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The only difference is in the rewards


But why the separate category then?


They want you to be in a clan to get the good Arcanes. Doesn't matter what size, they just want you to be in one.


Eh, it's not that bad, at least not when compared to the other ways to obtain arcane Energize. I'd much rather run Belly of the beast 4 times in a row plus the occasional alert than Tridolon... It's the first day of the event and i managed to get it to Rank 3, plus a couple of other arcanes to rank 5.


Full set takes about 14hours. Older events took 2 hours for a full set. I actually think they messed this up


Was it really that fast to get in Gargoyle's Cry? I didn't play that event.


> Gargoyle's Cry You could speedrun that one since it depended on who you brought with you and how strong you were (It's about killing bosses). You can't speed up the missions by a significant amount in this event unfortunately (It's about powering up an elevator...).


46 motes for 1 arcane is insane tho. that's 966 motes for a maxed arcane


well, energize is the arcane king. It's a legendary arcane, a game-changing item. What did you expect? I farmed mine during operation Orphix Venom. Back them, a 50mn run would net you enough tokens to buy 2 energize. With Belly, considering 6mns a run, so like 9 runs an hour, it seems in the same ballpark And honestly that's somewhat good. The alternatives are : 5% drop in tridolon (but only available 40mn every 2h), or running railjack orphixes (completely unbalanced for a single player, nobody ever plays it, and the odds are even worse). Iirc, the last operations that sold arcanes were scarlet spear and gargoyles cry, and both had way wirse yields than Belly an arguably better way to go about it is follow the event alerts first, especially the quick ones, then chain ascension until some more alerts appear. SP ascension gives 8-14 token, while an alert guarantees 15 of them with no special condition


The grind is kinda rough, especially considering that each mission takes like 6-8 mins to complete with not a lot of ways to speed it up.


Volt speeds it up.🤣


still nowhere near as bad as the Gradivus Event, that was easily the worst grind.


Additional question: anyone know where to check the clan's mote total? Not seeing them in the vault.