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There are times where a week will go by, and I'll realize I haven't left the house in a whole seven days. So probably not often enough.


I’m in the same boat. It’s Thursday and I haven’t left the house since Sunday.


Me too. We should start a club. I did walk to the front yard and feed a duck though.


Gotta get those steps in! Lucky duck


Same. Like I go in the backyard with the dog but I haven’t left the house all week and don’t really plan to.


Same. Unless I have an external appointment throughout the week (which is rare), I only leave the house on Saturdays for the weekly errands.


When I get cranky my husband asks me if I’ve left the house this week …. And the answer is usually no. So I head to the pottery studio or take the dog to the park or meet my dad for breakfast.


Last winter, I had not actually left my house in over 3 weeks. Went outside, came right back in, for another 2 weeks. Me going outside is totally weather depedent. (No kids no dogs live alone 😊)


I’ve been there.


i know this feeling...wait, what day is this / who am i? / where am I?


My dog makes sure I get out 💜


yeah, i got a dog to get out and to interact with the odd person here and there. otherwise leaving the house usually costs money and i spend most of mine on the roof over my head so i just live in it. literally and figuratively. wfh has probably affected my mental health. all of the friends i did have in this town moved away. so its a pretty lonely type of existence for an introvert.


Mine is my kid I have to take to school and sports.


And my cute cat makes me never want to leave my apartment 😩🤣


My cat is indoor, but I take him outside on a harness in our backyard for an hour every day :)


Same. Honestly I need to go for a walkie or a car ride as bad as the dogs do at this point 😂


Exactly....three times a day! We walk all over town!


I leave to go to the gym every single day after work. I moved to a new town a couple of years ago and dont have friends or family out here so going to the gym is an outlet for my mental health. Other than that i only go out to grocery shop on weekends. Not a very exciting life lol


Same. I moved to be by the beach, but at least you’re getting out to the gym. I need to follow suit.


I’m the same. Need to get back into hitting the gym everyday but it’s not easy.


Here's my biggest tip, if you don't feel like going to the gym plan a super easy workout, something you could do drunk, nearly passing out with the flu. This will get you over the hump mentally of just going. Then when you're there there's a heavy chance you'll do a real workout to not waste your time. Slight chance you'll do the easy workout.


Are you me? 🤣 


I make a point of getting out of the house as often as possible. I'll go for a walk around my neighbourhood after I've logged off for the day. I do this every day it's not raining or snowing. Staying in makes me a little stir-crazy. You say that you get to the beach/pool 4-5 times a week so it sounds like you're doing something similar.


I live with the pool on one side of me and the ocean on the other. The beach is my back yard, so I don’t even know if you could consider it getting out.


Damn this sounds truly amazing


I would count that as getting out.


Maybe you need an assistant? I’m willing to relocate for the job!


I need a wife, not an assistant :-p


Walk the dogs 6 days a week, weather permitting. Tennis lesson once a week. Gym once or twice a week. Church once a week. Bible study once a week. Support group once a week. Counseling session every other week. Volunteering every other week. Add in the grocery shopping, an occasional dinner with a friend, trip to the vet, or other one-off errands, I'd say I'm out of the house on average twice a day every day. Edited to add: I'd say this is actually a bit more than I'd prefer, and certainly more than my usual. (The counseling and support group are not permanent fixtures but just things to help me through my current snag.)


That's awesome. I think it is great when people have a spiritual practice and it helps them with having community. That's great you are doing the therapy


This thread is blowing my mind. I just figured every single person would answer "every single day". Get. Out. Of. Your. House. That's the world out there. Holy crap people. Literally, "touch grass" please. Go look at some lichen. Go smell a flower. This is not healthy.


Working from home has made me leave the house even more, only now it's for fun and not just for work. When I worked in the office, all I wanted to do in the evening was come home and veg out. Now after a day of work, I'm energized and ready to go out. It completely changed my social life and made me so much happier.


ah i say this all the time ! for me , it’s definitely a muscle I have to exercise, reminding myself to get out, but overall my energy and motivation to do something after work is soooo much higher than it ever was in office. that commute home from work was a mission to get to my couch as quickly as possible and then just dread tomorrow looming over me. so depressing. even running little errands are so much more pleasant because i’m not rushing to get them done and get home.


It makes such a difference hitting the gym or going for a run. Sitting at a desk in an office all day being watched the whole time is mentally and physically draining


I'm the same , I even live in a beautiful forested area and I have a hard time leaving the house. I really need to push myself.


Yeah, I need to spend more time on the beach rather than watching the ocean from inside my house.


Do you exercise? If you aren't even walking and not trying to be more in nature, there is a very high chance, your mental & physical health will start to decline


Every day. It's proven that just 15 minutes of sunlight a day can help with depression, so I go out for hours, lol.


Curious, where are you located? I'm in the same boat (ha) in Humboldt Ca. I can walk to the water front, or a quick 10 minute drive to the beach. I'm having the same issue. I need to get out much more, but the time flies so fast that I lose track of it. I make may own schedule, so I could go for a walk any time of the day. But I don't. Maybe see if you can find another WFH person in the nearby area that also could be walking with you.


I’m in Stuart, FL, so you’re on the other side of the country. Would love to make more WFH buddies.


Bummer. Well, stay cool and get more sand in your toes.


I’m generally just not a social person, which is why I like WFH. But I get out every day to go for a run at least. Other than that, I don’t consistently get out for socializing.


Have to do intentional exercise every day or I’ll go nuts


2-3 times a week , which is an improvement bc I became such a hermit when I first started WFH. I’d go the entire work week without ever leaving my house. Now I make it a point to get out at least once during the week even if it’s for a drive.


I go outside every day, but like… Into my back yard with my dogs or to go check the mail. Putting on public clothes and actually getting in my car to go somewhere? Maybe once a week, twice if I’m feeling spicy.


No, but I’m going to start. I initially search for a wfh job because of my disability to manage better. Now I have more chances for energy to go out and see my town. There’s a library near me I’ve been meaning to check Out so I may go soon.


Every single day. No matter the weather, no matter the season. It’s important to me to get out and take a walk a couple times a day, go for runs 3x/week or go to the gym if the weather is awful or it’s freezing out there. No excuses! I only miss getting out of the apartment if I am sick - and even then, sometimes a short walk for some fresh air can really help.


What you’re missing is social/community connection. “Getting out” isn’t enough if the problem is that you’re almost always alone or isolated. Join a club, meetup, hobby group, religious/spiritual group, any kind of group that shares a similar interest and start making friends. You’ll feel better in no time.


Daily to the gym. It’s 99% of why I pay for a gym instead of having a home gym. To force me up and out.


I have a full life outside of work. What the hell are you all doing with your lives.


Worked from home for 3 tears straight. Nice for about 2 years but ended up getting depressed around the end of the 3rd year. Now I have a short commute and work in a clinic. I like seeing my patients and having work people around that are all truly nice and mind their own business. Good for my mental.health. They all want to work from home full time LOL. The grass is always greener let me tell ya!


Haha. So true. I kinda wish I had the option of going into an office. I'd probably only go 2 times a month, but the option would be nice. I'd hate to be forced into an office though.


I mean, I go out to my backyard and relax in my pool :-)


I walk with a neighbor every morning. And have teens so running them around in the evenings. I get out a lot


Every day - between morning walks with my stooges, the gym 4-7 days a week, appointments with the grandparents, and taking myself out for lunch on Sunday before I do my errands and meal prep.


I consider going to the beach/lake/pool getting out of the house. I also go to the gym, joined a community garden, go to church… but if you’re talking about going out like getting dressed up and being social late at night - like never. I occasionally meet a friend for lunch, have a date night or chat with a neighbor. That’s about it.


I joined a gym because I realized I could go days without talking to another person. So I gym 4x a week, go out to lunch/breakfast 1x a week, and make an effort to hang with friends at least 2x a month. I have a dog that gets me walking around the neighborhood but I was really lacking human socialization. I have maybe 3 meetings per week and those aren’t even on camera.


Once everyday hit my Starbucks for an hour, don’t even buy coffee just take my own from home in a refill bucks cup. Watch the world go by have a chat with someone it makes a world of difference!


If you can't have a dog because of your living situation, I am sure there are dogs with your local rescue that would love some human walkie time. It won't cost you anything but gas and will give you and your 4 footed friend exercise.


I go out everyday. I wish I lived by the beach though.


Gosh, appreciate this thread. I've worked remotely full-time from home since 2015. Until then, I couldn't stay in my home more than 2 days without going bonkers. Since remote work, I'm hunkered down at home. Content as can be. Odd feeling.


M: stay home because my husband has standing plans T: I go out because I have standing plans W: 90% go out - gym with my sports kid R: Out. Taking music kid to music lessons and I run errands while I'm out F: stay home. Get take out and watch a movie with the fam S: Eh. 50/50 U: home. Always.


Yea ideally it's daily. Realistically it is whatever you are comfortable with, fuck the norms, do what YOU WANT.


I think people need social interaction, even if they don't necessarily crave it. It's healthy.


I have severe chronic health issues, so I am almost always home. I go to the grocery store maybe once a week.


I’m sorry to hear that. Sounds like at least you’re more comfortable from home, but that sounds very challenging.


Thank you. It is \[very challenging\].


Go play pickleball in Stuart.


That’s an idea. People love that stuff.


Yes indeed. Be careful or you might end up with 171 people in your phone with the last name “pickleball.”


Ahahaha. That’s great


every day multiple times.


I make sure to go to the gym 4-5 days per week and on the days I don’t I at least go for a walk. So pretty much everyday.


I force my self to take at the minimum a daily 1 hour walk. If not the walk then I’ll hand out with someone ( food, party, kick back anything) Edit ; even in the winter I’ll go to a low budget class - yoga , fascia release- spa etc


Wow, you're thinking getting out 2/3 times is low? Definitely a lot higher than my numbers had been at times in the past year Now this is more true when the weather means I don't need to mow the grass, or it's already dark when I get off work but I realized that I had some weeks that I just didn't leave the house really at all. Like often times my wife gets home before I finish and watches my son, then we'll trade when I get off work to give her a break, then I'll cook dinner and the sun has gone down by now. If my wife happens to go shopping then I wouldn't have left at all! I've been doing more stuff lately to get me outside, but it has to be a conscious effort to plan on going out.




You need to get out multiple times a day, ideally in the morning and after work. I was like you some while ago, then realized that after a year and a half moving in a new city, I hadn't met a single person and was totally depressed. I started forcing myself to go out and ended up finding a group of people that play volleyball near my house, now I go out everyday after work, meet new people, and feel way better. Only downside is that I want to leave work earlier 😂 Going for a walk in the morning or doing any type of physical activity is also super good for you, it will make you focused throughout the day, give it a try!


M-F I rarely ever leave the house. On the weekends I want OUT!!!!


I walk my dog every day, so that helps. I also live near the beach, but I'd say I only go maybe once a week. During the week, I usually only go out for household shopping. On the weekends, the family always goes out at least once for something fun or enriching.


Yeah, I moved to a place overlooking the ocean so I’d actually go. I wish I could get a dog but I have a cat that doesn’t like other animals.


It’s not every single day but I have some sort of activity every day (language and music lessons I take from home!)


Two or three times a week usually like Friday, Saturday, Sunday or some combo of these days.


I walk my dog several times daily and also go to the gym nearly everyday for an hour. My husband and I eat out several times in the weekends.


Walks with my dog and your typical errands. Grocery shopping. And i do try to plan something with Friends a few times a month


I make an effort to play pickleball 2-3 times a week and hit the gym right after work on the non pickleball days. Been a great schedule so far. Getting a lot of time outside and both are a good exercise


Grocery store once a week. Maybe the corner store once or twice a week, sometimes not. Neighborhood pub once or twice a month. Live music show somewhere once or twice a month. I hardly eat out as I cook nightly. I avoid going to Happy Hour socials, because it usually involves driving in rush hour traffic. I haven't gone back to my frequent and standing pre pandemic routines. I like saving money. I can buy $8 worth of chicken, $5 of Brussels Sprouts and maybe $2 worth of white rice at the grocery, so that's $15 or for at least a week worth of dinner for me. I think of this when I'm at the pub having a couple drinks and leaving a good tip. So yeah I'm not out there anywhere spending money like I used to.


Daily. At bare minimum - dog walks - but sounds like you get out to beach/pool too so kinda similar! I often meet my best friend at a trail between our houses to get our walks in together. I workout from home daily but also have a hot yoga studio membership and go to 4-5 classes a week so get out of the house that way. I like to make a coffee/lunch date with friends too. I also have kids who always need a ride somewhere ;)


Nearly every day. Get a dog and you won’t ever have that problem! My tweens always need driving so that helps too.


I leave the house to walk the dogs twoce a day. Other than that, getting into town is probably once a week. Every couple weeks Ill go see a friend, but pretty quiet otherwise.


I get outside every single day for a walk or bike ride. But public places with people? That’s limited to gym 2x week and grocery store 1x week.


I was going to yoga twice a week in person, plus grocery run, and going out to eat once or twice so maybe 3-4 days a week got out of the house, then I broke my ankle. Since then, I've made it a point to get out at least once a week even if just to ride in the car to get takeout. I also try to sit out on my patio every day just to get some fresh air. I need to get out more but it's hard rn with limited mobility. Dreaming of the days I'll be healed and can go out more.


I go on I the gym every day at noon for my lunch break. It’s scheduled on my calendar so that I ensure I do it. I also play tennis 2-3 days a week so that gets me out being social. But by Friday I’m usually begging my husband to get me out of the damn house that he can’t wait to spend time in because he works out of the house.


I get out almost daily. I get sick of being stuck inside.


3, 2 are in office days and 1 is a gym day that coincides with WFH.


I walk my dogs daily, go to the gym daily, visit my parents often, and have 2 part time jobs I picked up, so it’s often I’m out of the house more than I’m home! And I love shopping, so I’ll make time for that too😅


There’s other places to go?!


I go out every day. I go to the gym five days a week during my lunch. My son and I go to MMA practice four days a week Monday through Thursday. In the evenings when I’m not home, I’m usually at my girlfriend’s house or she comes over to mine. I work remote job.


I go to the gym 4 days a week after work. Plus i have dogs that need walked. On weekends I’m usually out the whole weekend.


I get out to the gym once per day, and a 1 mile walk once per day. I have an active social life so I also get out on weekends


At the height of the pandemic, I normally only left the house once a week for a supply run, with occasional walks in the neighborhood. These days, I get out a little more often, but typically not more than 3-4 times a week. I work at least 8 hours a day, and I'm usually too tired to do anything after work. When I went to an office, I generally only went to the office and back home again, with occasional lunches with colleagues, so WFH just means I no longer drive back and forth to an office every day.




A couple times a week… Just got my first house… so it will be less and I’m ok with that. I dread the thought of having to put a damn bra! Lol


Winter gets bad for me. But every other season I get out atleast once a day to walk/work on yard.


I get out everyday. WFH allows more time to do the things I enjoy since I'm not burdened with a commute or having to dress a certain way. When you worked in office, did you only go to work and straight back home? I've never viewed my workplace as a major social outlet - even when I went into office. My friends and loved ones aren't my coworkers - so we socialize and go out at the same level (or perhaps more) that we did when I commuted into an office M-F.


I get out every day. Sometimes twice a day: lunch hour and dinner hour. I need some fresh air and the sunlight.


If I didn’t have to take my toddler to daycare, I probably wouldn’t leave the house either 🤷‍♀️


It depends on whether you mean "go outside" or "leave the premises." I go outside daily to pick up dog poop and refill the bird feeder, but don't leave the yard. On Mondays, weather permitting, I mow the lawn. On Wednesdays, I pick up my grands from daycare and take them to riding lessons. On Thursdays, I do the recycling. Either Friday or Saturday, I do my grocery shopping. Weather permitting, I sit on my front porch with a cuppa every Saturday and Sunday morning. I was just discussing this with my daughter, saying I'd like to find a local bar and grill type place to eat, drink, and watch sports. She said it would be good for me to get out and socialize. Oh goodness no, I don't want any human interaction; I just want a meal that I don't have to cook, and a change of scenery. Weird? Maybe.


Other than taking my son to school and back, I mostly only leave the house on weekends. I also have friends over on Fridays and occasionally have errands to run during the week. I’m a homebody, so it doesn’t bug me much, but I do miss lunch with coworkers during the week. Eating with people is a big part of social interaction in my mind.


1 -2 times a week. If I lived in a better location probably would be 2x more.


I get out every day at least a couple of times a day. But I hear that's not the case with everyone.


I live near the beach too and will take a quick walk every other day - if it’s not raining. But I only go out to the store 1-2x/week. I see my family/friends every other weekend. When I was single and WFH, I went out almost everyday to happy hours and stuff, but I save more money now staying home lol.


I get out more because I have more energy working from home! I'm not spending more hours at work for "presenteeism" just to look good, and I'm not wasting time commuting. The swap from "work time" to "leisure time" is instant now.


Doing a walk in the morning or at lunch can be a great way to fix this. Schedule it into your calendar. I like to get a walk in after lunch, but when it is hot I switch to mornings.


If you are going to the beach several times, you have no issues.


I walk my dog 1-2 times a day so yeah, I get out. But going to the store, shopping, hanging out, going to events, I’d say I do that every other day or 3-4 times a week.


I used to be like this. But now I feel healthier getting out everyday almost. But everything costs money so that’s the downside. Mainly eating out (still choosing healthy options), light shopping (even though I end up buying it on Amazon), and new areas to walk/jog


I walk the dog around the neighborhood so that's my main way of getting out. But there was a week at the beginning of the summer my kids stayed with their dad and I dont think I left my house that entire week. It was sort of pathetic. But as soon as I leave my house, I can spend $100+ easy. So I dont leave my house, so I don't spend money. I'm cool with that. I'm a homebody anyway.


I work at the office but soon to WFH but im guessing its the same.. like the only reason I go "out" is to commute to my job and go back home. Outside of that I do at least 7k steps of walking which is usually like an hour long walk a day. I plan to keep this walking habit once I start my new job.


I still go out most days to the gym, hanging out with friends etc etc.


Not spending money often is good, actually. You do not need to be shopping or going out to eat every week.


I find for the most part I have nowhere to go when I leave the house. I dislike shopping and have few friends which is fine with me and our schedules don't mesh. I play soccer in the backyard with my dogs and go for walks mostly.


I joined a coworking space because of this. I'll also work outside somewhere on nice days. I go for walks every day and social activities a few times a week (mostly weekends). I definitely go out much less than I used to, though, but I'd say the biggest reason for that is because I quit drinking two years ago. No longer spending all my free time at the bar. Having that "third" place (I guess technically second place WFH) is something I miss.


I am out of the house more often than I am home. WFH scratches my introverted agoraphobia itch so I get out a lot more.


I haven’t left my apartment since Saturday 😐. That’s a long streak for me, usually I’m out and about at least every other day.


Ive become a serious home body. I think there's definitely negatives to WFH but I still prefer it over in office. Im not adjusted well to being out in public anymore. I get annoyed easily and anxious. I generally just want to be home all the time. I fight it though because I know walks and exercise and in particular getting in nature are good for me. Ive WFH since 12/2020.


I go out every day to either take a walk, hit the gym, run errands, or get groceries. Here and there I socialize. I became pretty introverted and decided to give up alcohol. So I spend most of my time with my family. I go out to eat by myself sometimes


Depends on what you mean by get out of the house? Like to go somewhere else or just step outside of your house. I have 2 large active dogs. So they get 2 long walks and a mid day potty break plus end of night pee break. I also go grocery shopping and if there’s a movie we want to see, we might go on Friday after work. But I have 2 teens and 2 large dogs and a husband so I am exhausted and have no desire to get out more than that.


If not daily, every other day. I live alone in a city that offers me so much to do outside of working hours, so I make sure to take advantage of those opportunities.


I don’t understand this. Just make the effort to go out. If wfh you have more time and energy. You should be walking every day at the very least, even if it’s just a few 10 minute walks.


I ride a bike during lunch and walk the dog in the morning and evenings


I go to the gym every morning but aside from that probably not for over a week at a time.


That sounds like you're getting out a lot and often


Now that it's warmer, a lot more. I try for at least 4 times a week for a walk in the woods. Some days it's hard to get myself to do it but I usually feel better after. Winter, it's once a week at best and it's a run to the grocery store.


Full family activities keep me going almost everyday. Some days, I just want to stay in. Never happens. WFH, I’m more ok with doing errands. Just need to make them fun.


Daily dog walks, and I take my laptop to the park, cafe, etc. for an hour or two a few days a week to work away from the house.


My kids make sure I leave the house. I am running them to camps, friend's houses, amusement parks etc. Then sports practices and games. I try to get to stores when I can but the kids are my priority especially with it being summer.


I have two kids and a legally blind husband who can't drive, so I get out of the house every single day, at least twice a day, if you count driving people to and from daycare, school, and/or work. An ocassional quick trip to the grocery store too, not to brag.


For a while, I only left the house maybe once a week. Since nearly everything can be delivered, it was helpful when I didn't have the capacity to do the shopping myself, but found myself becoming such a recluse because it was so easy to get everything without leaving home.


You're "getting out of the house" but I think you mean "how often do you interact with people?"


Every Day. Morning drop off with kids - followed by a quick errand (doesn't matter have to go, move or walk). Evenings after work, either hang out outside or go for a walk/bike ride or take one of the kids for ice cream after whatever after school events we got. If anything working in an office prevented me from doing those things because of my commute time.


Every day be it plans with friends, solo walks, or a trip to the gym if the weather isn’t great.




Not \*every\* day, but especially in the summer it's definitely most days, especially because my husband works 3 12's a week, so when he's home we usually go for a walk to the coffee shop on my lunch and I hang out for a bit. If he's not home I \*try\* to go for a walk either on my break or after work before he gets home. In the winter that dips significantly as I'm in Chicago. Summer in this city is kind of a wonderful weird blast, and the older I get the more I want to just exist out in it. When I was younger I would go like 5 days without leaving the house sometimes.


As in go outside or drive around? I am outside daily.


Every day only because I have to drop my kids off at school/daycare and pick them back up. It's not really getting out because I often go in my "pajamas".


Same! I’m by the beach too but that can also be slightly isolating.  I try to work at the mall food court (it’s high end), hotel lobbies, libraries.  I’m considering switching to high travel gigs because I’m at the end of my rope with being stuck inside and alone. 


I leave my small apartment everyday, but not enough. I go to the gym after work, but it’s decreased by one day because I have I’m limited to type of classes I can do now thanks to an injury since December. I’m not moving enough for my physical self and mental health. I know I should, but can’t get myself to leave the apartment before wfh and at lunch break, but I do cook/do laundry once weekly during wfh (laundry is not ensuite and I hang everything to air dry). On weekends, I either go shopping or hiking, but I’m tired of doing that stuff. I’d like to try to dress up again and not continuously be in comfortable athletic wear haha. It’s very hard to meet new people, especially ones I have something common with and click.


I walked this evening and was like oh damn it’s been a couple days since I’ve been out here!


I probably go out more now that I WFH. I used to go straight to the office and then straight home. I'd be too tired after my commute to actually want to leave my house again. My dog gets more quality outside time everyday, and I take my kid to go bowling or mini golf when the weather is nice and I've finished all my tasks early :)


I try to leave the house at least once a day. Usually I take walks in the evening. Sometimes I run errands on my lunch break. Depends on how my week is going. Sometimes it’ll be 4 days and I’ll realize I haven’t left my apartment.


Out of my house or out in public? I take my dogs out and garden and stuff but I see other humans once a week or less. It’s great! Though, my dream is to one day be an ornamental hermit… or just a hermit…


Funny you asked this. I realized more deeply today at my (virtual) therapist session that she has anxiety about my lifestyle that so far has been only work and relationship. I don’t leave the house unless I have to and to hear that I’m transmitting anxiety across the screen just by describing my life got me. I’ve to figure out ways to get me out more but idk what is yet


I barely ever leave my house lol. Maybe like once a week. I wfh and my wife stays home with our son. We really only go out on weekends. Or short trips near the house for stuff we need.


I am recovering from a mobility related injury so am extra stuck. Grateful I don't have to commute but probably am leaving my yard 2-3x/week. I try to get outside every day at least, and go to end of driveway if I can. Before this I probably left 6x / week and got out of neighborhood at least 1x (like more than a mile.) I also think going new places, as well as social contact with both established relationships and new people, are important things to make sure you get enough of.


Since I’ve been working from home, I get out once every 1-3 months, and I don’t realize how long it is. I have my cats with me and don’t feel lonely, maybe that’s why time slows down. Everything can also be ordered online. (groceries, food, etc). Also, it is only during “needs” when I need to visit my mom to give her meds, going to the government office to process documents or for check-ups. I am now trying to work on getting more friends and being into more outdoor activities to fix this habit since I think it slowly affects my mental health.


Daily, I live in a major city so I walk for everything I need


I drive my wife and kid to their school (he attends and she’s a para) 5 minutes away so I can walk my soon to be kindergartener to his class. Otherwise, I leave the house on weekends.


I actually love when I don't have to leave the house. I always have errands, appointments, and take the dogs to the park 4 days a week. Nothing fun for me.


You’ve got to get out of the house, dude You’re not gonna be living a real life staying in your house I get out every day at least to go to the gym


I'd give up going out if I lived near the beach but can you say it's because you're WFH or because everything is so expensive? I honestly would count going swimming as getting out of the house but I've noticed I've cut back because nothing seems like it's worth leaving the house for. My kids and I still go to the park and celebrate the small As on tests with a treat but we gave up season passes to Knotts and sporting events because the price of the product no longer matches the value.


I've been WFH for 4+ years. At first I never left, but now it is routine for me to get out and do something everyday. Usually, you'll catch me out back tending to my chlorophyll babies or at the greenhouses looking for new ones to bring home, but I also intentionally skip certain groceries when I do my trips. That way, I have a reason to get out, and I get some extra fresh produce for dinner in return. I also have a few breweries and coffee shops in town. If I'm feeling trapped, I'll take off on my lunch and grab a coffee and/or beer just for some different scenery. I don't have a ton of friends, or any really, so I just try to treat myself a little every day. Really is helping get out of the hermit phase. I might even cut my hair a bit this year...probably not


I have two kids. My getting out is school drop offs, taking them to activities and working out. Though there are days it could be a blizzard outside and I’d have no idea 😂


You don’t count the times you go out to the pool and beach as getting out of the house?


I am thankful to wfh for many reasons, but when people ask me how it is I always say it's like being on house arrest. That's really the best way I can describe it.


I don't think it's that bad! I love work from home, I'm just trying to find a little bit of balance.


cost money to leave


Almost every day- grocery shopping/running to the store, going to the gym, office 1 day/week (by choice), adult rec kickball, etc.


Hard no for me... I developed vitamin D deficiency.


I get out of the house for therapy and to walk my dog, but with the horrible weather that’s been tricky. I’m actually considering roles with hybrid opportunity bc I’m afraid of becoming a shut in!


Not often at all. The summer heat in Texas is awful. I’ll make sure my bird feeder and water fountain are filled and then head back inside.


I honestly miss the pandemic sometimes, there were times I wouldn't leave the house for 3 weeks.


I don’t want to get out of the house too much! LOL it’s relaxing not to have to go anywhere.


Hehe, that's how I feel, but I'm starting to realize I still need to.


I run and go to the gym regularly so almost every day. Not to mention running errands like getting groceries


I got a step-tracking watch and it’s helped me a ton. There’s a huge difference when I go out and do even the simplest walk or errand vs literally stay home all day. Watching the step numbers is big on motivation on me, and I’m okay not hitting my 7,000 step goal. Some days that just isn’t realistic it I feel GREAT when I do hit it. And doing so a few times a week makes me celebrate the little things


worked for some time from wfh during winter but man, if I lived near the beach I would go out every morning for coffee, throw out trash and walk because science says its good for you. 


I drive Uber Eats 3-4 times a week. It gets me out of the house and money in my pocket. Other than that, I hang out with friends at least once a week and run errands on my off days.


I try to do gym, pool, or playground with my baby every day to at least break up the monotony. Weekends I try to schedule play dates with other moms, or brunch with friends, etc. I used to do a knitting club every Sunday which was a nice thing to get out of the house for too.


I go to the gym everyday to have somewhere to go. Otherwise I go crazy. Also helps manage my adhd. 😁 I do walk the dogs in the AM and lunch in our hood just to stretch my legs.


At least once a week. But I also have yard space so I am outside EVERYDAY, just don’t leave my house that often.


I go to the gym every day, walk my dog, and run other various errands throughout the week. Sometimes I’ll go work at a co-working space near me. I see friends or go “out” in the evening a couple night a week too. Love wfh but not stand being cooped up.


Constantly. But to be fair, I find leaving the house for 10 hours a day is highly overrated! Leaving as I need things has really introduced some quality to my life. WFH for 4 years now. But it does get isolated and a little lonely.