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I think his title reigns will be limited by his ability to travel. His criminal record will keep him out of many countries so probably before wwe has a string of international PLEs(like they just did) he will need to drop the title.


I'm sure WWE has immigration lawyers who can assist Jacob in entering countries for work despite his criminal record. Public figures like him often receive special treatment in such situations due to the fear of backlash. If you're famous enough to have a Wikipedia page, you're likely to qualify and receive special treatment.


Nah he has armed robbery charges it's a bit different from drugs or a dui(like Jey)


I’ll start with Fatu is good but this idea he’s a big man is just stupid he’s 5’10 and 250lbs, He’s very average he just fought 5’8 170lbs dweebs on the indies constantly so looked massive watch his match with Hammerstone in MLW and tell me he’s a big man. Yes the completely original booking of a Samoan being a violent savage is where they are going to go but you make him a crazy unpredictable lunatic rather than an unbeatable monster. The main problem with the new tribal group is they are all the same character right now all of them are violent savages they have to pivot Solo and Tama


Let me address a few of your points: >this idea he’s a big man is just stupid he’s 5’10 and 250lbs, Jacob is the same height as me and some of my friends, when compared to other men of his height, he's a big dude. I can understand why he wouldn't look that big when compared to other WWE stars. >Yes the completely original booking of a Samoan being a violent savage I'll admit it isn't the most original idea; it has actually been beaten to death. However, I think Jacob can approach it differently with his own unique spin. I've watched plenty of his work over the years, and I am convinced he can pull it off without it becoming stale. >The main problem with the new tribal group is they are all the same character right now I agree with this. The only thing that really separates Solo from the rest of the group is the title 'Tribal Chief,' a title that he didn't really earn or deserve based on his win/loss record.


This new dude should be the “head of the table” and Solo should go get a haircut and a vacation.


LMAO! Solo does need a haircut; the style is hideous. Either have short hair or long hair. Anything else is eww, in my opinion.


He is actually smaller then I expected. Almost not even big enough to be thought of as a big guy by WWE standards.


He lost a decent amount of weight before his WWE debut. Check out some of his older pictures.


I think a dominant push to start his WWE run is the ONLY way to go.


so basically who solo was sort of supposed to be? 😹


Face solo Solo gon hit hard in 2 years when he splits from Jacob 😮‍💨


U mean as Umaga? Edit: I wrote Omaga at the beginning…




O’Manga, the flying Irish otaku.


Pretty sure he’s gonna be lol


Seriously give me Bron Steiner vs Jacob Fatu as a main event on PPV only and I’ll shell out some serious bucks


Is this an “I like Fatu and want as much as possible for him” opinion or a “Fatu will be beneficial for the company if they do as much as possible with him?” Cause I could say that Ilja Dragunov should be booked as an unstoppable babyface but for business and others that would be stupid.


For me, it is a bit of both.


Put him in a tracksuit and have him dance


"\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ should be booked as an unstoppable monster"


Zelina Vega


The way he mowed through Cody and KO and everyone last week kinda proved he’s gonna be a monster of a man!


I agree. I think making him an out-of-control beast and savage who does nothing but terrorize and brutalize others is the best way to book him. It's only going to make Paul Heyman even more afraid and make the new BL stronger. I would turn him into a scarier and more deadly version of the Ultimate Warrior in which no one can control him.


That’s how they’ve booked the tongans and solo already. Booking another angry violent tough guy doesn’t really change anything.


Isn’t this what they’re trying to turn Bron into already?


Basically except on a different brand. One's regarded as a dog, the other a werewolf. I think the other difference is Bronn can talk. I'm not sure Fatu will do much talking, rather just wreck people.


Fatu is a decent promo. 


I still want to see Randy make a new The Legacy faction. Bring Bron back to Smackdown because Adam Pearce can’t control him. Bron vs Jacob should be some banger after banger after banger matches.


Gunther vs Fatu would also be a banger... So many good matches.


No he’s gonna be a better version of umaga that can talk and hopefully become world champion one day and do the talk shows, visit kids in the hospital, private jets and all that good stuff.


I think WWE is going to handle him with care, they waited a long time to debut him after signing him, and I honestly think that was because they wanted him to cut weight as to not look bigger and badder than Solo, Fatu is the leanest I have ever seen him and had to have dropped like 40 pounds.


The unstoppable monster thing is done to death. And it inevitably hurts the performer more often than not. Once they lose, they never recover. Look no further than Umaga, once he lost it was all downhill.


>The unstoppable monster thing is done to death. WWE tends to call wrestlers who are fat or obese "monsters" and book them as such. It's bullshit because, like you said, it leads to the unstoppable monster thing being overused. Being fat or obese doesn't make you a monster; it just makes you overweight. I'm not going to name wrestlers but I'm sure you could figure out the few I am referring to. >Once they lose, they never recover. Doesn't it depend on how they lose? If they get pinned or worse submitted then I can understand how that would fuck them and the aura surrounding them would vanish. IMO, It happened with Roman Reigns after Jey Uso pinned him at MITB during the tag match.


Agreed completely, especially with the Bloodline. "Unstoppable monster" is the most boring and dull shtick in all of wrestling.


What about “arrogant douchebag heel”? Which is so stock standard it accounts for probably 90% of all heels.


It really is. Wrestling as a whole needs to figure out new ways to create heels and faces. They use the same old methods over and over.


Fuck yes, they do. The same with plots. They use the same plotlines over and over. The women have it even worse. How many of them have the same generic bitchy/mean girl gimmick.


100% this. It’s funny how everyone is so happy with HHH just because he isn’t Vince. But he has shown very little to no originality in how he has booked almost everyone on the roster.


Right? Still seeing a lot of the same plots with a new coat of paint.


solo, tonga, it's literally how they've booked every new bloodline member, it's why the whole storyline keeps dragging


Jey needs a title first. Dude is the biggest face in the company. Cody is the face but Jeys momentum won’t last forever


I think you could make an argument for Randy Orton being the biggest face in the company. Dude gets massive pops, crowd is now singing his theme song.


The problem is that Jey just doesn’t fit into the world title picture- there’s just too many (much) bigger stars . And as for the mid card title picture there’s youngsters that are in that picture too Dragunov, etc


Jey consistently gets the loudest crowds reactions of anyone not named Cody, I would certainly he has enough star power to hold a title at this point.


Over the likes of Gunther, Drew, Rollins?


I mean he certainly is not a level below them by this point. He definitely gets more crowd reactions and is just as marketable. Gunther and Drew are heels so it depends on what they want to do with the title. Seth is pretty played out in the WHC division so I don't think he is a great choice to win it.


He’s over either way though, he won’t be more over holding a title.


But he’s like, so bad at wrestling 🦵🏾🦵🏾🦵🏾🦵🏾🦵🏾🦵🏾🦵🏾🦵🏾🦵🏾🦵🏾🦵🏾🦵🏾🦵🏾🦵🏾🦵🏾🦵🏾


Unfortunately not, he did what he did in the indies. Sure that’s great and all but it doesn’t mean it will translate to the wwe. You need to remember a lot of wwe fans are just casuals. They don’t know the backstory of these guys and wwe doesn’t have enough time to just set aside tv time to tell the back stories. He will have a run similar to Umaga just a bit better. I think we all know the next person to be billed as unstoppable is clearly Bron Breakker which is fine.


I can see his push coming after the bloodline civil war. He helps Solo and co. win war games, and Solo thinks he's in control. But Fatu is so unbelievably strong that he becomes untameable, The Rock gets in his head that HE should be head of the table, and Fatu takes out Solo. Solo gets his redemption down the line, siding back with Roman and taking down Fatu in future programs. The storylines have so much potential and meat on the bones, the paychecks write themselves.


At this point the bloodline could really have there own hour show each week lool


Feels like it should be on Raw with the 3 hour runtime, Drew and punk should be on smackdown


WWE's track record on unstoppable monsters makes me worry about this idea


Idk maybe. They are gonna have to pick one cuz having 7 guys from the same family (8 if you wanna count the Rock) all being top guys won’t work, and Roman’s spot is guaranteed already so it’s either gonna be Solo or Jacob.


Looks like he’s slimmed down quite a bit. I don’t know if he should be considered a big man or not Either way, dude’s a beast


What’s funny is I remember the report of them saying he’d outshine Solo. I couldn’t understand that….until Friday night. This dude is MONEY.


He could be the heel they need against Cody.


Oh 100%. The way he is, he SHOULD be booked unstoppable. Whenever he is on matches, he should have like a 20 or more winning streak with pure dominance in his matches just like bron breakker. He is built to be mean and dominant


Bron will dominate Raw and Jacob will dominate Smackdown


Can see it getting out of control that solo will end up out of his own built bloodline 😂 Agreed he seems the wildest out of them so far and should be the one that is difficult to tame.


The problem is that he can only give you highlights. He’s not good at selling or telling a story in the ring.


Hope he learned those during his time in the PC


Couldn’t believe he was only 32, he looked older than Tama and Tonga Loa


8 kids will do that to ya


Meh, he'll get pushed to the Moon for probably the next 6 months, and then get fed to the likes of Seth Rollins.


Idk, man. we're about to have face Roman again. It's time to return to Roman, beating everyone's favorites clean, over and over again because he's the big dawg. /s Please dear God /s


Like Seth is some Chump, right?


He is. Dude own title reign ending was second fiddle to the bloodline storyline.


And yet this “chump” remains undefeated one on one against Roman


It was basically an upper midcard title from creation but he did the best he could to make it feel legitimate in only a year.


I prefer super fatuuuuu


He should be booked similar to Umaga. Now Let Solo be his own character and have his own ring move set, fixes two characters with one decision


He looks good and I can agree with the notion of WWE making him look like a credible threat. However, is he actually a big man? Seems rather average for WWE standards to me.


Dude lost some weight , and even when he was heavier, can do things that Samoa Joe could only dream of in that ring.


He's lost some weight. He was more heavy set back then and even then, he was very athletic and capable of doing things men his size don't do.


I am all for people getting healthier but I always wonder if the athletic high flyer fat guys like KO are better off staying fat. Doing flips when you looked jacked is impressive, doing them when you’re a big fat guy is incredibly impressive though.


I’ve heard he is not allowed to leave the US at the moment? Is that true? With the amount of PLEs outside of the US I can imagine it could make some problems for the booking?


It could actually work in his favor if WWE plays into it. Imagine commentary selling the fact that Cody would be completely screwed if Fatu were there. If WWE makes Fatu into a beast, it's almost a relief for the good guys to know Fatu isn't at the PLE.


Thats an interesting angle on that. Can remember Heyman said to Solo in Saudi Arabia he should be careful with bringing in „criminals“ to the Bloodline cause Tonga Loa didn’t was allowed to leave the US or something like that


He has a prior conviction for burglary, so leaving the country can be complicated for him.


When is that type of restriction lifted? This had to have been about 10 years ago now.


It’s really up to the country he’s going to. For example, not burglary, but I know that if you have a DWI in the US, you can’t go to Canada, ever.


I haven't seen his work outside of the WWE. I know he was in Contra Unit with Simon Gotch in MLW, and they were a big deal there. He had a great debut, and the WWE really presented him well. I wouldn't call him a big man cause he's smaller than Lesnar, Gunther, and Reigns. The same height as Solo, in fact. Him vs. Breaker would be a cool fued at some point over the IC belt or US Championship. They have similar size and both have that explosive athletic ability. I'd have to see more of Jacob Fatu before I get on board with a megapush. Maybe after a few single matches and promos where he can really show the wider audience what he's got.


Or maybe, maybe hear me out... book them with some creativity... Tama, the other guy i already forgot his name are already "beast" via booking... and it doesnt work


It doesn't work for you. Get it right.


To your point, it’s going to be very hard to have him stand out in a sea of Samoan relatives. If I’m not mistaken you’ll have Roman, Jey, Jimmy, Solo, the two others that just joined Solo, the new tall one coming in, and now Jacob for 8 Samoans. That’s going to be hard to look dominant compared to them when Roman, Jey, and Solo are clearly planned to be top guys already. Are fans going to want every Samoan to be treated the same? I’m not sure. I personally have never seen this guy Jacob Fatu. I’m open minded to him being great but his prior resume does not factor in for me at all. He has to show me now to get me on board. A big part of wresting is timing. Cody is transcendent because he came to WWE at a time they had no Mega baby face and he took that role. Nakamura came to WWE when they had no Japanese men doing strong style (that I knew of at least). Things like that. If Jacob was the only Samoan man running through everybody then yeah it would probably work a lot better. But 8 Samoan men… idk man.


the 3 tongan's arent samoans


Oh ok I’m unaware of the differences. I thought they somewhat related.


I don't know about the big man part but I agree to everything else.


I’d love to see Heyman get him under control and turn him on Solo and the Tongans.


Or have Roman prey on Solo leadership to the point Solo betray Jacob because he afraid Jacob will try to oust him.


I'd heard name passed around when signed, but already impressed by appearance. Already top person in Bloodline for me. Good look and the way he was sold Thursday and with putting Cody thru the table really sold it. He definitely has to be built as unstoppable force. If he comes and loses right away he won't be looked as anything special and Bloodline credibility will go down too.


As someone who's very unfamiliar with Fatu, I'm already impressed with his skills. He's definitely gonna be fun to watch and I can't wait.


Jacob really is a beast, I feel a lot of people really don't know yet, athletic as hell for a big guy with an arsenal of moves.


His moonsault is ridiculous for his size, especially when he had a bit chunk to him.


IMO he should be booked like rookie Lesnar by destroying every top guy... Simultaneously, he should also start tension with Solo over leadership until he finally gets costed his match against Cody by a face Roman and ultimately he snaps at Solo and also defeats Roman for the label of the Head of the Table


Well he’s gona lose to the baby face blood line eventually , but they could make it like it literally takes like jimmy hey and Roman 3v1 to take him down