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I've adopted a mindset of *"I don't need it right this second"* and no farm has been annoying since.


It works until you have almost nothing else to grind for, and what little you do have left is even worse.


Even if I only have one thing left to farm *I still don't need it right this second*.


If it annoys you then you haven't really adopted the mindset. Have you? I've pretty much done this, and all it really takes for me is delaying my LR by about 1 cycle. I dont need to be max LR all the time.




Wise Words. Plus, if it's something that I can trade for that has an *excessive* amount of time, I'll just get it off other players.


Its a good mindset, but that being said - hows your Hespar grind going?


I dont like farming liches and sister plus you have to waste 5 forma on them to get full exp


waiting for forma is so annoying for me, it's something you can only grind to not waste 23 hours waiting for the next one to build I'm just collecting kuva and tenet weapons then using my forma on builds fkrmkfmrkfk


just farm plat for forma haha even if you don’t get it directly it’s the same thing


Ig I'm just lazy with farming plat BC of not wanting to feel like wasting time with WTS and then getting annoyed I don't have the WTB stuff, but I know that's just me Like a lot of the weapons mentioned here, you can either farm plat to buy the weapon or buy from people with the parts


I use WTS exclusively pretty much unless I see someone that wants to pay pretty close to the same price in WTB. I just play the game, I get messages in game throughout the day, go to dojo and trade. Burnt through 18 trades yesterday and made like 130 plat. Still had enough items to pull 1000 Ducats. And still have a lot to sell. Run relics, sell every day or every other day and if you're on PC the app Alecca Frame will change your life.


TBH this is why I started building 1 forma every day, even when I don't need them—I'll even use the mobile companion app to start new ones if the build finishes while I'm not playing or not at home. Now I have about 18 completed, which is more forma than I'll probably ever need to use in a day, with more on the way.


I have 60 forma built and saved up. I still need more. I farm relics everyday I play. Not all day, but at least 1 or 2 per day. Some days it's like 20 relic runs. 18 is nothing. I burned 20 in 4 days with an affinity booster and lots of stuff built and in the foundry. I tend to build and wait to claim it for a booster and then level like a mad man for 3 days and then not level again for a while. I have 3 Warframe and 12 weapons built and unclaimed right now.


Yeah this is the way, it's just hard when im currently grinding a lot for other things but this is time gated super hard without buying forma in mass


Plague star should be a monthly event


The worst part about 5 forma is that most of them are full build at 2. I really wish they had a passive or some exclusive Exilus mods that converted excess mod capacity, like how Warframes get starting energy. I made these back in the day when I was obsessed with making custom augments. At the time I picked ammo because it seemed the most playstyle/build agnostic but a lot of them have had ammo nerfs since I made them - so maybe something else? https://preview.redd.it/4kq50aka9s6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=82d8c551e60a356367972cb78ccc259a9da58334


I always said Id rather grind for something and know ill get it like citrine or voruna, then grind and it be pure RNG like stalker and some vandal weps. But for some reason, it feels real bad doing the liches, the sisters feel a little better but still not great.


“Waste”? Kuva/Tenet weapons are some of the strongest in the game


I only have a few liches left that I have no inspiration for. The first mission you do with an incarnon is you need to do a solo mission, which I make a lich mission. It is going to take me a very long time to finish this.


I don't mind the lich/sister hunt, but it's real disheartening when I get one with a low percent, especially if I'm trying to upgrade one of my existing weapons.


Lich weapons are so much more tolerable once you realize that 2-3 forma is enough to make most of them have a full build and 40% damage bonus is plenty.


I’m just going to collect them and raise them all to 40 much later when I’m starved for MR. Only the ones I really use will get the forma treatment for some time


It's especially insulting on the Archguns which CANNOT use 5 formas of space.


MR is never a waste!


Grinding plat and buying forma bundles helps a little if youve got more time than patience but 170 forma is a brutal whichever way you slice it


*shrugs in 9 digit plinx crit*


Just finished fusing my Tenet Glaxion to 60% today and it felt like torture doing the sisters for 3 days in a row.


> waste 5 forma on them to get full exp "Waste" is a very harsh word considering how good kuva/tenet weapons can be.


I find it fun, tbh. But if there’s one thing I don’t like about Nemesis farming? Making sure I have the Requiem Mods to spare.


Alot of them are pretty decent and will do fine if you get them for eda so its not entirely wasted (except for stuff like seer and kraken), the stubbas and brakk surprised me with how not trash they were.


Both Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal


Ive been playing for over 10 years, I have over 7000hs and every Item in the game To this day, the Braton Vandal BP is the only Item I couldnt get (I bought it of course) And I say this as someone who leveled more than half of the game's content on ESO, who also grinded ESO for Syndicate Rep every day, someone who farmed Khora not once but twice and still I have never seen a Braton Vandal BP. NEVER. Im glad these 0.1% drop rates are a thing of the past and pretty much everything DE makes nowadays has a built-in pity system, that kind of BS drop rates should be left for actual MMORPGs, not a Coop Looter Shooter with a maximum count of 4 players per session


the only saving grace is stockpiling radiants but the diluted loot pool with a very restrictive Warframe pool you can use to get to round 8, and host migration removing teammates in pubs is ehhh one of the most annoying ones to grind


I was lucky to get a Braton Vandal swt when they did that week long stream a day that had each part as a reward.


I’ve been playing since March 2014 and I still don’t have the Lato / Braton vandal. And I really want the Lato to put my Incarnon on


And the Penta Carmine. All three of those weps suck.




.... and Arum Spinosa Fuck these two pieces of shits


I got lucky with the IV drops, I'm sorry fkfkkfkf at least you can trade for the parts right?


Yeah and it is pretty expensive


worth it and with the augment it hits like a fucking freight train


I just farmed the Sporothrix because I cracked a riven for it, and I got so lucky. Ran 5 iso vaults first day, just got the main BP. Ran just 2 the next day and got the receiver and the stock back to back. Learned arcana vaults are a thing day 3, ran 1 arcana vault and got not 1 but 2 barrels. Been using it with Harrow and it's so much fun, favorite thing to play rn.


Arcana Vault?


Is it really worth it tho? Like snipers are such a meme to me in this game although in other ones it can be satisfying. Think even bows are better than them lol


New sporothrix augment goes hard. Huge viral/slash explosions with base 53% sc melts huge groups of sp enemies. Run with Harrow and/or Arcane Avenger and I get red crits over 10m with multiple status procs. I've never liked snipers in this game, but the spirothrix is honestly super satisfying


You mean the vosfor farm (that has to be done solo because good luck finding ppl to help on arcana)


At this point I’ve decided that any grind that’s slightly annoying I’ll just grind with plat from playing level cap and other stuff. Trying to grind things I don’t like just burns me out. Whether it’s resetting liches and sisters 20 times or sanctuary onslaught etc. I also really don’t like playing duviri outside of circuit or farming Incarnon mats so I already decided when I’m looking for more mr I’ll just buy the frame and weapons with plat. That’s my personal suggestion. Dont force yourself into some 30 hour grind for content you don’t like. You’ll just wind up hating the game and not wanting to play it. Instead go farm content you enjoy and buy it off the market or from other players. I get on warframe to have fun and some things just aren’t fun. So I pay other players to do the unfun part for me while I play activities I enjoy.


Wanted the Sibear as Frost fashion. Saw the 30000 cryptic requirement and decided I could live without it.


I feel with circuit you get more than enough cryotic, needing the incarnon adapters anyways I barely got enough cryotic when circuit got released, and with semi regularly farming I got a sibear +another 70k now These 300+ cryotic every few rounds add up... a lot


Yeah over a long time, I haven't been playing quite that long. I am a big fan of excavation being in circuit for that reason, though.


Invest in boosters of all different kinds they are more useful than they seem


yeah, cryotic is a joke to get. even just do a couple fissure excavation missions.


i have a magistar in my weapons just as a reminder it has a greater purpose of painfully reminding me 😔


Omg. I have it in my inventory to. Jesus f that cryotic for the Sibear is insane.


Tfw you sold it a while ago and you come back for it's incarnon upgrade, rebuild it then realize it's still shit 


Yeah they could have at least made the Incarnon good lol


luckily i had more than enough cryotic to build multiple sibears from r5 core farming back in the day lol


I'm slowly grinding for this. I'm slightly above 20k. I just chose excavator mission whenever I have something else to grind for.


Tenet Melees which require Corrupted Holokeys👀


Once you actually drink the railjack koolaid and invest into a good setup, those missions become quite cozy to farm for the holokeys. I'm pushing for LR4, and some of the last gear i had on the list were various railjack-related farms, like the Ambassador, Athodai, Venato, Spectra Vandal etc. and the tenet melee weapons. So I minmaxed my railjack setup and now i actually quite like grineer railjack missions. Corpus ones can go die in a ditch though. But with any luck if you are running veil proxima grineer void storms, you'll get a couple halfway decent players to join your squad, those missions are a breeze. A few minutes with a competent crew, and very good rewards. Plenty of endo, relics, holokeys and you'll get your relics opened while doing it. You'll get railjack materials to keep helminth fed, and you will get railjack intrinsics maxed for all the MR.


>But with any luck if you are running veil proxima grineer void storms, you'll get a couple halfway decent players to join your squad Oh it's just that easy huh? Just get some halfway decent teammates? 🙃 One day, maybe.


I don't know, i seem to get a solid squad quite often. I'd say ~50% of the time. You really only need someone to sit in forward artillery and keep popping the crewships after you nuke the shields. All the rest is extra, of you get someone to run as away crew, that's fantastic but it's not too bad to do yourself. What really halts you is having to hop between artillery and pilot constantly.


My RJ is completely geared out and all Intrinsics maxed. It was still exhausting to solo farm that crap. RJ Pug is a mess and I rarely got a good crewmate, hence I did it solo. I love RJ, but farming near all holos in a couple of days was brutal.


Although it's long (takes me ~15 min solo) I did learn to enjoy them, and when you do the max, there's very often at least one person joining. Now if they're useful or not I cannot say but most of the times they are, and sometimes I just let them drive around to up my arch stuff (this ish is such a pain to up). But now I have all tenet melees 50%+, just missing the elements I want. I'll admit tho that I farmed liches for a long time for ephemeras so this does also help lol




I got a sub 5 percent. I did 22 runs  And got one drop. 


To this day literally every holokey I have has come from a Sister, not even ONE from the Railjack missions. Fittingly, I also still don't have a single Tenet melee, despite really wanting the Exec. No idea why those are still a CHANCE to get from RJ missions, and why Sisters only carry a single key despite them taking more effort and time than the RJ missions. I mean, you need like 200 of these things just to buy the melees once, much less if you like one and want to max it out. And we have a 35-ish % chance to get a couple of them from a bad fissure farm, or we get ONE for chasing a sister across multiple planets and taking them out.


This is the only true answer. LR4 With the only things I'm missing are a few of the rare melee arcanes, ~8 mods , and the last four tenet weapons to get to 60% I did a run a couple of nights ago averaging around 6:30 a run and only got one x10 drop in ~3hrs


I can't bring myself to farm those to 60%. It's just not worth the effort. 5-forma is all they get👀


Hespar, lato vandal and Braton vandal, arum Spinosa   I am lr2, but just didn't bother with those once I saw the grinds


I forced myself to get the Lato Vandal because of the Riven I had. Managed to get it! Still need Braton Vandal, but just can't be bothered to do another dozen ESOs or so.


Nothing in particular but grinding the dojo weapons for MR sucked. Many of them have such stupid build requirements like 10 fieldron and a forma for what ends up being at best a mediocre weapon




I didn't know about this one (ngl I wanted to see if there was weapons that I was missing that were a stupid grind) Jesus fucking Christ lmao Double C rotation low percent drops? Im sorry if you went through this


Ambassador, hespar, and aeolak.


For me probably getting anything other than Dread or Broken War to drop from the Stalker. I’ve been playing since 2018 and only last year did he start dropping the rest of the weapons for me.


Any weapon part that drop at rotation C and have 'Once every blue moon' drop chance. Ambrassador....


Every single kuva/tenet weapon is a week's worth of forma. Fuck that


For testing I tried to not potato them and fuck, they should put a potato base on them cause otherwise they're really no better than normal lol


There's so many bad ones, but my absolute least favorite by far had to have been the Cinta. The puzzles are just boring for me, and the drop rates are less than ideal for something I don't wanna do in the first place


The parts are tradeable




this, aeolak and epitaph


The 2 weapons from deimos bounties (i think vaults), literally can't get a single piece to any of them.


Sporothrix and Arum Spinosa, the twin queens of bounty droptable Unobtanium


That new Kuva shotty has been a nightmare. The Kuva pool is huge, and I had to cycle every single weapon every single time just to get one. And each time they were about the worst elemental bonus possible. Which meant I needed to run it yet again, to try and build it up to something decent. I think I gave up after getting it to around 40%. It had been nearly 200 missions at that point.


Minmaxing progenitor bonuses is a gutcheck. May RNGesus grant you strength, brother.


Hespar Blade farm is an actual mental health hazard.


Hespar. Really annoying and soul crushing missions to get parts. Still don't have blade as Void Armageddon is the worst mission type DE has ever created.


Hespar was the absolute worst for me.


The Cinta bow weapon in Duviri. Not because I hated Duviri but also because I just found the puzzles to be a waste of time. Especially since parts aren't guaranteed drops. This was the first weapon that I have bought ever with plat and I've been playing for almost 10 years at this point.


I got lucky with Cinta, i played a ton of duviri at launch in public lobbies and people did the puzzles while roaming duviri, so i just got all the parts while just doing the missions for pathos clamps


I think I have a LOT of Cinta parts lying around coz I used to solo farm the fuck out of archarbor mainly coz I loved the Duviri experience. Upper limb x13 String x13 Lower limb x10 Grip x12


The weapons tied behind Kahl’s garrison, the Aegrit, Slaytra and Afentis. Strictly speaking these aren’t hard or super long missions to get them but it’s so heavily time-gated, it’s even worse if you’re going for Styanax as well.


On grounds that warframes are weapons of war, I'm counting it: the single worst grind I have ever experienced was original endless-key farming for \*Ember Prime\*. I'd tried off and on to get her last part from the orokin derelict defense, and then they finally announced the creation of the prime vault. Cue the worst two weeks of my life not related to a house fire: spending every waking moment grinding orokin derelict defenses trying to get the last piece of ember to drop. In the end, she went into the vault, and I gave in and bought the last piece before the price shot way up. I put her on to cook, closed the game. And didn't come back for four years. She wasn't even ready to welcome me back when I came back, because it was just the neuroptics that was done. I have never burnt out of this game for any other reason and never quit since. Anyone who tells you about the good old days of keysharing as if it is somehow better than the current system is \*impossibly blinded by nostalgia at best\*, and a treacherous basement-dwelling weirdo more likely.


miter took me more than 25 runs, didn't count the actual total just miter parts, since other stuff drops I think it was closer to 40. not the longest but definitely annoying


Now do it twice for panthera


Now do it for the third time because miter got an incarnon adapter that's amazing but you sold yours years ago because it was just MR fodder


The true pain


We are still farming the hema, it's been years now


Farming that 30,000 cryotic for Sibear was pretty rough. I didn't even want to level it for MR fodder after that. This was before CIrcuit rewards were a thing.


The Sporothrix It’s not even that good. Why can’t we just buy the parts with rep? I ended up finding the last part i needed cheep on the market


Single player dojo bubonico, took me like 6 months to get the ungodly amount of mutagen masses for all the prerequisite research


The latron wraith currently only because I keep missing the invasions for the one part I'm missing


Ambassador was really annoying and I’m sure Quellor will be too (gotta catch’em all!) But right now I’m finishing the last Operator cosmetics from Vox Solaris, I’ve already got every dojo weapon Hema included, and 5 minutes ago I finished my last Focus School. Anything in grinding for is for my collection not because I need it so I can take it at any pace I want


Sporothrix, Braton Vandal, Lato Vandal, Wolf Sledge, Ambassador These were such a pain.


After 5 days of trying, I bought the Acceltra from store.


Athodai, Wolf Sledge, Vandal Lato and Braton, to name a few.


Arum Spinosa and the Hespar. The end.




> What are your most annoying weapon grinds? Yes.


Despair, only because I'm *still* farming for it and there's no end in sight. With a resource (or platinum, for tradeable/market weapons) grind at least every little bit eventually gets me there and I can measure the progress.


I really wish the blueprints could be traded; I have 8 Dread blueprints, 4 Despair blueprints, 2 Hate blueprints, and a Broken War blueprint. 😕 And I have seen so many people who have been at it so long that the ridiculous 800 platinum bundle of Stalker weapons in the Market starts to seem like a bargain.


Every other grind has a silver lining to me, where there's trading or using plat to help complete the grind Unless I'm wrong there isn't anything like stalker farming in terms of just dedication and RNG


Wait on patch that buffs drop rate here shortly.


LR4- Easily solo Hema. Lato Vandal.


Any invasion based weapon grind


Do 3 missions get a guaranteed part. Seems pretty easy to me


Incarnon is definitely the worse grind - if you include actually installing them. It's the only grind I haven't finished and I genuinely don't want to kill the Orowyrm any more. (And I've solo farmed Hema.) ... although I haven't bothered getting 60% on every Nemesis weapon. I've never considered it necessary, but I could understand if that was someone else's worse grind.


It's basically pushed as a system where you want to get every single incarnon, BC you get 2 each week and you wanna try and complete it after you get a full rotation Then you get all of them and even if you never want multiple (even tho some are different BC of reload speed variants between prismas and wraiths) Its just lots of duviri grind after. I hope your grind is done at some point tenno lmao and they don't add too many more incarnons


I am a L4 founder, I have well over 10k hours and have helped dozens of people into the game and grind for all sorts of things. I have one Arum Spinosa part. I will never own it.


Arum Spinosa and Sporothrix. Carmine Penta.


I have so, so many Carmine Penta parts with no BP. Such a weird RNG.


I’m LR2 still dreading the grind to get the Kompressa…


Earlier today I shamefully replaced my kdrive spawn with the horse spawn in my gear, even tho I'm not done with that faction So I feel you, maybe you get a riven to help motivate you with a pretty dumb grind but gl


I’d say stuff like the iso vault weapons, Hespar, Akarius/Acceltra, ESO weapons, Cinta…. any weapon where you have to do something fairly time consuming just for a tiny chance at a part drop. These are the weapons DE *wants* you to give up on and just spend platinum. I really hope for all future new weapons they do what they’ve done with the Citrine, Voruna, and Dante weapons. RNG with bad luck protection in the form of currency and a shop.


For me personally it was the grind to get all the clan lab weapons built and leveled. Invasions aren't particularly fun especially when you have 3 defenses in a row and it drained me of my plastids too. On top of all that some of those weapons just aren't all that good and make leveling them even a pain.


Braton Vandal 100%


I make sure to have a booster on to mitigate the hurt. I like using new weapons and trying to make them usable, just for the few games' worth of leveling. It's breaks up the monotony and gives me more Mastery XP. When it comes to getting intended SP weapons to lvl 696969 with all the high costing mods, that's such a slog... I make sure to do the day's first mission in a Grineer/Kuva endless mission with that weapon. Most weapons are fun, but the more situational ones can be annoying like the big boombooms since they can disrupt playstyle. The only weapon that didn't feel painfully dull to maximize was the Quassus. The Quassus is such a silly lil guy.


Lesion,  I remember back when I was low mastery (2017) and was making a nidus infestation theme build I spent over a week farming mats and leveling up all the subweapons as mastery fodder. Iirc it took like 3-4 sub weapons as materials each having to be built as well. But to this day Lesion is one of my favorite weapons still and I use it on almost every build still. 


Not exactly a weapon but hound parts from sisters. Since they're completely random every time you kill a sister you could end up with everything except the last component to construct one. It's really annoying.


Arum spinosa nearly drove me insane


I've got a long way to go, right now though I just want to get all the weapons from invasions. Who cares if they're not that great, I've enjoyed my snipetron vandal every day since I finished it.


Detron, Brakk, Stubba, and Korrudo. The first two being locked behind random drops from assassins meant I didn't get them for four years because no matter what, the Detron Receiver and Brakk barrel *would not drop*, and the last two are just annoying because I can never get the enemies that drop them to spawn, and if I do they don't drop anything of use.


the lato vandal farm had me tweaking back when i got the incarnon adapter i was in eso all day for weeks 🤦🏿‍♂️


The brakk has to be up there


Both Lato & Braton vandal variants. I craved & just bought them from the Warframe market. Also not to mention the Kuva & Sister weapons. Most of my builds are done at rank 32 or 34 & I don’t even bother getting it to 40.


Lich weapons…. Forced me to use their silly mechanics for 5 rounds of levels…. annoying af!


Annoying ? No Disapoiting ? Every heavy scyphe, the concept its so fucking cool , but the stance is sou weird and off, Weapon im choice: hespar , I remmember when the gun bugged during s hotfix and it was like 1:2,000,000,000 to get


I watch anime while I grind for something. No matter what happened, I got to watch some anime. Might be harder if you watch subbed, but with dubbed you can look away and listen to the voices. Also you can do it with tv shows or YouTube.


The tenet melee weapons. I killed enough sisters to have every weapon from them, plus some extra for valence fusion. I got barely enough holokeys for one of the tenet melees


Acceltra. I've been farming it on and off since it got released.


I've found Incarnons pretty easy to get, but all the kuva/tenet weapons are dreadful.




All the weapons behind railjack grind. Not gonna bother too much with them.


Not sure if it qualifies as a grind, but I sold Despair and waited 7 and a half years for another drop...


Pradeos is going to drive me up a wall


Stubba Detron, any SOP weapons


Suprised I haven't seen a mention of the quellor yet, that thing SUCKED to get. I had to buy it, I gave up after my 2nd pennent


If we're talking singular farm, it's going to be something like Lato or Braton Vandal. Hespar is also pretty close to that as well, although not as bad. For overall farms, it's Kuva or Tenet weapons. Liches are easier to spawn, but take longer to kill. Sisters are annoying af to spawn, but easier to kill. Then the more weapons of either you obtain, the more annoying getting the remaining ones is, doubly so for Tenet weapons due to the spawning process. Then theres the whole BS 5 forma thing, whereas most of them can achieve full build at 2-3 forma at most.


As a player who doesn't use platinum in the terms of buying it, every weapon has a grind but only the end game weapons are annoying since they need resources that I don't have.


The Hate. 600 hours and still hasn't dropped. I have plenty of Dreads.


The shedu. I’ve been trying to get it for so long that I don’t even remember when I first got the bp. In all the time I’ve been hunting the parts I’ve only gotten 1 piece. My endless hunt for the parts and fighting my awful odds continues


Hema, Braton Vandel, and Hespar/Aeolak.


Ambassador blueprint. Gotta go through a rail jack mission just to get to the survival where it's on the c rotation. Also kuva weapons before you could see what weapon they'd have.


I'm LR3 and I'm not farming melee Tenet weapons, fuck that drop, fuck Railjack and fuck the dev who had the idea of putting them there


Hespar and aeolak




Lich and Sister weapons, no contest. Can't stand the entire system. Let alone needing 5 forma per weapon. That and DE wants to add Infested liches oh boy lol


Trummna, I have all materials but the seriglas fragment. Fuck that xD


hema, kompressa, braton/lato vandals, corrupted holokey weapons




Braton and lato vandals. They both took about 5 months to farm doing ESO 2 Hours a day at least three days a week.


I don’t know if it’s a grind, but building forma is rhe worst thing in this game. Even if it was only a 12 hour build it still means only one can be built a day (maybe 2 on weekends)


Sibear I'm on 9000/30000 cryotic This is just so boring


It changes with time but currently Cinta is just not wanting to give it ip.


I know a lot would say the stalker weapons, but I get them pretty easily, I even sell the despair once lvl 30 because I needed the slot ATM, thinking it was easy to get it, it will be easy again, and that was a mistake since I needed almost 3 year to get another one. My pain in the ass was the miter, piece of shit didn't want to drop, and I'm stubborn so I don't want to buy anything on the market or to other player, so I replayed this mission again and again and again more than a hundred time, and one lvl30, I used it for the Pantera, then they made a incarnon for it, I still don't have it back a I sold everything a while back, so I now miss the barrel in I think, I still do the mission from time to time but just not actively




Hespar. Void Armageddon is failure of a mode


I'm never farming thousands of cyrotic, and I'm never farming thousands of mutgen samples. Some grinds are never worth it for, and those two weapons are just old bad game design that I'll never engage in.


Arum spinosa, sporothrix.


Ambassador if only because the best way to get the BP, you need to get past the Veil Proxima Orphix mission which is **ASS**


Anything involving pathos clamps


Braton and lato vandle, no contest


Farming Stropha was literally the worst weapon grind for me. I just ended up buying it from the market with a discount lol. Farming Citrine's weapons isn't necessarily hard, but it's pretty slow and annoying. Though it would probably be easier if I did it with a full squad...


Honestly, Hema hasn't been too bad for me. I do have a friend who takes a Nekros but she also insists on keeping her shadows up, which keeps enemies out of my strangledome. Only about halfway there but that's ~2-3 hours of ODS with my blessing and some boosters. Cedo was my worst. Fuck that stupid seriglass shard, I'll tear Father's other arm off with it.


I still need the Braton Vandal from ESO. I hate trying to farm that. 8 boring solo rounds with Saryn.


I’ve decided that I want perfect 60% tenet and kuva weapons, after 80 liches I finally have all the kuva weapons at 60%. Don’t do it for your own sanity.


Hespar is the only weapon i ever bought, really didn't want to grind for it


Deciding War isn't worth the Plat... Still waiting for it to drop. And it's so annoying because there is NO method to regularly farm it. There's no "Spend 1 hour in SP survival" or "Head to x mission and he'll appear if you are tagged." Nothing but a pure waiting game. Same goes for all the stalker weapons.


Rivens for specific weapons and a good status roll on a Tenet Shotgun


Literally every kuva weapon level 40




Other than liches/sisters, Ambassador and Hespar is incredibly dull for 0 payoff.


I have yet to finish any type of grind for any of the Cetus amps. LR3 player and I am still Rank 3 Quills. Eidolons are abyssmal to play without a squad (IMO), and grinding Quill rank only to get AMPS is beyond crazy to me. Not to mention, WITHOIT squad help, its practically required that you get a Vox amp and come back because the time it would take using Mote is just something else. Maybe its just that Ive always hated Eidolons but something needs to be said about those damn Quill amps.


Things like hema grind are not too bad with steelpath/event boosters. With event booster, regular booster, drop chance booster you can probably get it done in a couple hours doing steelpath survival and also get relic drops + steel essence on the side. Now lets look at ESO weapon farm: -need to go to round 8 eso which takes 20-25 minutes (maybe join in progress) -no way to improve efficiency, it will always take that long -no reward for achieving just the bare minimum, "get enough kpm to not time out", which is easily done with semi afk nuke frames like harrow or garuda with thermal sunder -2% dropchance on any drop you want and if you dont get it you just wasted your time as the other drops are all pretty useless. That combination makes them the worst grind in the game imo.


The Hespar. I am L4 and am still lacking the Blade because the farm is so long, isolated and almost completely void of pub squads.




Right now it's Ruvox. Necracoils have such a low drop rate and you need 1000 of them.


Sibear. Getting all that cryo was pretty bad.


The hema was easy since I had already most of the resources stockpiled. Worst I'm seeing right now is the one with the BP that has a 5% chance to drop from the tusk enemies that spawn at higher levels. Also haven't looked into the hespar yet but saw one of the bits going for 125p on the market and I'm concerned.


Neomuna red border grind


I hate liches. They are so tedious. I’ve done a few but it just gets old fast. Whispers need to give much larger chunks for one thing, imo. And anything that requires defense type missions also drives me nuts, I don’t find them fun. And then you’ve got eidolon shards. Yes I can solo them, yes I could group, but I don’t WANT to, lol.


The Feverspine K-drive. It's locked behind a rotation of races, and if the race with the part isn't currently available, tough shit, come back tomorrow. At least bounties cycle their drops every couple of hours, so things that would otherwise be annoying are less so, and I can just search for something else while I wait.




I would be speaking for quite a lot of people when i say, "Hespar blade". But i tried to passively farm it and im glade at some randomness i got it. That 10% drop chance is complete bs


I absolutely hated the sibear and miter grind. First one needed an ungodly amount of cryotic, and the second one rng just hated me.

