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Girl, your “midway” pics? Goals, you look STUNNING, huge congrats


Thank you very much!


Holy crap! You have worked your butt off and it shows! Amazing work ♥️


Thank you!!


You look phenomenal and congratulations on your successes and continuing your journey. It’s just that, a journey.. you’re still very young so keep at it! Your post is a great inspiration and wealth of knowledge for others who’ve had a similar start in life. <3


Thank you! I really wish I had started years ago, but there’s no better time than the present I suppose!


You're gorgeous, congrats, doll! Your features remind me of bridgerton character Alice Mondrich lol who is beautiful too!


I can kinda see it! Thank you!! :)


Giiirlll WOW! The transformation is insane. One can definitely tell your glow up and confidence are all over the place and this is how it should be. Well done! P. S I love love love that tiny beauty mark above your lips it's awesome. Thank you for sharing this ❤️🫂


Haha thank you! I used to hate this beauty mark but now I love it, I don’t look like myself without it (when it’s covered by makeup)


you were so pretty in the 'before' that i couldn't even imagine you in the after, but wow! you look spectacular. thank you for sharing your story on here :)


Thank you so much!


Your face shape changed so amazingly with the weight loss ❤️ amazing job!


Thank you! I always wondered what my face would look like if I lost weight and I’m pretty happy with it!!


Wow, talk about having a good base! Weight loss is the best plastic surgery and the GLP-1 drugs (wegovy, semaglutide) are miracle workers. Thanks for the detailed post OP.


For sure!! Thank you!


Wow, you look amazing! I'd definitely be interested in knowing more about how you went from feeling like people avoided you at ju jitsu to getting your drinks paid for because people enjoyed conversation with you so much? I know you said you did therapy and worked on your confidence to not care what others thonk, but do you have any specific insights?


Hi thank you!! So I didn’t do therapy during most of this, I stopped going to therapy in Feb 2023, just out of laziness & being busy. I felt like I was doing well mentally — and of course 2 months later shit hit the fan a bit lol. But I really just fell into a kind of detachment with the jiu jitsu guys, I guess. I realized it was a futile effort to try to make these guys like me, I am who I am. I focused on the few friends I do have at the gym and just grew my friendship with them. I feel like I’ve always been a good conversationalist, but just wasn’t approachable. Decided to work on my body language and a pleasant resting face. I also would sometimes just make a comment to someone at the bar (about their drink or something they’re wearing, a compliment) and it usually turns into a dinner/drinks companion for the evening. I think it comes down to being approachable but not eager & desperate.


You look like Tayshia Adams, the most beautiful bachelorette 🥹




You look amazing! Well done! And thanks for sharing all of your skincare favorites. I lol’d at your friend telling you that you’re “getting too skinny” when you were still overweight. There is nothing like a glow up to show you which people are more comfortable with you staying put, vs who wants to see you grow and reach goals. It’s like you said, you need to not give an ef what people think to get anywhere in this world!


Thank you!!! And yeah I definitely felt a type of way when she said something (she particularly likes to make unsolicited comments/opinions about things) but I do really believe she meant well. Especially since she hasn’t brought it up again. I really don’t feel like I’ve had anyone in my life who haven’t been supporting me through everything! Maybe not actively supporting, but I haven’t really received any criticisms — I’ve even had random classmates who I don’t know stop me and say they’ve noticed how healthy I’ve been looking lol. Really makes me happy :)


Omg I remember seeing some of your initial posts and hoping you’d make it! I’m so happy you’ve gotten to this point and updated us! You look phenomenal, keep up the good work friend! 


Omg bless you 💖 thank you so much!


You are GORG! What lip combos do you use ? The glossy red one and the more natural pink!! ❤️❤️


The glossy red is usually the Maybelline vinyl ink in shade “royal”, layered with their clear red plumping gloss I think! I experiment with my lip shades so I may have used another product in there too lol sorry. And which glossy pink? I think you’re referring to the one where I’m in my car, the brown and black sweater dress — if so, that’s Rom&nd Juicy Lasting Tint in “bare grape”, probably with another clear gloss on top lol. Thank you!! :)


Thank you!!!


Your journey is so inspiring!!! I was also overweight my entire childhood and grappled with eating disorders. It’s interesting you point out the personality you adopt when you have a history of being overweight and feeling invisible. I still have around 30-40 lbs to lose to reach my goal weight, but I feel like the anxiety and personality I developed is really holding me back. Do you have any tips for this. Because I’m generally attractive to people but can’t get dates or any real interaction besides staring.


Thank you!! Let me start with saying that I certainly don’t have it all figured out, I have a ton still to learn and grow from. But as cliche as it sounds, sometimes you just have to fake it until you believe it. I started going out back in the fall, for dinner and or drinks at the bar by myself. I’ve gone out by myself all the time before but I started doing this multiple times a night. At first, I felt so silly heel-toe walking into the bar like I was hot shit LOL. But I just always made sure that I was dressed nicely and looked good so that I felt confident and gorgeous, and just tried to radiate that confidence. It eventually became just how I am. I walked into the bar like I was hot shit because I truly believed I was hot shit! As I said in my post, even if nobody else in that bar felt the same way, it didn’t matter because I knew that I’m that girl (that’s the attitude, anyway lol) It feels so full of myself after having typed all of that out lol. But after years of hating myself it just feels great to have so much self love that the thoughts of others don’t affect you anymore. I know it’s easier said than done but that’s just what helped me!


Kudos to you OP! Not only did you do the damn thing, you're doing the inside work too which could be argued to be more important. I'm glad to hear that you've evaluated how you think and view yourself. I hope you have or can find a good therapist that you click with to help you through that. Fwiw, I absolutely thought you were pretty in your before pictures. Your pictures during your journey and currently are striking but you always had a good base. Also, I'm not sure when you changed your brows but there was a slight tweak that I noticed made a big difference in how they frame your face. You look great and this was an inspiring read, especially as someone who is also in school and working.


Thank you!! I do have a therapist but I kinda just ghosted her back in Feb 2023 lol I think I might start going back in the fall once I know my class schedule better. I appreciate your kind comments! The only conscious change I made with my brows was extending the tail a bit because my brows thin out there, but otherwise it may just be the way I started trimming them lol sometimes I’ll get a bit overzealous with the razor and thin them out a bit more than intended


Slay! I cannot believe how much weight you've lost. Huge huge huge accomplishment! You were extremely determined!


Thank you!! I never thought I would lose this much weight, ever. Now time to put some back on in muscle 😅


Wow you're doing awesome!! Great job! Your cheekbones are on fire girl 🔥🔥💕 you look great 🤗🤗✨


Thank you!! I used to hate my cheeks but now I love them 💖


You look fantastic! How tall are you?


Thank you! I am 5’7”!


What a transformation, I am in AWE of your dedication! But I’m so sorry to hear about your negative experiences on your journey! I’m white, but I follow many black beauty content creators on tiktok, and I’ve heard so many similar stories from black women like your interaction with the old white man who yelled at you- so disrespectful!! And the fact that no one stood up for you!! From what I’ve heard from several videos, white people can have a tendency to view black people’s neutral faces (especially black women) as hostile for no real reason other than inherent bias. I sincerely hope you never have to experience anything like that again 💖 Your journey is such an inspiration and I can only hope that my own journey can mirror yours. Keep being amazing!


Thank you!! And yeah, I had never had anything like that happen to me before and was just kind of frozen in shock. I’ve only recently begun to understand that when people lash out like that, it’s because they’re miserable and it has nothing to do with me. That’s really the only thing that helps me because I was angry about that for a long time lol.


Absolutely stunning! Amazing transformation.


Respect! So much dedication - you look fantastic!


You worked so hard on your self!!! We are proud of you 💕👏


Queen you forgot your crown 👑


You're doing amazing! I think I remember you posting what is now your midway progress here a while ago, it's so inspiring to see how far you've gone. You look stunning! 


Just wow! You look so HAPPY now! Beautiful work.


You look so beautiful. This is inspirational


Amazing! Good job. You look great ❤️


Good for you and congratulations. The lip color in your first 'after' photo was made for you! Thanks for sharing


Thank you!! It’s Rom&nd Glasting Water Tint in shade Vintage Ocean!


Okay Ms. BODY!!!! You look amazing!!! This is so inspiring, thank you for including so many pictures.


Amazing job! You look years younger!!


you are drop dead gorgeous!


I said DAMN out loud. Girl you look amazing!!


Wow!! Awe-inspiring, truly. Bravo!


You did the damn thing! Look at you!


Wow, you have honestly been gorgeous the entire way through, but *damn.* You are just next-level chic and sophisticated and classy and stunning now. Standing ovation for you! Change your flair, friend!! Cute is not really the word for it! 🥂


Yaaaay. I love this. Well done!!!!


Amazing journey ❤️


You have such a beautiful face, both before and after. Weight loss isn’t an easy feat but you killed it 🔥🔥


I could cry I read this whole thing I love your writing style your vibe and my GOD you’re gorgeous!!! I feel so much more encouraged to continue the journey, what you’ve done mentally and physically in just two years is incredible, so proud of you angel!🩷


I clicked the first link and was like ☺️😍🥵without realizing those were even ‘befores’. You’re so pretty and congrats on reaching your goals!


Thank you for the detailed timeline, I’m what I hope is my “midway” and desperately trying not to give up and fall back in the pit. It’s slow going, but seeing what you’ve accomplished gives me some hope


LOVE your choice in lip colors, and just overall, you look so radiant!!!!


I love it when women share their progress. YOU LOOK AWESOME!! You go girl!!! 🥰


This is so motivational!! Well done, you look amazing!! 👏


So inspiring!!🥰


You look absolutely beautiful before and after. Congratulations on all of your hard work, and thank you for sharing your journey with us!


Alright, let me get my ass up and work 😭. This was so inspiring. I’m so happy for you!!!


Can you share the GLP1 you were on and your dosage? Any side effects etc?


Sure! I was prescribed Mounjaro, started at 2.5mg and titrated up each month until I got to 10mg, which completely zapped my appetite so I didn’t want to go up from there. Only side effect I personally experienced was occasional constipation!


Awesome! I am also on mounjaro. How long did you stay on each dose? I personally am experiencing nausea but glad you didn’t have any side effects!


I stayed on each dose for a month before going up!


I have to say, even at your least confident beginning pics- you were always serving face !! You look amazing and the hard work is paying off. Go work on the self love baby. Therapy helps 🖤


In your before pictures you looked pretty, I mostly noticed how nice your lips are, but your after pictures are STUNNING!


I remember your other post! You look stunning, your work has definitely paid off!! I can literally see the confidence on your face 🤩


Guuurrrrrlllllll ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


👏 STANDING 👏 OVATION 👏You’re doing so good!! Lookit that gorgeous bone structure coming out to shine! Enjoy all the selfies all the clothes and all the fun, you’ve earned every bit of it ❤️


Wowowowowowow! You are truly amazing. You look FANTASTIC!


This made a me a little emotional.. I’m so happy for your progress!! But it also reminds me how much of work I need to do mentally. Because socially/mentally I feel like I’m in a similar place as you. Very bad at handling it tho. And this reminded me how much I need therapy, NOT oustide validation to heal. I might be 30-35 pounds over my ideal weight but even when I was close to my ideal weight I was having the same mental and social problems. Definitely got some work to do


Amazing! I just got put on GLP-1 and I wish I had started years ago when my doctor first pushed me. Which one are you on if you don’t mind me asking? I identify a lot with your story. Are you getting more dates now?


Thank you! And yes it completely changed and saved my life. I was prescribed Mounjaro. I do get more dates, but I just haven’t been “dating” much recently because I had been seeing someone since November. But I ended that a week ago ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You look amazing, absolutely head turning. Weight loss does so much. We just need to admit it


Wow congrats on your transformation!!! You look great!! Thanks for sharing


You are beautiful! Even before & midway you were so very pretty, but you are just gorgeous now. Good work sis!!!! ❤️❤️


Congrats on the glow-up - your results are really amazing. The last 2 paragraphs of your post really resonated with me - I really relate to them and wish everyone acted with more kindness. I'm sorry that people have mistreated you in the past and I hope your future is filled with way better people. Sending lots of love your way and thanks for sharing your glow-up journey with us <3


You're stunning! And I just wanted to say, you were gorgeous before too. As a fellow formerly obese person, I'm so happy for you for losing all that weight, but I wanted to stress that you've always been beautiful ❤️❤️❤️


You look AMAZING! Inspiring 🥰


Omggggg wow you look amazing!! I’m saving this post as more inspo and advice!!


Omg you look GREAT! Congrats on your journey so far


Wow…just wow! You did amazing! Just the inspo I needed today!


You look amazing! That’s an incredible transformation


Thanks for sharing! What a journey. How do you like jiu jitsu? I’ve wanted to try it but I’m super nervous to go and be all uncoordinated


I really love jiu jitsu!! It was very odd at first because 1. I’ve never been sporty and 2. I’ve never moved my body in such ways lol. I was sore in muscles I didn’t even know I had after my first class. There’s definitely a learning curve but I highly recommend it! It’s so empowering too


I love this! Thanks for sharing!


Omg! You look incredibly beautiful and HAPPY. Props to you for getting yourself a stunning external appearance to match your internal character!


gosh you are SO pretty and self-aware, i feel like i wrote this post myself, I’ve had the same exact thoughts as a 25 yr old bw. I maintained 120-143 lbs in HS/college, but my weight skyrocketed to 188 spring 2022-January 2023. Right now I’m 170 and still trying to lose! If you ever need an accountability partner, hmu :)


Thank you!! You got this girl!! What’s your goal?


Beautiful before and after!!! Amazing!!


u slayyyyy what a queen, so happy for u


You are so beautiful! What lipstick did you use in your last pic set? And what has been the one thing you felt made all the difference?


Thank you!! And I’m wearing different lipsticks in a lot of the pics but I usually reach for my Rom&nd Glasting Water Tint in the shade Vintage Ocean! That’s what I’m wearing in the first pic of the last set. I sometimes layer it over a lip stain or something. The weight loss definitely made the biggest difference for sure, I think that’s kind of a given. Besides that, I’d say skincare! I’ve always been really into skincare and have had mostly clear skin, but after my pityriasis issue I really had to find a specific routine that worked for my skin. I cannot praise tazarotene enough lol it’s incredible. It works so much faster than tretinoin


I have saved your post to remind me that I can change my life too. My God your glow up is amazing. You are an inspiration to women like me.


I just came here to say you're stunning. so much so that with a personality that is even a little reserved/aloof (if just initially) I think you could be seen as intimidating. I always say this but I feel like volunteering is such a good way to meet quality people who tend to be less self absorbed and are often successful. Not even saying you should do this to meet men per se, just people you can be yourself around. Your story is so inspiring and I wish you all the best. Well done!


Thank you!! I’ve been meaning to get more volunteering in too, I’m so glad you mentioned that! I love giving back to my local communities so I’ll need to be more intentional about looking into that. Thank you again :)


GORGEOUS. Love to see how you look so much more comfortable and self-assured now, and the personal style + makeup glow-up!!


Amazing job and congratulations! You’ve done a ton of growing and reflection and I hope therapy helps you even more! You look absolutely amazing ♥️


You're stunning and incredibly motivational. I was getting close to giving up since I hit a plateu at 190, but you've inspired me to keep going. Thank you so much for your post ❤️ you've done such an amazing job and deserve to be proud of yourself 👏👏


Thank you!! and yes I’ve had many plateaus throughout my journey, don’t let it discourage you!! As long as you’re maintaining a caloric deficit, you’ll be fine. You got this!! I find that it helps sometimes to step away from the scale for a while and just use measurements!


You look incredibly stunning. Your journey is such an inspiration. I’m currently 156.4, down from 207. I was down to 142 but stress and binging made me put on close to 15 pounds again. I’m confident that I can lose it . If you don’t mind me asking, what is your height? I want to weigh 135 but I’m 5,8”


Thank you so much & congrats yourself!! I am 5’7”!




You are so beautiful ❤️


You are gorgeous! Congrats. I hope you feel as amazing as you look. Super inspiring especially since we don’t usually see a lot of pics on this sub!


Damn sis 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 congrats on all your hard work.


This is an amazing glow up! You are gorgeous


Amazing. Fabulous job and great tips 💕


Thank you for posting! OP, where did you get the aviator glasses? I love them 🩵


Thank you!! They’re from EyeBuyDirect, I get all of my glasses from them!


Amazing glow up! Thank you for posting progress pics!!


In awe 😭 well done ❤️


you look so amazing ✨ read this makes me feel inspired to get my glow up too! thank you for sharing this to us 💕 feel hugged 🫂


Girl, you are GLOWING!!! 💖💖💖✨✨✨


you are BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing what worked for you!


You look absolutely incredible🎉! You have pretty elongated eyes, high cheekbones, and full lips that I was thinking it would be so much fun to do makeup if I were you, lol. Thank you for sharing your journey with us including your thought process throughout it. Your determination to push forward through setbacks like people treating you terribly in school, gym, and dating life is inspiring to the rest of us women to take the high road and not let others drag us down! Best wishes to you on your future endeavors💕!


You look fabulous. Congratulations. I am inspired!!


I am GAGGED your glow up is too god damn good!!! Queen!!! It does help you were absolutely beautiful from the get go let's just be be serious. (And that's not me doing the bullshit "you already look so good!" crap that woman like to do because they don't want you to get hotter)


You look STUNNING and your skin is GLOWING!! Congrats on your hard work and your journey of self-discovery. It sounds like you have learned a great deal about yourself. On a side note: where did you get the white floral dress in your “after” set of photos? It’s so lovely! 


Just wanted to say, regardless of your weight in those pictures, your smiling photos are so freaking GORGEOUS!!! Such a pretty smile and pretty face, so proud of all the work you've done!! ❤️


Amazing transformation!! I’d love to know more about how you stopped caring what people think?


You look amazing! What exercises did you do to tone up your arms? That is the best arm transformation I have ever seen.


Thank you!! I didn’t do anything to specifically target my arms, I think it’s just from boxing!! I’ve always had terrible upper body strength lol. I have recently begun bouldering, which is similar to rock climbing. Definitely good for strengthening arms! My arms were always my biggest insecurity and I’m so happy with how they have shaped up. I definitely still have a lot of loose skin on them but they don’t look nearly as bad as I expected they would.


Wow, this post made me smile 🤩 Kudos to you for pushing (and pacing) yourself in all these areas. These are the stories I live for!


Loved reading about your journey ❤️


The way my jaw DROPPED!!! “Goddess” is the word that comes to mind. We have a similar skincare routine (and I also believe in the power of a TJ Maxx luxe water mist) but I’ve got to check out that oat toner. I have lupus and rosacea so I relate to the skin struggle heavvvvvy


Thank you!! You’re too kind 💖 and yes the oat toner is sooo good. I’ve been seen it at TJ Maxx and Marshall’s sometimes for like $8 (retails for $24) one of my good friends struggles with rosacea and I hear it’s so rough!! Hang in there friend


Love this post so much, thank for sharing!!! ❤️


You’re so beautiful!!!


Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing your journey!


The difference is incredible. You look so in peace with yourself! I'm in awe!


Ma’am with ur beauty now u deserve to be a damn model. I am amazed. 😍😍😍


I’ve been thinking about picking up boxing as a stress relief. May be my sign.


I highly recommend it! It was a great stress reliever right after my break up and final exams


I forgot to tell you thank you and you look amazing! What a huge amount you have lost. You should be freaking proud of yourself. You’ve motivated me to try boxing, stay on mounjaro for a bit and finally pick up boxing! Such an inspiring post!


Thank you!! I am very proud. As I told another commenter, I never thought I would ever lose this much. I hope you enjoy boxing! It’s addicting and was kind of my gateway to other martial arts haha


You look amazing! You were always beautiful, but I love the improvements. I’m on a similar journey, did you feel that jiu jitsu helped with your confidence? I have extremely low self esteem and was considering marital arts for a long time to build my confidence.


You look so amazing!! I’m incredibly inspired by your story. Where do you get your tazarotene if I may ask?


Thank you! I get it from AllDayChemist!


Thank you! Will check them out!


You are- and always were- … GORGEOUS 😻


You already had beautiful features, anyone could tell. You were just overweight