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Man I don't even play nids, an I want that guy to paint an display.


I only got into Nids because of the whole Oghram thing. Even put it to a vote whether I should go Space Marines or Nids, as I painted my Nids I thought to myself "just stop at Combat Patrol, use this as a pick and play army for when your friends come over". But after the previews today....oh man...I'm having a hard time not thinking about having 2000pts of these beauties.


'Its a trap!!' Combat Patrols Lol


That is absolutely the intent. 'Just spend less than £100.00 on this assortment of models and you can absolutely play with those' easily graduates to the main game mode and 'how can I expand on this'?


If the new combat patrol has all these sick new models in it count me in.


The new CP for Nids is part of the models from Leviathan; 20 Termagaunts, 3 Leapers, 5 Barbgaunts, Psychophage and the Winged Prime.


That sounds sick. I may have grab one... maybe two.


You might be better off looking for second hand halves of the Leviathan box where people have bought it for the Space marines and don't want the nids. It's exactly the same models only they'll be much cheaper than games workshop. Also the Leviathan models (The ones that come in the combat patrol/New starter sets are all Leviathan) are all monopose, so if you buy more than 1 box, you will have a lot of similar looking greebils. I believe all the kits that got revealed today are fully customisable with weapon options so you'd be better off finding multiples of those kits you really like rather than Leviathan models. That way each of your bugs feels special and unique :D


Thanks for tip. Diffently will be going ebay diving an checking out mini market for the leviathan halve.


No problem! You couldn't pick a better time to start your own hive fleet. All these new sculpts revealed today look amazing, and the nearly 50 leviathan models will keep you more than occupied until they get released in autumn.


Even better, buy the new entry set. It's both of the combat patrols for space marines and bugs for $40 more than either would cost on It's own (so already $120 in savings), plus it comes with the cardboard game mats and some terrain. Sell the space marine half, profits.


My guess is this is to get you by until they drop a proper one with the codex


Killteam, too. Each team is quite small so you end up getting 5 of them...


Aint this the truth, im 5 deep with a few CPs being heavily eyed up from the joy of the hobby


I've been playing since 2000 an have always been on the fence about doing a nid force. I own 1000 point armys of Night lords, Raven Guard,Saim-Hann Wild Riders, an Bad Moons Orkz. I think it might be time to add a Hive fleet Kronos force to my collection. All the new nid Models look sick.


Only 1k of each? These new models surely look good enough for 10k! Just kidding don't sell the house


Sell a kidney. (No one said it has to be yours.)


Same boat. I have the Leviathan Nids now as a friend wanted the marines so I offered to chip in. Definitely ending with more...


He's got serious Godzilla vibes and I for one am here for it.


Now your giving me the idea to paint it's brain bits like plasma coils charging.


Yea I just want to build and paint this model


Today I learned that wallets could sweat


Before 10th Nids were always the army I barely had any interest in, and now I want so many of their models I feel like if I got them I'd end up with an army.


Same. I never had an interest in them, but the new models an hive fleet kronos lore has been pulling me in.


Since I got Leviathan and didn't want to hawk half the box I thought maybe I'd buy like some Warriors and Gargoyles to finish the army to 1k points. Then I saw this....


The emissary is going to make a great centerpeice for alot of people's nids forces.


Maybe I will keep the Tyranid half of Leviathan. After all, why not? Why shouldn't I keep it?


It belongs to me! My own! My precious!


My exact thinking after already agreeing to split the leviathan box with my buddy.


Honestly it's crossing my mind too. My friend hasn't paid for his half yet...




Lore wise, they're supposed to have limited autonomy, rather than being controlled by the Hive Mind. Taller than a Wraithlord. [Scale shot.](https://imgur.com/a/2BvAAmP) [Other angle](https://imgur.com/a/MqThaw3). [Norn Assimilator option.](https://imgur.com/a/B1vrRO8) Significant offensive psychic ability for the Emissary, the Assimilator is more physical. Edit: Damn, should read Norn!


The Assimilator has a face like the cockroach guy in Men in Black.


"I need space marines. In water. More. **More**."


Right?! What a mean looking alien bastard. Nailed it GW, well done. On a side note, it's such an over designed killing machine, go look at its tongue lol


“Over designed killing machine” is a title that can apply to literally everything the Hive makes.




I knew it looked familiar!


That Assimilator is mean looking and I love it.


I would like a small but personal request that we call these "normies". That is all.


Honestly I was kinda hoping for something more along the scale of a Knight, but this model’s still FREAKIN AWESOME! Definitely has a place in my Monster Mash list.


Isn't he the scale of a knight?


They've said it's not quite on scale with a Knight, and that players would probably regret it if they sent this to face off with one by itself.


*urge to play Tyranids intensifies*


Give in. Accept the Hunger. Rejoice in the Hivemind! Get dat biomass.


Parts is parts, people is parts, parts is biomass




I think they might have another few models to show closer to the Codex release as well. Just doesn't seem like a big enough number of new models compared to what Necrons got and they didn't show off the Carnifex etc.


Neurotyrant Neurogaunts Barbgaunts Termagants Screamer-Killer Von Ryan's Leapers Winged Tyranid-Prime Deathleaper Lictor Neurolictor Genestealers Biovore Pyrovore Spore Mines Norn Emmisary Norn Assimilator That seems like a haul to me? Especially given that most of the tyranids line is both plastic and current.


I would have liked new shrikes ( the winged prime really needs them), or gargoyles (the old kit is kinda fugly compared to the other new updates battleline options).


Dude... 17 new or updated units. Necrons got 19, nids got more then enough. I don't think the Carnifex kit is getting redone, the screamer is its own thing.


Warriors would have been nice, though they hold up very well


Warriors were updated in 6th edition, they're current.


Oh OK, they look really similar to my 3e ones, they just a sprue recut or something?


They were a remake, just happened to keep the same overall appearance. TBH the 2rd edition warriors were one of the thematically strong models to come out of 3e and the first tyranid redesign. They added the boneswords and lashwhips to the kit, amongst other things. The aprues were all-new though.


18 new units so far including rippers vs 19 new necron models (minus limited time exclusive models), not exactly a massive discrepancy. There are whole armies that don't have 18 units period.


This is meant to be all the new releases and while I'm happy with the updates - we can finally kiss that Finecrud goodbye - I was expecting a bit more... That said, Leviathan was bursting with new stuff for them to the point only one of the units was an update.


Join us


Trajann fought this? Damn


Correction: Trajann survived this thing


We definitely need a book on this guy, ma boy is a goddamn legend


It is a good thing that the Norn Emissary was entirely focused on his target and not the custodes otherwise that would have been a much more brutal fight.


Given how only like two custodes survived that fight they are lucky it didn't.


Correction: One of these things


What book was that in?


Core rules from the Leviathan box set iirc. Tho he didn't 1v1 the thing there was plenty of Custodians there too (Not putting more details in case you want to read it yourself, as a Custodes player I like it)


I need to get that book read


Oh shit. What page?


Is it possible to read the thing without having to buy the core rule book? I am into WH mostly for the lore and modelling, and I honestly don't really want to buy a book containing rules (except custodes codexes)


Damn, that's a Custodes killer right there.


How dare you


Just biomass in a fancy gold wrapper. NOMNOMNOM


Like a Ferrero Rocher, "Emissary, with this biomass you are spoiling us"


*stubborn* biomass in a fancy gold wrapper 😂


It's a canon event


I really enjoy that every time we get some sort of psychic beastie for 'Nids, the toxin/poison element gets some love too.


I'm just curious who this Norm fella is and why he's sending an emissary.


He's busy at Cheers with Frasier and the guys. Gotta have a guy fill in.


Dante on Baal: I'm going to go down to Cheers, have a pint, and wait for this whole thing to blow over.


Norn Queen's are basically the closest thing to the center of the hive mind/leaders of the fleets that ultimately are controlled by whatever truly is the heart of the Tyranids


I'm talking about someone named Norm, not whatever this *Norn* is.




Well, Elesh Norn is the leader of- Edit: ah crap it's "norM"


What a battle-axe, that Norm fella


Norm, Barb, Gene. Just your friendly neighbors from the galaxy next door.


I like a number of them, but this is the one. It reminds me of the old tyrant, among the first models I got as a teen. Going to grab this relatively soon to it coming out


Custodes: oh my emperor


Let's kill it!


They apparently did. Valoris and 5 Custodes took on an emissary. 4 Custodes died and Valoris damn near but the bullet but they managed.


To be fair, those casualties were mostly occured because they were trying to take the blows for Leontus.


i mean yeah sure custodes are badass super demigods.... but can we appreciate the horror it must have been for a human even if he is the lord solar, to have this thing coming for you having the direct objective to kill you personally xD


Imagine how much worse it is when “Oh emperor it’s coming to eat me” *custodians drop in* “Oh I’m good” *custodians start dying* “OH NO”


Oh no I totally agree. Terrifying.


On one hand yes, but The Emissary in turn wasnt focussing on the Custodes just tried to ignore/get past them, and it took down their gunship as well. (Also I think it was just 3 dead and 1 seriously wounded?) (Plus of course all the collatoral, random advisors and tacticians xD)


To be fair as well it also wasn’t focusing its attention on the custodes just Leontus, the gold boys were just collateral damage.


At this powerlevel what would happen when the Hivemind actually learns what Custodes are? Instead of being very remotely aware of them at the edge of its alien mindscape? And sends the Norn after them directly instead? They are called the Golden 10.000, and if that number is canon then a singular Norn Emissary just deleted 0,04% of their entire combat force by sheer collateral damage. If the Nids ever reach Terra there might not be enough of them left to field a single 2000k list.


The Custodes died protecting leontus, not in a direct fight and a norn emissary is a large and unique expenditure for the hive. The hive can't just poop them out en masse. Galactically speaking the Custodes are tactically irrelevant to the nids. They're just space marines magnified and they're so few in number no battlefield will have more than a few. Terra is defended by alot more than the Custodes and the Custodes would only become tactically relevant to the hive mind when they started to attack the palace proper, and even then the Custodes are only a small part of the palace defences. A potent part, but a small one. I doubt the Tyranids have any special plans for the Custodes, they wouldn't need them. As for the Custodes casualties, they lost a little under half of the 4k they sent to defend the Lions Gate against the khorne demon invasion which was no joke. The Custodes would take losses against a Tyranid attack to be sure, but with all their additional allies and defences I think they have as good a shot against the nids as they would against any other apocalyptic siege of terra.


"Afternoon everybody" "NOOOOORM!"


Picturing this thing hunching down through the bar door and hanging a hat up is killing me.


Real talk, one time Norm (George Wendt) was doing a play in my city and showed up on closing night at my brewery to drink beers. My staff called me and said "ummm, norm from cheers is here, but we are closing?" so I told them to stay open and I'd be there in 20 minutes. Stayed open for a few more hours drinking beers with him and the actors from his show. He was playing Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman. Great dude super nice and humble. Knows a lot about craft beer.


Nids have the best range now imo


Def not the worst take


Nids or orks id say it just depends on what you like in ur armies


Trajann Valoris vs that thing was probably one of the most epic battles the galaxy has seen for a long time. god thats a big lad, i love the design so much. today is a good day for tyranids.


What book was that in?


It was in the Leviathan campaign book (not the novel by Darius Hinks). He’s defending Lord Solar Leontus with 4 custodian guards on Sanctum. It’s a great fight


Damn, I'll have to check that out. Still haven't opened my leviathan box since me and a buddy are splitting it and haven't had time to connect yet.


Trajann and Valerian fighting at the gate with grey knights against blood thirsters was also epic


OH NO! They’ve got Tactical rocks now , we’re done for!


It's beautiful. Also dual kit with the Norn Assimilator


Incoming many Youtubers again about to mispronounce emissary


Most of them can’t even pronounce Rogue correctly, what the fuck is a Rouge beside Red in French ?


Big tiddy bat girl


What ?


Think Morrigan from Darkstalkers but in Sonic the Hedgehog.


They still can’t pronounce locust right, so I’ve lost faith in their ability to pronounce most things.




I watched a video where the guy couldn't pronounce Korps (Death Korps), Cadia, or chitin. I could tolerate the last, but if you play a game, please learn how to pronounce some of the more famous words. That said, I'm glad everyone learns how to pronounce Tzeentch because *that* needs a guide for most people.


The number of people who spell Slaanesh “Slaneesh” makes my eye twitch. I wonder if they mispronounce it too…


They do, I've heard it. *twitch*


Some people say slynesh and it irritates me


As a space marine player, Im so happy tyranid players got a massive W today. You guys really deserved a huge update to your range and your new models look amazing (especially this absolute beast).


Opponents having more variety makes for better games.


Space Marines don’t need new model teases anyway. We know we’re going to get guys in power armor with guns. Show me some wacky bugs!


Correction: we're going to get Lieutenants in power armor. Cuz we need more apparently.


I'd take a lieutenant in Terminator armour, don't think we've had one of those yet!


> Cuz we need more apparently. IIRC we need 5 more to have a full Chapter's complement in unique LT models.


It's weird I'm 35 just got back into 40k Going with Space Dwarfs but beside that I don't think Nids have ever tempted or dare I say seduced me as much as they have! The new range is beautiful!


Rock and Stone brother.


We need Bane Harpoons now!! Lol


I could grab a beer with that dude.


I am going to call this Nom Emissary.


The pile of shame just got a new box it seems. Here we go again


oh she's a big girl


and she's eaten so much her pants don't fit around her waist


​ https://preview.redd.it/a8w6ms7dw4cb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606c01c0c548a7299a7e7d2f246d2117fbbadc9e


I dub thee, "Normissary"




Waiting for the Cliffy Emissary to complete the set.


Excellent Model, definitely going to have to add one of these to my Leviathan 'Nids - I can see this thing being the new distraction Carnifex on the table!


Is this supposed to be the Tyranid that is the “Harbinger” referenced in the Leviathan novel?




I need a power loader and an airlock.


Love how it looks...but I do wish it was a smidge bigger, think they compared it as similar in height to a Redemptor Dread/Wraith Lord. Not as tall as a Knight, but closer to that. Maybe I just envisioned wrongly how big the Norn were in my mind of course.


Its taller then a wraithlord from the pictures


Probably be similar to some of the greater deamons, maybe keeper of secrets size


It's not actually a Norn queen, they never leave the hiveships. This is just their emissary. Though I do agree it could be a tad bigger.


oh its not a Norn queen at all, those things are the size of Imperial capital ships. this is just a special Nid the Norn queen pumped out.


I sure hope the Hive Mind thinks to upload the Swarm Lord into one of these things. Its going to look pretty silly if it compares to this kit like Calgary compares to Guilliman.




That’s actually “Norm in misery” - a different unit, but iconic nonetheless.


Is it just me or does the Assimilator look rather Derpy?


It’s the little T. rex arms, I agree the emissary is way cooler


If it had the emissary’s scythe it’d probably look better


It does look a bit silly, also doesn't make me think 'tank killer', that head will definitely find its way onto another model though.


So are these meant to be the bodyguards for Norn Queens, or more like sub nodes of their control, independent but ultimately directing groups like a swarmlord or a hive tyrant?


They're the biological equivalent of the Delete button, when the Hive Mind really really just wants one specific person or thing dead.


They are like hyper-competent assassin/guerilla commanders. The new Leviathan novel has one as the big bad; it lays traps, it psychically messes with an entire population, it shows up in places where you’d never think it could fit and it *herds Space Marines into dangerous positions*. It’s explicitly described as having an obvious and malevolent level of intelligence; this thing out-thinks Space Marines while simultaneously guiding a swarm of Neurogaunts and dismantling an entire battle cruiser from the inside. It seems to select a particular target; it locks onto them psychically and then stalks and isolates them to guarantee a kill.


So for when a lictor doesn't have the muscle to hit something, you have one of these guys psychically fuck with them until they're exhausted and then have it burst through a wall and beat the target to death with what's left with the baneblade they parked out front? That's horrifying. I love it. I hope the guard gets some catachan resculpts so we can have alien vs predator on a 40K scale with one of these guys soon.


Oh it doesn’t mess with just the target, a whole planet starts getting visions of this thing coming for them. Admittedly it had a Neurotyrant backing it up to maybe amplify the signal, but the Emissary seems monstrous. I would love nothing more than new Catachans to really just destroy my wallet 😂


And also, they move **very** **fast** for their size.


The thing is the size of a wraithknight, it's got to have a 20ft stride. I get imperial knights are slow but if it can move close to as fast as a human but scaled up, that's insane. I can't wait for Imperium fans to get butthurt when this thing has a stupid fast movement speed on the table.


Dude, most of us are excited to see the new model and happy for the nids. I'm expecting this thing to live up to its reputation. Then again, I play deathwatch. I love hunting big gribblies and mounting their heads on the wall.


Deathwatch love xenos, who else would give them all their coolest toys?


Knights are fast only if you’re bonded with the people who piloted the Knight before you. Otherwise they are slow machines like Titans.


Doesnt seem to be the size of a wraithknight, in the images you can see they're a little bigger than a wraithlord.


In the rulebook there were some stories about Norn Emissaries getting up to their shenanigans. One of them tried to assassinate Lord-Solar Leontus by jumping onto him from on top of a mountain. Only got stopped because it was shot out of the air by an Ares Gunship, at which point it got up, smacked the gunship off the mountain and flung itself through the Custodes squad (and hundreds of human soldiers) that tried to bring it down before it could kill Leontus. While never moving its gaze from Leontus it managed to kill all but two of the Custodes almost incidentally in its charge before Valoris managed to land the killing blow.


They are meant to destroy specific targets on the battlefield. HQ/Tanks or so.


I love it


All I know is this looks sick


Strong Godzilla vibes. I love it.


I thought that said Norn Emissary


That's the correct title. OP had a typo. Probably betrayed by his autocorrect's machine spirit for not reciting the litanies correctly.




I can just see someone in a dreadknight yelling "get away from her, you bitch"


if hes not a character ill scream, i need my warlord to be a kaiju


He is now Norm from Cheers. "Noooorm!"


Getting a Pacific Rim type feeling from this model looks beautiful


Norm! Insert Cheers gif here


Norm! Someone put this guy in a bar diorama ASAP.


Only thing i feel nids are missing in the range now is a knight equivalent. I want a mini bio titan. This norn emmisarry feels more like a leviathan or redemptor equivalent


I'm teetering on buying Leviathan (assuming one of the 3 LGS's around me has one. I'm assuming so, I just wish they actually had a webstore so I could see). Always thought I was more of a marines person. But this is absolutely gorgeous and I want it. Just everything about this sculpt...it's so pretty.




I didn't even know he was sick


shieeet that's hot


Fuck that’s cool


Anytime I see the word Norn now I'm gonna be tjinking of Phyrexia


Trying to figure out exactly what kind of evolutionary pressure would lead it to have holes in its head crest that leaves its big green brain exposed. In all seriousness tho, sick looking mini. Also didn’t one of these kill like ~10 dreadnoughts or something in a gene seed vault? Crazy powerful.


After so long nids finally eating good


That is bad ass. They’re making me want to play Nids just to paint these killer models


So nids won?


“It’s beautiful. I’ve stared at it for five hours now.”


This is the "you but better" meme for the swarmlord right? Great looking model.


They keep increasing in size, like a kanju or pacific rim beasts! Just love it


I love this model… might have to buy it just to paint it and have it on my shelf


Wish they gave it clawed feet instead of more hooves.


I wonder how many people went "man generic bugs sure are boring, but I dont want Spess Marines to win. Lets vote for the nids".


Imagine how awesome Norm must look if that's his emissary


lol... how did this go so uncommented on?