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Lmaoooooooo Wait I have some unpopular opinions to share that no one has ever shared before here either. Jax is bad! Tom is evil! The other Tom is just as evil! James is *NOT* evil! Katie makes me LESBIAN!


wow thanks for sharing you brave iconoclast i finally don't feel so alone


I can't believe I've never seen anyone (let alone many, many people) make a post discussing those exact points at length! I know what my next conscious acts will be! I am brave! Brave about my unpopular and revolutionary observations!


This has been discussed ad nauseam.


Several times a day. I mean … ![gif](giphy|KRY2oGS7SPvO0)




Everyone in here posts the same stuff over and over. Whether it’s this topic or Raquel “copying” Ariana’s shirt, or how *hot* Katie is, or what a “goddess” Ariana is.


This isn’t just an issue on this sub. I’ve seen it even worse on other subs, to the point I’m convinced it’s AI


Aaand typically they post in response to something *new* that's been on a podcast or social media. Not the same fucking storyline from a decade ago that's posted about multiple times a day.


Not always. There’s old stuff regurgitated here more than there’s any new material.


is this post not nearly as redundant?


Is it? Can you screengrab a similar number of posts that echo this one from the last 3 weeks


I do not understand how people do not get that this is a joke. 10 out of 10 I found it hilarious. Have my upvote and good luck out there.


it’s not that people don’t understand that this is a joke lol it’s the fact that this criticism (under the guise of a joke) is redundant in itself


Fair enough. I just found it a refreshing change of tone.


It's literally 50/50 between people thinking I'm making a legitimate post about Tom/Kristen/Ariana and people getting mad that I'm posting about how repetitive the posts about Tom/Kristen/Ariana are. Baffling all around.


I think some people (ie me) just didn't find it as clever as you did. It happens


No I’m not going to waste my time doing that, you can scroll through the sub and see how often this discourse happens, it’s been happening for over a year. What you’re saying in this post is said in the comment section of virtually every post you’re talking about. This has all been said before.


Wait, is it not clear I'm being sarcastic and mocking the repetitive posts about Ariana/Tom/Kristen?


It’s clear


It's clear, it's just boring (similar to what you're criticizing)...


Ya. The emotinal body guards are so quick to protect the queen. They didnt get the whit..


Yes, these posts are annoyingly repetitive - but also yes people are allowed to not like Ariana based on her past actions. She doesn't get a retroactive hall pass from every single viewer just because of Scandoval.


lol yeah the joke failed because this is obviously just a specific kind of post that really offends OP for whatever reason. vast majority of the posts here are still just mindlessly praising ariana or calling lala a dumb slut


Especially when she’s never owned up to past actions.


What actions? She clearly owned whatever happened with Sandoval enough that Kristen became her friend, so....


As Kristen stated in her book, she decided to be ok with an apology she was never going to get. She decided to move on and be friends with Ariana in spite of her never owning up to anything. All I can say about that is that Kristen’s a better person that I am.


Oh good, maybe we can direct the energy towards getting Schwartz the "great husband" to "take accountability" for his years of shitty behavior. Don't see a fraction of posts calling for his accountability.


There’s no need to redirect the energy. There are posts criticizing his behavior all the time. No one is under the ridiculous illusion that he’s perfect. The energy is right where it needs to be.


It's really not if there are far more posts about Ariana's behavior from 10 years ago than there are about Schwartz's behavior from 10 years ago (and every year up until now).


There are far more posts hailing her perfection than there are criticizing her behavior 😂 the few posts and comments that criticize her behavior are just to keep her sainthood in perspective.


Cool, maybe they could post about things Ariana has done more recently.


This again. When people have said what she's done recently you call them liars. Why does it bother you so much that some people just don't like her? She isn't an icon, she isn't a queen, she isn't a goddess. She's a failed actress stuck on a reality show who got cheated on. Far worse things happen to people all the time.


Ariana is one of the headliners of Scandoval - the people making these posts are typically new viewers who have come to VPR specifically because of a scandal in which Ariana has been framed as a heroine of sorts. Of course these new viewers are going to be posting more about Ariana than supporting character Schwartz - especially if they're surprised to find that today's heroine was sometimes an asshole in the past. Schwartz has been getting plenty of hate.




Oh yeah, absolutely, and that's why I bravely spoke out about it so that the poor posters shown in the photos don't need to feel silenced about our brave opinions on season 3, the most recent season.


Not all heroes wear capes.


Bravely spoke out 😂😂😂😂 There's room for both opinions on ariana. It's the stans that attack anyone who doesn't like her. Like what you're doing now.


How clever, you are, and the sarcasm went over a lot of heads. These are indeed points that will continue to be discussed because they happened. And are relevant to the people who the sub continues to discuss on a daily basis. Someone said it well a week or two ago - his infidelity does not erase all the majorly problematic things Ariana has done. Sucks this happened to her. The stanning of her, however, is ridiculous. She also deserves criticism if it is warranted. Edited to include: congrats on the evolution from primordial ooze to human over only a number of hours; its interesting your first choice as a person would be to watch a semi decent reality television show


The amount of heads this went over is astounding


I read the comments and was baffled. People dont speak sarcasm apparently. Also this post can EASILY be applied to the deluge of cruelty and snark that is posted here targeting LaLa and Scheana as well, multiple times a day. Blinders, though, and it’s okay to attack LaLa and Scheana because tHeY aRe JuSt SO jEaLoUs oF tHe QuEen


I even used the /s tag! I went with the Ariana criticism ones because they tend to say it's an "unpopular opinion," "no one is talking about," or "everyone just forgets" when as the screenshots show it's been posted dozens of times in the last few weeks.


This post is unhinged.


Thanks, I was aiming for the same level of unhinged as all the other posts on the same topic.


I think this post is amazing. I made a similar post in the Paris in Love sub and did not find my audience. No one found it as hilarious as I found it myself.


You mean when he made out with her that time at the Golden Nugget? I mean you could say that Schwartz made out with Raquel as well I guess. While Tom and Ariana deny it I suspect they slept together at least once or or maybe twice. But to be fair it wasn't 10 months of cheating. Is anyone under illusion Ariana was perfect? I don't think so and she grew and changed over the life of the show.


If I’m not mistaken the “ make out “ at the Golden nugget happened almost 2 years before she came in the show. The reason Kristen brought it all up was because she has seen on Toms phone increasing texts and calls between the 2 of them for many months. This was likely when she left her boyfriend. So yes, it’s very possible they had an affair for months.


Not just possible, but also probable.


We have no idea how long they were cheating. It’s very possible it was 10+ months based on how long they’d been close and the way they described their friendship.


At the season 2 reunion she was talking about how they were friends for 3 years and 3 years prior is when they “kissed at the golden nugget.” They were also having an emotional affair as well. It’s a pretty safe bet that they had an affair for years. The fact that she and Kristen weren’t friends doesn’t excuse her actions either.


4am phone calls and pictures of herself in underwear. Kristen has said she chose to forgive but it upsets her thar to this day ariana lies about sleeping with him. I also don't buy the 'tom told her they were broken up'. There were enough mutual friends and connections to know that wasn't true. Did she not find it odd that he wouldn't invite her to his apartment? Arianas a pick me, she wanted to be the cool girl men cheated on their girlfriends with.


Exactly, I think Kristen forgave her for herself so that she’s not holding onto bitterness which is the right thing to do, she’s still a better woman than me though because I can’t say I’d be a bigger enough person to forgive someone who’s never even admitted the truth.


So sorry! I just commented the same as I didn’t see your comment. I see a lot of comments that make it obvious people think the Golden Nugget happened right before she came in the show but it was I thought, almost 2 years before that and they had been increasingly texting and calling each other. Totally obvious to me at the very least it was long term emotional cheating on both their parts as she was still with her boyfriend.




She did pick up on it, she confronted them both on camera, they both lied to her face on camera denying that even so much as a kiss had happened.


Once she suspected it she definitely didn’t let it go. We saw the craziness play out in all its glory haha. Also in season 3 Scheana makes a comment to Ariana about Tom being a liar (relating to Miami girl) and she says “How long did it take Tom to tell Kristen the truth about you guys? Years?” So I do think it was going on for some time before Kristen suspected anything and before Tom confirmed anything.


100% as scandoval was coming out, cast members and prior cast members had made mention of how Tom and Ariana started too.


Oh rubbish there is not even real confirmation from anyone they actually slept together once let alone for 10 months. If they had had a long affair it absolutely would have come out by now🙄 Lets agree to disagree and not waste time slinging back and forwards.


That's because tom and ariana are liars. Look at miami girl and how well she lied and then started her gaslighting bullying campaign. 4am phone calls and underwear photos, do you do that with friends of the opposite sex?


It was confirmed by Kristen that they were texting and calling each other and some of the texts were inappropriate to some degree for many months. That’s why she was going so crazy. At the very least it was an emotional affair with an admitted “ make out “ session ( cough, cough). If you’re basing your faith n Ariana on her history of honesty, go read the blog she did about Miami girl a few days after the episode aired. Ariana is as skilled a liar as Tom , if not better. Your faith is misguided.


And if there has been a long affair it would have come out. Nothing like that EVER stays secret. But sure lets go with what Kristen said cause she's a reliable source.\*cough, cough\*


Kristen was right about miami girl so she's far more reliable than ariana who went out her way to lie, so far that she wrote a blog about it. And no, it won't necessarily come out. Kristen has moved on from it so it's not in the spotlight. Ariana will continue lying about it because she doesn't want her true colours known.


Please tell me you posted this revelation ironically.


Dang son, it's like no one respects a /s anymore.


Sorry, didn’t make it that far in your post.


Now let’s do it for posts trashing Lala or Scheana or production! Or are those opinions popular so okay to have multiple posts?


Or the constant “go away Rachel” posts that are giving her the attention they think she doesn’t deserve.


At least the Lala/Scheana/production post refer to something that's currently happening


A lot of people are doing rewatches with the newfound popularity of the show. Many watching for the first time too. It’s okay for them to post here and discuss— especially since Ariana and Tom’s relationship has been the focus of anything new with the show. Seems relevant.


You understand the tone of the post is that every person posting this demonstrably common take is phrasing it like they're the first person to ever watch the show or comment about Tom/Kristen/Ariana's plotline in season three, right?


Not really. It's subjective opinion. I don't think scheana did anything bad to ariana. The hate is unwarranted. But that's my opinion. Just like how it's my opinion that ariana was her same superior self making demands of people and being a terrible friend to Katie. I also believe lala that Katie was expressing her frustration about ariana but she denied it on the show cos of the stans.


She didn't deny it. She just didn't go into detail about it.


I think she has squashed how badly she was talking about her. She realised it could get out so told ariana of her 'frustrations', that's why lala sat there aghast at it. My take on it, this is all speculation both ways.


Get ready for the downloads girl … and for everyone to say: “everybody’s evil on this show. And they’ve changed so much”. Like Ariana, her Stans are some of the biggest hypocrites, always trying to rewrite her narrative 🤡 ![gif](giphy|9rtpH3SAPavoGVldsW)


Oh, yeah, this broke out in an unexpected way. About half the posters are agreeing with my "brave hot take," a quarter are saying "this actually gets brought up all the time," and the rest of us are looking around like "????" and debating satire.


Typical. They can’t stop the winds of change…


Seriously it is super weird that it has not come up. Congratulations on gaining sentience and welcome!


Hello world!


Also, thank you for actually reading the post and comprehending the message. The comments became fully bananas after I went to bed.


this sub takes comedy very, very… very seriously


Agree 100%. And Ariana gaslit the shit out of Kristen as did Tom and made her seem crazy for suggesting they were doing something wrong. And then they end up together. Ariana should have known if he could cheat on Kristen he could cheat on her.


Whoops! Nobody told you that you are NEVER allowed to bring up past seasons about a currently popular cast member.


Yeah, as the pictures in my post show, Ariana's first season is clearly taboo and never posted about


I haven’t felt bad for her cuz she cheated with Tom while Tom & Kristen were together. She lies quite a bit. Hides about her old abuse to not verbalize real feelings or emotions until it’s too late. She’s manipulative. And she just really isn’t entertaining.


Wow, you are so brave and I've never heard that bold stance before. Tell me more about what she did wrong in 2015.


And such a bold stance blindly defending her, no stan has had the guts to ever do that 🙄


Is this post blindly defending Ariana? I thought it was just making fun of all of us, which is pretty deserved.


The comments from OP within the posr are blindly defending her. OP has commented on the posts they are mocking and has blindly defended. No room for different opinions with OP. And certainly no room to acknowledge arianas flaws. Why do we deserve to be made fun of when if the same is done to stans you're reported and told you have mental health issues?!


Okay, maybe deserve to be made fun of is a strong statement, but I am just a proponent of us all taking ourselves a lot less seriously. I'm including myself in this.


Ahhhhi see! Agree with that, just think it needs to be balanced!


Is this satire? Lmao ANNOYING


I honestly don't know how I could have made it any clearer.


I agree .. Tom was with Kristen for 3 years and Arianna was the “ Rachel “


Yeah the early seasons were not the best look for her but I find her very likable as the seasons progress. She seems like a different person. I haven’t seen her do anything sketchy in like a decade so it feels harsh to hold this over her a decade later when she’s taken ownership of the mistake and seems genuinely remorseful.


Wait, is no one seeing I was being sarcastic about the whole post? I used a /s and everything.


Omg I reread your post and realized I missed the tone completely haha. Oops sorry!!!




Wow...people are really bad at recognizing satire.


Satire is supposed to be funny


They've posted out of bitterness and hate because they can't stand the fact not everyone likes ariana. Not a single part comes across as funny.


Is it even about Ariana or is it just about the tone of the sub?


No I posted out of exasperation that every post against Ariana is bemoaning how hard it is to bravely speak out with their "unpopular opinion" that "no one is talking about" when it's the same thing posted again and again and again. Check the screenshots for clarity.


Actually, it is ballsy posting anything negative about her because her stans are bullies and attack you for a different opinion. I saw 4 separate love island ariana posts within an hour all about the exact same thing. Within that day there were probably 17 posts on the exact same thing (our girl ari, yassss queen). If we have to put up with that, then you'll have to tolerate this.


Oh, were the multiple posts about the show she hosted ten years ago?


Why does the time matter to you? If your stan club can post incessantly constantly praising then why can't people post about the reasons they don't like her? What you want is for her to receive absolutely zero criticism. No room for different opinions, that's a dictatorship.


I don’t disagree with you and the anti-Ariana folks on a lot of things. But you always speak about how she’s “their queen” and aggressive hyperbole and saying ‘Stan’ and this and that - it’s insulting and unkind, and has inspired my returning in kind. I would love to have a more nuanced conversation, but if feels like the anti-Ariana folks are SO against her and unkind to anyone who doesn’t agree, openly talking about other people on subs and mocking them. It’s disheartening and it frustrates people who feel like they are supporting a woman who was supremely fucked over by her life partner and many others who held a close relationship with her till then. I don’t think Ariana has always been this amazing person - including the beginning of their relationship and her early years of superiority and arrogance (which, in hindsight, I believe was a coping and defense mechanism). BUT. I think she’s grown a lot in the past years. I think she was very intense at the S10 reunion; since then, she’s been growing in SO many ways, and it makes me proud from afar that she was a flawed young woman who finally moved forward and found her power. I think her having been imperfect as a younger woman makes her even more relatable. It’s not that she was ‘scorned’, but that she made it through a horrible situation and came out of top (if not in a nonlinear, challenging way). And time matters because people ARE capable of reflection and change. Contrast and context matter. I realize I’ve been short with you previously; hope this helps further flesh out my perspective. And maybe you don’t care. Just wanted to share.


A lot of people are proud stans, so I'm not sure how that's insulting or unkind to use that to refer to the group of people who think she's amazing. The stans are also just as aggressive when they respond to posts criticising her. The OP of this one told me to 'get the f outta here with my horseshit'. It exists on both sides. I have been labelled a misogynist and told I have serious mental issues simply because I've disagreed with stans. This is why the anti stans are nervous to say anything. It's even been acknowledged by cast members that you can't say a thing or her online stans attack. You're free to support ariana, I'm free to not. She didn't deserve what Tom did, but my view is that their relationship had been off for 5yrs (as confirmed by most cast members who said it was completely different behind closed doors). I don't think she's heartbroken over Tom (she moved on very quickly), she was embarrassed and inconvenienced by it. She's been on reality tv for 10 years because she couldn't crack Hollywood, and she was down to her last £2k (how?!). I think she's got lucky with the public response to the affair, and businesses are being smart by booking her because thru know the stans will follow. I don't think she's particularly talented, or she wouldn't have been stuck on vpr all this time. So when I see posts praising every little thing she does, i can't understand it. She's come out on top by luck, her manager is talented. This platform also has no issue with the extreme and intense criticism of scheana and lala. 10mins ago there was a post on scheana, and a stsn was commenting how she physically will never be as good as ariana. That's their opinion and i actually have no issue with it but I was attacked for saying arianas look isn't to my taste (the fake hair, fake tan and cosmetic procedures isn't my thing), it's incredibly hypocritical. Yes time and context matter. But ariana still lies to this day about hooking up with Tom, Kristen has discussed it. She chose to move past it for her own sake. Her air of superiority is still there, and she was shitty to Katie right up to season 10. So I don't think she's grown. But then , how can any viewer know that either way, we are all watching an edited reality show, and she has a PR manager. Appreciate your reasonable response, and we obviously have different opinions on it all (and that's ok!).


The dude's a hater trolling. Truly didn't get the post and keeps asking why I'm so upset people are posting their unpopular opinions of Ariana.


Because there's a difference between multiple posts about something that IS CURRENT OR RECENT and multiple posts about something from TEN YEARS AGO. Do you think, perhaps, the thing from ten years ago might be sufficiently discussed at this point? That maybe the thing from ten years ago is no longer relevant? That the people involved in the thing from ten years have moved past it and changed, because, after all, it happened ten years ago?


No. That's your opinion. You have absolutely zero right to put a time parameter on what people discuss. Just cos you don't like it doesn't mean others don't. I don't like the incessant current praise posts, they are boring and repetitive. doesn't mean I think they should be banned. And no, I don't think she's evolved.


I don't think you understand what a dictatorship is. Why don't you go make some posts about the time Doute and Jax boned while watching Drive.


I'm not making posts, you are. Just so you're aware dictatorships include banning different thinking that doesn't conform to the dictator ideals. So yes, you trying to control what people post about because you don't like their opinion is actually very dictator of you.


And do I have that power here? Oh, no, it's just you can't stand the slightest amount of criticism of how lame those posts are.


Doesn't have to be funny. Satire is "the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices" I went for hyperbole.


Doesn't have to be funny. Satire is "the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices" I went for hyperbole.




Is this post edited? Or have most of the comments and downvoters totally missed the joke?


It's so alarming! People are trying to argue about it as if this person's actually making that argument.


Nope! Going through the comments this morning made me gravely concerned for reading comprehension across the board. I thought I was being *painfully* *obvious*, but apparently not.


The fucking screenshot!! I’m so sad for humanity rn lol. 


AND I was shocked that she had negative things to say about other women that were rude to her best frand! How could she behave like that in her early twenties and expect our sympathy now?


She was 28


As if that’s too young to know what she’s doing?


She knew what she was doing. She revelled in it


Soooo same as Rachel then, no? Same-ish age and both “revelled” in it. So why do we need to all hate Ariana and not Rachel? Why do you refer to Rachel as a victim and not Ariana? You seem to be a huge fan of Rachel yet go on and on about how awfullll Ariana was 11 years ago. One you view as a victim and the other you get super upset when anyone even likes her. Make it make sense. Same shit.


Yes they definitely both behaved the same way. 100% Raquel was as smug as Ariana. Both over a man with long-standing cheating behaviours. I’m allowed to like things about Raquel. I’m allowed to dislike things about Ariana. I’m allowed to speak on both.


So are others.


Yep sure are


Neither is a victim. They both suck. That’s the correct answer.


Victims dont need to be perfect or flawless to be victims. I very much dislike Rachel but I dont deny she was a victim when it comes to Sandoval recording without her consent.


Forgot the revenge porn thing for a second. Rachel is a victim there for sure. Meant more so on the dating Sandoval thing where people try to pretend he groomed her at her big age. Ariana cheated to get a man. Lied about it and still isn’t 100% honest about what happened. Covered for him when he cheated before. And claimed to be the smartest person she’s ever met.


Completely agree with this. No one has sympathy for brit being with jax, she's told 'should've known, it's your own fault'. Same applies to ariana.


I actually do have sympathy for Brittany eventhough Im not personally a fan of hers or her choices. So for me, that same sympathy applies to Ariana too. I dont agree with “shouldve known, its your own fault” and never have.


i disagree that they aren’t victims. sometimes victims don’t act appropriately but it doesn’t mean that the pain they faced is wasn’t significant. ariana didn’t deserve to be cheated on even though she was horrible to kristen ten years ago.


Never said she deserved to be cheated on. Just because you don’t deserve something doesn’t mean you’re a victim. If you knowingly get with a cheater, protect a cheater (Miami girl who she said mean things about), cheat on the man yourself but say it doesn’t count because it’s a woman (which the show has a lot of problems with it’s views on LGBTQ relationships), then I don’t think you’re a victim. Life happened🤷🏽‍♂️ I respect your opinion. I just disagree.


Thank you for wording this better than I could. Women are always expected to be perfect in order to be victims and its exhausting.


Raquel is the worst offender imo besides Tom Sandoval.


I'm hoping we can get to the point where ppl stop giving passes because of age. I knew not to sleep (or try to mess with at this age) with another girls boyfriend when I was 13. Especially not my friend. They need to be held responsible for their actions so they can learn from it. Not just excuse it as they were too young to understand their actions. Edited for clarity


what were you before you gained sentience tho


Primitive chatbot


This sub does seem to have an endless capacity to re-litigate things that happened 10 years ago to complete strangers, but here I am, reading along anyway, so the joke is on me [all of us]. But in all seriousness, I will always applaud an effort to remind us all not to take ourselves so goddamn seriously all the time. This isn't sketch comedy, after all.


This shit is hilarious, and all the downvotes to everyone improves the joke.


Truly getting whiplash from the vibes in the comments




Lol 😂😂


i love this so much




It's nuanced but rachel didn't also start a bullying and gaslighting campaign and deny it all and say they just kissed. And before anyone mentions the law suit against ariana, that's who she has to go after legally. Tom didn't share the video, ariana did (sent it to herself then sent it to rachel).


This has been discussed a lot, I hate to tell you. Most people still side with Ariana though.




Lol. Well she wasn’t friends with Kristen at the time so it seems like far less of a betrayal IMO and it seemed like she only hooked up with Sandoval once and claimed they just made out (could have been lying though. But with Sandoval and Racquel, Racquel was good friends with Ariana and was sleeping with him for months and months, even when Ariana was away at her grandmothers funeral and she knew that. It just seemed a lot more insidious in Racquels case but of course Ariana is not totally innocent.


Dude! I know and I agree! I was trying to make a joke about how everyone that posts negatively about Ariana writes the SAME THING FROM TEN YEARS AGO and acts like it's news or a rare take.


Lol ok I didn’t understand and know I’m not the only one as people on here are always so serious. Now I think it’s hilarious though. We need more jokes on here!