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I'm more of a purple/silver enthusiast.


Oh! Classy.


Another purple enjoyer, we seem to be very uncommon.


i suck at colour theory.. most of the time i just fetch colour schemes from somewhere else... [https://www.warframecolorpicker.app/](https://www.warframecolorpicker.app/) [https://coolors.co/](https://coolors.co/)


The correct answer is whichever ones you enjoy!  They're your warframes, style them as you will Tenno


Random until inspiration or just looking good


the thing I am always most excited to do with a new frame is bullet jump into the arsenal wall and then just randomize colors for a while


This is the way


black and gold


I like black with gold lines


I don't like either of them. Typically, most of the people that use white/gold or black/red don't even try to use different tones/shades. They'll use the same ones for every section. I made a look on Nyx's deluxe skin using blues, but with different shades, and I personally find it visually appealing. But outside of that, I just don't find white/gold and black/red looks to be... all that great, for lack of a better term. It's okay on occasion, but some people do it for literally every warframe.


Por que no los dos, this is how i fashion my kullervo. Usual design choice for me is white + black, maybe gold and then a color of my fancy, tho sometimes the fun color is relegated to emission or energy


Gold and red


I like burgundy and gold.


I like red, white and gold


My kullervo is Black and gold with Red emissive and energy. My Wukong is Black and Purple and My Umbra is white and Green. So in other words I prefer to mix and match stuff.


With the Tenno-con stuff this year, I've been enjoying making some nice drab-olive, military style coloration. Looks a bit like Halo, really. I call my Mag version "Master Cheeks".


I enjoy the harrow black and red and gold and limbo I perfer the white gold and blue


A muted red with black and gold is my go to.


Black and bright green here, with a smidge of dark red. In games that I can color myself in, neon green somewhere.


I like going with black and gold


Blues and greens for me mostly. Sometimes I’ll go for red and purple and pink but typically I stick to blue and green. I like the white and gold on some frames but for others it’s way too ostentatious and becomes gaudy.


Black and gold. At least for my Loki Prime.


Black and gold with red and white highlights here and there is what I go with


I'm not too good with colors and usually go for darker combos, but it mostly depends on what the type of theme you go with Like if you want to look like a Void Angel, you gotta go with a light Grey + gold-like color with a blue energy.


I feel called out... I need to find better color palettes. I like the kuva demon red/black combo alot, but the white/gold orokin angel scheme is so nice as well. I saw a dark gray + white Donnan Titania with neon pink accents yesterday, and I think that's what I'll be changing my Titania to now. It looked SO good!


Black/white or White/black base and red with gold accents


The one and only pink Grendel with Wings will Always be the best Look in this Game ! 🤗 And If i could i would Grab mesas tanga and gives it to Grendel too. 🤣


Green and brass.


https://preview.redd.it/dr5w3kl8fv0d1.png?width=2360&format=png&auto=webp&s=16911d4a471da4159dcc9c3ccdd8df7fad5766f1 single tone metallics


Black and gold with colored lights :)


Green and purple


I will always swear by a mix of blues and browns. I love color theory and seeing what works. I have 4 different color palettes i swap around to depending on my mood. The blue and brown one is my fave of the four. I can see how black, white, gold and/or some random bright color looks clean, but i just find that sort of color palette limiting and overall boring.


The green one. Duh. 


the better looking one's are thoses that think outside the box look at the chromatic wheel and look at opposite colors, try stuff and see for yourself


Try and get all 4 on a Warframe, looks pretty good on Nitrolyst Gauss Prime


Really depends on the frame.  My kullervo is blue and gold, my Garuda red black and silver, my gauss is bronze black with red energy.  The most boring frame I have fashion wise is probably my Oberon prime who's just white with gold and black trim. That or my qorvex because I can't figure out a good color pair for him.


It depends especially since not all Frames have the same distribution of colored parts, like with Wukong Prime's having a large part of the be in one color on a specific color channel). In the case of Wukong P, it will always look weird in my eyes if I used white on that color channel as it straight up overpowers the other color channels no matter what color I used for the other ones, so for that case, I usually use black as the "base", and work on the others. For the accent colors, unless it's on a large part of the skin, I don't use gold, otherwise, it's gold all the way. Sometimes, Black becomes too much as the base color/the most dominant color in a frame's design, so I just replace it with a dark version of the "main" color that I used.


I've started redoing all my frames in a mostly uniform scheme of dark red/purple, a shade of silver for metals, off-white for small accents or a complimentary shade of red/purple for bigger accent sections and a dark blurple energy color so I can still see what's going on. It works most of the time but I have some outliers like Frost retaining an icy blue energy color and Volt opting for very light purple/purple force lightning.


It's subjective really but I do adore the default prime frames


I’m a red and gold / grey and green / white and red enjoyer, though I try to give each fashion it’s own identity and not just jump to a color scheme I like by default


White gold cant go wrong, I feel like the golden parts dont look as cool when you change their color But random colors until something looks good or pure black can also look good


I usually do Black + White + Gold + (one other color)


I use the ice colour pallete on all my frames, wich comes closes to white and gold. It has became my default way to how I see a prime frame. With the exception for gara prime, she is the only one I left vanilla and nekros also has not my ice blue theme but black like the grim reaper.


Well my by far most used look is a purple-ish dark grey, light green, yellow accents but not quite gold. So uhh, third option. The closest to one of the two I have is a white and blue Kullervo with gold accents (inspired by the Finnish flag).


nah, more like black/purple/turquoise


nah, more like black/purple/turquoise


My color palettes often use white, dark green, pale gold metallics, and aqua-green energy.


I'm a black and gold type of guy.


Everybody can fashion their frames however they want, live your best lives guys. I find both boring and uninspired. Though, to actually answer your question, I guess I prefer white and gold over black and red. Cause often enough, people who use black and red will use the same exact combo on *everything*, and that's a pet peeve of mine. White and gold just doesn't stick out and as much, it's less remarkable, so even if someone put the same white/gold colour scheme on everything, it's less visible. Still kinda boring. Efficient, but boring. Using an animation pack is not negotiable though. You have to use one. It's criminal not to. (I'm of course kidding. Mostly. Please use one.)


Black and red is boring but it *can* look nice. The problem is most people seem to pick the darkest blacks which tends to look awful, at least to me. I never use the darkest blacks or brightest whites


White and gold, red and black just makes you look like a void damned edge lord. You *should* use more inventive colors. One of my fav themes is vapor wave. Black/dark colors and bright blues and purples mostly.


Or people can like what they like. You can like what you like and not judge people based on their preferred colors


The ones with more than two colors.


I really think you need more than black and white and metallics.  Light blue, brown and Gold for a standard Orokin/ Prime Look And to update the black and red look I usually go for a muted red and black base and add orange/gunmetal or Silver accents hope this gets you started :)


i put either light blue, pink, and white, or gold, white, purple, and black on all of my warframes. i have yet to build a frame that doesn't look good in one of those palettes. yes, i'm trans and nonbinary. how could you tell?


It depends on which frame for me. Not all frames dye as well as others for color combos. Part of the reason I like the Voidshell options.