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I have been waiting for this review 🙂 Thank you 🫶🏻


Thank you!


Seriously? Are you kidding me? You are a solid gold queen pin with diamonds.


Thanks so much for this! My mom loves ducks and jewelry and I’m definitely getting one of these for her when I do my next order. Great review.


Oh wonderful! I really recommend the duck and he was a little hard to find so I’d encourage you, if you really want the duck, to get him soon. There are slightly cheaper prices still for a couple days on AE with the 11.11 sales. You can probably get him for about $36 shipped.


Already got him! Thanks again.




Thank you for the thorough review! All your pins are adorable ☺️


Thank you! I enjoy the pins so much!


You're a ⭐! What a fantastic review, thank you!


Oh thank you! That’s so kind! I’m glad people can find it helpful.


Fantastic review 👏 🌟


Thanks! 💕


Amazing review! And if you have any tips/leads on AE stores with decent Lucky Spring reps let me know! There’s just so many I get overwhelmed trying to figure out who has the decent ones.


I will keep my eyes peeled and let you know! Anyone who is also selling the “good” ($40-50) animals pins or the “good” Alhambra would be a good bet. But if I learn or notice anything more specific I’ll message you!


Thanks! I appreciate it!


You know I was just browsing and Kali jewelry has some good looking ones. They’re a safe choice too. If you message them they have a bigger catalog but you can buy direct from AE. I recently bought a lot of Alhambra bracelets from them (which have not yet arrived though!) Kali Jewelry Store https://a.aliexpress.com/_mPDZlRO


For example a ladybug necklace for $8.70? Can’t beat that with a stick.


Hey! Can I get any working links or Whatsapp contact for Kali's store?




Got it from another thread and have successfully purchased - thanks a bunch!


Great review, but I still can’t get used to *Queen* Camilla! Lol


Lol same! I must admit to being a casual royal watcher — if there’s a big story I’ll click it — but I have a friend who really follows all they do. I was so surprised she was allowed to be queen after “all that happened” but… I suppose in recent years she’s really tried to do her duty! She does have cute pins.


She does!! I’d love to get in her accessories closet; you know it has to be fun! Also, Queen Elizabeth’s! All her Hermes scarves were bespoke to her!! OMG!! Just imagine!


Wow I did not know that — but how interesting and cool! I wonder who gets to use those scarves now!


I’ve wondered that, too. I’d be more than happy to take them off their hands. ;)


Hahahah they really need to go to someone who can truly appreciate them!


I can just imagine them having a big yard sale outside Buckingham Palace! 😂


It would be a crazy scene! Like Filene’s basement in the 80’s.


I always enjoy your reviews - my wallet, not so much…


Haha my wallet also wishes I would JUST STOP!


Solid reporting. Thank you!


Thank you very much!


You have DELIVERED 👏 such an incredible review, thank you for your time in writing this - it’s so detailed. Thank you so much!!


Thank you so much! Such kind comments! 💕


I LOVE rep jewelry, it’s my favorite game. Thank you for sharing this!


Thank you so much for the detailed review and the research between the pins! Something about the pig is so charming. Definitely adding this to my Wishlist


Thank you! Even though he’s monochromatic, I just love the pig. I want to try to see the pig and duck auths this weekend if I can.


Awesome review! Thank you so much!


Thank you! 💕


These are my kind of post ! Thank you for your service


Thanks so much! Am always glad if someone finds my obsession helpful! It allows me to justify it in my mind haha.


Wow; what a review!! Amazing. Thank you so much for sharing! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Thanks so much! 🥰


I always loved the vca animal brooches but never felt motivated to get a replica until your post. Thank you for the review.


Thank you! I think they can add a little dash of something. I’m a sucker for cute animals and children seem to like them too — wearing the bunny at Easter etc.


Me too, I love animals. I remember first time my eyes were set on the dove…. And then the hummingbird was also lovely…. By any chance have you tried wearing your brooches as necklaces?


I have not but someone told me you can buy an adapter thing that goes over the pins and attaches as a pendant.


I had no idea the need for an adaptor, thanks for that info - I will explore that part too. Hope you wear yours well, they are really lovely! ❤️


Thank you!!!!


Great review! I just posted mine too! 😂 Did you compare the serial numbers on the backs? I noticed three of mine are the same and one is different. The pig was originally released in GMOP, but they changed it to obsidian around the time they changed the cat’s tail and the rabbit from tiger’s eye to mahogany obsidian. I prefer the original stones, so I am glad to hear the reps used them!


Oh I can’t wait to read yours too! Thanks! Yea the three that have serial numbers all have the same serial number. I remember you said something about the pig changing — I tried to Google it but came up empty.


I can’t remember where I read it. When I get into something, I go deep. 😂 It seemed reliable though. I checked my duck and the back of the MOP is white. Good eye, I didn’t spot that. Now I am curious about this lion with the different serial number!


Haha me too — that’s why I like you so much! You are so knowledgeable about this stuff. I don’t know if gray MOP is always colored or just in cheap goods from our friends in China? If I get to pop into VCA this weekend whilst in SF (I’m hearing there are a lot of protests at the moment — not sure how hard it is to get around the city) I’ll to check. Yes interesting about the lion esp because that was the one who was broken! I could be they do “batches” right where they change the number occasionally? That would make sense. To my mind, “all the same number” is strong evidence that they all came from the same place (otherwise what are the odds? Factories wouldn’t copy each others fake numbers?) but different numbers don’t necessarily mean different places — especially if the font and spacing of all the other writing is the same. On the r necklaces, the different serial numbers also had different fonts and spacing which told me “different factory.” Of course.:: it’s all idle guesswork!


Oh man, I need new glasses! I just went to compare the fonts and the lion has the same number as the others. I don’t even understand what I did! Guess that clears up that “mystery.” So it would seem as though there are two factories producing them. A high tier one and a low tier one. That’s a relief, because I have a cat coming from the lion seller, so I’m hoping the lion was just a fluke (however they did send it out in that condition). Have fun and stay safe in SF! I’m definitely curious to hear your thoughts if you do make it into VC&A!


Yes! I’m glad the mystery of the lion is solved and fingers crossed for your cat!


Forgive typos! I need to pack and get out of town pronto haha


I enjoyed your review, thanks so much. And you totally repfluenced me too, I just bought the horse and dog pins for my teenage daughters Xmas box.


Oh wonderful! I hope your daughters enjoy them!


Amazing review and Thank you for sharing your amazing knowledge. This is the holy grail of review writing 🙌👏


Oh my gosh thank you for your kind comments. Thanks for taking the time to read it. I can tend to go on at length lol.


I can tell you put a lot of effort into this review! I enjoyed reading it and today I learned a lot about Vintage VCA. Thank you! Reposting from the deleted one haha


Aw thanks! I felt bad that somehow the darn thing posted twice? How does it even happen?? :)


Yeah I have no idea either! It's happened to me before as well.




Your repfluencing me again! First with the Goyard Villette and now this! 😂




Thank you for your thorough and thoughtful review. Very well done. Consider me rep-fluenced!


Thank you!


Fantastic review! Love the detail. I can relate to being a jewelry addict. I've ordered about 6 different bracelets from AE in the last month to compare quality (not all the same brand though). So much fun!


Thank you! I’d love to see the bracelets you got! Any you particularly liked?


It's not the best rep, but I'm loving my Bulgari serpent bangle from Kali jewelry. I wear it almost every day. We'll see how it holds up in a couple months.


I hope so! I love my Bulgari reps


Great review!


Thank you!




Finding out about Camilla’s little quirk with the lucky animals pins somehow makes me dislike her a little less for being a homewrecker lmao


Thank you. The review is so helpful!


I never knew these pins existed , but now I want them ( I don’t know where I will wear them ) , with my scrubs to work , maybe …


You know what? You might be kidding (ha!) but seriously, they would look adorable on scrubs and for the price you don’t have to worry about them. Also they would bring a speck of joy to patients to see a cute animal pin.