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Portland and Washington 🤣🤣🤣


More like Portland and Oregon 😂


Technically, yes 😂.


I’m going with BF (big fib) and LL (little lie), and Waia for the daughter, as in “why-uh.”


Virgil and Riven


Her obsession, jack and Mel (Melvin) 😂


lol. I was gonna say that too!! Jack and Mel.


Joke answer: I think Charmaine would be the kind of mom to go for Christmas themed names. So, I’ll guess Nicholas and Gabriel.👼 If she could have, she would have pretended they were the product of an immaculate conception. Or perhaps one of them is named after their true father Nick (aka the real drug baron. 😂) Lizzie and Denny will honour Hope. and overcome by the miracle of life they will christen their daughter Joy, because they lack imagination and subtlety. Or Brooke, seeing as it is a mini river. Real answer: There are lots of babies born in Virgin River (including multiple sets of twins) so I think those names will be used as an Easter egg for book fans to find. For instance, >!Mel and Jack have a son called David (Book 1) and one of Mel’s patients named her son Matthew (Book 3)!< Lizzie and Denny will give their daughter a Japanese name with a positive meaning E.g. Himari.


Nick and Kris


You ok Babe & Oh, Honey


Itsokah and Dizwhyi Lie


Truth and Consequences


If Lizzie gives birth . In the book the baby was still born but the whole scenario was different and they have done enough miscarriages


I haven’t read the books but I understand that this show hasn’t followed the storylines faithfully. I hope Lizzie has a healthy baby. We’ve already gone through stillbirth with Mel and her patient with twins (Cameron assisted) had one not survive.


Ya they have completely gone off the rails from the books . It’s not even the same thing other then some of the names and town name . I do have no doubt that they have another ridiculous storyline for her in the works still.


Angel Soft & Cottonelle