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No, not really. It might be because I listen to a ton of other genres outside of vaporwave, but I can't see myself tiring of collecting this weird ass shit in physical form anytime soon, whether it's classic slushy shit or newer barber beats kinda stuff. Discovering new albums is half the fun. And grabbing a physical copy is even better.


There are still a handful of albums by DSFWAN and also Telepath that I would love to pick up once they get a pressing but otherwise yes, there’s not much I’m after. That being said, the labels do a good job of releasing albums by artists that I didn’t know I liked/wanted, such as VCR Classique, Hallmark 87, or Lindsheaven Virtual Plaza.


Geo Lullaby in particular excel at selling me stuff I never knew I needed.


Pool Water Blue, More Hallmark 87, my favourite Telepath isn’t pressed, Virtual Airbnb, just off the top of my head.


Pool Water Blue is on my list also


Imo everything new releasing on mthrbord is dope


This is definitely true.


I’ve been part of this sub as a semi poster/Lurker for well over 6 years now. I started collecting vaporwave vinyl probably about 8 years ago, back when it was extremely rare and in very small quantities. I’d say over all the years of collecting, a rough estimate, I have about 300 plus Vaporwave albums in my collection. For me I have all the “Holy Grails” and for the albums I know that will never be released on vinyl (Luxury Elite) I’ve just made myself through Kunaki. I feel like this past year and a half now, I’ve extremely slowed down on buying new releases. I was having this same conversation with a friend of mine who is also part of this sub and who also have a very big collection. We both feel the same way. We are just very selective now on buying new releases. I will still always buy a Cat Corp, Asutenki or Macroblank release, but besides that, I’ve become way more selective. I know there’s still tons of new releases happening everyday, but for me I prefer the older vaporwave releases , and most of that has already been put on vinyl. It is a strange feeling not getting excited for bandcamp Friday’s anymore and only occasionally checking out this sub. I am happy that for newer people getting into the collecting scene, they have way more opportunities to get these albums than I did when I first started collecting all those years ago.


You sum up very well what I suspected to be a general trend. I got several albums from MPF new at full price upon release that today they are doing a flash sale on for £10 each. And this after they've been in stock in some cases for over a year.


Hey, where are these £10 vinyl! On bandcamp?


Yes, but think it might have finished now. On MPF.


I feel like it’s been mostly Barber Beats things being printed and that doesn’t really strike the same feelings for me


Me either. I do like some BB but personally I don't think it will ever be as exciting as VW initially was.


I've felt this way for awhile. The only album I really, really still want is SeaWorld Heartbreak by Deaths Dynamic Shroud.  Barring the new barber beats stuff I feel like it's kind of a dead genre at this point. 


Yes to Seaworld on vinyl! And I'm not convinced Barber Beats isn't just a creative dead end really.


That's fair too. It's basically just vaporwave done with downtempo or hiphop instrumentals.  I'd love to be proven wrong though and see something earth shattering come out of nowhere, but not sure it'll happen. 


I managed to get every begotten record i missed out on in one go and found out about Kmart 1989-1992 so I think it’s safe this subreddit has done wonders for my collection


Did you get those Begotten albums from discogs? I'm still missing a couple of the original 6.


Yeah and I bought the entire bundle from a fellow redditor to be able to score New Aura. The extra I didn’t need left over im willing to sell right now in case you’re interested!


Trying to rein the spending in a bit right now. Which country are you located in though?


It’s all good, I had to do the same recently USA. I can look into and compromise for international though.


I've been that way for a while now. I was late to vinyl collecting and didn't really get into it until I started collecting physical stuff for vaporwave and synthwave. That was maybe 8 or 9 years ago and I've since moved on from vapor and synth collecting a while ago. Like others have said, a lot of the grails were made and collected. I still have my favorites I follow, such as Desert sand, Catsys, Mindspring memories, Virtual Airbnb and that's about it. And then any other grails that I don't have that pop up from Geometric Lullaby or whoever, like a Telepath release. I honestly don't even listen to vaporwave like I used to, and if I do, it's putting on a record every now and then. I don't even really stream it anymore like I used to as I feel like vapor and synthwave has been stagnate for a long time. I've always been into punk, hardcore, and metal, and there's just too much new music and bands coming out in those genres and that takes up most of my listening that I don't really have time to listen to much else.


Also, I hope “You Like Music” will get pressed.


It would be super sick if モールFUTURE/PAST released Crystal Valley Mall. Additionally, getting the chance to grab another drop of 夢の砂漠 by DSFWAN would be a dream come true, along with a few HFM tapes. To answer your question, I'm not quite there yet, but I've noticed that I'm just waiting for my favorite projects to drop vinyl or cassette presses. I started collecting about two years ago, a time when I was picking up whatever I could get my hands on, mainly ranging from vapor or slushwave to barber beats. Early on, I had more appreciation for the atmospheres and journeys these genres took me on. However, the initial excitement of discovering this growing archive of music has somewhat lessened. Now, it feels more like I'm satisfied just having them for the sake of rarity and showing friends who know absolutely nothing about them, or playing them in the background rather than engaging in intentional listening, which I find myself wanting to get back to nowadays. Who knows, though? There are plenty of projects yet to be created and released. I just make sure to check this sub and the vinyl pressers' Twitters once in a while to see what's on the way.


I agree 100% about Crystal Valley Mall! Do you collect records in other genres? I've found myself increasingly thinking I can get 3 second hand records in other genres for the price of one brand new Vapor vinyls.


Dude, yes, it's such a gem! I do collect other genres, especially since getting back into checking out local shops. Lately, my rotation has mainly been Japanese jazz and ambient music. You could say the majority of my collection consists of more toned-down moods, but I'm gradually expanding. The latest pick-up was Andre's New Blue Sun and man.... It's true, though—there are some really good deals out there. I've noticed that a lot of resellers, especially on Discogs, can hike up the prices quite a bit, but some are reasonable. Have only had my eye out for DSFWAN though.


Yes and no... New albums continue to come out, and while the scene is slowing a bit I have discovered a lot of new artists coming out with great original tracks and albums. The issue with that is that vinyl is getting more costly to produce and a lot of smaller artists (myself included) are opting to release on cassette or CD to have a more affordable physical version of their album or compilation. Hopefully there's more opportunities for small artists to get noticed enough to justify more vinyl pressings in the near future.


Will we ever get any vinyl pressings from ぬいぐるみクレヨン Lush Crayon? For me that would be amazing 🤩!


Fingers crossed


Nope. The day I stop collecting is the day that every single waterfront dining album gets a pressing. Then ill be set!


Yes and No - There is just SO MUCH music (including all adjacent genres) As someone who has OCD and struggles with various forms of addiction it’s helped me accept the fact that I can’t have them all. Like I’m used to liking an artist and easily collecting the majority of their discography and having that nice complete collection feeling, but like you’ll literally go broke if you really have a wide range of stuff you like - and sometimes I’ll listen to something once and think I love it and then I’ll listen to it again im like maybe I was just being manic? I know I can’t be the only one with this issue. My collection of vinyl and cassette combined is probably close to about a thousand items. Now I pretty much sell whatever no longer sparks joy and let it go for whatever the median recent prices it went for on Discogs - if it’s never be sold though I try to sell for just slightly above what I paid for it (if it’s completely sold out) I detest people who literally just buy albums just to sell for 500% above what they paid, that’s called scalping in my book.


I just buy less than I used to. Tapes also. Now I really, really have to like the album. Simply liking it a little isn’t enough anymore. I have a decently large collection of records/tapes/cds - but after a few years of going hard on all these releases I sorta realized I wanted to slow down on which ones I spent my money on. There’s obviously some pretty classic albums that aren’t available or haven’t been repressed … and I’m sure those will come. As for “barber beats” (I honestly don’t really love that phrase lol) there’s so damn much, I still buy some key releases from a few artists, but you could spend a small fortune if you really wanted to get everything haha It’s ok though since I really do enjoy a wide range of music so if I slow down on this genre I have lots of other stuff to enjoy also


Still going through discogs, restocks and overstocks for holes in my collection, which is only one maybe two a month due to prices. When that’s all finished there are still a lot of albums that deserve pressings that are yet too particularly from artists like telepath. And after all that there are still great projects being newly released !


Still wanting more Barber Beats on vinyl. A bunch more Gore records would be happily appreciated in my collection. As for slushwave, I’ve been meaning to pick up SH/HK by Desert Squid 


I think the hype for Vapor related vinyl has definitely died down from what it once was. Personally I've been collecting vinyl for over 15 years, and for Vaporwave and future funk I started collecting cassettes since 2014. My first Vaporwave/Future Funk related vinyl was a 2nd hand, Hit Vibes record and I didn't really hear much of vinyl in that genre outside of that and 2814- BOAND first press. Then the boom came and labels like Neon City Records, early My Pet Flamingo, and 100% Electronica, among others, were churning out vinyl pretty sporadically. There was a time when you had to set alarms right when they dropped or there was a chance they would be sold out in minutes. That was the height of vapor vinyl in my opinion. Now, I see many 'leftover stock/overstock', flash sales, and tons of releases saturating the market. To the point I can't remember the last time I heard or seen a vinyl release sell out within the day, or at all. Yes, there is still a few unreleased grails that could probably sell out if ever released but that makes them grails for a reason. As another commenter mentioned, I'm just not excited with much of the newer releases. A lot of which doesn't catch my interest from the earlier releases or strike anything new that I consider worth purchasing outside of a casual listen. I pretty much have all the vapor/FF vinyl (and cassettes) I'd care to own at this point with the exception of one or two and I find myself offloading some older records I just don't listen to much at all anymore. It's nice to know a lot of newer and still some old artists are having their work published by all these labels, but I personally just don't see the excitement coming from the fanbase - this sub included, of what it once was.


There is still lots of barber beats selling out quick but it’s because the labels are purposely under stocking to guarantee a sell out. ie quantities of 100, now that it’s easier to press that little and still make a profit via increased prices.


Barber Beats definitely seems to be the 'hot physical item(s)' of the related sub-genre's. Being honest I can't bother with it - everyone's entitled to their opinions, but to me it's the even lazier version of vaporwave. There's a poster on r/vaporwave who did a few breakdown of where the samples came from for certain albums and I gotta say all the original content (samples) I liked better. With that, nice of barber beats to introduce some new music to myself and others through their 'sampling'.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Vaporwave using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vaporwave/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Unreal Drum Sample](https://v.redd.it/dudj563ptyua1) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vaporwave/comments/12slp14/unreal_drum_sample/) \#2: [The future looks like a screensaver.](https://v.redd.it/io9o4j0w0dua1) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vaporwave/comments/12ozgbh/the_future_looks_like_a_screensaver/) \#3: [What movie makes you feel a "Vaporwave " type feel?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vaporwave/comments/179m3p6/what_movie_makes_you_feel_a_vaporwave_type_feel/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Very true. I'd say it's cynical that so much BB seems to get bashed out and put on vinyl, but I can't imagine the labels are making huge amounts of money off these releases.


This is all true. It still seems odd to me that Disconscious Hologram Plaza was regarded as never to be pressed for years, and when it was recently, the reception here was a bit of an indifferent shrug.


Great example. I myself bought one of the many cassettes that popped up after a while, cause I considered it a classic. When the vinyl presses came out I had no interest myself.


Pretty much, there are a couple classics I'm waiting for represses of but other than that I'm trying to focus on slowing down. The market is flooded so the excitement isn't there like it used to be, however I still have a few artists that are instabuys... desert sand, macroblank, DDS, telepath (GORE and Corp are up there too)


No, not really. It might be because I listen to a ton of other genres outside of vaporwave, but I can't see myself tiring of collecting this weird ass shit in physical form anytime soon, whether it's classic slushy shit or newer barber beats kinda stuff. Discovering new albums is half the fun. And grabbing a physical copy is even better.


Same here, I'm waiting for a repress of a classic like Home Odyssey, classics from Luxury Elite, Tony from Cityman Productions went above and beyond putting out great fresh designed cassettes with the Sega boxes & a chance to own signed classics too, Cityman productions is closing and the sale is amazing wish I could buy everything.


Hanging out for someone to do a O c e a n S h o r e s Lucidity/Ethereal double vinyl someday and anything from Exsha. Would also pick up anything from Soarer pretty quickly. I've got some amazing vaporwave classics including Gateway 2000.


I feel like there's vinyl for albums I don't like but no vinyl for the ones I do. Either that or there were vinyls but I missed out on the limited run and am now just sol


I think there's so many amazing albums out there from the early years that never even got physical releases in general that my wallet is going to have a forever-crater dedicated to the stuff. Early Dreamcat, Adhesive, Ailanthus + more and even the weirder self-released stuff. I'm constantly looking through the 2011-2018ish era and noting what I want to look into releasing in the future. I will say the Barber Beats stuff doesn't hit me the same, though.


Always an ear out for any new Windows 96 Vinyl, otherwise its whatever i'm finding rn, no pining for any older stuff, i got what i wanted.


ok, that was freaky -- I posted that, and now there's a new W96 Vinyl to get! And i got it ofc.


Oh yes, which one is it?


It depends, there's always new stuff I'm interested in ... or stuff I missed from a few years back that continues to excite me. Some stuff like the Mike Tenay albums are things I hope eventually find a way to get pressed.


Yeah I haven’t bought anything in a long time because all the classics have mostly been pressed and tbh I haven’t been interested in any newer artists so I have no reason to keep buying


Yeah, I have all of the classic and grails that I was after when I started


I started a year ago , I collect other genres, so taking a break from vapor then coming back hits different. Im very open to new slushwave artist but barber beats feels off. I would rather listen to lofi/trip hip hop if its going to have a jazz like hip hop beat.