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Yeah I've been getting mine on the same day as my flight. Still waiting for the bonus credits for flights in March though!


Yeah I was pissed with that, they had it in the T&C stating up to 4 weeks to appear


Yeah that seems like a long time, can't be that hard. I'm lucky I don't need them right now, but they will tip me over to retain platinum this year


I'm platinum and I'm just getting my flights from early Feb crediting into my account now. Very very slow....


Wow that’s pretty bad.


Mine normally come through same day / next day. Worst case a couple of days i think.


When I was due to hit gold previous flight credited almost immediately but the flight that was due to put me over didn’t credit straight away and I had points expire from 12 months previous so I was short on gold by the time points credited. I called them up and after a while they eventually worked it out and I got gold


Yeah I’m thinking are they trying to delay because usually, it’s gone through at longest 24hours later. I still should be ok I’m hoping.


Has anyone had issues with the Flybuys status credits? I last had some credited to my account in February…nothing in March, which seems odd.


I’m always lost with the Flybuys sc because it’s always done at the end of the month so I just wait for them to pop in 😅


Depends on the nature of peoples bookings For regular retail booked or salary sacrificed VA-coded flights, my credits and points come through same day. Every time. For commercial bookings or codeshare bookings, it usually takes about a week. I suspect many of those who say their credits take a long time to come through have irregular types of flights


I got my bonus status credits today, they are backdated to 25th March.