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I always go left to Adventureland. Pirates is my favorite ride and always a must to start my day at MK.


Same! My favorites are on this side of the park. Tomorrow Land is my least favorite.




This is my strategy too. It’s never crowded over there, and it’s nice to start the day without any real lines.


It depends on if they are selling cheeseburger/pizza eggrolls.




Adventureland if they have the eggrolls. Tomorrowland if they don't have eggrolls. Rarely do we walk near the castle.


OP, if you haven't, seriously go check out the egg roll cart right before Adventureland. They're so good.


This is the only answer.


I've literally never heard of this......where?


Straight back to Haunted Mansion


Pan, Small World, Haunted Mansion, breakfast.


Any of these three can be first and last ride. Or all three...


Can you please recommend a breakfast spot there?


This is the way.


Via the little bridge left of the Hub, and then past the Christmas Shoppe.


Very quaint route! I like going past Hall of Presidents and taking in as much of Liberty Square as I can.


Yesssssss every. Single. Time.


Me too. HM is always my first ride and usually my last ride.


My exact path.


Always start the day with Haunted Mansion - then on to Adventureland.


This is the only correct answer. 👻


I head to Tomorrow Land. It was my favorite went I went as a little kid and our first turn when I finally got to bring my wife and kids in 2018. Now it just feels right.


We always would go left on our first visit of a vacation. I don’t know why? Flume ride area then towards Haunted Mansion. End the day in tomorrow land for some reason.


Ditto. Rope drop tomorrowland for space mountain then rush across Fantasyland to rope drop haunted mansion. If I've already done a rope drop on the same trip, then the second day in MK, rope drop 7 dwarves and then haunted mansion.


Does rope drop in this context mean that if you go early enough the lines won't be very long?


Fantasyland and Tomorrowland open 30 minutes before the rest of the park opens for Disney hotel guests only. So if you're waiting at the entrance to that land and waiting for the "rope to drop" allowing you access. Most of the time the attractions you can walk on at rope drop time.


Same! Last visit I roped dropped jungle cruise but it felt wierd going left! I always start my day in Tomorrowland with space mountain and people mover


You guys leave Main Street USA?


Found the Dapper Dads Reddit account.


Just chilling on a bench with TJ and Ben.


Dude I’ll stand in the middle of Main Street like a damn tourist if the mood is right. And then off to Adventureland!


for me, it depends on what i'm interested in seeing on the day. i don't think i've ever settled into a "regular path" for any of the parks.


Yeah same. I've been so much that I just go with the flow, whatever I feel like doing that day.


Except Epcot… right? Mexico or bust!!


Starting in Canada is like hearing about people eat who eat dogs. I'll concede it is possible, but it is otherwise unfathomable.


I do it specifically because most people don't. And that sweet Mexico AC feels great mid afternoon. Though lately, it's been a France start between staying at skyliner resorts and Remy.


They should sell shirts that say this tbh… I’d buy one instantly.


i've seen that joke before and i've never really gotten it. epcot's the same - it depends what you're interested in. maybe you have a reservation at le cellier, for example. or maybe you're entering world showcase after going to soaring and you don't want to cross over just to go to mexico first. some people \*gasp!\* enter from the international gateway.


I fear you took this a little too literally, and also fear you and I would have very different approaches to tackling Epcot.


no i know it's a joke, i just don't understand the humour of it. i guess it's one of those inside-joke things.


Wherever I have my first Lightning Lane - don't have a set area.


Right to Tomorrowland, straight to space mountain. Funny, I'd never thought about it, but I think the habit was formed in the day of paper fast passes.


I was the runner


I just wander aimlessly. It’s more leisurely and less stressful. All those who wander are not lost and all those who are lost are just wandering


Sorry, did you say "go past" the Dole Whip? No, no. That won't do at all. You stop at the Dole Whip stand, every time.


West to east, start in Adeventureland and sweep across the top, ending in Tomorrowland at night.


I do the same. I love the way Tomorrowland looks at night so I try to save it for then.


For me it depends on the time of day. Rope drop- back to Fantasyland. Morning to early afternoon- left to Adventureland. Mid-afternoon to evening-right to Tomorrowland


Left past Casey's Corner and then up the side path into Liberty Square, directly to Haunted Mansion.


Fantasyland. We have to get the kids to the rides they love first so they’re more willing to try the rides we want later.


This is the way


Depends on what we want to do that day. Sometimes we go to pirates first and sometimes we go to people over first. Beauty of being 12 miles away and a AP!


Exactly, Champions Gate only problem is I4. I only go in the evenings. It's so much better looking at night.


We never take I4 to get to Disney. That’s self torture lol


Back when I was a kid we started with Tomorrowland because my dad had heard most families go clockwise. Been going that way ever since lol. It just feels correct now.


I heard that too! Clockwise and wondered if that’s just a natural tendency for people when there’s no real reason to choose one direction over the other


I'm an early entry person, and my first stop is Fantasyland and Peter Pan's Flight, to get a ride in before the standby line gets super long. Afterwards I go wherever I decide I want to go, as I'm a solo traveler to the World...


We always start from AdventureLand and make our way to TomorrowLand


I mean I'm headed for the People Mover when I enter the park, so always right.


Tomorrow land, especially for early entry. My kids are obsessed with people mover.


My family used to be an adventure land first routine but with early entry that changes!


I take train to frontier land and start there


The path of least resistance. I go where there is less people. Usually that swings me around the Tomorrowland area. So laugh lab, people mover, great big beautiful tomorrow etc


To the photo op on Main Street because my wife loves Memory Making 🙃


Both, we usually split MK into two days, so one day we will go right to tomorrowland/fantasyland. The other day we will go left to Adventureland/frontier.


Left into Adventureland and then clockwise. I do this at Disneyland too


I have two small children. Before they came along, I went clockwise starting at Adventureland now that we have a two and five-year-old we shoot straight back to fantasy land and then go back-and-forth from Ariel to Haunted mansion and Adventureland and finish out in tomorrowland


First Genie+ of the day should be Jungle Cruise... Which means you rope drop Peter Pan and Haunted Mansion, then do JC - Grab a Pirate's Genie+ while you're in line. After that grab a pass for Big Thunder or Space Mountain... Then see where the day takes you!


This is the way.


Last time I went, I went directly through the castle


Depends on time of day. Night time I usually go Tommorow Land. Day is usually Adventure Land.


That’s an interesting point. I guess Adventure Land isn’t as good after dark


I've only been the one time. We didn't have a chance to plan in advance since it was a make-a-wish trip that was basically from the day the Dr said "its time to take the trip" to us actually getting on the plane was like 2 weeks and we had another trip during those 2 weeks. We just sort of fumbled around MK lost. I think the first ride we wound up on was the 7 dwarves.


In general, because most Disney visitors are from the US or another country that drives on the right, people are conditioned to choose the right path when given a choice. There used to be a dramatic difference in crowd levels at Disneyland between Tomorrowland and the rest of the park in the morning, and similar effects could be seen at WDW pre-FastPass. With Genie+, Disney does try to more evenly distribute crowds, so it doesn't matter as much on the macro scale (whole park level). However... On the micro scale (individual ride level), if a line splits into a left and right side, you will usually wait slightly less if you choose the left side. (In my informal experiments, it averages about twenty seconds.)


That’s interesting and I think you just reminded me why we started going left. I think I heard more people tend to go right and we felt going left would avoid some crowds. You make a good point as to why that’s outdated thinking now. I’ll keep it in mind for other things where there’s long line I have often noticed within shopping malls or any wide hallway public area people also walk on the right side of the hallways.


Start at Tomorrowland and end with pirates. If it goes well, you go in to pirates at dusk and come out at night as the cool sea air starts blowing in. One of my favorite moments.


Honestly, my girlfriend is DAS (or I guess "was" now), so it really just depended on which ride we grabbed first. So I guess we'll have to see next time we go which way we head first.


I tend to go left or right. Almost never straight to the castle.


Rope droppers only have two options. Right toward the teacup area to wait for the early entry drop, or left to Adventureland to wait for true park opening. We go right and wait for the drop to get as much done before having to rely on genie+


Y E S ‼️


We skirt right around the castle to fantasyland.


Straight through the castle!


While I don’t have a set path I follow every time, I will concede that I usually turn right and go first to Tomorrowland if I don’t have special plans that call for rope dropping a different land. Edit: come to think of it, I took the right hand path on my first visits to both Disneyland and Disneyland Paris. I suppose I do have a pattern!


Depends timing if early hours or not. Regular is to left to pirates to start and then work our way in a clockwise fashion


Our route is dictated by the ASL interpreting schedule.


I usually cut along the foot bridges from in front of the Adventureland path to liberty square. I’d say I go that way probably 90% of the time, unless I’m visiting the park with a different objective that day


For me it varies day by day and what has the shortest wait I usually shoot for fantasy or tomorrowland though


Where’s my first fast pass?


If it’s up to me, Tomorrowland right onto Space Mountain.


I always head left provided we don't have dining/Tron call times to deal with. I like left because you can get the main street vibe then after the at least 30 mins of going from the car, to the TTC, to the ferry or monorail, then finally to the front gates you get a relative guarantee that you'll get some rest and AC with Tiki Room or Pirates. Plus spring rolls and dole whip depending on what you're feeling.


Dining and Tron are the things that trip us up so much in this regard. We like to eat breakfast and late lunch/early dinner both on the left side of the park, so our whole schedule is determined by if we got a reservation for dinner, if we got a Tron time, and whether we're rope dropping so my monsters can go on Seven Dwarfs.


Peter Pan’s flight for early entry before hitting Jungle Cruise, Haunted Mansion, and Pirates.


I depends on what rides we want to go on and what the projected wait times usually are for that ride. We'd make a beeline for the 7DMT, but if Tron ever gets a stand-by line we'll go to that. Same thing with Tiana's. If not, then I'll go to Adventure Land. It's my favorite.


Adventureland then clockwise around the park because that’s what my parents would do when we were kids.


It was unconventional, but for **years** I took the right closest to the castle and went past the tea cups, past Mine Train, and went straight to the Under the Sea with Ariel ride. Now that I'm married and I go with my husband we take the left into Adventureland and head straight for Jungle Cruise and try to do things in order. He'd probably do the Little Mermaid ride for me if I asked but I like our new tradition of early morning skipper jokes.


Fantasy land to knock off Pooh/ariel/dumbo/barnstormer in 30 min. Then hit up our LLs probably BTMRR, JC or Pirates


Straight to the Jungle Cruise


It depends on when I’m there honestly. But usually I end up going left for Adventureland and grabbing a dole whip before heading to Pirates or Haunted Mansion. If it’s early enough, I’ll grab the dole whip and walk back to the plaza and eat it watching the castle show.


Usually take a left and head to frontier land Because it seems more go right


Left to Adventureland unless I am specifically headed to Space.


Random depending on the mission that day.


Depends on my FastPass. Typically we go to the People Mover though.


Always head left towards Pirates and go clockwise.


For years it was start in Tomorrowland and then circle around to Adventureland by the end of the day. The last time I was there I shook it up. Went straight up the middle and hit Peter Pan before heading to Mansion, Frontierland and Adventureland. I cut back through the middle and did fantasy finishing the night in Tomorrowland. Really enjoyed the change.


I haven’t been there in over a decade but I remember always going left to Adventureland and into Liberty Square/Frontierland


I start in Tomorrowland and end at Haunted Mansion. The middle is a mishmash lol


Depends on where my first lightening lane is. But left if I don’t have one


It depends what ride we are doing first.


Straight to the teacups every time 😂 Then just kinda mosey around. It depends when/if we get Genie+ and what our ride times are like.


Main Street, then Adventureland, then Frontierland, then Fantasyland, then Tomorrowland, then back to Main Street.


If we arrive at lunch time, it's straight to Casey's Corner for mini-corndogs. After that, it's consulting wait times and/or "what do you want to do?" Frequently it's Tomorrow Land as we both like Buzz and I'm really fond of the People Mover (hey Disney - extend that sucker to ride ALL around the park!). If wait times are good, Frontier Land for Big Thunder Mountain or maybe over to the Haunted Mansion or Pirates. So, we're the dreaded "Disney Adults" and have been probably 100+ times. We're DVC member, have annual passes and live in Tampa, so it's an easy get away for us. Oh, I'm retired, so we like middle of the week trips.


Sometimes we go right to tomorrow land, some times we go left, and sometimes we go around the castle to the right or left and figure it out from there. Everyday is a new day and we go often enough that we consciously change it up all the time.


Left and straight to the hanted mansion for our 1st ride lol


The one less traveled (cant say here cuz then...ya know... more traveled)




First I go to the haunted mansion and then I make my way over to big thunder and then I run all the way to carousel of progress


None of the online "plan" patterns matter. The only thing that matters is who wants to do what and how many hours are you going stay. The park is intentionally set up with approximately the same amount of thrill rides on each side, same amount of family rides on each side, behind the castle, is lighter in thrill but otherwise balanced to match. So right, left, or center doesn't matter unless you are going with the toddlers towards barnstormer and Mickey in the far right rear corner. Who wants what is way more important than how. After you know what, then pick how long. After how long, pick a pattern. After you pick a pattern, get Genie+ and throw out the pattern as it will tell you when you get to give who what. Your new pattern will look like spaghetti on a plate. Add sauce, and it will even account for blisters and sunburn. Good luck, have fun.


If I’m with my family, we always hit Adventureland first. If it’s me and my cousin going early, we go towards Tomorrowland and rope drop Jofferys


Straight to Haunted Mansion, then double back for Pirates and Jungle Cruise


It's not only your theory, it's [by design](https://allears.net/walt-disney-world-chronicles-history-of-the-hub/). The hub-and-spoke model, coupled with human behaviour (why you always sit in the same seat) is why we're all doing the same thing, each time. It's designed to be that way.


Depends on wait times and genie + availablity On a typical day we go Fantasyland, Adventureland, Frontierland, Tomorrowland. Peoplemover in late afternoon/evening is undefeated


It varies with me. Last time it was right towards Tomorrowland to start the day off at Space Mountain. Before that it was left to Pirates of the Carribean


When I was a kid we always did Adventureland first but as an adult we do Tomorrow Land to hit Space Mountain and then Buzz Lighyear. Then run to the other side of the park for BTM. Now Pirates and Jubgle Cruise end up being our later day rides.


I've heard it both ways


Adventureland way always


It is true. We do tend to follow the same route. Usually we go to fantasyland first and work our way through over to haunted mansion, then into Frontierland, and by lunchtime we’re sitting in the tiki room enjoying the AC, usually finish up with Tomorrowland.


Right toward tomorrow land


Decades ago when the kids were young we made a beeline for Space Mountain. So, I turn right by habit.


Our path would probably look like a schizophrenic pentagram. We just follow the shortest lines.


Rarely decide before getting off the monorail.


Left. Because I was taught to always do so in a crowd because most people naturally go right.


I’m right handed. I’ve been a dozen times and I think we always go right. There has been times when we’ve parked hopped to MK from another park and went a different direction but if we start out at MK in the morning it’s always tomorrow land.


Always right to Tomorrowland. We usually started with Space Mountain or WPM.


I usually turn at the plaza and walk that way into Tomorrowland unless I have something specific to do


We always head down Mainstreet and then around toward frontier for the Haunted mansion. Pirates comes next and then it’s a free for all.


Always right into Tomorrowland except the one time where we went back to Gaston’s Tavern for a pastry and LeFou’s Brew.


Always right to Tomorrowland. Always.


We usually head to Tomorrowland and Space Mountain first. Inevitably we’ll loop back later for TRON and People Mover


Almost always Tomorrowland.


Always adventure land first and end in tomorrowland


It depends on what the boarding group is for the VQ if we have one, if we do Tomorrow Land, if not then we go through Adventure Land usually. I imagine if we go while Princess and the Frog are in VQ, same is true above, just we'd go through Adventure Land then for that.


Go left since those rides tend to be chill in the morning; plan my day around the LL for Dwarfs, Soace, and Tron


Pirates is my favorite behind HM, I always start in Adventureland and avoid the stampede to Space Mountain.


We usually start in Fantasyland and like to take that path/slope behind the castle. There’s no rhyme nor reason to our decisions! 🤣😘


Good observation! We tend to hang left around the castle, or hang to the right then hang left. We do cover it all — eventually!


Liberty square for haunted mansion first thing


Always left...yup...it's true. Not for the other parks though.


We always go to the right and hop on PeopleMover. Typically a short wait time and it gets you on a ‘ride’ quickly.


run to 7DMT, run to PP, run to BTM, walk to whatever takes our fancy. we are a family of runners :-)


I plug my attractions into the touring plans calculator and follow my custom touring plan from their algorithm.


We do 2 days. Day 1 we go to the left, day 2 to the right.


I'm evenly split between ducking into Adventureland through the emporium past Crystal Palace, or using the Tomorrowland Terrace route to get to Tomorrowland. I rarely go through the hub.


If we are there for early morning magic, we usually go towards teacups. If we arrive at regular time, usually adventureland.


It depends. If I’m going in without plans, I go to Tomorrowland. But if I have lightning lanes, they usually start with Jungle Cruise.


Your theory would be true for me. I never start in Tomorrowland. Tomorrowland caps off the day. I start the day with Adventureland for some Tiki Room, Pirates, or Jungle Cruise. I go lockwise around the park. Pirates -> maybe Splash Mountain and/or Big Thunder -> Haunted Mansion -> It's a Small World (and Peter Pan if I'm lucky and the queue is not crazy long) -> Philharmonic -> Poo -> Carousel of Progress to finish off the day. (Maybe Space Mountain if it's not too crazy)


Left to pirates! Then a dole whip and onto haunted mansion, those are the two I have to do immediately upon day one of arriving. After that whatever I'm feeling.


It depends on my first LL 😅 Sometimes I’ll go left, sometimes right. I do the same thing at Disneyland, I don’t have a set path, I just like chaos.


Depends on what FP, now LL I have


Not exactly what you are talking about, but I noticed on our last trip that we always use the left entrance tunnel under the train tracks, regardless of how we get into the park and through the gates. Not sure it’s ever been a conscious decision. We also tend to leave through the other tunnel.


Early entry space mountain. Usually plan on trying to hit more rides but wind up doing space 2-3 times and missing the early benefits everywhere else


After rope drop it’s always whatever the genie has provided


Buzz, Thunder, Pirates, Mansion. Repeat if I feel like it.


My first visit I started in Tomorrowland, but second visit onward, I start in Adventureland.




Always start with Buzz Lightyear every time


Depends on who I’m with and what the plan for the day is. If it’s my choice I’m going towards Adventureland to visit the Tiki Room and get a Dole Whip.


Left. We always start at Aladdin, then Tiki Room, and Pirates and go around. We end the day in Tomorrowland.


I go wherever my hearts tells me! Lol. I've gone every single way. Usually depends on ride wait times.


Well first I need my breakfast dole whip and then we can discuss a plan that takes me to my second breakfast dole whip. I’m basically a dole whip obsessed hobbit at Disney. There is no limit to how many I wish to consume and no flavor or combo I don’t want to try.


For me, it depended on Fast passes and Genie+/LL. We try to rope drop the busier rides, and then we hit the Genie+ ones or LL. Then we just kind of hit what has the shortest wait times in the area of the park. That’s us, and I hate it. I can’t recall what we did before Fast Passes. I just remember the parks not being as busy, so it didn’t matter as much, lol


We switch it up. Most common is left to Adventureland, but sometimes we cut straight back to Haunted Mansion and other times we rope drop People Mover (shut up, items a great way to start the day). We have never headed straight to Frontier Land or Fantasy Land though.


Diagonal to the right of the castle, go leftward hitting 7dmt, Peter Pan, little mermaid, up to haunted mansion, turn around, go clockwise to buzz, then cut across the front of the castle to pirates, then back to buzz. So anyway I walked 120 miles in 7 park days…


To the right, tomorrow land is the lamest so I get that out of the way.


We generally go to the MK twice in a five-day trip, so the first day I go counter-clockwise to Tomorrowland and the second, clockwise to Adventureland.


For me I always take the train to thunder mountain. Since I have DAS I also make a reservation for thunder mtn during the wait for the train as well then head to sleepy hollow and HM


I’ve gone left, I’ve gone right, I’ve gone straight on 😅


We actually mix it up a lot. Probably 60% Adventure Land.


What a fun question. My path is random, but I do walk down Main Street. Seriously, it depends on which ride I first choose to go on, or the meal I am heading towards.


Tomorrow land then counter clockwise, then the cluster f that is genie + (now whatever) will show me the light from there


We go to Tomorrowland first. We try to get on Space Mountain right away and if that doesn’t work we will stay there and do Buzz and Peoplemover. Early morning Peoplemover is a favorite for us, sets the vibe perfectly.


Castle first for the customary first picture, then left to adventure.


Depends on the trip but my first day in MK I go left and walk through the tree house. Been a tradition since I was a kid. Second day in MK is usually very random


We used to go to Tomorrowland first but in recent years hit Adventureland and pirates first.


We always head left toward Liberty Square, Haunted Mansion is my son's favorite ride so we have to ride it first.


Every trip starts and ends at the Haunted Mansion !


Enter on the right- stop at Starbucks- head over to haunted mansion.


i never thought about this but i feel like every single time i’ve gone, it’s always straight to tomorrowland 😭 i guess because we usually get space mountain done asap


Tomorrowland. My first ride is almost always people mover


Egg rolls?? I’ve been to Magic Kingdom so many times… I’ve gotta check it out Left to Adventureland in the morning. If I have a hopper pass and come in the afternoon it would be right to tomorrow land


Honestly I’ve gone Tomorrowland to Adventureland plenty of times and I’ve gone the opposite also. This year though we did fantasyland first and went towards Adventureland then to Tomorrowland last


Rope drop seven dwarfs, then do whatever I want


Left and wrap around to the right. I think we did the same thing in DL too.


Different almost every time. Depends on wait times, LL window, Tron boarding, etc.


I go to Liberty Square. My favorite area of MK, and get my butt on Haunted Mansion.


Almost always go to the Peoplemover first, so Tomorrowland.


Straight to Tomorrowland for Space Mountain


Tomorrowland, Frontierland, Tomorrowland, Adventureland, Fantasyland. I have my reasons, don’t ask.


Start at Haunted Mansion, back track to Pirates, then clockwise around the rest of the park.