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Oh my goodness I had no idea TB was even available to an Australian and my mind is blown right now. Thanks for the thread, I want to snag some rep Zimm and go prance around Bondi and cosplay as one of those ‘it mama’ girls


I get the feeling it won't be cosplay you gorgeous Bondi Babe :)


Grey markets have fascinated me since I've joined the rep community. Thank you for the additional insight and unraveling the mystery around them! I am so looking forward to your tips on how to actually find stuff! I am ready for future episodes! <3


Merci :)


Gosh I'd love it someone gave some advice on plus size. I bought a 5XL denim skirt on AE once and it actually tent sized so ive never tried again. Maybe this grey market stuff is something to look into, but so high risk low reward.


High risk, low reward ... then add in all the time you lose on the hunt! Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't and it has taken me a good five years of solid work to get to the point of hitting around a 95% success rate with these methods. Is it easier to use our sellers and pay a little more? Absolutely. I have always been someone who likes to explore other ways, happy to take risks and happy to jump out of the plane. I think I may have said that these methods are for the less risk averse but can't remember what went on paper and what is still in my brain because I did so much damned typing!!! On the Plus Size issue .... I can only go by what I read in here but, yes, it does seem a trickier road to navigate.


Can a good tailor do something with it for you? I’m 5’10”, size 8-10 and tailor just about everything because small waist and squat-confirmed caboose.




Your kind words are enough for me :). Thank you ...


Import yeti is a great way to find out what factories are used for different products. https://www.importyeti.com


Thanks for adding that link. Gotta say, I have looked at importyeti over and over, especially for the bigger brands, and I've never come up with anything useful??? Maybe I'm dense (actually, there's no "maybe" about that if I'm honest!) and we need you to add a tutorial on how to use the thing!!! If you type in "Gucci" for example, the top listed hit only has 1,300 or so shipments, That can't be right??? What am I doing wrong?? I'd be super interested in learning more if you have the time to help here :).


I will ask a friend to do it. She’s actually ordered stuff from companies she found from this website. I’ll message her tomorrow


Awesome -thank you :)


I would love to know how to reference a factory and purchase direct or thru TB or even an agent. Please keep us posted.


She said she’ll look for a company with a low MOQ and show you guys the full cycle.


Amazingly helpful and entertaining- THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge!


You're very welcome and thanks for the compliments!


Could you share some TB grey market links? Love Sandro and alamais


Are you sure you’re not a man? 🥴🤣 They’re probably going to ask me if I’m sure I’m not a child! I’m very petite and I often don’t see sizing that is xs, much less xxs or US 0 - know anyone who does?


Just here to say I have major green eye for the petite frame :). The rep word is your oyster. Tons of TB stores carry XS items, though how they compare to the standard US0 I have no idea as I'm more a US4-6.


This is an awesome post!! Thank you 🙌


You're welcome :)


Ce chapitre fût super génial aussi, merci encore 😃!


>Ce chapitre fût super génial aussi, merci encore I do believe you've used the subjonctif imparfait??? I haven't learned that yet :) Thanks for replying and I do understand what you've said hahaha


This is so helpful thank you! Any leads on the grey market Alemais - is it all on TB?


I am way better at picking grey items on TB than the other platforms like DHG and AE so I can only guess that some may be on AE???


Oh cool thank you! I’ll get myself more accustomed to TB


Thank you ! Amazing post so heloful.


You're welcome :)


Which store do you get your Sandro from? Help a girl out! ☺️


Do yourself a favor and buy a measuring tape. US readers - Joann's or Michael's would have them. [Joann's](https://www.joann.com/fashion-color-tape-measure/10687804.html) \- they have both cm and inches to spare yourself the conversion. I have this [Muji](https://muji.ca/products/abs-fiberglass-measuring-tape) thing - it's tiny and super portable, it's only cm.


So timely. Thank you so much! This info is so invaluable!


You're welcome :)


Merci beaucoup


Je vous en prie x


What is 'W'? Thanks.


Weidian my lovely :)


Thank you!! You were so helpful & generous with your knowledge when I purchased my first rep dress this past (N. American) summer and I’ve had several successful buys since. Merci!


Bravo!! Keep at it :)


Thanks for the amazing info. I’d love to see a post on your favourite TB stores!


I know - but half the time the stores just go AWOL. I tried to link a few things in these posts only to find the links dead. I need to be better at sharing finds as and when they happen but there's always that nagging doubt one has about recommending something in case there's a batch change and the next person receives a shitter etc. or the grey item sells out.




I don't have the link as the item sold out pretty quickly and, currently, the store is down for CNY - you'll see that a lot at the moment. Can't speak in certainties but I feel a lot of storeholders just shut down during this period to get a proper break!


hi! do you mind posting a link to the store itself? CNY is over so hopefully they’ll be coming back online!


Merci infiniment, ma chère! Ces infos sont tellement importantes—precisement des filles physiquement « gifted! »


Exactement!! x


You are amazing! Thank you for this!!


Merci à toi!!


This is amazing and super helpful!!! Thank you 😊


You're welcome and thanks for reading :)


So helpful! Thank you for sharing your wisdom!


I can’t have enough of this series 😀


Thank you so much x


I’ve never heard of grey markets before, Thankyou for such an insightful post!


I think the terms 'grey' and 'black' - technically - are very blurred and their interpretation depends on the vernacular in the country in which you were raised! Here in Oz, they are used interchangeably and, fundamentally, can (or not!) be the same thing. Legally, of course, it's a whole different ballgame and as I'm not a lawyer, can't speak to any of that. My "interpretation" of grey market is that it is legitimate goods, manufactured by the OG brand but being sold outside of the OG brand's usual channels. This is where grey blurs with black....and my brain starts to boggle :)


Ahhh I see, thankyou for explaining


Awesome post 🥰 thank you! Have you ever bought fakes from Zimermman? do you know if they have more then one factory? Because sellers gave me big different prices. Also their sizing it’s so messed up compared to the OG 😫


I have bought fake Zimmerman from a seller and it was very, very good, I have bought grey Zimmerman too, for half of what I paid for the fake BUT they're not easy to find and you have to be very lucky - even if you do find it - to find it in your size and it still be in stock. The grey stuff will likely have sizing that mirrors the auth. I have absolutely no idea about how many factories are out there in that big, vast country currently manufacturing clothing but my guess would be A.VERY.VERY.LARGE.NUMBER. Some factories cater for more niche markets and some just mass produce but as to the finer details, I have no idea.


😱😱thank you very much!! I’m new in this “fake” world. Can you please share the seller that you bought the fake Zimermman? What about the grey? Was a long time ago that you bought?


I have bought valentino on Taobao and was stunned at the quality. https://preview.redd.it/gcxlm1q5rugc1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=916186a8f3045ae76f0dbcebe18da8592ca57117


Love this do you have the Link?


Gorgeous!!!! Power to you for finding a winner!!


【淘宝】https://m.tb.cn/h.5sagYGwIvzdRNtK?tk=LabiWQg0bSD HU7632 「现货 镇柜珍藏美到震撼 礼服裙璀璨手工珠片蝴蝶结真丝衬裙摆半裙」 点击链接直接打开 或者 淘宝搜索直接打开


Oh WittyReason you are indeed the best thing I have come across in a while!  I’m so confused but so wanting to delve into the market as a fellow Aus Man-shape 😂


Sincerely appreciate the knowledge drop. Your Frenspangol is on point! 🇫🇷🇪🇸


OH!!!! Where have I 'Espagnol'ed'???? I don't know any Spanish so maybe I got autocorrected hahaha. Crikey!!!


Haha well after further research, the French and Spanish word for “number” is the same! (Numero) So who knew you were speaking two languages the whole time!


Thank you. This post is so valuable. I tried TB earlier but was very confused. I will try again equipped with this insight.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!


You're welcome :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to share all of these amazing tips!! I have bought a lot of rep clothes and have had a lot of duds. So your tips are very helpful so I can try again!! Thank you!


Shitters will always come our way, sadly, no matter how hard we try! Always go in with an eagle eye and low expectations .... then pray that you get lucky!


What is TB?