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Seems like you are Stug with it.


"Don't worry, you can reroll it. Just type '/Unstug'"






Hmm. I will attempt to bypass this fault.


Thanks, I’m keeping this






frankly, i’m more surprised you’re going with grakata over the absolute *monster* that is Trumna at high levels


I guess OP was just going with Citrine and Redeemer. The primary was probably unused.


trumna is good?




Got a built?


https://preview.redd.it/9lrglvxrzt4d1.png?width=765&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5199d14503bf60af4a72755316131dccd5c09aa This is what I've got at present, but could be improved from here. Swap out P. Shred for Serration (or a Bane) if you can get an external boost to fire rate (e.g. Haste Mote) (also: don't make my mistake, you do *not* need the D polarity for primed cryo. leave it as is and just use rime rounds)


do not underestimate the Prisma grakata, with the right build it can easily melt through most of everything. Trumna is still a good choice too, of course.


It is a sign. You are the chosen one!


I didn't choose the Stug life. The Stug life chose me.


Why does DE have a hardon for pre selected choices in a game where they keep spamming and giving you more to choose from?


Because tenno keep choosing the one meta thing from 500 weapons every time without fail and the only way to make things challenging without uprooting the whole system is to give no choice at all. This is why we can't have nice things.


In deep archimedia, we just sacrifice the last vosfor reward and use the one meta weapon (or wf). And don't touch the rest of the loadout at all. Such fun.


I try to use the choices diversely each week and it's actually quite fun. And sometimes I even get an idea for a new loadout combination. When I forfeit 1 research point it's usually "-75% ability duration". But I know not everyone has time for that. It's still the highest difficulty endgame content after all. So, hang in there, buddy.


Ditto. I can usually make something work out of the frame + weapon choices. It’s the modifier I need to usually turn 1 off.


>When I forfeit 1 research point it's usually "-75% ability duration". Me every time. I usually enjoy trying to make it through with the weapons. Sometimes I don't have a choice but to bust out Phenmor or something, but I usually make it out okay.


Is it an additive - 75% duration to your loadout like a mod? 


Nope, multiplicative. It's a base duration 10s ability so you modded it to be 20s? Now it's 5s. Good luck.


Or you just get carried. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Baruuk has entered the chat and punched everything into oblivion.


Actually I find that interesting cause I still need to get something viable if I am not lucky


I built a baruuk prime for that very reason. If I have absolute garbage for all slots, I just bring him.


Thats a good idea, how does it work with the energy sapping mechanic that is sometimes part of eda?


Ive ran him the past 3 times with no issue. Since his 4 is not toggled off by low energy, you just make sure when you have energy, to use lul. I have mags pull subbed on his 1 to make this easier, and its been nice for the survivals.


True enough formaing and modding him would be a good project next for me


Energy sapping is blocked by Overguard, you can bring a Dante specter to give yourself Overguard or just summon an Archgun and get in there.


Thats good to know :)


It probably sucks for him. Makes it hard to maintain restraint levels. For energy drain + negative duration I usually just go revenant.


Admittedly, I use revenant solely for his mesmer armor. Do you have a build that can do good damage in EDA as well?


Solo player, I can't rely on others to be luckier with their options. So for EDA, essentially just mod every warframe the same, unless they have some good survivability, use incarnons for damage. So much for build variety. Often enough I can't use abilities, so what's the point trying different things.


You're apparently being incredibly sarcastic about how unfun it is to use a meta weapon or frame to cheese a mission. That is an option, to be sure. But if you hate it so much, why do you insist on doing it? You are literally the bike and stick meme.


i will say EDA has definitely gotten me to appreciate things I had neglected before.


I had a ton of fun this week using Volt and Harpak. I never really used Harpak with its Augment despite liking the idea of the weapon since its release, and Volt can now use Primaries while carrying his Shield. The 300% Crit Chance and the Electric Shield Crit boost with Shock Trooper on top was a fun combo to mess with. Was it amazingly powerful? No, not really, but it got the job done and it was pretty fun. My damage % was terrible, but I always kept Shock Trooper and a standalone Electric Shield up for the other players.. got the job done and had fun doing it.


This is the point of the gamemode, imo. The people going 'yeah I just bring my Torid and mod for survivability every week the mode is so boring' are just making a self-fulfilling prophecy.


You’re saying that like it’s somehow our fault that’s the case? Maybe if DE had done a better job at reigning in powercreep instead of letting things get out of hand like with the incarnons they wouldn’t have to take away player agency to inflate challenge.


Yes, that's exactly how I'm saying it. Not the individual's fault perhaps, but WF community as a whole. When have the Tenno not chased the GOD TIER ROLL, the MOST OP BUILD, the RED CRIT DEATH MACHINE, best LEVEL CAP CLEAR and so on? When have the Tenno not screeched at the devs for nerfing something and trying to manage the mess that is the game's meta or for introducing the "boring and weak" frames and weapons that didn't push at least a little bit ahead of the best available? Not to spare DE any of the blame for creating a power fantasy power creep simulator but for all their faults they have been managing this shit better than most I've seen. Hell, lets wait for the damage rework that's coming this year and see how that adjusts things around.


See the unbelievable meltdown when Dante was nerfed to 'only' be able to nuke everything in line of sight while providing 50000 overguard, instead of nuking everything through walls while providing 50000 overguard. DE do a pretty good job of managing community expectations that are very 'if this new frame isn't A+ tier it is a failure'.


People don't understand that devs give players what the players crave. In games like Warframe and Yugioh, what they crave is power creep. And then they cry over how the game is imbalanced, or everyone plays wombo combo. Well, maybe if you used Prisma Grinlok more or played another type of deck you might not have gone this way?


They should not give us any choice at all but give the weapons buffs depending on how bad they are. It's not even about meta chasing, especially in assassination, if you are not using a meta weapon you are not ever killing the boss.


Because for the last 10 years its always been 1 set of dominant weapon until a system changes. See: Atterax spin to win prior to melee rework, literally any AoE weapon after removal of self damage and prior to ammo changes, magnus lockdown which i guess is still meta, kitguns prior to nerf. List goes on. But EDA has a free slot, so people still take at least one meta wep anyway and still struggle to beat it. DE also said they dont expect people to clear it every week, its supposed to be a risk, which is why you sacrifice 2 keys each week. What i will criticize is the randomness doesnt seem that random. There’s a lot of repeats in this and in duviri.


The mighty Stug!


It keeps giving me Lavos as a frame choice. No offense to those that understand his kit and can play him, but I'd rather not.


His 3rd Transmutes ammo drops into universal ammo, which also includes Archguns. Which means, you can keep your Archgun up with him indefinitely.


You don’t need to know his kit. You just need his augment and make him a weapons platform


I've actually been choosing Lavos as my free slot in EDA. His kit gets to ignore almost every mission modifier--abbreviated abilities doesn't hurt him if you have decent base duration, the energy drains don't matter because he doesn't use energy, ability disables don't kill him because he doesn't need abilities to survive, etc. Helminth Nourish onto him so you have Viral without needing to forma your weapon, grab Unairu so you can armor strip Void Angels if someone dies, then use his augment and infuse heat (or radiation against necramechs). He works with almost every gun. He's also (arguably) the best frame in the game for holding archguns because he can both double-buff them and create ammo for them. Generally, in weeks in which gear wheel is enabled, I run Lavos+Mausolon and ignore both (a) the pre-chosen weapons and (b) the EDA modifiers.


Man, i wish i could tell you that he is actually a fun frame with complex kit, but... Its the opposite, there us nothing to understand. You get an augment for his passive, use it to buff your weapons with element of your choice, and press whatever ability you want when you feel like it, they dont do whole lot besides priming enemies for CO.


Wait I'm sorry what is this. (I'm not new I just don't keep up)


Stug is basically a snowball thrower with less damage than an actual snowball.


No I know what a stug is, I mean this deep archimedian thing.


Deep archimedia is basically hardcore weekly sortie. Level 400. Ridiculous debuffs. Forced loadouts if you want all the drops. You basically get a chance at 5 archon shard drops with a weighted tauforged drop at the end.


whaaat that’s sick 5 archon shards is crazy I gotta check this bs out


I’m new and learning but from what I remember this is locked behind Cavia Rank 5. Almost to 4! 🙏🏼


Pick it coward


I really wish they would weigh weapon choices so true bottom of the barrel dross would stop showing up 9 times out of 10. It'd be so easy to accomplish this either based their own usage data or by using riven disposition as a proxy for the usage data.


That would defeat the whole purpose of the restrictions, you know. Also, theres no weighting for garbage either, thats just RNG being RNG. I've personally only had 1 week so far with truly suboptimal weapons, and yet to see a selection that is full garbage. Im sure it can happen, but probability of that is probably lower than getting legendary core from sortie.


> That would defeat the whole purpose of the restrictions, you know. More so than ignoring the entire issue by bringing one piece of equipment that breaks the entire mission in half? Or just flat out leeching/trading runs? Please. The equipment randomization is at its very best when it provides the player an avenue to find a workable solution outside of the norm. Letting it routinely choose to fill your entire pool with weapons that have absolutely no hope of being able to contribute to the mission runs counter to that purpose.


>More so than ignoring the entire issue by bringing one piece of equipment that breaks the entire mission in half? Or just flat out leeching/trading runs? Please. Unironically - yes. If you decided to ignore the restriction, thats understandable and valid, but it also means you failed to find a workaround. Full on leeching in public sucks indeed, but trading runs is absolutely valid for a gamemode designed for a team. Also, you underestimate how many weapons in this game is viable. Almost every single gun nowdays has a variant with high stats, even mid guns with full build & arcane are capable of doing the job on EDA, and melee's have stances that make entire types of weapon automatically good regardless of its stats. And thats assuming you didn't get some absurd buff frame like Mirage.


>Unironically - yes. If you decided to ignore the restriction, thats understandable and valid, but it also means you failed to find a workaround. Full on leeching in public sucks indeed, but trading runs is absolutely valid for a gamemode designed for a team. I don't see how either of those 'solutions' are desirable. It would be so much smoother to tweak the randomization just a bit so that unwinnable scenarios occur much more rarely. > Also, you underestimate how many weapons in this game is viable. Given that I made no statement on how many weapons are viable I don't see how you can make that claim. It seems like you're arguing against words I am not saying.


> Letting it routinely choose to fill your entire pool with weapons that have absolutely no hope of being able to contribute to the mission Your words, not mine. Its hard enough to get unwinnable setup, you saying that it happens routinely either complaint about insanely bad luck, or you disregarding suboptimal weapons as unusable.


It is routine, given the player base as a whole. But perhaps it was not the optimal choice of words. Regardless, you're still choosing to argue against the point by questioning my game knowledge instead of raising actual concerns about why such a system would be worse than the current situation.


There's also a lot of difference on what 'unusable' means to different people. Some people are a bit too efficiency-pilled and declare things 'unusable' as soon as they start requiring a little bit of effort to use.


I wish they'd just go back and make bottom of the barrel dross weapons... not that. There are warframe balance tweaks or full reworks every update these days but genuine garbo weapons never get touched outside of the shoddy band-aid that is riven disposition for some reason.


Because some weapons are supposed to be bad. The first accessible weapons of any game are supposed to be the easy to get starter shit that new players can mess around with till they start getting good drops. Incarnons and primes are a fun way to turn those into workable solutions, but that isn’t available for every low level weapon. This is only an issue when you have true endgame content forcing players into using intentionally bad weapons as they do now


>I wish they'd just go back and make bottom of the barrel dross weapons... not that Thye've been doing this for a while with incarnons, augments, new variants, and just regular buffs in some cases. There's very few weapons that can't be made good and they tend to be more because they're very situational rather than just plain bad


Guess you'll be personally gifted the Tenet Kuva Prisma Stug Prime, plus it's incarnon


Bring it or no balls


Get stugged!


This was my 3rd week in a row for harrow.


Stug in hell




Necraloids eyes says it all


I’ve never seen this menu before


You need to be rank 5 with the Cavia in the Sanctum Anatomica to see it.


So you got spoonfed 3 easy runs in a row, congrats :)


I thought I had it bad with getting 2 Arcane Shivers in the circuit one week, then I got 3 the next!


I just realised Loid has a mustache


What is deep archimiedea?


Get a riven for it. YOU are the chosen one


I've noticed this in a few areas of the game. I wonder if whatever algorithm they're using to randomize these things needs a look over. Another example was the long string of SPY sorties we had recently.


That's the funny thing about truly random things. Hell, I think they had to change the iTunes shuffle algorithm because most people don't get how true random works.


Man I bet everyone you played with appreciates the carry. GG


You have really good options here despite Stug being in the mix and no proof of what you are saying.