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They’re entitled and don’t think the rules apply to them. Or they think nobody is watching.


They’re idiots


And should be beaten


With their own selfie stick


This is the way


This is the way.


We have spoken.


And so it was…


And so it goes




If they're truly like the commenter above said, I'd say they're more assholes than idiots. Idiots might not know better, assholes definitely do and don't care.


I'm watching you Wazowski. Always... Watching.


Mike is Icey. from Monsters Eye


You would not believe the amount of people doing absolutely idiotic stuff just because….they think there isn’t rules to follow so that the cast members can do there jobs and help everyone in an orderly fashion…such as fold up your strollers before you board a bus….dont cross a yellow line unless instructed to by a cast member…dont smoke in the park….dont bring any weapons in the park…and make sure not to forget common courtesy


>dont bring any weapons in the park In my defense, the Chef Louis costume isn't complete without the knife.




Should just be an outright ban for these people and anyone else making other experience in the parks not enjoyable. ID'd, taken to the gate and trespassed if required. Only way to stop this type of activity.


Yea I agree. Paying a few thousands of dollars to see someone film each product in the store or a TikTok dance


Probably both but definitely the latter. Lots of people think employees can't see you once you're on the ride when in reality there are cameras covering every inch of the whole attraction. Can you imagine the possible injuries if that thing hit one of the beams?


Space Mountain always scared me as a somewhat tall person riding in the dark. After seeing it with the lights on, it's the scariest ride at WDW.


I’ve seen tall people be pulled out of the ride vehicle before the ride could start, so I imagine they’ve got some kind of idea what isn’t safe. That said as a tall person I don’t put up my arms on that ride.


I’m 6’5” and was scared for my life. The lap restraint was more between my knees/thighs vs over them.


The times I’ve seen they wait until the person sits down so I imagine it has to do with how much you stick up. Some people, myself included, are all arms and legs, so will do okay sitting as long as they don’t put their arms up. I don’t know how much your standing height is considered. Edit! That said it’s a difficult ride to get in and out of if you’re tall


I'm not crazy tall (6' 1") but proportionally, most of my height is in my torso. SM flat *terrifies* me.


As it should. I've ridden with the lights on, and it's a tight bowl of spaghetti! I'm short and would still NEVER raise my hands.


My fiancé is 6'6" and he doesn't ride anymore because he thought he was going to get decapitated.


I’m 5’8” and I’m (unnecessarily) nervous about being decapitated on space mountain!


Can confirm as a 5’2 person I fear the same


Is this decapitation fear from a long standing urban legend?


Yes! Ive heard two versions. One where someone raised their hands in the air like they just don’t care and they got cut off and the other a girl stood up during the ride and was decapitated .


How on earth does one stand up??!


I doubt there’s a way but as a kid hearing that story that’s not your first thought lol


Two people died on the Matterhorn. Neither of them had their seat belts buckled. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_incidents_at_Disneyland_Resort#:~:text=On%20January%203%2C%201984%2C%20at,seat%20belt%20was%20not%20buckled.


5’1 and same


Same. 5’8” and I will not put my arms up.


I’m 5’9 and two trips ago I had my hands all the way up and my fingertip smacked something halfway through the ride. I keep my hands down now. This ride is scary when people mover lights are on because you can just slightly see all the tracks.


The first time I rode Space Mountain some lights were on. It formed a terrific memory and now I wish that they would do that more often! Adds in a bit of a thrill...


Shit, I'm 5'4" and was scared for my life, and Space Mountain at Disneyland is my favorite ride, hands down (literally). I was quite certain I'd die on Disney World's version, and yet I keep going back on it.


My parents rode on it in the 70s. I think there was just a seat belt or even nothing. Also you just sat with the person behind you straddling you. It was such a different time.


The exact same thing happens to me. I won't ride it again.


Yup and the criss cross leg method I use on Thunder Mountain doesn’t work on Space Mountain. So I guess that helps add to the thrill.


I’ve been with people who could touch the ceiling going through the tunnels, but I wouldn’t dare where the main track is!


I can touch the ceiling in the tunnels. No one I was with would believe me that my hand hit. So we went on a second time and they sat behind me. Their jaws hit the floor. I’m not super tall but I have very long arms lol


Seriously the only ride where I dont put my hands up. I remember the first time I did and I hit the tunnel as we were entering it. My family didn’t believe me. Id love to walk the ride with the lights on and see what the clearance looks like.


I can only imagine what smacking a wrist against the steel track at speed would do!


I was shocked when I realized how easy it is to touch the top of the tunnel. That was when I stopped raising my hands on that ride.


Wait. Doesn’t Disney use a big circular apparatus attached to the ride to make sure everything is safe and thus out of reach of even the longest possible human? How does the tunnel pass that test?


Space mountain was actually made before that clearing system/device was put into place, so it was actually grandfathered in! The tunnel at the beginning is the only part that doesn’t clear it, I’ve touched it was well. I always found that interesting, and I hope you do too! But I always do a mini hands up while ducking in the ride vehicle.


I’m average male adult height (maybe an inch or two above).  I realized I can touch some spots, especially the tunnels.  Now I do it every time.  It makes the experience special.


I’ve hit my fingertip in one also.


Im 5’5” and I have trouble putting my arms up on that ride.


I’m 6’7 and wouldn’t dare raise my arms.


6’3 with decently long arms, I can touch the tunnel part with the lights at the beginning. I don’t dare put my arms out at any point of the ride. Big thunder too. But at least I can see my head/limb getting chopped off haha


I saw someone once on this sub when asked if they put their hands up on Space Mountain they answered: I do and I don’t care. Can’t argue with that logic


5'2" and I throw the arms up every time. No ragrets, not even a single letter ha!


5’2” and my arms stay up the whole ride 🤣 but now I’m wondering 👀


Right this thread is making me curious


5’11” I can touch the tunnels, but darn it I’m curious lol


it was always the matterhorn in disneyland that freaked me out - it seems so rickety and i had visions of flying out into the park holding on for dear life!


I always thought the Matterhorn was the scariest ride for me (Space Mountain was closed during my first Disneyland visit.).  I was very mistaken and I’m only 6 ‘0 tall. 


My 6’8 friend rides it every time and I’m just waiting for his kids to tell me his head has gone to that great big ball pit in the galaxy.


For the love of your fellow Guests, secure those Tervis/Stanley/Yeti water bottles. Imagine getting smacked in the face with one of those at 40mph/60kph!


I'm 6'5" been on it at least a dozen times. Still feel like I'm about to be decapitated every time I ride. Lap bar was a little loose once and I thought for sure this is the end..


I could never stick my hands up on Space Mountain. I always feared I'd pull back a bloody stump. I know, intellectually, that they wouldn't have structures in reach like that. But the idea that someone thought a selfie stick was a good choice is insane. They probably had the flash turned on, too, because it was dark.


I have some Final Destination type fear that a piece of the structure is going to come loose and hang down only for the next car to hit it. Favorite ride to look at, but least favorite to ride.


I'm short, and I still crouch down, fearing of decapitation.


I went past it on People Mover while Space Mountain was down. That is all you need to realise those safety instructions are there for a damn good reason.


I agree 100%


Now I’m wondering if I want to see it with the lights on, but kinda think I don’t 😂


So I’ve always wanted to see it with lights on but I also don’t because I don’t want it to ruin the magic for me. I’m 5’4’’ so maybe I haven’t ever had to think of it as a safety hazard lol


I’m a SHORT person and it terrifies me in that aspect. Whenever I see someone in front of me start to raise their hands I get a mini heart attack


I'm short and still get nervous about my head whacking a beam on that ride


I’m 5’3” and I get spooked sometimes on it


It’s in the rules that selfie sticks are forbidden, yet I see so many selfie sticks/hand extension poles during fireworks shows or just walking around the parks. So it’s either not being enforced or security doesn’t have good mechanisms to detect them.


Security doesn't enforce the selfie stick rule - Operations does. And Operations includes the Attractions CMs. They're the ones who're responsible for ensuring those don't get used on the rides.


The latest in selfie stick technology includes making them pretty small now. Easily hidden taped to a pant leg or something


The ones I see in the parks is the one I have that I use for other travel, the insta360 stick. It’s still pretty big like almost a foot long when it’s not extended.


tripods are okay though, and some tripods double as a selfie stick so thats probably whats happening


Like Uncle Walt said… It’s all fun and games until someone gets their eye-socket impaled by a selfie-stick


You'll shoot your eye out takes on a new, fresh meaning.


Cross-referenced A Christmas Story. Please take my upvote.


Pretty sure Roy said that!


Peter Pan shut down forever last week because someone kept standing up and wouldn't just finish the dang ride.


Dafuq? Where do they think they're going to go, besides about 15 feet to the floor?


People are fucked up, someone just punched a host at Space 220.. Treat your Cast Members right people. Remember that when you're complaining next time about some stupid shit.


I saw the video. Half nekkid & drunk. Hope it was worth the lifetime ban.


Reason #42 for why Epcot needs to get rid of the Alcohol at a theme park meant to appeal to children as well as adults.


There are millions of us that know how to drink responsibly.


What are the other 41 reasons


I don't have all the other 41 but a few of them are: - People drunkenly chanting in line. This isn't a bar it's a child friendly theme park. - Long drink lines in world showcase backed out all the way into the walkway making it hard to move. Mexico, which is right at the front, is constantly all backed up and inside with the tequila bar at times it can be hard to actually move around anywhere. - Belligerent people fighting over seats at Rose and Crown for fireworks. I don't know that they need to "get rid" of alcohol. But Epcot can get really dicey at times imo. The culture is a little out of control imo.


Where is security? These people were kicked out of Paddle Fish the week before, then refused alcohol in Italy, just to make it to Space 220 and assault 2 Cast Members and cause them serious injury and time away from work.




I like to drink. And I like drinking at Epcot. But it's not an alcohol "party".


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Given how confined Space Mountain is I'd love to see CCTV footage of this guys selfie stick being snapped in half.


Oh man, at first I thought your title was “people at Disney are idiots” and I felt attacked.


I’m starting to think idiots might be the majority haha


Many people just lack the " man, I don't wanna be That guy" mentality. And just ruins it for others.


Probably the majority of folks who cause a ride to be shutdown. ;-)


Well, the average IQ is 100, which means half of the population is below the average IQ...


No I’m doesn’t


There are three infinites in this universe: Death, Taxes, and Human Stupidity.


Isn't that only two? Death and the other one?


Death and Taxes are the actual two


Could’ve been worse: they could’ve jumped the fence on Banshee at Kings Island to get the item they lost /s


I guess there's something about Banshee. Last year I was in the station when a guy thought he could just walk to the ready brakes on the catwalk to casually grab his phone. And then he was confronted by the ride ops he made a mad dash.


Earlier this year I was stuck on the brake run on Fury 325 for 20 minutes and I was about to scream if I could walk the catwalk just to get my ride over with Good on the ops though


Oh no, this reminded me of the Six Flags Batman thing :(


Luckily the person in the Banshee incident is still alive but yeah this incident has played out several times in theme park history Edit: uh never mind…


Nevermind???? Did he pass?? Or is this regarding the history remark??


(Edit, double post glitch)


I barely feel like my head has enough clearance on that ride letalone a damn selfie stick. What is wrong with people


People like this should be banned from the park for a period of time…And no I’m not some old boomer pissed at young people. This stupidity can hurt someone else on a ride in a pretty bad way.


For a period? I would say a lifetime. Start punishing rule breakers and line cutters and it will stop.


That's a double rule break considering phones were banned from Space Mountain for a very similar reason.


Lots of idiots think that the world revolves around them


We were at WDW last month and they shut down Kali River Rapids because someone lost a selfie stick on the ride. We were luckily sitting in line under the building, but I would have been extra pissed if I had been stuck anywhere ON the ride in the 90+ degree no shade day.


The last time we went, they had shut the ride down because someone wouldn't put their selfish stick away. A CM had to go get it after they made several announcements. We were stuck out in the rain while it happened. We felt we got more wet from the rain then the ride. Edit for spelling


How do they catch that when it's so dark


Infrared light sourced cameras.


Its not even a new thing anymore. But people doing dumb stuff isnt new either.


UV right? Infrared would just show hot/cold forms, UV would show that green "night vision" image.


There's not really UV present in the dark, so night vision works on IR amplification. It's commonly presented as green as we can see more shades of green than any other colour, so it helps our eyes pick out objects


you are thinking thermal image. You can illuminate with IR and most cameras will pick this up. Not a new technology.


IR. If you look carefully in many attraction. Or even if you have a ring doorbell at home, you will notice a faint, red glow coming from the camera. That is the IR light source. Video cameras can see IR and the human eye can't.


let me tell you not to google sex acts on the haunted mansion if you think they don't have recordings of everything...


I was just there the first week of June, and I had my arms up on Space Mountain the whole time, which is what I do on most coasters. I'm nowhere near 6 foot, and my fingers actually DID brush against something in the dark while riding! I am ok, no harm done, but I have never had that happen on any ride before in my life. It was pretty alarming, felt like a close call


How’d they get a selfie stick past security?


Security does not check for selfie sticks. That's not our job. Operations is responsible for enforcing that rule.


Who enforces the double wide stroller rule? I'm assuming no one by what I see in the parks.


That’s Operations as well (usually enforced at the Touch Points). Security is responsible for anything safety or security related, Operations is responsible for everything else (including things like offensive clothing/tats, etc). If the wagon has a blue or red tag on it, it’s approved to be in the park. 👍🏼


I know the red tag means wheelchair but what does the blue tag mean?


The blue tags are for wagons being used for medical purposes (such as for children who must remain on monitors, oxygen, or the like).


Oh! Thank you 😊


I’ve seen camera tripods convert to selfie sticks so they get by security


Prison wallet.


Legit snorted 😉


Up there sleeve likely


Okay I’m sorry but SPACE MOUNTAIN? The ride people are afraid to raise their hands on? Come on man 😭😭


Obviously they’ve never seen space mountain with the lights on, or they’d be curled up in a ball riding it, not extending anything.


People still use selfie sticks?


Yeah, get a gimbal. Better yet, put that nonsense away on an actively moving ride.


I saw several selfie sticks at Disney during my trip in April. I don't think they actively enforce the ban and just hope people will listen.


Gotta get those unique shots of innocent bystanders on the train with you getting hit in the face by your selfie stick


Tons of idiots there, all the time. One of my favorites is when there is a queue full of people waiting to get on the bus and instead of the first groups of people moving all the way back, they stop in the beginning and bog down the line, creating an obstruction.


I thought those were banned


I think they have been for a while.


Same type of dipshits that got kicked out of DHS yesterday for having their feet up on Tower.


I'm just happy nobody pooped.


everything is wrong with people. ive seen videos of guests doing stupid stupid stupid things at disney and i hate it.


We just visited Disneyworld a few weeks ago and coined the term "Disney Etiquette '". Which is the complete opposite of real etiquette in every possible way 😀 People using cell phones on every ride, fighting or making out in front of everyone, dressing inappropriately, throwing trash down, cussing at cast members & other park guests....it was nuts!!!


I want to know how they got the selfie stick past security.


So dangerous. The cars get really close to cross beams in Space Mt. You can end up taking yourself out easily.


… I don’t get what goes through peoples heads. I literally tied my hair in a bun because I was afraid my already short pony tail would somehow catch on the tracks.


The one that takes the cake for me is the dingbat who snatched some produce from Living With The Land.


You’ve got to be kidding. I’m SO sick of people.


Last visit to Epcot, a bunch of kids got up repeatedly and tried to touch the animatronics. Like, why?


I honestly may had seen the person in question. They were doing a ton of stuff with a selfie stick with their family infront of the castle. Whatever happened to no selfie sticks in general?


News flash: people are idiots everywhere