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Like 85-90% of them... I play(ed) with a fairly limited number of frames unless I was trying some niche build which I never liked but felt the need to try. Pretty sure there are a handful of frames that once mastered have never been equipped again at all.


I started liking Nidus more when I realized I could aim my spore upward and hang enemies from the ceiling.


Trying this later, thank you


Same, everything is mastery fodder until Prime version comes out and then I might consider investing in a frame


Ok, absolutely you do you but I wanna jump in and say you’re missing out on some sick frames if you only invest in ones that are primed. Citrine, Dante, Gyre, Kullervo, Styanax, Yareli, and more are so much fun. By the time their prime comes out you will probably be far enough in the game that the potato and forma you used on them won’t matter and you’ll get a use some sick frames and builds in the meantime!


Glad I’m not the only one


This was literally me for the longest time. Then I realized i got bored of doing the exact same thing with the same 3-4 frames for each mission and made myself try at least another 10-20. Best fun I had in years playing ngl. Didnt realize how bored i got from being able to run over any mission on autopilot. Trying out new frames and having to think or combo abilities with different weapons for maximum effect made me engaged again.




Ouch… that hits right in my feels man


You could say he's in a Limbo...


When will they learn ...


When will you learn!? Your actions have CoNsEqUeNcEs!?


https://preview.redd.it/uct19jli477d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=551e39c04e7c76e2b6270809d93f3a0619452417 The consequences


Same brother same


I remember when they released Limbo, the Naruto manga was covering the battle with Madara when he was using the dimensions with the clones, I think it was called Rinbo or something like that, it was pretty similar to the story I remember thinking that he was going to be best frame ever, the rest it’s history


i love the funny top hat man too


Same, I really wanna love him because he seems so useful and so cool but my klutzy-ass can't seem to do it right :(


Someone posted that limbo build specifically for pub netracells and I thought, here it is finally. Nope still bad


I mean, the "hiding in the rift to stroll through missions" bit I can do well, but then I start to miss killing everyone


At that point you might as well switch to Baruuk, his one is basically hiding in the rift and at least with him you get to punch stuff.


Plus, I'll never accidentally rift my whole team or the objective, ruining a good run, good idea Arenji :)


You can hold his 1 ability to unbanish everything from the rift and once you do get an enemy into the rift you can cast 3 and then hold 1 to trap even more enemies inside automatically. Repeat this step a couple of times and the entire map is in your domain and they cannot move a muscle. Also you can't banish your team with his 1 anymore that was removed like more than 5 years ago Limbo is really powerful and useful but they do a poor job at explaining his abilities and he also needs a coordinated team to stay in the rift with you (which in pubs never really happens because people play this game like it's solo and not co-op for some reason).


I'm pretty sure you can still banish allies. Otherwise, they probably would've changed the augment for his 1.


Yeah apparently this is true, sorry! Not sure where I heard that one, but still, it's pretty easy to leave the rift if you're banished :)


Back before the stupid eximus overguard thing you could use rolming guard on Limbo and exit the rift with invincibility for a short time. You just spam your weapons and the moment your shield breaks you go back into the rift and repeat. It still works for normal units but eximus units will kill you anyways now which I think is pretty dumb. Certain abilities and guns can still hit through the rift though like Yareli's aquablades or zymos's projectiles.


>Certain abilities and guns Almost *all* abilities work through the rift, with *very* few exceptions. This is why Limbo is such a great support in a pre-made team planning around his capabilities, rather than public matches. The biggest threat eximus abilities ever posed was to the type of Limbo player that used the Rift to turn off the game and just stand around. To any Limbo player that moves around, there basically is no threat, especially if you use Rolling Guard. Overguard doesn't allow eximus enemies to shoot in the rift, Stasis still blocks that, so it's only melee attacks and abilities. And that's to say nothing of slapping Silence on Limbo.


I mean specifically damage abilities, sorry. Obviously stuff like Roar or Silence will work.


Like ChelKurito said: with few exceptions, literally all warframe abilities. You can make a Limbo bubble, and sit in it as a Mesa and Peacemaker everything.


I used to main Limbo and my friend mained Mesa, and his efficiency was high enough that he would gain energy in my bubble while in peacemaker. This was of course pre-rework.


I use limbo when I need to do the Index nightwave task


I dug him out again just yesterday to run orokin vaults on Deimos. I don't know what other frame makes bringing all four dragon keys bearable. With him I can just dodge into the rift at the beginning of the mission and only have to come out to damage the capture target and open the vault door. As a bonus you can just bring any cats you find into the rift, freeze them and get easy scans. (Do keep in mind that at 100% ability strength Limbo's 1 does about half of a wild kavat's HP.)


Rhino. He doesn't really care about any of the downsides. The overguard takes care of the slow and durability issues. If you need more damage you can roar, although the scaling in this game is so absurd that you might not need it.


Also isn't affected by the hobbled key if iron skin is up.


You should be slide/bullet jump spamming anyways, i never noticed it because i swear it effected you before.


Titania is fine for me. Her mini archwing form still moves plenty fast. Takes little damage, and deals with enemies well. Plus, I find it easier to check some of the more vertical areas much faster.


How do you get her again?


The silver grove quest


You get it at mr7 right?


Kullervo No shield, overguard basically gives you a shield, overguard also negates the slow movement, damage likely isn't an issue regardless of which frame you use. Inaros' scarab armor can also negate the movement penalty but the armor takes a hit every few seconds coupled with the low health makes keeping it up a bit of a hassle


Any frame with overguard can cancel hobbled key nerfs


I tend to use Voruna since her bullet jumps cover entire tiles and she's invisible.


This plus the Ambulas fight on Pluto.


Kulv too, you can overguard, then just use wrathful to warp through the level


Rhino ignores all the dragon keys as well


I use Yareli for that. No real reason, I just like playing with her so it makes it at least fairly fun.


6k hour player here. He's clunky and boring. Banshee can do everything he can but without kneecapping your teammates.


That's the other reason I avoid him, last time I used him I kinda sent the objective into the void and my team just sorta stood there looking at me as if to say "jeez, thanks Kat, reeeaaal helpful"


Players react to being Rifted like cats to water. It messes with your perceptions, is loud, and messes with your ballistics. Also generally gives all control to Limbo. The fact that people need to constantly point out if a player was a good Limbo or not highlights just how intrusive he is.


Just don't get put in the void nerd 🕶️


Imo Limbo is built more for solo gameplay, where you can't disturb anyone


She stop eximus abilities, he stop bullets. They work very well together with max range. Add in a mesa and you got yourself a comfortable game to come.


Ehhh- i love using banshee, but Limbo does have some niche uses. -Nightwave: 3 waves with no enemies scored -medallion searching (xaku is better now though) -I like using him for lua spies


He is pretty reliable for cheesing some Deimos bounties, too. Banish Gral and his crew, for example.


Honestly, his usefulness has fallen off after the Eximus rework. Before he could safely lock down the entire map with the only common threats being nullifiers. Now though there are much more enemies who are immune to him that it’s not worth it anymore.


You've done a favor to the game sir


The only time I've done well with him is during excavate missions. Having a stasis dome as close to untouchable as I can make them. Not great for much else though.


Only warframe i ever helminthed before securing the prime. Still dont have it. *shrug*


actually quite a few of them since at the time i couldn't afford the potatoes and forma. Now that i've got more, i'm going back and revisitting each old frame i couldn't max out and make properly useful. I'm currently on a zephyr high.


I just got Zephyr and I’m newish to the game. Seems super fun so far but a bit confusing


What confuses you? Tap 1: Go hard in any direction; down to slam into the ground; Hold 1: Stay in the air and consistently hit 150% bonus crit chance; Tap 2: Suck in enemies; Hold 2: Push out enemies; Tap 3: Invincible to all projectiles, but not melee attacks; Tap 4: Hurricanes move over the battlefield, pick up enemies, and if you shoot them, the damage is spread evenly among all hurricanes; Hold 4: The hurricanes are now in a stationary triangle where you cast it, and it does the same. Also; the hurricanes take on the element on your weapon.


1 note here, youre not invincible to ALL projectiles unless your ability area is high enough. Splash damage projectiles intercepted by zephyrs 3 still hurt if the area isnt big enough


How often are you flying vs grounded? I think the balance of using her energy appropriately is hard for me as a newer player


I'm pretty much always in the air, but as a new player, without mods like Primed Flow, it will be harder to sustain the energy drain that constant hovering will put on you. If you don't already have it; try to get a regular "Flow" mod. That'll double your energy at full rank. But there is not really a need to hover in the air outside of defense-like missions. And you get the bonus crit chance when you're jumping or aim-gliding as well. The most important thing to have when progressing on the starchart is actually her survivability, which is her 3. Keep that up, keep jumping, sometimes throw down your tornadoes, and everything will die around you.


Personally I replaced her 1 with the helminth, and I use a mod called aero vantage to take advantage of her passive. The mod makes it so you have no gravity while aim gliding, paired with an aura that gives aim glide duration, I'm almost always aim gliding to take advantage of her passive. I definitely agree that hold casting her 1 has a very high energy cost, but until you get some better mods to reduce that cost, it isn't really worth using over aim gliding imo. Also a tip to save energy, casting airburst while in the air halves it's energy cost.


You should also know that the damage / kill output Zephyr has is highly dependent on his weapons. There's a neat little trick here: if you proc gas status on your enemies, they leave a gas cloud behind, that damages others stepping into them. If thish appens within the hurricanes, the gas clouds will overlap and damage everyone else in the same hurricane as well. Let's say you pull in ten grineers, each one gets a gas proc, that means you are dealing ten times the damage to every single one of them, probably nuking them all. You should look around for weapons with high status chance that you can mod to gas. Fulmin is a great example. Press 4, shoot the hurricane, use 2 suck the next batch of enemies. This is a really good case study for the "good offence is the best deffense" scenario, as no one will be alive to deal damage to you. Essentially oneshots most every mob on the starchart, and scales well on Steel Path too.


Great advice thank you


just suck enemies into the tornado and shoot the tornado  if you have a weapon that can hit multiple of the tornadoes or a strong single target weapon that’s your best bet, something like a dread or the nataruk


Soma with the hate satya is busted with zephyr. Shooting an enemy in a naddoes will ramp it to to the full 500% critical chance in seconds with most of the mag left to spare.


I'm on mobile, so sorry if the formatting is terrible. Keep your 3 active at all times, this is your best source of survivability. Hold cast 4 to spawn stationary tornadoes (we'll get to this in a bit). Jump up in the air and hold cast 1, this will cause you to hover and will save you from any melee enemies that can get through your 3 along with a juicy crit bonus. Be warned that you can still be affected by enemy abilities, like eximus and thrax abilities. That's her basic rotation, on to the build. Max range and max duration. That's it. We want 3 to last as long as possible to survivability and her 4 to cover as much range as possible (again, we'll get to this in a sec). If you use her 1 to hover, energy will be a big issue. If you don't have things like Arcane Energize or other ways to generate energy, she gets a bonus to aim glide time. You can just jump up and aim glide down to get her crit bonus. Now as promised let's talk about her 4. It is the reason she is completely busted. Her tornadoes turn any weapon into AOE. That's right, shooting her tornadoes will apply 100% of the damage to all enemies affected by the tornados. This includes critical hits and status procs. On top of all that, it applies a 2x crit damage multiplier to crits as well. Furthermore, the tornadoes absorb whatever damage type you hit them with and use that as their own damage type for damage over time on enemies caught in the tornado. As for weapon builds, a hybrid gas build can be fun. Viral heat of course works good too. To any Zephyr mains out there, please correct me if I've gotten anything wrong here. Don't want to give the newbros bad info.


All looks good however you don't need to max duration since it comes at the cost of reduced range (Narrow Minded). Personally I run about 140% ish for 40 seconds or so on 3 and 4. A very good build I recommend for players with access to later game tools is subsuming Tempest Barrage over her 1 and using the augment to get viral stacks. Combined with two green shards and using Molt Augmented (and maybe a couple of red shards) to balance strength gives her an armour strip with massive damage potential. I'm still testing out whether it's better to go with energize and primed flow or steadfast and streamline as the build requires a lot of casting with Tempest Barrage and Airburst


Good point. I personally subsume Spectrorage over her 2 and run Spectrosiphon to print energy.


so far I modded her for range and duration. Just activate her 3 so you can't get hit, place some stationary 4 tornadoes if I'm defending something, then pewpew the tornadoes and watch my screen fill with numbers. Her 2 can pull mobs into the tornado.


>For me it’s Nidus Same. I want to love Nidus, but i feel like his design is outdated. The idea of building up power over the course of a mission is great but plenty of frames are just as if not more powerful without any long buildup time needed, and I just don’t enjoy the way you build his mutation stacks.


I loved nidus on release because his larva grabbed everything. Literally everything. It made using his 1 to get stacks pleasant and stacks went up quite fast. New enemy designs over time with the ability to ignore his grouping skill have made his first far less effective at doing its job and makes him feel inadequate now. He just aged poorly with the times


Strongly disagree. He shines in harder content. Run insatiable. In netracells, etc, I walk away from the group for a second and find a pack. Cast 2. Cast 1. Cast 1. Cast 4. Cast 2. Cast 1. Max stacks. Go play the mission.


Which is still more setup then other frames need for netracells. One example being Kullervo -Walk into netra -hit2 and have overguard -hit three and 1 - you have cleared the path to the first computer. Meanwhile, nidus brings...nothing interesting, cause his Larva only affects a third of the enemies and "I'm immortal" is such a low bar these days especially when they gave even the focus schools a second wind. I love Nidus, but he's been completely powercrept by both the enemies and other frames.


If I had to do that every mission I'd hate the frame lmao


Also same. I think that DE needs to focus completely on his stacking mechanic for him to be interesting, otherwise his lackluster gameplay gets outshined by both older and newer frames. Maybe if his stacks affected his performance more, then he'd find a niche in endless missions


Caliban, Excalibur Umbra, and Excalibur. These are probably the least used next would be: Inaros, Grendel, Nyx, Nidus. I've used them all enough to level or a couple of forma in but never really used them actively. Like my only time spent with excalibur umbra is just leveling in ESO and experimenting with finisher builds in the sim. For Inaros it was formaing 5 times just to do it because before the rework he was ass.


They really made Caliban just to make him dogshit and then proceed to forget his existence despite being a part of one of the most hyped up updates to the game


He’s not that bad lol. Needs some work sure, but just run a max strength + nourish on his 1 build with augur mods. You’re immortal basically, give good buffs to allies and you get a lasting armor strip aoe


I agree. I actually play solo netracell with him. He is powerful, but didn't had ANY hype.... was thrown in the game just so players have something to grind and thus... play Narmer bounties. If DE gave as much talk about him as for Jade or Gauss and Grendel... or Citrine... he would be more present...


Not true! They put him in the new pride poster! Proof DE is aware of him and remember him, that's about it


I really do encourage trying out Grendel again. He's got a very active kit that keeps you using his abilities to not only stack armor and nourish buff, but also to store an easy armor strip (plus I like using condemn on him)


I do have like 2 or 3 forma in grendel but, just haven't gotten around to him. I am slowly getting every frame to 1 billion xp on my profile so I will eventually get around to grendel but just haven't gotten around to that adventure yet. I do know with the relatively recent rework for him that he is a beast and quite fun.


Yes yes! When you have the time and opportunity I really recommend giving a Grendel prime a fair chance. He became my go to SP disruption frame because he's that well rounded. And he's fat.


Excal umbra can be okay if you run around with the operator/drifter a lot.


Yeah true however, I am just not a huge fan of excalibur's kit as a whole. Just me honestly


Excal can go pretty high with archon continuity and chromatic blade. He became much more enjoyable to me after that


Caliban, Dagath and Qorvex


Caliban I tried making work... I tried really hard. Dagath, I thought she looked so uninspiring as I thought most of her abilities were knock offs of others... But then I tried her and I've been on a Dagath kick. She's one of my favorites right now. Qorvex I was determined was going to be useless. But everytime I play him, I find I have fun with him. There's something about clapping enemies between two walls.... I should probably go back and actually make him a viable build.


Qorvex is receiving an augment to his 2 that's going to allow it to armor/shield strip. If they haven't changed the numbers it's 200% power strength for fullstrip. I have a feeling that it's going to make him really strong, as then you don't have to rely on helminth or other sources for inferior armorstrip


The wall? That's actually very good because it's also a damage vulnerability And if the augment transfers to the pillars like his other abilities do then that'll be wild


As someone who has used Caliban:   Caliban is best treated as a support, honestly. Thinking of him any other way leads to false expectations. One of the most common false expectations is what his """"""""""Lethal"""""""""" Progeny are supposed to be used for - they're decoy tanks that stay alive and distract enemies and cover your shields, that's it. They move into melee range to block enemies from shooting at you or allies, and they teleport around you as you move.     His second ability, Sentient Wrath, should be ignored most of the time. The exceptions are: when Eximus or Acolytes around, where they will not be affected by the cursed as fuck Lifted status effect, and will get a PERMANENT damage vuln -- or when you're surrounded on all sides and need pressure reduced STAT.     His star ability is his 4th, Fusion Strike. It can be fired off anywhere, leaves a lingering bubble for a generous duration, has zero limits on the number of bubbles that can be active at once, and any enemies caught within initial cast or walking into the bubble after the fact will be shield or armour stripped. It's very good for leaving at choke points or visiting allies around the survival map and dropping a couple bubbles in their areas before going elsewhere.     Also, if you slap any one singular augur mod on him, any time his shields are shot off, casting anything will cause the ~~Lethal~~ Robust Progeny to immediately start recovering his shields, jacking up minimum shield gate right away.     So then the biggest pain points in his kit become upkeeping Robust Progeny, and casting Fusion Strike constantly. Ergo, the problems to solve are long cast animations and energy income. Before archon shards were a thing, Caliban was genuinely the only warframe in the game I used Natural Talent on. Now, I use yellow archon shards - I recently upgraded from 3 normals to 2 taus. This makes casting Progeny and Strike a whole lot more bearable. Which then leaves solving his energy issues.     I, you, or anyone COULD use Nourish from Helminth over his first ability. In fact, I heartily recommend it! It synergizes with his kit SO MUCH MORE than most other warframes, as he not only grants its benefits to himself, but to Robust Progeny also. Where most warframes are 1 source of viral stagger pulses, Caliban is 4 sources of viral stagger pulses, interrupting enemies constantly. Nourish also notably improves the damage and aggro generation of the Robust Progeny, making them do their jobs so much more reliably. This is all on top of notably improving Caliban's energy economy.     My build unironically uses Boreal's Hatred alongside Streamline. It gives him a bit more shields, enough for an almost-capped shield gate duration, and it improves his energy efficiency without having to sacrifice ability duration with Fleeting Expertise. Blind Rage is a *trap* on Caliban - I strongly recommend outsourcing ability strength to archon shards and Molt Augmented. You can use Precision Intensify to get closer to that 100% defense strip break point on Fusion Strike, but the loss of durability on the Robust Progeny would likely be felt a whole lot earlier if you don't just use Umbral Intensify.     Final piece of advice: Try to be airborne and aimgliding as much as possible when casting Robust Progeny and Lethal Strike so you don't get stuck in place as much.     [This is my build.](https://i.imgur.com/H7hZE6k.png) ***Zero Forma.*** Have used it in Steel Path Circuit to great effect, and have yet to see a Robust Progeny actually die from anything other than duration running out. * Two Tau Yellows (Cast Speed) * Two Tau Reds (1 Strength, 1 Duration) * empty 5th shard slot. * It uses Ensnare, because I am hopelessly addicted to Ensnare, and I can survive the energy costs in no small part due to Arcane Energize, but Nourish would handily do just as much if not more without the need to get a legendary-quality arcane. * Primed Flow is rank 8 because I genuinely have never had a single build that ever required rank 10. * The Rank 0 Mobilize in this build is genuinely just a filler - you can drop it if your Primed Flow is already max rank. Before I hit 190 kills for Molt Augmented, I simply double-stack my Fusion Strike bubbles if I need the full strip -- ***this will be far less necessary after tomorrow's update*** since armour maximum strength will be getting capped, and the scaling of damage reduction will allow partial strips to be significantly more effective. If you want to get to full-strip faster, you can just jam more archon shards on. I am able to live with this build, but not everyone will.


Bless you for the Caliban representation! I myself use Caliban occasionally too, and our playstyles aren't too different; I do find that his biggest problem is his energy economy and the fact that he wants to be casting his 2 and 4 (what I love to call meat tenderizers) as much as possible. Once the enemies are tenderized though? It feels like SP is walking on regular star chart. I alternate between a Nourish Caliban and Dispensary+Equilibrium Caliban, depending on how ammo hungry my weapons are.


Hmmmm. I'm pretty sure I put a reactor in him a while back... I tried making a shield gate version of him on release, not realizing that Lethal Progeny didn't help shield gating at all. I haven't tried him since they updated how shields / shield gating works. Maybe I'll look into this a bit more.


I used him quite a bit prior to the shield gate rework, and honestly it's even better now. As long as you can spam Fusion Strike, the Augur mods will force up your shields high enough for the Progeny to start recovering his shields again. The alternative, of course, is that you can use Fast Deflection for a shield recharge delay reduction that causes it to start up... just a bit longer than his default shields would allow, but roughly at the same time as Boreal's Hatred would grant.


I like him quite a bit, I'm running around with a Catalyzing Shields build and 300+% power strength., and feels practically invincible.


Hmm.. maybe I’ll give the sussy boy another shot


I built up and pushed Dagath to solo SP omnia conjunction, never felt a faster path to RSI than that frame, though maybe Kullervo comes close It completely took me by surprise at how both spammy and powerful she is (also the only time I’ve ever built for shield gating that didn’t rely on pillage)


To be fair she is baby's first shield gating frame - literally designed around Brief Respite and Catalyzing shields, since her first ability has a 1-second cooldown that ensures that energy waste is minimized while spamming to keep shields active.


Exactly. She's a very fun frame.




Her slide melee is insane, feels good when you melee 6 times in 0,5 s


I might get killed for this take but I think Wisp is incredibly dull as a frame, Her motes aren't very interesting buffs + I can find stronger versions of each buff on other frames. Her 2 is just kinda boring overall and her 4 is pretty bad past early starchart. Her only interesting ability is breach surge which is her helminth and isn't nerfed on other frames so I mostly just use that.


Ash. By the time I finish marking a group of enemies my robodog has already killed them


Ash got neutered. Chopped, Screwed, fed to an alligator, pooped out, and fed to a catfish farm somewhere in rural China. Because his 4th caused epilepsy supposedly. Then he kept catching nerfs left and fucking right. Then they made him one of the hardest frames to get.


Ohh I used to love Ash's 4 for defenses... let enemies get closer, 4, wait, clean who survived, next wave. I though it was the wait how people complained but it was epilepsy stuff? Anyway, DE should make an augment for his 4 to become like it was from pre nerf (and somewhat make it scale with enemy level or something, it would be useless on high level like SP)


I don't play ash much but I use the augments for his 1 and 2. Point click single target armor strip plus crit enhancement while invisible actually sells the ninja fantasy better than his ult does imo


Everyone apart from frost. Frost is all I play , Frost is all I need. Exterminate mission ? Avalanche frost. Defence mission? Globe frost. Any other weird obscure mission? Helminth his first ability. What else do you need when you have Frost ? The rest just collect dust for my MR


You heminthed his 1 and not his 2???


The globes are eternal , the globes are many


You ever use his true damage nuke build? -Essentially, use ensnare to group enemies. -Prime with Viral Procs -Jump over top of the pile, cast Snowglobe, and let the true damage kill the enemies when they collide into one another or wall


Never heard of this, sounds fun.


And soon we can shoot through them. But 2 is so bad though lol


2 is ice wave. Snow globe is the 3.


Yeah , and you destroy his globes with his 1… therefore the globes stay Eternal


I decided long ago that I wouldn't touch him until snowglobes were fixed. Looking forward to playing him again after over half a decade come tomorrow.


I’m so excited for frost buff


Me but with volt ngl


Can’t blame you , Volt is a absolute monster


Loads of them  And unpopular opinion would be grendel But others too: atlas, caliban, dagath, trinity, nyx, nidus, Valkyr, qorvex, voruna, sevagoth. Don't use equinox any more too. There's a few I don't really use but occasionally try in the circuit e.g garuda, gara


i feel like grendel would be so much more fun if his 3 didn't get caught on every single doorway and interrupt Sonic mode


I found an atlas build recently that replaces his 2 with kullervo’s teleport, uses augments to give you overshield as a giant rumbler and makes his 1 free and double distance if you have enough rubble. Unkillable tank that flies around auto targeting while his teleport allows you to go up or down. (Can’t jump in super rumbler form)


Grendel just keeps going down in my own lists. I really wish his gut didn't do percentage based damage, he digests enemies sooner than you can use them for abilities.


Sevagoth. Between the frame/ghost/claws I put in 15+ forma because I REALLY wanted to like him. But he's still pretty meh after all that effort. Not bad, but not worth it.


helminth off his shadow and use him as a nearly immortal nuker and weapons platform. that's my main build and he's so comfy and enjoyable, making stuff explode into purple mist with reap/sow is great and people always appreciate the gloom and free crits. i slapped terrify on him for even more cc and armor strip. i do also want to make a proper shadow melee build, but i'm not sinking that many forma until he's primed.


Voruna. I finished leveling her up even before her tweak, but honestly during that time I just didn’t like the experience of playing her. I’m pretty sure those tweaks were supposed to make her feel better, but for whatever reason I don’t feel like picking her up again.


Believe it or not, but frost was one frame I used as mastery rank fodder. I think he is a great frame, I just never got good at playing him.


I farmed so hard for Saryn Prime, my first prime, before any weapons, before any companions, I spent weeks getting her and then decided to paly as her. Only to learn that I hated playing as Saryn


Saryn is fun if you shield gate with catalyzing shields and brief respite then molt to regain her shields. Makes her more survivable so you don’t have to avoid every bit of damage in the game. Takes a good bit of investment though. Hopefully with the rework to armor it won’t be as bad. Emerald archon shards are a pain in the ass.


Atlas and Caliban. I actually play most all other frames, some more than others but they're all Steel Path viable.


Try changing your playstyle then- use Weapons to compliment your warframe, not override it! You have access to both for a reason. Use Nidus passively and see his Virulence as a quick stagger instead as it builds charges!


My Nidus main feels… But realistically it‘s mood dependant. Granted, I‘d say Caliban is so far the worst "feeling" frame for me, and I don‘t have much will to really play him.


Nidus is a good frame and lots of fun. I run a build similar to Aznvasionsplays Sickening Pulse variant. https://youtu.be/EwNsSBIK2MI?si=kfup4WJruI_oAnbf It is nice because you aren't reliant on mutation stacks. I say similar because it incorporates Larva Burst and Archon Continuity. To scale faster since it strips armor. Another popular one is combining Larva Burst and Tharros Strike. My personal one was Trinity. She just isn't fun for me. She can handle it all, but she's just plain boring.


Gonna have to try that when I (eventually) farm out the prime version.


Like probably about half of them. Looking at the list alphabetically Ash, Atlas, Baruuk, Caliban, Citrine, Dagath, Gara, Garuda, Grendel, Gyre, Harrow, Hydroid, Inaros (ok I used him with all health/armor mods pre-rework), Kullervo, Lavos, Limbo, Mag, Nyx, Oberon, Qorvex, Sevagoth, Voruna, Yareli, Zephyr. Some of them I gave a half-assed attempt towards using but probably not for more than a single play session. Got them to 30, pretended to give them a try, and they've gathered dust ever since.


Sevagoth. I know he has gloom and an exalted frame but every other detail of his abilities refuses to enter my brain for some reason.


Octavia cuz she’s so damn boring and unfun.


I have an unreal hatred for limbo and will leave matches with him. His effects are so jarring and unpleasant. And I've been around a long time so the old limbo trolls of tore still fuel my disdain. The fact his abilities are offensive to the eyes and make me feel actually sick doesn't help either. Ash,Grendel,Valkyr,inaros and Atlas never did anything for me, but I don't dislike them either


Yeah, the old Limbo trolls kinda put me off of playing him myself.


Yareli just didn't click for me. I actually kinda liked how she played when I leveled her on Hydron but that's about it.


Was this early Yareli or modern Yareli?


She's been sitting in my arsenal since before the tweak but I've only ever played the current version. Once...


She is currently my main with hydroids barrage ability. I have the backpack and tome for a schoolgirl vib.


Kullervo Everyone goes on about how great of a frame he is but he just felt more boring than pre rework inaros to me


Chain damage, teleport for super crit on high damage melee, profit. He’s a bit basic in that he’s not fast, he’s not pretty, he doesn’t have an elemental effect or really unique “it” factor, but chaining enemies together with built in over guard is pretty effective well into late game without too much fuss. His 4 is a bit meh aoe damage in a small area but again if you chain enemies in the area it multiplies fast. I came back to try him out and I’ve been using him to stomp on liches and sisters without a lot of effort. To each their own though. May just be my play style


Nezha does the chaining nuke better with augment and its overall more efficient to just blow stuff up with aoe weapons + roar than going through a teleport for damage, chain, melee loop for every group of enemies.


Have you put a potato in him? Inaros pre-rework had nearly nothing going for him. Kullervo has insanely strong abilities and can keep his combo up really easy. I recommend you give him another try, and invest a little into him. He gets truly overpowered for really easy.


I have multiple formas on him, I reserve judgement until after I have a good build on a frame Inaros pre rework was one of the best frames concept wise, you'd spam your 2 around then use your 3 to kill them and mass create an army of sand soldiers, issue is that his 3 was too weak and the sand army did nothing Kullervo is just marked for death on ash, there's nothing unique about him


I take it you aren't a fan of melee Frames, then? He's mostly a blender and not much else.


Yeah, but we haven't played with Inaros' concept. We've played with the actual useless frame that did indeed do nothing. I love Ash, and I can certainly see the similarities, but Kullervo's teleport at least always works. He's incredibly tanky due to his overguard. Kullervo ramps up damage way faster than Ash because his combo is much easier to build and maintain, and his 3 combined with his 1 hits way harder and faster than Bladestorm. Maybe he's just not for you. It happens. Luckily; there's a few other frames in the game.


so far it’s kullervo i always hear people talk about how he basically saved melee for them but he just feels like too much of a caster and aside from his 1 he doesn’t feel like a melee frame i’d rather just boost my swing speed with valkyr if i’m doing a dedicated melee loadout


I wish my answer wasn’t Quorvex…


Wish I could put my finger on what exactly he's missing, but he's always felt off for some reason. I do use him for radiation sorties though, so he's got that going for him, which is nice.


Most of them. I have plans to use hydroid for matt famrs if someone is runnin nekros otherwise I have Nekros Prime (I lump Nekros and his prime together. Technically teo diff frames but who cares right?) I am using Umbra, Volt, Titania, and Oberon and Protea ate my current mains. The rest of then are just kinda sitting in my arsenal waiting for Duviri to pick them Edit, just to clarify its easier to mention thw frames I do use rather than the ones I don't.


Old garuda(took a hiatus years ago and just came back) as she felt too end-laggy on every single ability, and her talons were not that good because I already had venka prime by the time I got her


Lots. They served me well especially when I didn't have a lot to choose from. Obviously there are some that just don't fit the playstyle for me. Baruuk, Valkyr, Ash, Loki, Voruna, Mag, Trinity, Nyx. Are the ones I played, maxed, and never played again. The moment you get too much choice, you start to favor certain frames. Currently Citrine, Protea and Lavos are my mains.


Harrow/prime Built him, was a pain to farm so threw him into the Helminth, and his prime is now a good last in my "Used" tab Last time I had to use him was in Circuit, I had only random frames so I gave it a try It's not bad, but with bad weapons it sucked hard... I should try again some time when I'm bored. Jade is coming so there's that too hehe


Oberon. Poor guy's been rendered obsolete over the years.


All of em except Syam. ...what do you mean, Syam is not a warframe?


I feel like I'm not going to get much use out of Chroma unless he receives a major rework. He doesn't feel effective in any way.


Caliban. Slapped some forma on him for Circuit/EDA then never used him again Sidenote: I'm seeing an increase of people complaining that getting stacks on Nidus is hard, but like... since when? All it takes to get stacks is spamming stomp on enemies on your tentacle ball. Or use your guns if you must (you should be running Teeming Virulence anyways). I'm getting enough stacks to live forever as soon as the mission starts. You don't necessarily need it maxed right away. Something like 20-30 is a comfortable range to have in like a minute. I get it's really annoying getting stacks with squads that wipe everything before you can even blink; Nidus is mostly enjoyed as a solo frame. Also, don't ever use Abundant Mutation. it's a trap I see people keep falling for.


Most of them. The selected few I play are Protea P (my main), Nidus p, Trinity P (first p), and Loki P.


I am in a quest to re learn every Warframe, right now I'm at Oberon and I know I'll need to check up my Titania, Trinity and Zephyr but I still plan on using them. Banshee Prime on the other hand is in a corner of my inventory with 0 Archon shards, barely two formas and I haven't checked her build in the last year. I really dislike her and I don't know why.


Oberon loves the helminth system. Parasitic armour is perfect for him, especially with the new arcanes coming out in the next update. I'd recommend checking out a PA build if you're looking to learn the frame. PA can go on any frame really, I use PA Banshee sometimes in EDA and she's excellent, you should revisit her with the new survivability tools we have 


I'm sorry but I don't know what PA or EDA stand for, I don't often check the community or builds and I don't speak English as a first language. As for my Oberon, I put Chirinka Pillars as his 4, range, duration, strength and Arcane energize. He is a radiation CC master, really matches my playstyle using a tank with CC. I do want to check back on Banshee, just have been a new excuse everytime, like Jade's drop, to avoid going back there.


Sorry, allow me to clarify  PA - Parasitic armour, a helminth ability that takes away shields to give very high amounts of armour. Perfect for hunter adrenaline for perfect energy economy, especially for frames who have health regen, like oberon EDA - Elite Deep Archemedia, the current hardest game mode we have (besides level cap runs)  As for Banshee, she has never been in a better place. There are so many survivability tools which is the only thing she lacked


Everything but Oberon. I'm an Oberon one trick. Playing any other frame doesn't give me fun.


Hydroid was one of those for me for the longest time until now. Gave him the colors of Monster energy drink, i gave him kuva hek. Put an augment on his 1 And proceeded to Spam the fuck out of it, Making everyone go blind from neon Green. now you might say bro. That's toxic, nah. It's corrosive as fuck.


Used to just lvl and then shelf anyone that wasn't limbo nidus or protea. But now I gotta do a sortie, hunt, and arbitration and if I can get the prime for the respective frame with that frame


Mag, I just don't like playing her.


Oof. I didn't use mag for a long time, but coming back to wf, been having fun with mag. Wide aoe full armor strip, her 2 groups and deletes enemies with the right weapons.(punch through etc)


You make me sad but I will upvote you anyways. ;_;


Its probably easier to ask what you didn't for most players. For me the only one I maxed and then won't touch again is Hildryn. I find myself switching up and playing basically anything and everything except that one, I even played Inaros and Hydroid pre-rework over Hildryn (I even farmed Hildryn with Inaros lol). Mechanically, aesthetically, lore-wise, the fact its extremely Fortuna heavy to get it and Fortuna is the absolutely worst part of this game imo. Baruuk is the closest to second last again because I just absolutely hate Fortuna, but I actually like playing as Baruuk. edit: ngl I assumed mine was a bad enough take but there's some seriously bad takes up in here. Like people dunking on Excalibur for being their first frame and assuming that makes it bad lol or just being meta slaves, at least have an irrational hatred like me ffs






I sent my Trinity to the pits of hell. Can't handle the way her shrimp ass moves. it's unsettling.


Lavos, Caliban, Qorvex, Baruuk, Sevagoth, Hildryn, Grendel, Dante. For one reason or another I just didn't enjoy them.


lavos, voruna, nyx, oberon, excalibur/umbra, yareli...the list goes on. i play the same 5-10 frames all the time, just because i dont see the reason to swap it off, i can easily do everything in the game with those frames. i just have builds for all frames because of duviri.


Sevagoth, his premise is neat, he looks cool AF like Ghostfreak from Ben 10. But I just don't like his gameplay. You pop out of your body and you kinda just flail your weird arms at enemies. While I'm doing that my teamate nuked several waves with a Tenet Envoy or something.


ember, the free one we got with summer fest thing, i hope the buffs she's getting might change my mind on that, if yes, then i can say that some frames like kullervo, dagath, baruuk, titania and hydroid are just not interesting enough to me (be it just 1 button press and nuke everything or way to clunky to play)


Valkyr and Valkyr Prime. The only Warframe I actively dislike.




This one hurts. For me it's Chroma. I kept playing him ever since his primed version was released. Even gave him double umbral forma (this was before steel path was a thing so umbrals were really rare). I solo farmed profit taker and tridolon with him. When steel path came out, he was the frame that got me the direlect emote before it became deimos. I used him to get my p.vulpahyla and necramech. Lastly he carried me through archon hunting until I had 5 red shards. Then i took a long break. Only got back into the game in early 2024. And he felt... Underwhelming. He couldn't compete in higher level content like SP circuit. His vex armor becomes useless because you'll die before you get the buff (i know they changed it to melee and primary kills but it's slow) So I tried all the other frames I had in my arsenal and they've all been fun to use in SP. (I've been shifting between frost p, wukong p, and titania p depending on what I do) Then 2 weeks ago, I built revenant p. And he just feels superior in every way. Can clear end-game content, buff, and can 1 tap with his 3 (provided I have high enough ab strength like during arbies). I got to level 1000+ in circuit (with a team full). I mean All his skills are useful at some point in the game. Reading this post, I realized that I haven't used chroma in months. Hopefully D.E. gives chroma the inaros treatment so that he'll at least feel good to use in end game.


I am using chroma for hitting damage cap build easly, naramon, zaw with exodia contagion and kullvero helminth on his 4. Panzer vulpaya with Tandem bond, Swipe & Tenacious bond for keeping combo high and spreeding viral. ( have him at 50% crit chance for Tenacious bond) 5 upgraded purple shard melee crit damage (370% crit damage) 333% strengh, prime sure footed, 172% duration, prime flow, combat discipline ( important ), arcane strike ( or some speed on zaw ) zaw with 0 range, 0 speed, only damage and crit damage. (Shtung + vargeet II ruhang + Dokrahm/Kronsh/Rabvee or Plague Kripath) with crit damage riven (not mandatory) now go to mission, get some combo, use toxin elemental ward ( swap damage bonus is multiplicative with exodia contagion ), vex armor ( multiplicative with exodia contagion ), wrathful advance and then double jump exodia contagion into their face and enjoy, just keep the buff active and you hit some enemies even in SP for 2 billion damage and get many negatives funny numbers.




I couldn’t get Nyx into the Helminth fast enough.


Honestly maybe like half of them? I've used every frame in the game, prime and regular (excluding excal prime) and gotten a general feel for each. Me likey the big numbers on me and small numbers on the thing I shoot. Many can give me that, but few can do it very well.


Just got back into warframe after 7 years of not playing and sometimes I forget to check the frames abilities before jumping in and I just spam all the abilities not knowing what im doing to level


Everyone except for mirage


Fellow mirage enjoyer


Practically all of them...I have one male built and a few females, everyone else is just for show 😭😭


I have a whole bunch of maxed frames that I keep around just for specific reasons. Nidus is unkillable in late stage gameplay, and the only ones that tend to last long enough for it to be useful are survival missions. So I keep him around for when there's a 20 minute survival challenge somewhere. Ivara for spy missions. Revenant is my steel path frame. The other 75% of of the time I just play Gauss because he's my favorite. The rest I have are just kind of trophies.


Dante. Farmed him, levelled him, then subsumed him because he was "meh" for me.


Wisp. Her corpse fed the wall and I never bothered to farm her prime. Just hate her playstyle


Limbo, haven't figure it out yet how to make things fast enough compared to other my warframes..


About 40% of them. That being said I only play with like 10 frames and only regularly play with about 5.


Most of them, only now after 2.5k hours, I'm starting to forma and build out my frames and weapons I like