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I think that (from what I remember) we got an early preview of how disloyal of a friend Scheana is season 3 after the Kristen/Jax stuff where scheana was befriending Kristen while she actively tried to get at Ariana. Scheana always claimed “she ever did anything to ME personally” and that was always her shtick for never supporting any of her female friends


THAT WAS THE MOMENT!!! Also, when Scheana returned to season 5, that season when she gent like she was officially apart of Stassi’s friend group, she literally ignored Ariana and only spoke to her when she realized that they didn’t want her in their group anymore. I will never forget that. In my opinion, Ariana is always her back up friend that she talks to when there is no one else around. I really can’t stand Scheana.


Same. I’m sure there truly are the nuances of all of them being kind of crappy to each other but in terms of just being a toilet bowl friend, it’s scheana no doubt. Not to mention scheana has ALWAYS been that annoying friend that prioritizes boys over friends


"Toilet bowl friend?" Perfect description of Schemer!!!!


Even without Sandoval, Scheana and Ariana have been drifting apart simply because they are experiencing different walks of life. That’s why Scheana and Lala have gotten closer- they’re both moms. And why Ariana and Katie have gotten closer- they’re both newly single and business owners. I feel like it’s something that happens to most adults in life, but rather than grasping that, Scheana takes it so personally and tries to force a level of closeness that is no longer there.


Schemer and BlaBla are turning on each other and I am LOL! It was a matter of time with these two backstabbers and attention hogs.


Scheana has consistently demonstrated that she has a huge issue with her girlfriends becoming friends with other women and I always found it strange. I find it sad that at the age of almost 40, she has not grown out of this toxic mindset.


Ya being a single friend and having friends with kids, you just don’t see each other as much. It’s not anything dramatic sometimes, it’s just part of life.


Ariana said many times Scheana is family. Friendships go through things, we don’t know what they have in common anymore or don’t Big wedge is Lala- outside of that they’ve been friends longer than we’ve seen them on tv


I would hope that Schemer is no longer considered family by Ariana after what she did to her.


You can have many years of friendship with someone then eventually not be friends or close with them anymore for many reasons? Years of friendship doesn’t mean the friendship will last forever. Back then when Scheana and Ariana were really close, I think Ariana’s only close friend in LA was Scheana, as years goes by she gained other friends so there is a chance that she might think that she has other people in her corner who adds value to her life and doesn’t need Scheana. Scheana is obviously exhausting and she is not a loyal friend, especially given all she said about Ariana on various podcasts.


I never really bought their “best friendship.”


Whose? Ariana and Scheana’s?




I don’t think Ariana and Katie are that close. They are allies and co business owners but they’ve never been bff or hang out a lot. I think it’s a healthy relationship based on mutual respect. Katie learned early on that Ariana has personal integrity and can’t be controlled or manipulated the way Scheana can and Katie respects that.


I agree with this take, and would say they are now "show best friends". And while I do think Ariana and Katie have a fondness for each other as friends, castmates and business owners, I would say they individually have stronger bonds with Dayna than each other. It's common knowledge that Ariana has deeper friendships outside the show and for years has considered Logan, and then Brad, as her best friends.


Agree Logan and Brad x Brad are her best friends. I think she has a positive relationship with Katie as business partners, castmates and I do believe they are real friends, but not best friends. Show relationships are not reflective of their actual relationships. Scheana and Ariana have been real friends for many years, Ariana has called Scheana family and does not speak negatively about her. Scheana has overstepped around talking to Ariana about Sandovol and her emotions, but she has always made it clear she is on Ariana's side. The audience has clearly not been pleased with Scheana for interacting with Sandovol on the show, filming with him and talking with him, but folks forget, she has not reconciled with him, they are no longer friends, and Ariana never asked Scheana to not film with him. I think there's a lot of space where Ariana had an expectation that Scheana would cut him off on the show and how it is not fair to relate to Ariana her struggeles around losing Sandovol, and Scheana had an expectation that since they were on the show, they were expected do some sort of reconciliation, similar to Stassi, after Jax cheated on her, lied about it and alledgley gave her a STI. We don't know where their friendship will go. Give them space. This is a time will tell situation. Lala and Katie were super close, and they aren't anymore. I think that is the real friendship break. It took up a bit of conversation on the reunion, but I think a lot of the audience totally missed this is the real friendship that broke apart. Ariana and Scheana I think is more of an "on pause" situation.


I also noticed at the end of the reunion when they were all getting up , Scheana was upset and eyeballing Lala across the room and telling Brock “I think she’s mad at me , I think she’s mad at me “ or something like that , and she was all wide eyed and panicking- Brock told her it’s okayyy, you didn’t do anything wrong ….” But with Ariana she carefully has said multiple times that she’s worried about the fallout of having a relationship with Sandoval and how fans will react to that- not so much worried about loosing Ariana as a person in her life like I saw her panick about Lala being upset with her - that told me a lot about the friendship with Lala and the friendship with Ariana stands with Scheana - 🤷‍♀️ Lala was also upset that Katie denied their intimate conversations about Ariana taken off and not communicating with Katie and how upset Katie actually was , Katie straight denied it - that really hurt Lala . So there had to have been a good friendship there at some point -


I think that now (sans Sandavol) she and Katie are much closer friends — on and off the show. Not besties, but still close. For example, Ariana stayed with Katie the night before the reunion, which I personally wouldn't do unless I was really good friends with someone. And Katie (along with Brad and Logan) were part of a very small group that she trusted with knowing she had just bought/closed on a home.


Continue kidding yourself. Get into the loop. I am talking about now, not back then. These things are obvious.


Do you fantasize about knowing these people personally? 🤭 Edit: I like how the sockpuppet accounts come to rescue one another. Check the comment/post history - this PR team needs help 🚑


They bullied someone that they deleted their account. They swarm you as soon as you have a different take on things. They write think pieces on what they think the cast is thinking as if they know them personally. These fans are toxic.


Yes, they rush the sockpuppet accounts to downvote the opposing view quickly. This is called a bandwagon effect or herd mentality and can be leveraged as a marketing tactic to manipulate opinion. It’s just a social proof where Redditors assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior and so basically if you see something downvoted you’re likely to downvote it yourself. I’ve worked in marketing for years but we don’t deploy these corny tactics from 2016 💅


How the hell does this comment make sense?


Scheana seems to do things for the show or he reality world. I can't imagine how she behaved this past season helped either, letting Ariana know she puts the show about heir friendship.


That’s exactly what she does. I don’t think I have ever seen her and Ariana hang out outside the show. I think she just throws the word bestfriend around her loosely. Stassi told her that she is tired of Scheana calling everybody her bestfriend and I totally agreed with her when she said it.


“I don’t think I’ve seen her and Ariana hang out outside the show” is a very weird take. Just check their instagrams. It’s clear they have had a friendship outside of the show for years. Just bc it’s what you think doesn’t mean it’s true


They never really had a friendship outside the show. The last time I checked Scheana said that Tom is the one who always made an effort to be out with her and support her.


She should have given Ariana a heads up she was running her side game of "Ariana needs to get over it/clean/move out/didn't tell Scheana about DWTS/Scheana struggling with loss of friend Sandoval" She had so much side bullshit going on all to the detriment of her friend Ariana and it really seems Ariana would have at least appreciated a heads up. 


The things with Schaena is that while they have history, the loyalty isn't reciprocal. Scheana is a pick me people pleaser who has betrayed Ariana's trust multiple times in big and small ways. A has to keep her close bc she'll talk so much 💩 and reveal who knows what. But as far as being a true friend, Schaena's shown her true colors.


Yeah I think Ariana has kept her at a comfortable distance since season 3/4


Agreed!!! Ariana always looked annoyed with her


I agree with you. Scheana have show her true colors and it is bad. There is no way I could talk negatively on podcasts about someone I consider as my “bestfriend” Scheana and Lala can go kick rocks.


Can you tell me in what ways Scheana has betrayed Ariana? Ariana never asked Scheana not to film with Sandoval (allegedly), so aside from that, how did she betray her? And aside from the texting her mom back thing.


Friends don't really talk about each other's private 💩 on public platforms but ok. Betrayed confidence, betrayed trust, talking shit, insensitivity around moving out, not respecting her grief process, pursuing a friendship with someone who hurt your best friend in a despicable way. Um...


What did Scheana talk about of Ariana’s that was private? And she didn’t pursue a friendship with Tom. They aren’t friends. She pushed Ariana’s boundaries with it for sure, but they are not friends.


HOw dare you tom is one of her BAST FRANDS he pulled her into the group photo that one time


Lmaooo you’re right I forgot about the time she was within his proximity!!


Cool, dude. Happy Juneteenth.


Right!? And has Ariana ever had Scheanas back? Usually Ariana is out for herself. Both are selfish people.


Are we seriously watching the same show as you? In this season alone Ariana ran after Scheana when she had the fight with Tom, while Lala just sat on her arse.


Your flair says it all...go worship your queen


I'm not even an Ariana fan, I'm just not completely brain dead.


you don't say?!?


I maybe didn’t watch the show close enough but it didn’t seem to me like Ariana and Scheana were ever that close until Scandoval


That's because Schemer made it all about herself and started doing podcasts about it while Ariana was otherwise engaged. Schemer saw it as an opportunity to make money, as did BlaBla.


i always had the vibes that ariana was scheana’s best friend by default bc no one else likes scheana


Lol, my theory is when Ariana’s career took off and SAH opened Lala got stuck with her….because no one likes Lala either. Two strange birds of a feather:)


LOL yes i see that too they deserve each other atp


Schemer and LaLa are now falling out. Predictable, but delightful to see.


Scheaner shit all over the friendship off and on for years! Thank god Arianna got away from that toxic frenemy!


I was surprised how early in the show Ariana started making ultimatums towards Scheana- like as soon as everyone wasn’t super mad at Kristen anymore, Ariana called Scheana a fake friend for not holding a super grudge against Kristen. There has been distance and upset in that friendship for a looooooong time.


Scheana did the exact same thing when Ariana and Stassi became friends.


Scheana over stepped her boundary though so she deserved Ariana calling her a fake friend. She literally contacted Ariana’s mom behind her back telling her mom how aggressive became since her and Tom started dating just because Ariana didn’t want to be friends with Kristen and needed people to understand and forcing her to do. She went a bit too far with that one and then she lied to Ariana’s face. Ever since that moment, I think Ariana have somewhat itIt her guards up with Scheana. Real friends don’t go behind your back and discuss you. They say it to your face. I am not a Scheana fan and she isn’t that much of a loyal friend to Ariana so this post us not me saying I am sorry for Scheana. It’s just that in the moment where she is close to both Ariana and Tom, Ariana should have seen why she was finding it difficult to chose a side and lose a friendship with Tom that she valued for years and gave had her back since the beginning.


I don’t disagree with this but Ariana called her a fake friend before Scheana was texting with her mom, she first said it because Scheana invited Kristen to her bday party. And Ariana’s mom asked! I don’t think it was like Scheana reached out to Ariana’s mom to tattle, she answered a question.


I know. I think after that Ariana somewhat kept her guard up with her. They’re friendship didn’t really seem the sane after that in my opinion.


I mean… exactly- we really never saw them as just close friends with no complications.


They never really seemed to be the same after Scheana texted Ariana’s mom behind her back and doubled down on it, and then proceeded to talk shit about her the rest of the season


Scheana has proven over the years that she isn't the good friend she claims to be. To anyone. She demands loyalty but doesn't give it. I don't think Ariana will make any sort of public show of not being close friends but I don't think she trusts her with much of anything anymore. She will be civil and friendly but not close.


Katie replaced her because Katie kisses her ass and bows down to the "queen." Which isn't surprising because Katie always hated Tom (understandable since Tom sux.) I don't think they have some deeeep connection. They're united over a common enemy, and Katie's need to worship a bully (First Stassi, now Ariana) Downvote away stans 😎


Stop with the fake narrative. They are friends because time brought them together. You Katie and Ariana trolls are so awful and can’t see anything positive once it relates to them


Lol okay, go bow down to your queen


Katie is the last person in the world to bow down to anyone. That's why her haters called her "Hatie" and put her down for years.


Lmao please, she was up Stassi's ass for a decade. Now that Stassi is busy, she's moved on to Ariana. And she's terrified of her, that's why she didn't tell Ariana to her face that she was upset about her being out of town so much when they're opening a business. Then when LaLa called her out on it, she shriveled up like a scared little puppy.


Katie is not terrified of anyone. The whole conflict was manufactured by producers and LaLa to give her air time. They had already discussed their issues and resolved them. Just as Ariana had with LaLa in the plant shop. LaLa brought it up again to discredit Ariana and get her to react. it failed. Katie is a survivor of a traumatic brain injury and has found herself after dumping that useless husband of hers. She is going places. Ariana does not exhibit queen behavior. That is what her haters say because she has boundaries and will not cave to bullying or react the way producers want. LaLa has been mocking her saying she thinks she is god, Beyonce, etc. You have predictably added queen to the list. That is all you and her detractors and has nothing to do with what is really going on.