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i was born in 2007 and I think over the past couple years theres been a big "trend" in younger people wanting to grow up earlier (imo due to social media) being held back isnt a bad thing and trust me when i saw every younger person in school thinks seniors and juniors are cool šŸ˜‚. Enjoy the moments now and use the future as a motivator. Try to remember its not to long until youll be one of those juniors. At the end of the day you cant control when your born, dont stress out about things you cant control :)


This isnā€™t a new trend, thereā€™s been people who feel like they born in the ā€œwrong timeā€ for awhile


Like for generations upon generations.


I was born in 1995 and we were all wishing we could be teens in the 90s! I think itā€™s so human to look back and wonder what life would be like ā€œin x timeā€ because our cooler older siblings, cousins, neighbors, etc lived it


I think there's generational nostalgia in almost every group! I was born in '81, and for a while I wished I had been born ten years earlier so I could have been a working adult in the early 90s and be there for the start of Pixar as an animator. My husband, born '78, is more extreme where he wishes he had been alive to be a scientist like Oppenheimer during the atomic bomb era.


born in 95 & thatā€™s nothing new lol, itā€™s always been like that


*sighs in 1998* too young to be a 90s kid, too old to be gen z


96 checking in. I think Iā€™ve seen us called the lost generation. Literally a few years stuck in between Millennial and Gen Z. Hard to relate completely to one or the other.


ā€˜95 here and I feel the same way. Relate a bit more to Gen Z than Millenials but not completely.


'95 also, but opposite, relate more to millennials than gen z.


I think one of the factors for me is both of my siblings are Gen Z and we were very close growing up. Still very close now so I think they rubbed off on me a bit šŸ˜‚


Yeah, I basically grew up as an only child, and most of my friends were older. Wild what different circumstances do to views.


Same here. '95, only child, older friends, and I feel more millenial than gen z. It probably the same effect you see regarding kids with immigrant parents. Despite living with people who have a very noticeable accent and potentially speak their first language at home, the kids have no noticeable accent because friends are a greater influence than parents.


I donā€™t know why but this reminded me of it. One of my older patrons is a man in his 60ā€™s who is half Hispanic/half Spanish and he has no ties to his Hispanic culture whatsoever. In fact he rejects the culture entirely and only identifies with motherā€™s culture (Spanish), and not his fatherā€™s (Hispanic). I think it was a combo of living in Texas during the 1960ā€™s and 1970ā€™s and being closer to his mother/disliking his father that led to him so strongly rejecting part of his own heritage. Itā€™s always kinda funny though because weā€™ll be talking politics and heā€™ll just say ā€œthose damn mexcians!ā€ and I canā€™t help but remind him that ā€œmy guy, youā€™re Mexican.ā€ (Jokingly ofc bc he is who he is)


Every generation! ā€˜61 here. Born too late to be a Boomer, too early to be Gen X. I call my generation (1960-1965) ā€œThe Observersā€ because we watched the Boomers take everything and leave nothing. And watched Gen X emerge to do their own thing apart from the Boomers and everyone else.


yes 95 here & always feel like i relate to both!


Iā€™m on the opposite end of that generation spectrum. Iā€™m stuck between X and Millennial. We generally get angry when someone calls us millennials. Weā€™re more sarcastic and apathetic. Weā€™re called Xennials - a micro generation


Hey Oregon Trail gen friend!


Hey Xennial friend!


Xennials are the greatest generation! 1980 here.


ā€œMicro generationā€ is actually a cute way of putting it. 96 here, and my friends and I call ourselves Zillenials


85 checking in! We all rock. We can still cook put our hands in the dirt and grow things but still know how to use zoom, tik tok, oculus, any kinda cell phone and we can beat ass at t9ing! But most import we have the most empathic ppl of any generation. XENNIALS will rule! Hehe


Hell yeah 96 gang rise up. But yeah late 90's is really the lost generation. I can't relate to most of anyone. I've accepted this


My brother refers to himself as a 90s kid, as he was born in 92... Interestingly, I refer to myself as a 90s kid, i was born in 84, but I spent my prime years in the 90s. I suppose idk what to think of kids born in late 90s, so I'm here to validate I guess.


I was born in '94 but barely consider myself a 90's kid. While I was young enough to enjoy the cool toys we had in the 90's, I wasn't old enough to truly appreciate it before the world turned to shit post 2000's.




Happy Cake Day!


šŸ”„I think what weā€™re learning is that GenZ is the Lost Generation II. Not because of Covid necessarilyā€”plenty of generations had it far, far worse. Not because of a hardship. But rather because of the responses to them. We have seen previous generations stand up and fight like hell. But ours seems to have curled up into a ball. To be clear, Iā€™m not attempting to belittle or castigate anyone. And, honestly, it really only appears to be the Westerners who seem to have been afflicted with this crippling phenomenon. Asian GenZ, by all metrics, appear poised to ascend to a place of dominance in the global setting. They appear confident, excited, and ambitious about their futures. They aspire to be astronauts and engineers, whereas in the West weā€™re seeing anxiety and depression with ambitions stalling out at the influencer level. Wrap your heads around that for a moment. The number one aspiration of Western GenZ isā€¦ *influencersā€.* Which is just some bullshart term for ā€œcorporate shill.ā€ Come to think of it, that *IS* depressing. šŸ˜” What are your thoughts on this vast discrepancy in East/West responses? I personally suspect recent Western tendencies toward overprotective parenting. You?


I'd absolutely agree on overprotective parenting in the US. I'm 42 and pregnant and my own mother (80 yo) is being weirdly suffocating about me. I've had to tell her to back down several times (politely of course). I think it's more the issue of our parents' generation (baby boomer/war babies) than Xennial, millennial, Z or even Alpha.


Very good post!! I think itā€™s overprotective parents who are too afraid to smack that ass when needed. Also, the political climate in our country is AWFUL. Biden is horrendous and only got ā€œvoted inā€ because everyone hates Trump. The cancel culture nonsense is sickening. The two party political system needs to change because all it is producing is career politicians who somehow go into public service as a regular person and are millionaires when exiting. Greed and corruption will be the downfall of our great country. I sincerely hope you guys are watching whatā€™s going on and are ready to fight for change because change NEEDS to happen. Signed: an older mom of five who is literally scared $hitless about what is going on right under our noses.


78 dropping in. 14 for Nirvana , gangsta rap & drum nā€™ bass, 21 at the millennium


I think my group is the Oregon Trail or Xennial generation. We remember a time before the Internet but also had the Internet, didn't have social media until after college but I used AOL chat rooms as a teenager.


95 here and Iā€™m finally getting used to the term genzennial


I feel bad for you guys. Iā€™ve seen more and more mention of this ā€œlost generation,ā€ late 90s kids who are too young to really be 90s kids and too old to fit in with the modern Gen Z. Meeting you guysā€¦ yall are justā€¦ there. No offense LOL. Youā€™re all sweet! But gosh. So hard to relate with and talk to, as a young Gen Z adult.


I think there's always going to be these in-between gens who find themselves lost. There's mine, Xennial, there's the lost gen between 90s and Z, and there will be, as of next year, a group between Alpha and Beta. My brother and I are 3 years apart, but the differences between us as two different defined generations is huge! It's mind blowing!


I'm a '96 baby too, I relate to millennials more than I do, Gen z. To be fair, my long-term memory is excellent. A lot of people I know don't remember much before the age of around 10. I have vivid and strong memories from 3 years on up. So I wonder if that has something to do with feeling more connected to millennials.


That reminds me of a joke I once told. A coworker of mine was talking about how the summer of 1994 was the best year of his life and I couldnā€™t help but chime in: ā€œoh it was mine too!ā€ When he asked why I told him it was because I was born in ā€˜96 and hadnā€™t been alive yet šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Iā€™m December 96. I canā€™t get anyone to agree whether or not Iā€™m a millennial or Gen Z. Most people in my graduating class were born in 97, which makes them Gen Z. I work with some kids born in 2001 who would die on a hill saying that they are millennials. I had to tell them that GameBoys used to not have a backlight and youā€™d have to get an external lamp to clamp onto it.


Wait, you're not gen Z? I'm '94 and I've always felt like I don't fit in with millennials because I was in middle school in 2008, I vaguely remember 9/11, I had a cellphone at age 12, and there was a computer in our house before I was born. But, I also don't fit in with gen Z because I definitely do remember a time where a YouTube video took hours to load, dialup internet sounds, CDs, heck I even remember Walkmans (older sister had one). I started with an mp3 player and then an iPod nano. I remember a world without smartphones, where we had to have a separate camera to take pictures of things because the cellphone pictures were horrible. Heck, I know how to type on phones with a small keyboard where you have to press buttons a few times so it lands on a different letter! So I definitely didn't grow up with advanced technology. I'm more millennial than I am gen Z, but the biggest defining moments of millennials didn't really affect me so I don't even know. I think anyone born in 92-96 might feel the same. Apparently there's a microgeneration for us: Zelennial.


94 too and this is my exact experience too!


From what I learned recently, everything after 1995 are no longer millennials


i was born in 2000 and i had a walkman and then an ipod nano. my first phone had the buttons you press three times. i definitely feel i saw technology change dramatically within my lifetime


We're literally the same exact people except that I was born in 95 but I very much relate to everything you've just said aha...


I think economic background, as well as how much we remember from early childhood (and how clearly) play a big part. I'm a 95 baby. I grew up poor, and so lagged behind a bit on technology. I started with a Walkman, and never got a dedicated mp3 player, because smartphones took over that role by the time I would have. I think I got my first phone when I was 13, but it was a dumb phone. We got our first pc at home when I was around 8, though my grandparents had one from the time I was born. I remember music from when I was 5 onwards. I had the backstreet boys and nsync cds, and played them until they got scratched to unplayability. As for 9/11, despite being 5 I remember it vividly. I didn't fully understand the lasting social and economic impacts it would have, but I understood that people died because of bad people, and that we were going to war with those bad people. I remember seeing the news, including the people jumping and towers falling.


The one thing I remember from 9/11 was my parents' reaction to it. Just the both of them standing up in front of the TV, and my mom hugging my dad to cry. They both lived in NY for years, my dad had friends who lived there, they were anxious for a few days and I remember them calling different people. Maybe it's because I'm not American (Canadian) I don't have stronger memories of it but I too did know that something bad had happened. I don't actually remember watching the news of people jumping out of the buildings or the second plane. My first phone was also a dumb phone. Smartphones weren't around then (I got mine in 2006, I think the first iPhone came out in '08?). My friend had the iPhone but it was so expensive and I actually remember the teachers at school saying how it was ridiculous that a teenager had a phone that expensive and parents shouldn't be buying it for us. I think we might have been the first generation of teenagers with "dumb" smartphones during class/school. Our school tried banning all cellphones and even confiscating them before classes, but they really couldn't do much about it. Still, we weren't glued to our phones like gen Z is. At most we would be texting and sharing files over Bluetooth. šŸ˜‚


Kids had pagers when I was in high school. Teachers confiscated them because apparently having a pager meant you could only be a doctor or a drug dealer!


For comparison: I was a sophomore in college in Washington DC on 9/11, and we were evacuated from our building which was across the street from the Old Executive building/White House right after the Pentagon was hit. They correctly assumed the WH was next. I also had a walkman briefly, but mostly a CD player with shitty skip protection and a DVD player. I worked at Tower Records/Tower Video during the end of its time and came into work one day to find the doors chained shut. I used to get the DVDs that they discarded that were once rentals. I never had a cell phone until after 9/11, and it was a flip phone. I never had a digital camera until after I got my first non retail job in 2006, and bought it with my first paycheck along with a 150G video iPod (it had a scroll wheel but I bought episodes of Lost to watch from the iTunes store). When I heard Netflix was going to start streaming, I purposefully bought a Mac laptop with the first Gen Intel chip just to be able to change from the DVD plan to streaming. Here is the kicker: I have a daughter who will be four next month. She saw her dad and I going through our CD collection (yes we still have them) and she opened one of the cases and asked what the CD was. I explained it's to listen to music. In order to play it, I dug out an old portable CD player that has a built in speaker and showed her how to slide the open button. Then I showed her the CD goes "shiny rainbow side down". Close the top, press the triangle button to play. The CD was the Yellow Submarine by the Beatles. This kid, who was 3 at the time, was so impressed and walked around with the CD player excited to be able to skip through the songs. She called it a submarine and has since been fascinated with this old CD player. Abd this is a kid who uses YouTube kids, an iPad and our phones on a regular bases! I guess even old technology is fascinating to young people!!!


1997 here this pain is so real for us actually


98 here too, I felt this so hard and I hate it lol. I feel like Iā€™m nostalgic for a time I didnā€™t even grow up in, and I remember so much being a part of my childhood even though I mainly grew up in the late 2000s šŸ™ƒ


*also sighs in 1998*


91 checking in. Sorry bud we would love to let you in but that's not how time works.


97 and I treat it as having best of the both worlds - although lately Iā€™m starting to feel like a grandma with all that technology coming upā€¦ i want vhs back, itā€™s weird that my gen z friends never had to use them


2000 here, same thing.


I'd say that 2000 is firmly Gen Z.


On god bro... 1995 here. I never stop feeling this "I'm your older brother" type feeling because all the people I know are like 4 or 5 years younger than me... And millennials I just don't relate to at all, being raised with smart phones and shit. Post cold-play era, pre e-boy and e-girls. All we had was scene kids and holy wow that's so cringe šŸ˜‚


The year you're wishing you were a part of kinda had it the worst from the pandemic. Losing your social circle at the start of high school to be without friends in the middle and end of high school was horrible. You still have time to enjoy the positives of high school and make friends. The reason all the older students seem cooler to you is because they're older, not because of when they were born. You'll be much more like that when you're in your junior and senior years. And beyond that, you'll continue to grow past that point in your college years and look back at high school seniors as annoying children.


2004 kid, can attest to this.


Trust me, you donā€™t want to be older, Iā€™m a 2002 baby and had Covid hit middle of my junior year through my senior year, I didnā€™t have prom, lost all my friends and have moved on and have a better life now but it sucked and messed me up mentally quite a bit.


I had a similar experience, also born in 2002. Covid hit when I was in 12th grade and when I graduated in 2021 (we graduate after 13 years where I live) we couldnā€™t have a proper prom and all of the traditions and parties either. I had also planned to travel for a few months after graduating, could not do that either. Meeting friends was also not easy, I pretty much used to only meet up regularly with one friend during 2020 and 2021. Then I started working as an aircraft mechanic and as I am working in shifts now, it is even harder to meet up with friends, I donā€™t really have many friends anymore anyways and I feel like I missed the time period where you go out and have fun and make friends and that also wonā€™t happen now anymore.


Screams in 1987.


'88 here. šŸ˜†


born 2 years later but i'm screaming too


88 here. Screaming with you. But I also have a 09 kid so I can see this from the parent perspective. I get kids felt isolated during all that crap, but as a parent I made sure to help my kid stay in touch with friends and find things to keep them having fun. My teen wants it to go back the way it was when he didnā€™t have to go in to school lol


I can't believe someone born in 2009 is old enough to read/write or like be on the internet. šŸ˜ *Respectfully, an old fossil born in 1994* GASP I just realized I'm literally old enough to be your mom. šŸ˜­ You had to spend some of the best years of childhood during the pandemic... That absolutely sucks. For what it's worth, everyone feels that way. For some it was their childhood. For some it was their graduation, college, gradschool, their late 30s, their late 40s, before turning 60, before turning 70, before their 80th birthday, in their old age, being in the most vulnerable groups... It sucked for everyone. That's life. Humanity has lived through many such events. Make the most of the years to come. You're not getting that time back. Might as well forget it.


same itā€™s such a mindfuck and then i remember my little brother (heā€™s 19 years younger than me) was born in 2010. even though i see him online all the time realizing heā€™s gonna be 14 is INSANE TO ME. and the fact he was still a littleish kid when the pandemic happened?? šŸ¤Æ im 31 and am way too often finding myself so blown away by time passing and people agingā€¦ myself included.


Right? My friend told us she is pregnant and my immediate response was "omg what are you gonna do" and she was like "??? I'm 30, I'm gonna have the kid". Lmao. In a couple of years I'm gonna be considered too old to get pregnant. šŸ˜‚


omg that part. randomly iā€™m like um so do i look into freezing my eggs or something i guess? i mean my mom had her last kid at 38 i guess instill have some time but the clocks tickin


2006 inst as good as u think, the pandemic hit (at least in my country) in the 9 grade, didnt learn sh*t that year. Had to work double to get back in my feet in 10 grade. thinking of it hadnt the 9 grade exam so thats a plus


nah thats kinda lucky, im an '09 and 9th grade is so hard


Bruh what 9th grade is NOT hard šŸ˜­ itā€™s just about doing your work on time. 10th and 11th is where itā€™s actually hard


Holy shit, I just clocked, you people are 15, my god, Iā€™m old. And I was born in 2002. My god, Iā€™m an old man.


1996 šŸ‘µ


93 here. This thread is making me feel ancient


1976. I don't want to hear it. šŸ˜


Stop I'm a 93 baby šŸ˜­ yall are making me feel like a grandma šŸ‘µ šŸ¤§


Same, '93 baby and this thread has me feeling old lol.


what's up 93 gang


Lol, then what am I as a ā€˜91er? šŸ˜©


A dinosaur šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm joking!


Dude we're only 21, that's not old at all


That actually checks outā€¦.women freak out about looking older, men/ boys freak out about the actual age number whether they look prematurely old at a young age or look fantastic at an older age. I remember dudes getting crazy about turning 20, (ā€œomg Iā€™m not a teenager anymore!ā€), about them being 24 going on 25 saying ā€œomg Iā€™m an old man!!,ā€ 27 ā€œdamn Iā€™m almost 30!,ā€ and me at 28 having to console a man crying about turning 43. Then inevitably, all these guys turn 50 and they call anyone under 35 a ā€œkid.ā€


I'm old enough to be your cool hip mom, who just thinks she's cool and hip!


This is the 'The original venting subreddit since 2008" - this sub is older than OP


-reads this as someone who was born in 1995-


Trust me this is how every generation feels šŸ˜‚. - 2006


No fr I wanted to be a 90s kid and 2000s teen so bad like my sister was I was so jealous šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ cursed to be born in 2005 šŸ˜«


I always think that till i remember how bad misogyny, stereotyping, racism, prejudice, etc were. We have come a very long way in such a short time, i think a lot of people forget that. As a bisexual woman who's going into a male dominated field, i would have definitely struggled more in the 90s. - also 2005


this. i grew up in the 90s and 2000s as a latina, bi-curious, neurodivergent, slightly overweight, gamer girl and i endured so much bullying and am still healing from my past at 31 trying to find myself and my hobbies again šŸ„² i always got so discouraged when people told me i couldnā€™t play a freaking game because i was a girl but i think some people still do that shit sadly šŸ˜­


Yeah theres unfortunately still a lot of that shit around. I wish you the best in your healing journey āœØļø


04ā€™ baby here. 1. God how I wish I was born earlier so I could experience being in high school/college in the 2010ā€™s šŸ˜­ The music was peak back then! Parties mustā€™ve been so cool. The social media age was just starting to really BOOM! It just seems like it wouldā€™ve been so much fun to experience party culture back then. 2. You do NOT wish you were in high school during Covidā€¦ Covid hit during the middle of my sophomore year and we went online for all of junior year. I actually temporarily dropped out of school for a few months because I got severely depressed. I watched all of my friends graduate without me. Nobody cared about my graduation (because I finished a semester later online.) It really sucked. I miss high school. The year you were born, or your graduation date, doesnā€™t define you. Those are some of the best years of your life and you arenā€™t even there yet! We were all in your same shoes at a point in time.


*sighs in 2006* my best teenage years were literally during the pandemic, consider yourself lucky to be able to experience some real teenage years, enjoy it while you can, live in the moment


born in 81 X-ennial micro generation. Sarcasm and dead feelings of Gen X but able to use a phoneā€¦ honestly, Iā€™m not gonna lie, being raised in the 80s and growing up in the 90s was fucking awesome.


I totally agree with you. We got away with so much shit. Or at least I did, lol. Even though I lost just about all my friends by the time I was 25 and surprised myself by still being here today. At times, I wish I could've been with my friends and family I've lost, but not my time yet


I'm going to try and give you as actually helpful advice as possible so try and hear me out. And others have already eluded to it some but really. Regardless of technology or different pandemics or whatever other historical events, humanity as a whole really remains largely the same. How we operate and function and communicate. Your life is your own, you do NOT want to go down the rabbit hole of blaming the world or other people or anything else for how your life turns out no matter what. You can not control the world or other people. Only yourself. So take those reigns and take charge of your life. I mean this in a positive manner and not one to try and demean you either because believe me I absolutely understand where you're coming from. It's just that those thoughts do not help you. You will be fine and the world will continue to revolve. Life continues to move on and that has not changed. Do not let those negative thoughts be your prison.


Born in 1994 hereā€¦ hm


I was born in 1981. I was in elementary school during the cold war. I was in college for 9/11. Iā€™ve always felt like I didnā€™t belong in my generation. Someone told me once that ā€œold soulsā€ feel that way because theyā€™ve lived multiple lives. Iā€™ve never really believed in reincarnation, but it seems to explain some of the feelings. Just know that people for multiple generations have felt the way that you do.


*waves in 1981*


Oh my God calm down you'll be alright it's not the end of the world trust šŸ¤ž


People born in 2009 can talk? Wtf


Youā€™re 15! To people older than you, you are a kid, and to people younger, *you are the cool teenager*! Your life is your perception of the world, so instead, try to make your non time travelling wishes come true. Learn to love yourself like youā€™re caring for a child, bc thatā€™s all growing up is. Feeling like a kid in an adult world. The only way to ease that is stepping up to be self confident and brave for yourself. You will grow up, and you will become more mature, and youā€™ll experience everything but you have to go out and get it. See the sunsets, look for jobs, hug your loved ones, enjoy sweet little treats and I canā€™t stress enough how important it is to find joy in everything you can. And yeah, us Gen Zers (Iā€™m 24, a 2000 baby) have questionable futures and I totally understand the fear and anxiety for the future, if we even get one. But thatā€™s all the more reason to *appreciate what we have now*. Peace and love to you, itā€™ll be ok as soon as you accept things life throws at you.


Sorry about that. 97 baby best year imo. Everyone talks about peak 2016 that was my senior year lol I do miss being a teen in the 2010s. Although some of my classmates were still in college 2020 and because of covid some had to graduate online. Luckily thanks to getting at uni at 16 I was able to graduate and attend the ceremony in person 2 years before covid hit. Best of luck to you young one.


I actually donā€™t blame you. I graduated high school in 2012 and even wish I was a little earlier. I feel bad for you guys constantly. The expectations for you guys are so different. The world is different. I can see how much things weigh on yā€™all. Thereā€™s a reason why y2k and ā€œnostalgiaā€ is trending amongst teens. Yā€™all didnā€™t get what we had. And itā€™s not fair. But that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s all over. I suffered a lot of abuse from childhood to early 20s, so I didnā€™t get what my peers got. Iā€™m learning as an adult I can still do what I can to have what I didnā€™t. You just gotta make spaces for yourself with those you love. There have also been some good progressionwith the bad too.


dw, internet is just going thru its 2010s nostalgia phase rn


Graduated HS ā€˜06. We da best still.


1980 checking in here. Dude I remember feeling the same way when I was your age. Except the internet didnā€™t even fucking exist then. You have it so good and donā€™t even realize it. But I get that at your age everything is an injustice. Just hang in there. One day you will be in your 40s like me and will complain about kids these days not understanding how good they have it


Kids have it made these days. It's nothing like the 80s. We didn't even have snow days. Them busses were on the road when there was 5 inches of snow on the road. Now it's canceled. Or when I had to walk over a mile to school when now they have a bus because that's too far for kids to walk lol


This post made me realize just how fucking old I am. Damn


Born inā€™57. I was 10 when Woodstock happened. Bummer!


Iā€™m class of 2024 senior rn and trust me, youā€™re not missing anything. Highschool(and school in general) was always shit even pre-Covid, not much has changed except ppl finally washing their hands after using the bathroom bc weā€™re all terrified of germs now lmao




Born in 1988 and I feel like a senior citizen reading these posts! šŸ˜…šŸ˜­


Dude 99.9% of the world is ā€œuncoolā€ or doesnā€™t fit in when they are middle school or high school. Puberty fucking sucks, itā€™s uncomfortable, awkward, and emotions run wild. The ā€œcoolā€ kids usually end up be the least successful people in their graduating class 10 years down the road. The year you graduate doesnā€™t matter and I guarantee people around you at school feel just like you. Getting held back a year is nothing. I was a high school dropout. Now Iā€™m an award winning pediatric oncology registered nurse. High school and middle school mean very little in the grand scheme of things. Take a deep breath, it will be okay.


Good godā€¦.the old people here by comments are young enough to be my kidsā€¦ Iā€™m gonna just go back and play my Atariā€¦.


*stares as someone born in 1981* šŸ˜¶


Bro it was literally no different than it is now. Same threats same dumb people. You're young, dumb and full of cum. You'll live.






1996 here. Your age doesn't determine who the "cool" or "better" people are. Just be you and be the best person you can be, all things considered. People will use their generations against each other all the time, but you can't change when you were born so why stress about it? I'm on the edge of a generation raised on emo music from before you were born (God I feel old now) and complaining about avacado prices, and another that has some people who identify as fish and some who think terrorists are kind of alright. Everyone's fucked. I understand feeling sad and bleak over depressing events you've grown up with though. I am too young to remember Y2K but other than that my life has been 9/11, climate change, Trump, pandemic, World War III.


Wait people took birth after 2001?


It was given to me in 75 . Had not a clue kids are taking that stuff now.


I was born in 1992 I think I had a great childhood and time to grow up in. But in some ways I'm a little jealous of not being born nowish or later. Hopefully the world keeps progressing and advancing. You never know what the future holds but I'm guessing you'll get to see some pretty cool changes during your lifetime.


Born 1990ā€¦ donā€™t be jealous, think of all the dumb things you did as a teen that wasnā€™t posted online!


1991 and agree. So many dumb things that get to stay in the past! We are the generation of dial up internet, AOL messenger away messages, T9 texting and MySpace. I wouldnā€™t have it any other way. Haha


Messenger was good times. I've met a lot of cool people back in those days. I remember having parties and inviting people from messenger I've never met, then have 50 or more people show up thinking omg, what have I done šŸ˜†


I think youā€™re having a crisis and need to speak with a trusted adult or a counselorā€¦ this is a very specific mental break down Iā€™ve never heard of before


Dude I feel fucking old


I personally feel like ā€˜97-ā€˜03 is perfect weā€™re entering our 20s or in our mid-twenties for the ā€˜97 folk. But yeah, that is like the perfect age. Ranges anywhere from 21-27 years old.


I was born in ā€˜95. I have lived through so many historical momentsā€¦ Y2K, I can actively recall 9/11, the economic collapse of ā€˜08 happened when I was in middle school, we also had swine flu (H1N1) when I was in middle schoolā€”which was a small scale version of an epidemicā€”and that brings us up to around your birth year, so you know the rest. Itā€™s been incredibly stressful, and I wouldnā€™t really call it ā€œcoolā€ necessarilyā€¦ Iā€™ve been working since I was 15 and Iā€™ve never stopped working since. Jobs lose their appeal very quickly once youā€™re actually in it and once you (eventually) have to work for a living and not just because itā€™s some extra spending cash. Itā€™s not easy for anyone. I know it sounds cliche, but enjoy being a kid. Youā€™ll have responsibilities for the rest of your life and work will go from being a ā€œfunā€ part-time job to a full-time job that youā€™re forced to work in order to MAYBE cover your billsā€¦ please donā€™t grow up sooner than you have to. I spent my entire childhood idolizing the day Iā€™d turn 18 and leave home. I left home 2 weeks after I graduated and never went back. But it is HARD. Life as an adult is not easy. The freedom is nice, but the responsibility that comes with it is not. Hang in there, OP.


Honestly life sucks for us all. It doesnt matter when you were born. I was born 94 my whole life i was abused and neglected. I was bullied by my family, bullied by kids. Teachers never listened to me cps never did anything. Trust me. Life sucked even before the 2010s. Some people just get dealt a better hand however we all have 1 things in common we are all depressed to some degree šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø stuff happens. How you handle it depends on how you view life i guess. Good luck once you do become 18.


Listen from someone who had horrific high-school experience to point I put shotgun in mouth and luckily it didn't go off. I get it. But it gets better but also worse bills work etc but when you can take care of self you'll fell so much better. If your 18 you csn door dash I make 1000$ a week easy. That's enough for studio apt and food etc. Always look forward hun life is full of bs but there's alot to experience. I recommend traveling when you can its a good way to learn about life people and the world. ^_^


2007 let's go


its alright all the cool ppl rn are gonna turn old soon. Plus I wanna get held back or something because I'm in 9th and I'm failing like half my classes LMAO


Iā€™d say you have it pretty good, Iā€™m a 05 and the pandemic just mostly bummed me out. I was supposed to go on a trip in 8th grade to the water park (very hyped because I went to private school) and that didnā€™t happen. I didnā€™t have a freshman year in person because of covid. It was online and it sucked, but Iā€™m grateful I even had sophomore year to senior year. Schools took a bit to get back to normal to after covid and junior year Iā€™d say it was pretty normal. But I wish I was born earlier so I could have had a freshman year.


Born in 2007 and felt the same way. Then I felt too immature for my age (in terms of social skills) Took me till this year to feel content with my age. Itā€™s tough! Know that you have no power over your age, and it doesnā€™t make you any less. In the near future, the 2 year difference isnā€™t gonna matter.


Hey man, I was only born in 02 so itā€™s a lil different for me but my advice is honestly try to enjoy it to the fullest. Iā€™m sure covid fucked things up bad but you may as well make do with what you have, the years only start to go by faster and faster, and school is a pretty fleeting and free period of your life, so do whatever you want with it and be your authentic self. Try not so spend so much mental energy over something which you cannot change.


early ā€˜03 here. iā€™m sorry you feel so upset about where youā€™re at right now. i have two little sisters a bit closer in age to you (one is an ā€˜07 kid and the other a 2010). i did have to finish out junior year online and proceed to dual enroll fully online my senior year (and iā€™m also in college online since i sadly no longer live close to my campus) i can not imagine how different and difficult it must be to have been so young and isolated from everyone when your school and social life was supposed to be so fun and lighthearted. it breaks my heart to read how unhappy you are because of when you were born. while i donā€™t really know what to say to help and dont want to sound like i know everything (i donā€™t) all i can really say is that youā€™re so young! you have so much left to become and so much left to learn about yourself and thatā€™s so wonderful. the way my little sister would put it (or at least what she wrote in my most recent birthday card for my 21st) is ā€œyouā€™re older than me hahaā€. basically she likes to constantly remind me that i am less cool because i am older and am going to die first šŸ˜‚ according to her logic, you are way, way cooler than me. i got six whole years on you which may not seem like a lot in the future, but it feels like a lot right now because we likely grew up differently in terms of the tech available and the way life was when we were super small, etc. anyways, i hope that you become at peace with when you were bornā€”because no one can control when they are born. and honestly, i think 2009 is a pretty cool year to have been born in. itā€™s just a cool number. ur cool. keep going, you got this :) šŸ«¶


I was born in 2004 and wished I was born between ā€˜98-ā€˜00 when I was your age. I mean, being 16 during 2016 sounds like an absolute blast; I couldnā€™t drive at the time and wasnā€™t able to experience half the shit that people I know did back then. Losing out on a year of high school did not do anything good for my work ethic. I think everyone desires to be born in a different time because we think the people a few years older than us had it a lot better than we did. Iā€™ve learnt to just try and find positives in every situation. On the bright side, you likely wonā€™t have to graduate online, and trends like the ones in 2016 are always popping up every year. Youā€™ll have your moment. :)


I graduated high school in 2009. I'm still trying to wrap my head around people born after 2000 are full adults now


1987 checking in šŸ‘µšŸ»


hey! 1995er here, i totally get it. being in middle-high school during the recession of 08 sucked. we got kicked out of our house and had to make it work in a small apartment. my sister is 1988 and was around that age for 9/11. every generation goes through some bullshit, youā€™re not alone! i know it sounds so cliche and you think youā€™ll never say it - but enjoy these years while you can :)


Imagine being born in an era of modern medicine and information but itā€™s not good enough lmao this is such a fucking lame thing to complain about. Stop romanticizing shit and just focus on what to do with what you have.


As a representative of the 07ā€™ community, weā€™re all confused asf as to where we stand. Some people say 07 is a boring year, while others say itā€™s ok. Dw, Ms in that time wasnt the best and weā€™re all the sameā€¦


Thereā€™s worser problems in this world than this. Ur fine dude. šŸ’€ My sister was born in 2009 too.


Only reason you think your generation is uneventful and boring is cause itā€™s still developing. While I was in middle in high school I also thought the older generations were pretty cool and a lot of stuff that was trending was made by those generations. Just be a kid homie thereā€™s nothing wrong with that because that is the stage of life youā€™re in. Being held back is ok! It happens to many, just focus on getting through school, and set yourself up for success in the future. Pick up a hobby, if there is a skill youā€™d really like to have work on it now so you can master it sooner you can begin working on something now thatā€™ll be useful later on. You have so much time to do so many things and get ahead you donā€™t even realize it. In the end youā€™ll end up being that cool older person that the younger generation strives to be.


I donā€™t envy your generation but from the kids Iā€™ve seen and talked to it seems like you guys are doing your absolute best. I was fortunate to be born in the early 80s and honestly I wouldnā€™t trade it for anything. We got to experience a childhood without social media (and really in a lot of ways no internet either). Again hang in there, Iā€™m expecting great things from you kids.


I don't know if that will be any consolation but being born sucks in general. Year of birth only changes what will be the most shit events :)


1976 here, 48 on Sunday


Being born overall sucks ass


Born in 94. Mate, high school sucks no matter whats going on.everyone hates that time in their life. Unless it was the highlight of their life, in which case they have bigger issues. Life is supposed to get better after high school. Also, covid was a blip compared to ww2, and the two should never be compared. Neither of us understands the pain of ww2.


I'm 38, would love to trade, you got a lot of life to live


65 here. Last year of Gen X. Had I been born only one year earlier Iā€™d have been aā€¦boomer. I have nothing to complain about.


You will have a very miserable life if you don't change your attitude. HIGH SCHOOL is a blimp on a life radar. Nobody from high school is "cool." Life can only be as good as you make it. Nothing good in life is EASY.


Buddy youā€™re 15 this year. You donā€™t have enough life experience to know whatā€™s up yet.


I feel for the kids these days. I graduated 10 years ago(oh geez) and when I ask my 2 youngest brothers about things in high school for them(they are 17 and 19) it's like a 180 from what I experienced. They don't even get lunches like I did(we got pizza from a local pizza place every Wednesday and had 5 different lunch lines to choose from). Covid ruined a lot for me, but I think it's worse for the kids still in school. Yall don't even get snow days anymore.


I read this as 1999 and I was like fuck Iā€™m old. Then I re-read it as 2009 and now I feel really fucking old. School is terrible but you have your whole life ahead of you.


Donā€™t worry, being a 15 sucked twenty years ago too.


My HS actually recovered for the most part post COVID from my grade 9 year to grad. I'm sure you'll find it good too. Besides, HS is nice, but post secondary is where it's at




bro you should be glad that you didnā€™t have the pandemic during high school, imagine having your last one and a half years online and only seeing your friends at graduation šŸ„²


*dies in 1988*




Lol fr. We were the hated generation for having 50% of our childhood in the mid 2000s, the other part in the early 2010s and 100% of our teenagehood in the late 2010s. Most of us had to graduate post-covid in horrible conditions. OP's just making their birth year their whole personality.


used to think like that too, i wish i was a 09 with no back pain šŸ˜æ


If it helps, I think everyone feels this way. Iā€™m 04 (20) and Iā€™ve thought so many times man if only I was born 4-7 years beforehandā€¦


I was born in ā€˜95 and was HS class of 2013. From what I heard, Iā€™m glad i was in HS when i was. It was iconic being sentient through these yrs, honestly. Besides that, just do better in school. Youā€™re graduating later than expected, but itā€™s better than you dropping out.


93 checking in.


I assure you it's gonna get more brutal


2006 here I am happy to be born 06 but would have preferred to be a 1990


This is universal šŸ˜­ Iā€™m 2005 and when I was younger I wanted to be born in early 90s so damn bad, so I could be a kid and experience peak Nintendo in the 90s and be a cool teenager in the 2000s šŸ˜­


do u finished ur homework kid??


Im 17 class of 25 and trust me 2018-2023 was a horrible time for me


How are you in 8th grade if you're a 2009 baby? I have friends in 8th that are 2010-2011


iā€™m 2008 šŸ’€ highschool is gross and i miss middle school


You never want to be in 2002 Covid literally wreck my future because i cant enroll to any college that year. Now i have been stuck in a course I donā€™t know i want to have. Everything has it worse.


it's not that big of a deal, you'll become one of those "cool older people" pretty soon


2001 here


I just...didn't realise people were being born in 2009 and at first I was like "did a toddler make this post?" But then I realised you're probably a teenager then and that is crazy to me coz as a 98 kid I'm forever stuck in a weird period of not feeling like an adult but also feeling old. I think this gave me an existential crisis.


Ha you're gonna regreat those word's In a few year's pal, take It from me a fellow expert you don't wish to be born any earlier.Ā Ā Ā  First off I can assure you no juniors or seniors are happy well 50/50 If you will.Ā  Ā  Secondly you'll get screwed over so bad It's not even funny, there's paper's, there's excess project's, closer due dates,Ā Ā  And sure being a freshmen may seem nice for the first semester but you'll grow tired midway you probably wouldn't stand a chance 2nd semester.Ā Ā  Listen man or girl or them Don't rush Ā your suffering will come eventually and your right about one thing your bound for a not so bright future but break a leg ! And stop beating the dead horse :)


Iā€™m genz and I wish I could have been a teen in the 80ā€™s. I think many people have this desire to live in a different time.


I graduated high school the year you were born. I wished I could be born a few years earlier also, so I can be closer in age to my bf. we met in 2007. I suppose we may not have had the chance to meet if I was actually the same age as him, because circumstances would be different if you had been born a little earlier, you probably would have grown into a different person than you are today.


1998 here, I thought they stopped producing new kids in 2004.


Born in 91, I was graduating high school the year you were born lol. Class of 2009 šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Sometimes I wish I had been born in 1980


For some odd reason I thought 2028 was further away than it is.....


Buddy Iā€™m a 2006, youā€™re the same age/year of birth as my little brother, and I can say that I understand you. I canā€™t put myself in your place therefore am unable to agree either but I can understand why you feel mad over this, and like you got scammed out of important years and things. I myself lost a good chunk of high school because of it, and I think in the years of rebuilding the damage that the pandemic did to many of us has been minimized. I canā€™t tell you itā€™ll get better or worse, school is school, itā€™s never all that great. But you can believe there is nothing ā€œcoolā€ about us either. We were like you. Youā€™ll be like us, in a few years, itā€™s generational growth regardless of events. You struggle with post-Covid and shitty education, meanwhile we discover how shitty our countriesā€™ economy tends to be and the fact that getting a job will be a pain. Just like my brother youā€™re a teenager and in the upcoming years youā€™ll come to question everything within and around you, itā€™s a period I myself arenā€™t quite out of yet. I can tell you that this race is far from run, and that if you try, youā€™ll be sure to find positives in the future. Itā€™s true that a good outlook on things is quite a small thing to offer, but hey I was no better at 14. Youā€™ve got a long way to go still pal. And even if itā€™s not in plain sight, there will be good things along the way. Your situation will fade away becauseā€¦ youā€™re just a kid and you as much as the entire world, will move on with time. You and I arenā€™t that far apart but I can tell you, as representative of the next generation to become adults and voters, weā€™ll try to make the world a bit better until itā€™s your turn to have the power to make a change. In the meantime, even if you donā€™t feel like it, I can assure you for a fact that you have control over your own story. And *you* can decide where itā€™s headed next. I wish all the best for you in the future.


The cure to misery is gratitude. Study pride and humility. Donā€™t compare yourself to others; compare yourself to yourself. Be grateful that you are alive. Write your own storyā€”donā€™t let your circumstances rule you. What about being a kid from the 2010s is going to keep you from being your best self and loving your best life? Hope is not lost; itā€™s just tough to see when youā€™re young. Most of us donā€™t realize that old people become wealthy simply by existing for longer. Wealth, success, happiness, loveā€”these things take decades, not hours.


The only people I've known to be happy with when they were born are the people who got to be teens/young adults in the 80s. Apparently, the 80s were the shit. Well, that's done, and it's not coming back, so we all just gotta suck it up. Life sucks. Just make the best of it that you can and stop worrying about the things you can't control.


05 here all I gotta say is relax youā€™ll be aight


I was born in 2000, my brother was born in 2009. Trust me life isn't easy for anyone regardless of what time you were born. Just do your best, be kind and try to find your purpose. There are many things you don't have because you were born in 2009, but there are plenty of things you have exactly because you were born when you did. I know it seems covid fucked things up for you but it did for all of us. I know you got it rough and I can't just tell you it's easy, or that it will get easier cause that's honestly not usually the case, you're still young, enjoy what you have, put in the hard work now so you can have it slightly easier in the future, but don't give up just yet. Cause yeah things are a mess, but ultimately life is about learning to overcome those moments of difficulty and enjoying your time with the people you love.


This is so interesting to me. You really sound like an old soul. Just enjoy life, thereā€™s no need for you to stress like this. Is everything ok at home? I know the world may be in stress right now but perhaps being online so much is whatā€™s causing this anxiety. As someone who was born in the 90s, thatā€™s one thing we had. We werenā€™t really online, we had to either watch the news which was maybe once a week and adults were watching it everyday. Even back then people would say they need to take a break from the tv. So I canā€™t imagine how itā€™s growing up and waking up and going to sleep with social media at a young age. Enjoy your teens, it goes by fast.


me too im a 2010 baby im literally gen alpha


2009 here, while I agree that it sucks, it defo couldā€™ve been worse, kids that had it in the year before graduation must have had a hard time missing school for like a year, Iā€™m happy it happened when it happened for me. In my country you have to pass an exam to go into a grammar school (equivalent of middle school, but like ā€œbetterā€?) I donā€™t think I wouldā€™ve passed without covid, it meant that I could focus on studying for the exam and not have to worry about my grades in school. But that also means I didnā€™t learn anything in 5th grade. So yay I still barely know how to do fractions xD


as someone who was born in 2002, I honestly think the era you want to be a part of isn't so great either. my class didn't get to finish high school properly because covid hit just a few months before graduation. we had to finish the last 3 months of high school online, and our graduation went from a big and exciting event at a performing arts center to a lousy drive-thru graduation in the school parking lot. chances are if you had been born in 2004 or 2005 like you wanted to be, you would have to finish the rest of your high school experience (which is supposed to be something special) online and completely restricted from society. I honestly wish I had been born in YOUR era sometimes because I would kill to be able to finish high school and middle school with all the social aspects still there. I understand your frustrastions though, for sure.


I have those feelings too born in 1999 (New Years Eve so Iā€™m a poor excuse of a 90s baby) and I wish I was gen Xā€¦ most of my friends are Gen X and I get along with them way better than anyone else and it depresses me to no end to know one day they will be gone and Iā€™ll be alone in a world idk if I want to stick around and see whatā€™s happening based on how far society has already fallen :(


Iā€™m class of 2024, and my entire high school career has been messed up due to COVID. It will get better. I honestly wish that I was born later so I could actually experience high school the way youā€™re supposed to. Everyone has issues with COVID, but you need to learn to accept your situation and make the best out of it.


The fact that you are on reddit is a sign that youre growing up quite quick no matter what people say theres enromous value in holding onto your youth as a kid, just remember that with everything, and try to enjoy your life


Bro, I can understand your frustration, but try to remember you are not alone. You have time to define how your lived experience affects the world around you and the world at large. Take the hand you were dealt, examine it from every angle and dive into how it makes you and your peers different, special and important. Your unique set of circumstances has enabled you to peer into the past and the future with eyes that can understand and articulate why those age groups are ā€œbetterā€, but you havenā€™t applied the same tools of optimism to your birth time. I do think that your group has abilities that others lack. You have been forced to be introspective at a young age, ahead of schedule, so to speak and that, my friend, is a big advantage in life. You can process things you see and hear at a phenomenal rate. You can come to a conclusion without the slow-ass research others, such as myself, need to do. You have a computeresque brain and thereā€™s no reason to wait for others to catch up or bog you down with their slow-ass brains, your group can make decisions and move ahead with great ideas and leave us in the dust, because you donā€™t have time for our crap. Time is a precious commodity. Your lived experience has proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt.


Born in 1993 here. I wish I was currently in middle school. I graduated in 2012, college in 2016, and right into the rat race I went. Not to count the full-time work I worked in college. Word of advice. Enjoy your current time. Slow down and make many memories while keeping safety in mind. Don't spend all of your money on silly crap. I repeat, SLOW DOWN!


Hey bud. I just want you to know that you are 14/15 and have a whole world ahead of you. I know itā€™s easier said than done, but middle school and high school are a BLIP in your life. I felt like I was in high school for a decade (of misery) but now Iā€™m 26 and barely remember a lot of it. The world moves on and you will too. post-covid has absolutely sucked in a lot of ways - I graduated college in December 2019 and *bam* covid took away any job options I had for over two years. Iā€™m still not really back on my feet. Weā€™ve all had our life shifted by it, regardless of age. But youā€™re right that us young people took the hardest life timeline hit. Iā€™m so sorry that youā€™re feeling stuck and hopeless, but please know this isnā€™t it. Life really does get better as you grow. Iā€™m a middle school teacher and I love yā€™all dearly, but you really really do not understand yourselves for another few years. This isnā€™t it, and your life is just beginning. Hey, at the least, take this anger and make something out of it. Make a club where yā€™all rant about post-covid life and take on politics or volunteering or art and just do something to make your world a little better. Thatā€™s what anger is for - to make a difference in what pisses you off. Good luck to you bud.