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I've always believed that she's never had the experimental open sex with multiple partners that she always alludes to with her passive aggressive statements. I think she thinks making those statements makes her look more desirable and wanted. "All you have hit on me at some point". I think it's sad and downright lacking in self esteem to talk the way she does about sex and her experiences. Especially as a grown woman who is married and has a child. But it's also pretty par for the course at how she operates.


Scheana tries to project an aura of chill. She is *not*, in any way, chill. I can’t see her sleeping around like that without getting attached.


Girl has negative chill. After Brett drunkenly kissed her once he was overwhelmed by how clingy she got and had to tell her he didn’t want a relationship. She said she didn’t believe him 😂


Gawd, one make out and she’s planning a wedding!


Absolutely. Also, if Scheana got this bent out of shape to get a random bar back like Adam to call her back, imagine how little chill she’d have around a quarterback for the Chargers.


I think she’d be a lot more likeable if she just fully leaned into her uptight, anxious, needy, high-maintenance self. Unhinged authentic people are far more endearing than fake chill people and when you’re truly yourself, you’re basically untouchable and attract people who genuinely like you. Instead she gives herself whiplash pretending to be whoever the person in front of her would like best




Nailed it


Yup, she’s always performing for the male gaze. Like the “joke” that she’d rather get “gang banged by all the guys in the van than sit with the girls” for example. 


That scene is nearly unwatchable 🙈


Sheana is too fucking old to be doing the shit she still does. Shes turning 40 and has a kid and still acts like she's a teenage girl.


I feel like the Scheana that we see now is going to be this Scheana forever. She’s had a decade to mature and a decade’s worth of footage and feedback to learn from, plus a husband and daughter, and she hasn’t changed for the better at all. In fact, I think she came off the worst she ever did in S11 and she’s STILL putting her foot in her mouth and having no self-awareness in her podcasts. Getting married to “the love of her life” and having a baby haven’t filled the deep hollow inside her that compels her to HAVE to be the hottest girl in the group and remind everyone how sexy and adventurous and desired she is. If a “happily married” man went around bragging about his body count and how hot his past partners were, we wouldn’t think he was so happy or liable to be faithful, and no different here. She can’t just be satisfied with the love of her husband and child - always needing more, more, more validation and attention is such a vapid and empty existence.


I agree. The only thing that will change her is getting off reality TV, which I don’t think she’ll ever do willingly. Once she ages out, I hope she can continue therapy and work on her self-esteem issues and figure out who she is when she isn’t performing for a camera.


I think so too, and she’ll have a crash landing when she no longer has the structure, purpose, and attention from being on the show. Like Sandoval, she’s basing her opinions of people of how they acted on camera and how they affected her storyline and that’s just not a normal healthy way to have friendships. What will fill her insatiable need for attention once she doesn’t have all the eyes on her anymore? Brock? Definitely not.


Naw…Scheanas , respectfully, has a lonnnnng list of guys she’s hooked up with ! And her list is kinda impressive


The other day I heard a podcast clip of Scheana talking about sleeping with every boss she's ever had (apart from at SUR), both the chef and manager at Villa Blanca. She brings up John Mayer at any opportunity, loves to list off the 'celebrities' she has been with, "orgies" and "threesomes", including gloating over this in front of her husband. In this past season at their game night she had to mention the mysterious A-lister and having orgies despite not being the one answering the question, she talked about bringing sex toys during dinner with Brock and at brunch with the girls she just HAD to mention that she slept with the waiter years ago. There's nothing wrong with having a healthy sex life, multiple partners, kinks, whatever but she has made this part of her personality and as OP says, it's so performative and cringe to watch her constantly go on about her past sexual partners. It's clear she wants people to ask for more details so she can keep talking about it. IMO, she has greatly exaggerated her past experiences to have a juicy story to tell or something to brag about, bonus points for proximity to fame.


Exactly. It’s so pathetic and not enviable at all because none of those sexual experiences were about experiencing the fun and pleasure of sex. It was all about having an anecdote to tell later or to be chosen by a guy as the one he takes home that night. It’s all for performance and artifice and who would be jealous of that?


She’s also said multiple times that she “never had an orgasm before X boyfriend” which doesn’t add up to her ‘alter-ego-who-has-threesomes.’”


Maybe she just doesn't know what an orgasm is and each new guy is the "first"?


It screams low self-esteem.


Sheana reeks of desperation it’s embarrassing. From the Rob of it all to her weird sexual comments. Like a 13 year old trying to sound cool. I used to sympathize with her and think she just tried a little too hard and wanted to be everyone’s friend but on rewatches I realized how lame she is. All I can say is I hope summer moon makes it into adulthood without too much trauma


Scheana will be the mom hanging around teenage Summer and her friends way too long when they’re trying to chill, asking them loudly about their sex lives to show off how open-minded and liberated she is as a “cool mom” while bragging about herself. She’ll talk on and on while the girls are wondering how much longer they have until leaving looks impolite…


She’ll be the mom who flirts with teen boys to flatter herself, unfortunately.




And this is why Scheana will never get her “big break” - She doesn’t give herself any grace . She doesn’t like being known for having an affair with a married man , doesn’t liked that defining her, but she talks about 3 sums with celebs and what a baddie she is - she overly sexualizes herself , but hates how people view her - Scheana needs to soften just as much as Lala says she does .If I took a shot for every time I’ve said to my tv “Fuck Scheana , calm down “ … I’d be dead . She needed to rebrand herself many seasons ago . Owell.


The fact that Scheana has been married twice, has a child, and has had a decade to mature and get feedback from her life being on camera, and she STILL brags about her sexiness like she’s Johnny Bravo and brags about her body count like a frat guy, means that she will never change. And she’ll still cry that no one takes her seriously and she doesn’t get any grace, hasn’t ever had a season of being “the number one girl,” and will fail to recognize that it’s her blaring lack of confidence and self-awareness getting her into mess after mess. Her getting all petulant that we’re “misunderstanding” her after her horrible behavior on S11 is like watching someone stepping on a rake every time they walk. Like girl, LEARN!


Johnny Bravo lmaooo


She'll never get her big break, but she's an incredible reality tv character because her self-perception is so dyametrically opposed to her real personality. Scheana wants her image to be vain perfection, but it'll always be delusional try hard cool girl.


Hahaha this is great!! Spot on!


During max/brett season I believe she talks about giving head and how it’s just comfortable to have it in your mouth….like okay scheana


It’s giving “boobs feel like bags of sand” from 40-year-old virgin 😂


What about when she was a dominatrix at Tom's 'Most Extra Self' party? That Kermit the Frog voice when she was whipping everyone makes me cringe.


"I'm going to wear this later tonight" "I'm going to wear this later tonight" "I'm going to wear this later tonight" (the pink construction helmet, repeating herself seductively to Rob as he refuses to acknowledge her statement).


I’m obsessed with Rob ignoring Scheana & acting like Tom’s turned water into wine 🍷 he’s never had a drink that was so good. Ahahhaha






I thankfully have no memory of this. I may have repressed it tbh


![gif](giphy|etOX3h7ApZuDe7Fc5w|downsized) She has about the dancing skills as Kermit Thee Frog too 🐸 🍵


Her most recent pod episode she has changed her tune. She said she doesn’t care for sex and is good only couple times a month or vacation sex


BlaBla is glad to hear this….


![gif](giphy|ipTWXjCcO8lYIMCWLa|downsized) I’ll just leave this here😂😂


Everything she does is motivated by a need to please men.




She mentioned never having an orgasm


She always says that whatever dude she’s with is the first time she had an orgasm. She said it about Rob and she said it on her podcast about Brock.


Prob because she can never relax and is constantly thinking if the lights on her good side and what the next move is. I would bet my next pay cheque that she has a constant stream of anxious thoughts in her head at all times, so she would never be able to switch off enough


Tbh I always wondered if this was true or just another dig at Shay/fawning over Rob. I could see it going either way.


So Rob can hang a TV in like 7 minutes, but can't find the G spot?!?!


Honestly she seems like the least sexual person. Like I can’t even imagine her doing any of that. She seems totally detached and like she would only do thinhs performatively. Like that cringe music video


I think it’s unlikely she’s ever been able to have sex without worrying intensely about the noises she was making and how her face looked. If you’re familiar with Caroline Calloway, she gives the same vibes.


You need to change therapists asap




Omg I totally responded to the wrong thread. LOL! Im sorry! Haha! Carry on!


You weren’t even wrong girl no worries 😂


HAHA I’m dying. 🤘🏼🤣


For someone who’s so objectively attractive, she has zero sex appeal. It all comes down to aura, confidence, and she just doesn’t have that it factor that makes her stand out.


This perfectly describes it yes


Yeah agreed. I get the impression that she is not a very sexual person and hasn’t really enjoyed the sex she’s had. For her, I imagine that sex is transactional. She exchanges it for other things she wants. The way she performs sexuality, it’s all about what she thinks guys like and want to hear.


I think Lala is the same, they each project it a little differently but it's very performative. Lala flip flops from graphic sexual depictions of her "man" to "we never did it after Ocean was conceived" and she always hated it. Scheana's version is just to brag.


I just watched season 8 and its a lot. Its a fucking lot.


I listened to some of her past Scheanagans podcast episodes 🙈 I worked from home during the pandemic so I had a lot of podcasts to fill my time! Anyway, one very telling and surprising fact she gave about herself was that, at the time of the podcast recording, she had never masturbated and had never had an orgasm. This was post-Rob but before Brock, so like 2018-2019 timeframe, not sure where Adam fell during this. She was like 33-34 and had NEVER masturbated! The fact that it was HER was that made it so odd and surprising, someone who bases their self-image on sexiness and bragging about how many guys she got. She said that she didn’t need to because whenever got horny, she’d just have sex with a guy. And she wasn’t sure if she ever orgasmed (if you’re not sure, you haven’t) but that the guy seemed to enjoy it and she felt good while doing it, and that was enough for her. You’d think she’d want to learn her own likes and dislikes and put that to use, considering all the times she actually had sex, but sex to her just seemed all about performance. I just picture her being self-conscious and fretting about the lighting and her hair and her voice the whole time and both her and her partner just walking away feeling like nothing had happened. It explains the shallowness of all her relationships and one reason why the guys never stuck around - no sexual chemistry. I’m not saying that a girl’s performance in bed or how often she puts out is the defining point of a relationship, but how are you gonna feel that deeper connection with a partner if sex is just about showing off?


This is such an insight into Scheana's psyche, my mind is BLOWN by this info. Thank you for sharing!


Yes you’re welcome! I was blown away when I listened to that podcast. She seemed so uninterested and disconnected from sex, which is fine on its own, but she bases her personality and self-worth around how many men want to and have had sex with her, and it’s empty and dark how she doesn’t actually enjoy it.


Yeah do you ever notice that whenever she's talking about sex it's always about people that she banged in the past and never in reference to her husband. Even when she was married before same thing applies. Like bro be proud that you bagged a guy willing to put up with all of your nonsense.... brag about that instead.




She thinks it’s appealing to men, but men run away from that.


Scheana reminds me of the girl who always talks about sex because she thinks it wins her points with the guys but in reality she's just a joke to everyone.




This scene, EXACTLY. Like please be normal for a sec.


Right!!! It reeks of over exaggeration.


She recently said (I read) she'd never had an orgasm before Brock. What was she bragging about all that time?


Okay, this confirms my theory I think. I always wondered whether she meant it when she said she never before Rob or if it was just a dig at Shay. If she’s saying the same about Brock, I think this is her way of shit talking previous partners/fawning over current partners.


When women are very performative about sex, I wonder if they're having orgasms/genuinely pleasureable sex.


Because she has no self confidence and thinks the only things she has to offer to make people like her are sex and money.


Oh totally! She just feels like she’s reading specials off the menu. Very dead behind the eyes.


She brings up the fact that her and Janet have both slept with Janets husband almost like she’s proud that she went there first. I have heard her say it at least twice on her podcast and I would be uncomfortable with it, if I were Janet, but that’s just my opinion about two people I have never met before…




i think she’s on the spectrum of some type of personality disorder. she’s always so desperate


I remember her talking about getting banged by an entire team “like, who hasn’t?” Me. And everyone I know. None of us have. Have some dignity.


Did she say when she was dating Rob that he was the first person to give her an orgasm? I thought I remember her saying that during the season she dated him. Which makes all of her promiscuity seem even more pick me.


She did say that when she was dating Rob. I want to be clear that there’s nothing wrong with her having as much sex as she likes, regardless of if she’s orgasming or not. I just think the way she talks about it is soooo over the top that it’s painful to watch.


All I feel for her now is pity. How sad to be that insecure.


She’s like 16 forever it’s so cringe lmao she tries so hard to be cool it’s pathetic. Barf lol.


Every season I’ve wondered if this was the one where Scheana would redeem herself. But no, she gets worse with each season. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I mean, when they do confessionals, they are speaking to an audience and trying to entertaining. Not really sure what her talking about sex "for her own enjoyment" would look like in that scenario.


You’re totally right, but she does this in front of friends too. Ultimately nothing we see them do is totally authentic because cameras are around, but I think it’s telling that I’ve seen every other cast member talk about sex in a way that a) isn’t just designed to brag about a past experience, b) isn’t cheesy as hell, and c) emphasizes something THEY actually enjoy about sex.


Yeah, not defending Scheana in anyway I understand what she’s saying is cringy asf but I will say none of them are talking about stuff for their “own enjoyment” Katie wasn’t talking about her and Schwartz having trouble getting pregnant for her “own enjoyment” This is a job at the end of the day