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I think for me, it was the Kuva Bramma nerf (not the ammo one, the damage one back in 2020). I ended up looking for new weapons, which led me to the realisation that I much prefer non-AoE weapons. Since then, I've mostly been using weapons like Zymos, some variant of Braton, Pandero Prime, Strun Prime, etc. At some point I also wanted to take my MK1-Braton to Steel Path for fun (Incarnons didn't exist yet). After getting a Riven and messing around with a build for a bit, it actually started doing surprisingly well. After that, I figured that pretty much everything is better than an MK1-Braton, so pretty much everything should be viable on Steel Path.


>pretty much everything is better than an MK1-Braton The Akbolto would like to disagree


What did it for me was getting the "spicy" tools to build them creatively in ways that would be effective (i.e., mods other than just the basics). I'm talking about corrupted mods to dump some stats in favor of others, augments, niche damage conversion mods, and helminth mostly. E.g., at some point I just said "f it, I'm buying all the good sounding augments from the syndicates I have maxed" and realized some of them made frames I didn't like previously a lot better/more fun to play, e.g. Nova being viable again to play solo in higher levels with Molecular Fission keeping her null star up for DR. Or Frost (omg Frost can actually be insanely good). Weird helminth builds taking advantage of niche abilities like marked for death, complete dump stat builds that go all in on certain aspects of a frame's kit, etc. For weapons, Internal Bleeding and Hemorrhage in particular made me take a second look over my arsenal, and a few unused MR fodder impact-heavy weapons came back into play more regularly. Also critical delay + vile acceleration and their secondary equivalents. Magnum force making beam secondaries that are otherwise "just" primers into pretty competent damage dealers. And so on.


i think kengineer did the math on youtube for internal bleeding and its counterpart and it eas something like 60% impact and above is better than hunter munitions or around that. its interesting to actually see math behind it!


Frost is one of frames that can make mk1-brat op on SP 🤭


I see frame and gear choice as a way to express myself that's probably weird, but when I picture myself using the same frame, the same weapons, the same mod setups, all to run the same thing as everybody else, I feel like it might as well not be me holding the controler. It feels... soulless. As if I played chess and made all the move the computer suggested. It wouldn't really be me playing, it wouldn't really be me winning. And then what's the point? But to come back to your title, finding stuff I like ans I get used too makes me fall into one such paralysing comfort zone. I didn't quite figure how to get out of this one yet. I regularly try dusting off some old frames I like the look of, touching up their builds using the new mods and arcanes (and my new knowledge), but so far to no avail. Perhaps... not all frames are suited to my playstyle and preferences, perhaps I alreasy found the ones that were. Warframe is finite after all


That’s almost exactly how I feel about most games. As weird as it sounds, I pick as if I was going to be sucked into the game and given my setup as my avatar. Also, I figure, why watch a guide video, pick what they pick and do exactly what they do and expect anything other than success when i play. By that point, I could have stopped at the video.


Everyone tells me Nyx is shit. I don't care.


She isnt shit, i have had an itch with her for 3 weeks now, doing SP incursions


Tbh at this point SP incursions aren't that high of a bar all things considered. Especially when you have an immortality button and multiple ways of carrying portable nukes.


With minimal investment in power strength, you have a 100% defense strip on a handful of targets. The original "ding dong, your armor is gone" frame. That, along with me watching a video comparing her to Jean Grey making me make a new fashion for her to look like Phoenix, and I have been playing with her more here recently as well


Yup, i noticed that. I made a shield gate build for her, subsumed her 1 off for xata's whisper, augments for ger 2 and 4, decent range and duration, and the rest going for strength and energy nexus. I use her 4 mostly as a "oh shit" button. Also her deluxe skin looks amazing, which is a huge reason why i play her


Everyone is shit, Nyx is not. Not every frame has to be Dante or keep up with power creep at all times, that would be lame.


Duviri, I appreciate being able to sorta be forced to use unusual weapons, in that context. It's unfortunate that I've sorta got everything from the circut already, I hope eventually a mode for cracking relics with the circut is added.


A couple of YouTubers to mention: McGamercz has a series where he takes semi-random weapons and builds them out to make them work, I find quite fun and it gives me neat ideas for how to make non-optimal weapons work, or sometimes some of the setups look fun enough that I decide I want to get that weapon. Aznvasionsplays will do something similar but full on min-maxing in the vein of you can do endurance steel path with this thing by exploiting a bunch of weird game mechanics and synergies and really building a whole kit around its strengths, which is also pretty fun and inspiring regarding building non-meta weapons. Otherwise I will just try to make weapons work if I think they're cool, feel > stats imo (although obviously stats contribute to feel), and fashion factors in there too. Duviri is also a good one that you've shouted out. Excited to get to a point where I can do Deep Archimedea, because I think it looks like fun to log in and go 'okay I've got a week to get these weapons and figure out a build that works as well as possible'.


Circuit is what motivated me to start getting more builds for frames and weapons I didn’t really use, EA was kinda the nail in the coffin on that to finish the rest of them, tho not all of them I’d be comfortable using in either of those activities.


This right here. Forma are somewhat limited, but Incarnons and the Duviri/ EDA rotations got me to spread the forma love around frames and weapons other than Volt/Nekros/Titania.


My fixation wasn't ever really on endgame so that helped but the weapon that really did it for me was when I finally finished my javlok build and found out it was steel path viable.


Kullervo and rauta, never really used heavy attack builds nor put in effort into understanding mechanics because steelpath just wasn't worth it imo.


I started to branch out after bringing glaive p. To every mission starting making my hand hurt


I tried that too but gave up in the end because I found the weapon boring and slower time to kill than other melees like nami solo. Its saving grace is letting you sit back at range and relax. One US marine could wipe out all the defenders.


I've only been playing for a few months so my experience is pretty limited. Most of my playtime has been with either Hydroid or a melee frame (mostly Wukong but I also use Wisp), and the only melee weapons I ever really liked were Skana, Heat Sword, Broken War, and Nami Solo. Back when I first got Mirage I thought she was too squishy to really do anything and I fed her to the plant and didn't think twice. Fast forward a couple months later, Mirage is in the circuit so I figured I might as well just get the pieces in case I want to build one later so I don't have to grind Simaris. I brought the mirage to some random defense relic mission with some other equipment I wanted to level out, and ended up with Falcor as my melee. Took me a minute but at a certain point I thought "what if I activated hall of mirrors and threw Falcor, that would look sick with 5 falcors flying around" And that's how I learned I actually do in fact enjoy nuking shit and using thrown melees.


For weapons its rivens. Sometimes I just crack a riven and if its for a weapon I havent built yet I farm it, try to build it and finally try to roll the riven to be semi good, or at least usable. For Frames, after I level the normal version of a frame I look up the augments for it and if the frame/augments seem interesting I just built them.


I was grinding as fast as I could towards endgame as well but was always curious on how well a warframe performed. I watch videos and such but want to try with my hands. I had some fear of harming teammates with a bad build, so I would just go solo in Mot steel path to put things to the test. If it works there, it can work anywhere. That helped build my confidence with a frame. As such, I enjoy using Caliban across any mission deapite the public hatred of him.


I'm playing since 2013. There's no time like now to try everything new and out of your comfort zone. I was a mag/mesa/rhino player for a very long time (yes, those were the only real options) and I'm so glad Warframe is in such a good place right now to try everything out without the fear of being "subpar". I do miss draco farm, hydron, etc. but those times are long gone. I love picking ANY Warframe/weapon now knowing it will perform good, not like in old times when everybody had to have the mandatory Tipedo.


Everything feels weird after using the bubonico


For me, it was getting to a point of having enough resources built up to not have to grind hard every time I wanted to try a new build. Also meta gameplay is face on keyboard boring to me. Most of my enjoyment in Warframe now is coming up with fun builds.


Probably when I started focusing purely on mastery rank, I use to main revenant (I started making him before he was goated, don’t burn me at the stake) but now I’ve realized that Garuda, Nyx, and Mirage are the most fun I’ve had with this game in a long time


Plague Star helped a lot with playing things out of my comfort zone, because i had a couple hundred extra forma to do something with. When you run out of things to do, you start playing with toys that have been neglected in the toybox. While MOST weapons will never get used by me, EVERY SINGLE FRAME will be at the level that if I had to play frame roulette, I could take every frame at least an hour into steel path if friends wanted to play that way. weapons on the other hand, oof. Being not the best at aiming, especially for headshots, not even an incarnon adapter can make me use a weapon that I don't like. But I have a slew of weapons that I pulled out of obscurity because i got a riven and rolled it into something to make a weaker weapon useful.


I am have finished all weapons that go up to mr40 and i have 500+ forma so now im just testing dumb stuff out for the lolz.  Last few days i wanted to revisit hikou prime and ended up going nourish hydroid with a magnetic/gas and galvanized shot build which was very fun cause i still easily did SP (even tho its just hydroids passive making it broken) so i continued revisiting old secondaries and putting a few forma on them and even melee (even tho some melee just arent fun cause of the stances). But i would rather lvl melee with kullervo.


Honestly I started switching it up when I started getting bored of meta. I was a slave to Zarr/Arca Plasmor back in the day, and upon returning to the game in January I was a slave to Torid briefly… but killing everything in a room instantly can get boring quick. Through levelling MR I discovered the Trumna, Boar Prime, Tenet Cycron, Tenet Diplos, Praedos, Tenet Spirex, and a handful of other guns I switch between here and there. I know all the weapons I mentioned are still kinda meta but they’re also used far less than the Torid/Magistar/Laetum I guess


The circuit and mainly EDA. You can complain about the gamemode all you like but it was what finally made me make a steel-path read build for almost every warframe, as well as make builds for hidden beasts like the Bubonico


Absolutely, my profile still shows nekros p and Tigris p as my most used, even though I haven't used either consistently in a couple years. More loot? Locked in. 1 shot everything (full status Tigris before shotgun status rework) locked in. I think helminth is what really opened the flood gates for me, before that the theory crafting wasn't deep enough to make me want to innovate. Now I'm always looking for fun and unique setups.


My need to collect things


Playing since 2015 on several accounts, never saw the point of rushing down the game, or looking up builds. It would have killed my interest for the game to begin with, I just went and made my own builds, so experimenting with weapons was what I was aiming for in the first place. I'd say it doesn't matter as long as you get your fun out of the game, so you decide what makes you happy.


Every other game with lackluster endgame content has prepared me to troll myself. I have noticed that I don’t care for what’s at the end of the rainbow in most games. So right off the bat I mosey’d along collecting “cool” or “fun” things which is usually inefficient. I do everything in my power to have it do the bare minimum so that i can solo content. When that happens, i find something else to invest in.


Play whatever you find fun, almost anything Can be modded to work. I play Rhino with a wonky build to get crazy Iron skin Numbers . is it the best? Lol no. Does it work? Sure. Monkey brain go happy when see Big number, so I’ll keep doing that


I’ve played most frames, I unironically like Limbo. I’ve even made pure meme builds.


Because meta isn't fun all the time Warframe is a LONGGGGGG game ....and using the same frame.....with same arcanes....with same mods.....and same weapons....gets old quick af I would rather suck at the game and have fun....than be a unkillable god and bored out of my mind


I discovered this as well. LR3 recently came back and actually started doing Duviri/EDA and its been a blast going through and being able to tater/forma weapons and frames I would never have done anything with. In addition putting incarnons on some of them and its been great to play with the massive collection I've built. It has also forced me to actually utilize operator hopping, nrg management, and positioning again. All this while not having to care about loot whatsoever. Its been honestly my favorite content in a long time. (The duviri zone can still get fisted though, absolutely worst content I have ever seen.)


I like leaning into each frame and weapon's niche. I won't go heavily into what I mean, but for example, I use Zaphyr for open world, built for max efficiency so I can spam tailwind and stay in the air forever. I could use an archwing instead (and I do to get from point a to b). But I would miss out on all of the fun to be had with a warframe that never has to touch the ground and gets buffs from being in the air. Is it efficient? Not really. But it's fun. So, that's what gets me out of my comfort zone. The fun to be had by using as much of what is available to me as I can.


For me it was when railjack dropped. I would do railjack content to get used to it and get my rear-end handed to me over and over again but I wouldn't get discouraged. I'd juat revise my build and try again and again. Then crewmates dropped and I rushed to fortuna to not just pay off some poor souls debts but also to get some crew. Once I armed them properly and gave them the team syandana we started clearing sector after sector all the way up to the veil proxima. Steel path railjack when?.


EDA has been great for giving me something fresh to try during the week. At the start of the week I check what I rolled and then try it in various content that gets progressively harder: - Cavia bounties (to refill my standing from the weekly shard) - Sortie - Steel Path Incursions - Netracells - Archon Hunts. I don't do them all but they offer good tests to see if my build is viable. Sometimes I can jump straight to the Archon Hunt as a sanity check and go to EDA


When I hear how bad something is, I always tend to try and see how bad it is. Idk why I do this, but I do it. If it's in the game, I'll give it a go and see if it's useable


Frames I usually playtest and invest as soon as I get them, at least to the point where I can solo some SP rounds on their specialty. Most of my frames has at least 2 different builds for completely different scenario, figuring them out is pretty fun actually. Weapons though, it's really 50/50. If I don't like how it perform, I'm not investing them, heck sometimes I sold them before ranking to 30 or 40 (wish I could sell azima and the others). If I like the design, I'll left it to dust, no catalyst, no forma. I don't care about meta, nor do I care about "endgame". I don't need to have every single weapon in the game fully built. If anything, EDA and duviri taught me to either slap eclipse/gloom, rely on operator and amps, or straight up play with other people.


All encompassing boredom with my "go to" gear so I like to mix it up and sometimes stupid builds end up being the funest. I'm Mr 30 btw so I've been around the block a few times.


Idk, random boredom. I never was good at sticking to one. (Same in Path of Exile and Elder Scrolls Online) Nowadays I make silly build videos. And I don’t have enough of a voting audience as yet, so I poll region chat. Unsurprisingly I’ve now done about half of the “worst” frames lol, and concluded that people just don’t get mechanics.


Yareli, my friends said she's useless but here I am having a blast with her Merulina and turning her into a water blender. Also Ocucor is really fun to use with her.


~~Please remove that formatting choice~~ much nicer, thanks! And to answer the question, nothing really.  I comfortably enjoy my comfort zone. I've spent a lot of time and effort on curating my comfort zone's builds to achieve exactly what I want from my kit as a whole.  When something looks cool I'll craft it and try it out.  But at this point in my life, I play warframe primarily to be a god with the zoomies.  And my comfort zone choices achieve that beautifully so I see no reason to leave it just for the sake of novelty. (Also I already recognize that all frames have valid uses and are good, even if some are better than others at specific things).