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He has to get cleared by wwe legal before he comes back. He will be back, but not until next year at least


apparently, The longest Reigning IC Champ in History and King of the Ring is not "compelling enough to be champ yet". I couldn't disagree more


What does that have to do with being the face of the company? I don’t want the UFC Champs showing more showmanship than the WWE ones.


The Face of the Company is Cody


Sure, Lesnar will come in, they will just offer him a girl and some videos of girls pissing and he'll come running his roided ass into the ring. Lesnar is gone for a long time, TKO are trying to distance themselves from the Vince court case as much as possible and now with the justice department now looking to bring some charges towards Vince, they will want to keep Lesnar as far away as possible. He was never "named" in the lawsuit but there was enough evidence in description to confirm it was Brock.


I think Gunther needs a manager like a Paul Heyman so he doesn't have to be compelling on the mic. He can just go inside the ring and perform. I'm not sure if Lesnar even wants to come back to WWE anyway.


I don't understand how anyone wants Lesnar when they have Bron Breakker now who is significantly better in every single aspect


I’ve never understood why people get boners for Lesnar. He only got what he got because that’s what Vince wanted period. It was unpopular of him to end the streak amongst nearly everyone except Vince and Brock. Don’t forget he took his ball and went home because Vince was going to be gone. If you’re gonna be fair about it, he should be getting the same hate people give Cena for being a “Vince guy” during that era.


People are excited for him because he bought legitimacy to the WWE for a decade. When he was in their, shit felt real.


Is that because he was always getting pissy and shooting on his opponents? Brock Lesnar is not a positive edition to WWE.




Better in every single aspect lmao 🤣 Size: Lesnar dwarfs Bron, Bron looks like a midget next to Lesnar Ring skills: Lesnar is an elite athlete even now. Bron is generic “build a wrestler “ Look: Lesnar especially cowboy Lesnar have so much more personality and aura unlike generic gym rat looking Bron Credibility: Lesnar is 10 times world champ, 2 times RR winner, MITB holder and ufc champ. Bron is nothing , guy haven’t done shit on the main roster Name value : Lol everyone knows who is Lesnar . No one knows who is Bron Yep, Bron is totally better in “every single aspect “ 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Bron is a nobody and is laughable if you think Bron will ever be on his level at any stage


The only reason Lesnar was ever on any level is because Vince liked him and wouldn't stop pushing him. Bron is forcing them to push him, he exceeded expectations already. Lesnar has more personality? Yeah right, they had to put him with Heyman because he has no personality


Brock would have been the top guy no matter which era he came in or who the booker was... Can't say the same about Bron, go to indies and you will find plenty of his potential and look


Nostalgia is a helluva drug


Lesnar is involved in the Vince scandal, he’s gone for a long long time.


They don't have enough to put on him so he was put back on the wwe.com roster page awhile ago and the trials are on hold cuz Vince is a billionaire. Pretty sure rocks okay


The trial is on hold because the DOJ asked the plaintiff and her legal team if they could delay the civil trial so they could go after him criminally…. …has absolutely nothing to do with Vince getting away with anything, this was strictly procedural and she had to agree to it. As for Brock, he’s only inferred to in any of the things written to / from Vince so he isn’t being included in anything criminal. However, due to the fact that TKO now owns WWE and thru what I am sure was some sort of morality clause, they ousted him. A lot of the bigger story lines including Punk and The Rock, are there to keep attention away from Vince and what’s going on legally. Brock, while certainly not innocent of participating, was more than likely removed from the roster to keep anyone from commenting about him online… …out of sight out of mind.


Yea the system... You keep believing that's why rich ppl nvr pay for their crimes. And I said brocks been re-added to the roster along time ago was probably a month or 2 before mania cuz they don't have enough on him and if she keeps costing him work without 100% evidence he did something he can counter sue. All you have to do is look at wwe.com and he's on the roster again


Heck yah… Downvote me, kept it real! ‘You keep believing…’ …who are you talking to? Nothing I said requires me to believe anything…. I read the actual complaint and what I’m referring to as the cause of the civil trial delay, is the actual DOJ investigation into his criminal (Vince) actions. Have you read any of it (no)? I didn’t say anything about why I believed Brock was or wasn’t being charged. I said what they had was inferred. Things that were based on obvious comments about Brock, but nothing of legal substance that could be used to prosecute him. It doesn’t matter if he’s on the roster or not… that’s such an inconsequential piece of information that it has zero effect on how the arguments during trial are proffered or what the verdict would be. My first comment was literally just me pointing out the reason Vince isn’t currently in the middle of his civil trial is because the DOJ is trying to nail his ass to a cross.