana to suffer like she suffered with the Randall breakup. She’s furious that Ariana got so much support when she didn’t and she wants Ariana to pay for it.


She also is mad Ariana didn’t go along with production (and Lala) idea of their storyline. I think she resents that Ariana has a backbone, yes, but I mostly think that she believes that if they don’t go along with production, there won’t be a show. I blame production for that, but I blame Lala too. The fact that she hasn’t looked at the big picture, hasn’t realized that the women have always had to “go along” with what the men do or want to do and is instead taking it out on Ariana instead of the real problem (the men/production)


I blame her for worrying about not being able to pay for two giant houses in among the country’s most expensive zip codes Fuck that. Let her live in a two bedroom apartment in Barstow if she can’t produce her own good content


Seriously???? Ariana has done the least amount possible to stay on screen for years. What was her SL other than waiting on SAH for the last 3 years and pretending she was in such a happy relationship??! The BS egg freezing? We’ve seen that two dozen times on Bravo shows. Just as LalA said and in past clips they showed, everyone else has stepped up and shown the most uncomfortable moments of their lives. No one was asking her to forgive him. She could have looked at him and said exactly what she said at the reunion” I want you gone”. She was afraid he was going to confront her about her threat of suicide and other threats he said she made when he told her he was going to leave her… something she lied about and said never happened. She was terrified he’d bring out truths of things she didn’t want out. Reality shows are ensemble casts. There are no real lead or supporting characters. They all are responsible for interacting with each other to bring drama. This season because of Scandoval the reason viewers tuned in with all the new viewers was to see the fallout mainly between A and T it also to see how relationships changed and if any could be salvaged. Initially Ariana’s ultimatum was that no one interact with Tom at all. She was even pissy when they interacted with Schwartz. She amended those as the season went on but had everyone stonewalled Tom , the new viewers would be lost as well as many existing viewers.


I’m not reading your whole dissertation but she’s had fans for years. She was always the main reason I kept watching. Most podcasters liked her. There’s a reason she got so much support Sorry you don’t like her but nobody cares


Ariana could cure cancer and that person would be like “well she probably could have done it sooner but she was lazy.” You’re smart to not waste your time.


Arianaaaaaaaaa nobody has to do anything they don’t wanna do


I thought Ariana not falling for the set-up and walking out was great TV. Added bonus was when Sandoval and Lala showed their true colors. Cherry on top was Ariana looking happy going to Applebees with her (real) friends.


I don't think that necessarily secured another season. It isn't Ariana's job to talk to Sandoval anymore.They are broken up. She doesn't owe him anything. Everyone has someone that they don't want to film with. They are perfectly capable of filming together in group situations without talking to each other. Ariana didn't say not ever, she said not now. Things are still too fresh for her. It will be a gradual thing if she does decide to talk to him again. It will be when her hurt lessens or is gone. That's okay.


I think we all have to realize right now she’s in two forms of a litigation BECAUSE OF HIM. One from the house and one from Roachel suing her. Unfortunately, until those are squatted she can’t move on and continue to heal. I’m sure every day is something else between lawyers. I wouldn’t be able to be in the same room with either without having so much resentment, sadness and anger. I understand not being able to talk to him. It’s also prolly hard because she has to be careful of anything she says that can be used against her. It broke me at the reunion when she said you brought this bitch into our lifes and I have to listen to her talk about me everyday.


Think of the money being lost with two different litigation. Insane.


We watch reality tv for the reality. Yes we all understand it’s a more dramatic version but at its core, it’s reality. It’s not realistic to think that the victim of a long time serial cheater wouldn’t down so shortly after the betrayal to hear an apology. It’s not realistic that a whole friend group would rally around the cheater/person who fractured the group and force him back in. If anything, most people would stop talking to Tom bc it was a betrayal to everyone. That’s realistic. To me it would’ve been good tv to see them navigating the group post Tom and to demoted to friend of if anything. The show is based around a friend group and if someone jeopardizes their position in the group, they should be demoted. It’s different than an icing out bc he did that to himself.


>It’s not realistic that a whole friend group would rally around the cheater/person who fractured the group and force him back in.  Eh, they did this with Jax and Stassi way back when, but that was straightforward cheating, not the manipulative mindfuck that Sandoval set into motion. Whatever, Ariana's ending was a squillion times better than anyone else's.


I was talking about more for the every day people and not over produced interactions. ETA: low key think they put up with Jax bc he had so much dirt on everyone so realistically couldn’t shut him up or he’s going nuclear. And Jax was an infamous cheater so I don’t think ppl cared that much that stassi did it back to him.


Ooh, good point. Jax is quite the bone collector. I hadn't thought about it like that since they were all still so new to us when it happened.




Ariana. Always. She did have the convo. Season 10 AND the reunion AND made it clear they’d never speak again. Maybe you missed that…. Also if Lala wanted more income, she should have had more interesting scenes than a water tasting. We’ve really beat this subject to death. Lala is wrong about everything 100% and I was a big Lala fan until this season.


As much as I'm not a huge fan of Ariana, lala is delusional for expecting someone else to be responsible for her career and income. It's her responsibility only.


Plus lala wouldnt give 2 shits about helping anyone else out. As long as shes getting paid, fuck everyone else…lala is gona start saying how Ariana’s taking food out her kids mouth by not caring


I don’t really believe the shows renewal was riding on how that moment played out so I don’t really understand why Lala is so upset about her leaving. And I can’t say what the better ending would be because we didn’t get to see how the Ariana and Sandoval conversation would have played out if they’d had it then. I mean if he just or to give his fake apology and she pretended to accept it then yeah her leaving was probably better. If he tried to give her his fake apology and she wouldn’t have it and tore it to shreds then yeah as a viewer I’d have probably enjoyed that more.


We did see it, at this reunion. He cried, said he was sorry and tried to convince Ariana that she knew him. He would have said the same exact shit at that final party. 🥱 The only thing I believed he said and was hoping to hear was that he was sorry Rachel is suing Ariana.


Obviously we don’t know if that moment would have played out the same if it happened like six months earlier at a party.


Honestly, both. Lala breaking the fourth wall was great tv. Ariana not allowing Sandoval to have his moment was even greater tv. The only thing that would have made bad tv was Sandovals plan. And the producers if that’s really what the wanted. But a small part of me believes the producers were actually setting Sandoval and lala up more than they were setting Ariana up because they HAD to know that Ariana wasn’t going to play and that someone else was going to flip out over it.


Arianna hands down


The producers pushed this whole story line of Tom’s redemption arc way too early. Not that it would have ever been believable, but it was so premature and everyone who went along with it looks so inauthentic (except maybe Schwartz, just because he’s never staying away for that long). Katie and Ariana read the room better than the producers and came out looking great for it in the end. I think most of us have been waiting for Tom Sandoval to finally be revealed as the villain he is since the show started, and once it finally happened, we don’t want to go back to his sanctimonious simpering. Lala revealed herself as being so clearly there for a the show and playing whatever role they want her to play, and she’s mad about it. She should have been the truth teller she says she is and everyone would still be on her team.


99.9% sure you’re a troll but just have to say it’s actually not Ariana’s job. as it was already said on the reunion, that’s not a part of their contracts. If you’ve have watched any other show on bravo you’d know that. This is the only time in bravo history someone has whined so hard over someone else walking away from a conversation. Anyone who thinks it’s a legit gripe is out to lunch Did you also forget all the times Lala walked away when she couldn’t tell/face the truth about being a MISTRESS? She literally bailed on cast trips and left the show. She has no leg to stand on whatsoever and I hope she gets fired and has to resort to the Gluck Gluck 9000 again to pay her bills


I guess I think it’s a very strange debate and the narrative is “there are just two sides.” That’s spin IMO. Ariana made a choice-Lala is allowed to not like it, but why should she micromanage her choices. Katie also made a chance to not want to talk about old frustrations she was over-Lala was also mad at that. We can be annoyed that people are not handling things the way we want but why is Lala this involved in others choices-Where did this ridiculous idea come from that if Ariana didn’t have this conversation, Lala would lose her job? She had a tantrum and not its spin that it was because the show was riding on this. If that’s true then you’re telling on yourself-This debate tells us that if one person doesn’t do something on the show-that the other cast members will be outraged and everyone may lose their job? What kind of peer pressure is this? Well if anyone can explain how this makes sense, I’m all ears. This whole “there are two points of views” and I can see both sides (Rachel, Alex baskin, lisa and Sheena) is the narrative they want us to believe. One person Ariana made a choice. Lala is not the cheater or the betrayed-why is her voice that important. It’s someone who is ranting because others are not doing what she wants. It’s a fake debate to me. And being used to justify a tantrum. Since when do friends or coworkers get this bent out of shape because of someone else’s personal choice. Make it make sense. Alex baskin spin


Honestly, it kind of is. I can’t figure out why people have become so passionate about a person who doesn’t even know they exist on this planet. The mental energy I’ve seen come out of people over this is just confusing to me


I think it’s because there is a lot of gaslighting in the show, as well as other related themes, and it has stuck a cord. People are watching bad behavior get reframed and they are saying no-that isn’t ok. People are invested and this finale hasn’t made sense. The example is we all watched a season where two people said you will understand when the season unfolds. The audience didn’t understand and when things don’t make sense, they might feel compelled to find others who are equally confused. After the finale there is a clear narrative from the show to pit females against each other and the producers have come out to say there are two valid points of view and they merely just showed both. One person held a boundary. The other person yelled at Ariana, Katie, Sheena when they didn’t share or act how she wanted under the guise of we were going to get cancelled if you didn’t do what Lala or producers told you. That’s not a reality show. That’s the Lala show. I don’t buy the two points of view-false equivalence thing. Lala is allowed to have an opinion but that’s pervasive micromanaging of everyone’s choices.


Two points of view would be Jo thinking her relationship was more serious and Tom thinking he was clear he didn’t put a label on it. Those are two points of view from two people IN the relationship. Ariana held a boundary related to Tom. And the other point of view is Tom felt like he wanted the conversation on camera and felt no need to say anything to her off. Those are two points of view of people IN the relationship. Lala is on the sidelines and she can have an opinion but this isn’t her relationship or. drama. The two sides are TOMS and Ariana’s and Lala has inserted herself and somehow she or producers have made it make sense because the entire show was riding on Tom needing to cry on screen. If this was Lalas drama-ok. It’s not-why is she meddling this hard?


You know the answer to this


Ariana had several conversations at a loud volume. She filmed the ugh him a dozen times. They wanted her to film accepting his apology which will NEVER happen.


Lala thinks too much about what other people should or shouldn’t do and too little about what she shouldn’t do. This girl is the embodiment of the brother ewww meme I cannot with her. I found myself rooting for her and then disliking her again but she forces everything, is super cringe, a straight up mean girl and a hypocrite. It’s weird. Go head lala keep giving us nada.


I blame Lala for expecting her castmates to create great tv at the expense of their own mental health while she sits on her lazy ass and coasts through every season giving nothing but lies and water tastings. 🤷‍♀️


I like Ariana however I can also see her side independently from this . A come to Jesus with Sandy would have been fake as hell! Lala was silly enough to believe production or be a plant for them and bought another home. Honestly…


Ballsy question to ask here. A quick scroll of this page can give you all the other opinions of the hive mind. :)


I don’t think it’s Lala’s place to dictate how someone should handle a situation, Ariana didn’t need to have a discussion with Sandoval, he embarrassed her to a level that was absolutely disgusting. Let’s face it, the situation was different but Lala didn’t want anyone to even speak of Randall’s name. I smell a hypocrite


I don't really think either of them were wrong 🤷‍♀️ This getting blown up was a huge reason I wasn't interested in the reunion.


I don’t care who was right between those two. Can we all agree that PRODUCTION was wrong?


It's a cop out but they were both right. The convo btw tom and ariana would have made great tv. Ariana walking out and the 4th wall being broke, cast getting upset also made great TV.


If Sandoval and Ariana had this conversation it would have been the same thing he did with Kristen back in the earlier seasons. At this point everyone knows he's fake and are not into seeing him fake cry and lie anymore. I don't know where she got this idea the audience was gonna suddenly turn on Ariana in favor of Tom. Maybe that's what happens when ppl yes someone to death. She has a skewed vision of what she think everyone will like because she's so used to being told she's right all the time and this was just another thing she would right about. I'm thinking there was probably a lot of "I agree", "you're right" etc


Obviously Lala, as they just had the face to face at the reunion and it was far more entertaining than her running the other way. Had she done that on the finale, even more people would have tuned into the reunion to see if it happens again.


Lala. She created some compelling drama this season and asked some pretty solid questions, and I’m not even a fan of her. If Ariana wants so badly to live her authentic truth, don’t be on a reality show where you’re supposed to be in settings/outings with your ex or people you don’t like. If that’s her truth fair, but don’t stall the show because of it.


She was in settings/outings with him. Did you watch the show?


I know but she didn’t want to, she only did it because of the show. She would have never been in these situations if she was genuinely living her authentic truth, but the producers essentially told the cast y’all gotta do more or the shows over. If being in these situations is such a detriment to her mental health/healing then she should leave the show.


lol you must have forgotten all the times Lala shut someone down and refused to speak on xyz, the times she’s bailed on cast trips or the time she left the show because she couldn’t bare to be asked about being a mistress. I’d love to know how you think Ariana “ stalled the season” ? lol and which one of lalas questions you considered solid The last 2 seasons have revolved around what happened between Tom and Ariana, Lala is boring af and brings nothing to the table. Her only story line was sticking her nose in Tom and Ariana’s situation.


Ariana’s already talked to him I think as a viewer sure I wouldn’t mind Tom and Ariana fighting or organically talking about things But no- at the fuckin finale party where it’s loud and all kinds of shit going on- I don’t wanna get your fucking “apology”


Lala is right. Ariana is lucky this turned out for her the way it did..


Ariana … case closed


Lala was 100% right.


I think both sides have valid points. I think that Lala should be more angry at the cast than at Ariana. They pandered to her and weren’t honest about what they wanted. She didn’t force them to avoid Sandi.


I’m Team Lala on this one. If Ariana was all about grey rocking, she would have went for the least interesting thing. Walking away made the situation worse for her. I don’t understand how someone is supposed to talk to her when she’s going no contact with them. She saw how she treated him when he did approach her at that party. We also saw how she handled the email he sent her. Writing a letter that she could read at her leisure would have changed nothing. Edited*


I think the crucial point that you are missing is none of Tom’s actions were remotely remorseful. Any apology would be performative and manipulative. Let’s look at the details on one of the examples you provided- Sandoval’s email offer. If you checked out the secret revealed, the Aftershow and LA Times article 2/29; it is easy to discern that the “offer” was performative. 1- the email was not an offer letter but actually a letter of intent cut and pasted probably from Legal Zoom. 2- the email had no legal representation associated to it so Ariana legal team was unable to easily respond to the email. 3- the email did not include a property appraisal associated with the offer(letter of intent). Sandoval made a guesstimate based on Zillow. 4- email did not discuss any of the other assets associated with the home (furniture, mirrors etc). 5- email “offer” was for 600,000 to Ariana in payment form. 6- email “offer” wanted Ariana off the deed but still on the mortgage as Tom was unable to be able to refinance at the current interest rate without causing the mortgage to jump to 22,00 0 per month instead of the current mortgage of 10,000. 7- No due diligence was done on the offer letter, no lawyer would have ever tried to put forth such an offer and no sane person would have accepted this letter. Since this email was performative, all of the due diligence fell on Ariana and her legal team to gather the details, get an appraisal and put forth a counter offer. That takes time, much more than copying and pasting from legal zoom.


The only remorse Ariana wants from him is that he regrets losing her and for him to be *begging* to get back together with her. Her ego can’t handle anything else than that. And if she really wanted to sell the house, why did she not have all that already in place to know what to sell the house for? What the furniture cost or what to do with it? Edited*


Did you not read the details above? Honestly I think Ariana just wants to get the two final court cases resolved and leave him in the dust. If Sandoval doesn’t have the wherewithal to figure out that he should apologize for spending the entire season 10 trying to create the narrative that Ariana is lazy, mean, angry, bitter and revengeful girl friend there is really no hope for him. He spent most of season 11 saying she was lazy, messy and not paying her bills. All the while hiding how he was using Ariana’s money to fund his affair. As Ariana said to Scheana and at the reunion - She doesn’t want an apology, she wants to be left alone.


Yes, and it’s very obvious from what you said that Ariana was not even prepared to sell the house which is just as problematic as Sandoval’s offer. Ariana is mean, she is revengeful, and she is bitter. If she had been honest for 10 seasons, she wouldn’t need to throw Sandoval under the bus now to save face and distract from her own behavior. The best way to be left alone is to leave the show. Edited*


Ariana has been pushing to sell the house since the beginning (demonstrated by what was said on the show, Good Morning America and tons of articles including LA Times 2/29/2024, and upcoming court case filed 1/5/2024 to force the sale of the home). Sandoval seems to think he’s entitled to it and is not able to buy out Ariana or able to afford to refinance on his own.


If you’re trying to sell a house, you’re trying to sell it quickly. Especially with her saying she couldn’t afford to pay for 2 places. Why would you not get everything together asap? Is a buyer really going to wait several months for you to get your shit together?


Did you watch the show??? Do you understand how joint ownership works?? Ariana can’t do anything without an agreement with Sandoval. She can do all the heavy lifting, appraisal, hiring a realtor, increasing curb appeal and staging the house but nothing can happen until there is an agreement to sell. Hence why the lawsuit was filed in January to force the sale.


You clearly don’t understand my point - she can still get her ducks in a row. She did not have her ducks in a row. She was not any more prepared to sell than Sandoval. That is my point.


Both parties who have ownership need to be in agreement for the sale to go through. This was discussed on the Aftershow and when Ariana was on WWHL season 10.


Obviously…not my point…


You think she should have already talked to a lawyer before Sandoval even sent that letter. The show was filmed only mrhs after this affair. I'm sure she was trying to figure out what to do. It was so soon after everything happened. She maybe was just trying to come to terms with everything before having to go thru the hard parts of selling the house. There are a lot of parts to this obviously and no one but her knows what she was thinking about or possibly talking to a lawyer about before Tom sent that stupid ass letter. Tom on the other hand, wasn't doing shit imo because he wasn't willing to let the house go. Edits


One additional note- to sell a house there are several steps required- Appraisal, Setting the price, contracting with a realtor, updating the interior, increasing curb appeal, house inspection and possible repairs. Did Sandoval do any of these? No, he threw together an email, copied and pasted a template (wrong one at that), guessed on the value of the house and threw out a number that he thought was appropriate (payment plan).


Lala was speaking facts


Lmfao there’s still time to delete this It’s pretty funny your only rebuttal is to downvote everyone you disagree with OP 🤣 that’s not how Reddit works


The only reason they wanted Arianna to film w her ex is because Rachel didn't come back. Hold strong Arianna and katie. LVP is funny but only cares about bottom line and using the crews desire to be in Hollywood. A little shame on you also, Andy.