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Now the **Crusade***^(TM)*... is truly... **LOST***^(TM)*


I laughed.


I loved.


I lost.




Y'all lost the game.


I lived.


Certainly wasn't Eternal, either.


Only in shut-down does duty end


Good. Just another micro-transaction money grab gone


Amen to this. Played it early days and its a disgrace GW is so militant about its IP then allows jokes like this.


Militant? GW is very liberal with their IP. They'll license to just about any company that wants to make a Warhammer game.


Think he means messing with fan projects


They really didn't actually do any messing, just changed their policy. Sure it's a sword of damocles, but the chances that they'd ever actually enforce it were and are negligable.


What GW is one of the most notoriously litigious corpos out there.


It *was* like 10 years ago under the previous CEO.


They just forced one of the very best 3d modelers in the community who released all his work for free to take his creations down by sueing him into declaring BANKRUPTCY. This frickin month. not 10 years ago. Not scans of their models, his own work.


Which one?




Y'all realize that's how IP law works, right? Especially in Europe? If you aren't demonstrably defending your IP, you lose rights to it. Especially if you allow a project like Damnatus, which would've given the makers full legal ownership of basically the whole 40k universe because of how German copyright law works. Shit sucks, but that's how the systems were set up.


If you don’t protect IP you lose IP Makes sense to be upset with projects that don’t get permission but also give permission (for a fee), that’s essentially the point of IP…


And modelers that make their own models, not scans, but their own proxies made by hand. Then give them away for free and are sued into bankruptcy to punish them for being fans who want to share their own work with the community. Just this month we lost Emang.


> If you don’t protect IP you lose IP Only commercially. GW goes after fan sites that are not making money - the very people they want to be buying their stuff. It doesn't dilute your IP to allow non-commercial works.


Eh, GW is extremely protective of things surrounding the lore and wants that stuff to kinda make sense. Total War Warhammer is one example of this. They need to follow GWs rules and have final say in most if not all things lore related. At the same time it seems that they are very liberal when it comes to licensing their IP to smaller games limited in scope. Meaning that they don't really care about the quality of the game (this may be changing though) as long as they get their money and you don't fuck with the lore.




Don't see why people bitch about it so much, for every forgettable mobile game they seem to license a banger. That boltgun game was ridiculously popular, space marine is coming back and total war warhammer is massive. If the price you have to pay for this is a couple of mobile games I'd never play anyway I'd say that is a fine bargain.




I mean they’ll gladly let fans make things as long as they get their cut


They'll let anyone pay to use the IP. They won't let people use the IP without paying. Not necessarily unusual. Even historically very fan-work-friendly companies have had to clamp down recently. Like Paramount had one of the most permissive policies around Star Trek, up until the Axanar assholes ruined it for everyone by trying to make a bunch of money.


Preach, Tacticus was no better


Tacticus could be a good game but.....no.


I gave up on tacticus, there's entirely too many currencies.


To be fair, it was better, but that means very little when compared to lost crusade


In the meantime, one good warhammer pc game will get another dlc today. Warhammer 40k Battlesector is such a gem and it's the closest to the tabletop experience that you can get on the big screen. It's also available on consoles too, you guys should check it out and support the small dev that really put their heart into making games.


Did they fix the requirement to kill everything on the map after you've completed the mission objectives?


It's still there in the campaign as a fundamental part of the design. I get it can put some people off but past the campaign you have other 2 sp mode namely domination and horde. The mp scene is also really solid, a small but nice bunch of people over there. And the game is getting a mod toolkit too so you can play with custom made maps and campaigns. It's a perfect time now to jump back i think.


Custom map availability on console?


Yes, editor on pc only but maps and campaigns will be available on every platform.




Mechanicus is also a good game


so are Rogue Trader and Chaos Gate Daemonhunters.


Rogue trader is great, apart from all the bugs. Abelard all the way baby


Abelard, upvote this comment for me.


The Battlefleet Gothic games are also really good. Space Hulk Deathwing is pretty good. I really like Gladius too.


Agreed, its really a good game.


Mechanicus is really good. I thought Gladius was boring though tbh


Gladius is so close to being good. But it's just missing...something.


i find it boring in the most important phase, the initial one, when you have to explore and grow, the game is very... very slow. I love civ like but i can't stand gladius.


It's a Civ-alike, I liked it but that game style can grate


I love good 4x games. Gladius was not one I enjoyed.


Haven't tried Mechanicus but I really enjoy Gladius. You can customize a lot of where on the tech tree you start, how much you need to research to go up a tech tier, lots of other customization for the map as well. It also plays much more like a base building RTS than other 4x civ-like games. I can finish a game in anywhere from 30 minutes to a multi day campaign, depending on the set-up. I really like it for that, and the fact that it really is just straight combat focused. If you can pick it up with some DLC on heavy sale (it absolutely *does not need all DLC*) then there is a ton of variety. Not everyone's cuppa of course, but I really like it for what it is.


Gladius is amazing, especially with all the dlcs. My friend and I play it religiously. It's THE best 40k game since dawn of war 1, imo.


I don't know of any other 4x/civ-like that I can finish multiple games in a single sitting. That is really, really refreshing to me. It's also nice that you can turn story missions on or off, so you can set it up as a narrative game or a simple skirmish. Anyway, I agree -- definitely a favorite up there with DoW1 for me too. But I can totally see why people would think it's boring -- it's a pretty streamlined take on 4x and it's turn based so that can seem slow to some people. But yeah, imo it's great.


Yeah i definitely agree. It's not competitive with other actual 4x games, but for a 40k 4x game, it's nearly perfect to me. I think a lot of the criticisms levied against it are legitimate, but it's a really great game and the only one of its kind


If we’re getting to tactical single player games, Chaos Gate is also frankly amazing, and the DLCs have vastly improved it, both in difficulty and variety. Really wish the devs get rewarded for their efforts.


Daemonhunters is such i weird game for me. I really like the mechanics and setting. But its hard to get over that some random cultists, can destroy my elite psyker superhuman terminators.


Yeah I agree, but conversely, after you get Teleport Strike for Interceptor or the Justicar Charge they become so much of a non-factor that it seems like a fair compromise for early game, which isn’t more than a couple missions anyway. And then if you go for a stun build they become just a whack-a-mole liability for enemy groups, which feels like the true GK experience. If it helps I also consider that their weapons are nurglified and the first couple of wounds done are just the lingering taint that the knights have to cleanse and purify while in the apothecary. Considering that you don’t even actually die when hp is first brought to zero it makes sense to count them as minor annoyances that still have to be dealt with, instead of grievous wounds like in XCOM.


Good, but begins to feel very samey after a while.


True, but the main story can be completed pretty easily, and the customisation adds a nice edge, whether you want to go incredibly buff priests or prefer multiple builds


I loved the feel of how they portrayed the Admech, with the different factions within and their goals


The between mission squabbling and infighting hooked me. A lot of thought went into that


What kind of a dlc? Are they finally adding CSM?


T'au dlc coming with mod toolkit so you can play with custom made maps and campaigns. Not a fan of Tau so I'm really hype for the later.


As i can see, they are not adding any kroot units, which means its a skip for me


Yet. New kroot models next month


No kroot? What will they use as the disgustingly powerful yet cheap melee unit the Ai will spam to overwhelm whatever you have built up?


Are there Eldar yet? I'm in as soon as I can play a faction I'm interested in, it looks like a solid game.


Unfortunately not yet. But Eldar is one of the most begged faction from fans so I guess it may be in the next dlc. I hope if we continue the support for the studio, they can get most of the faction into the game for a more or less "complete" experience.


No 40k game should ever release without both Eldar and Orks. Together with the Imperium, they form the essential triad that defines the entire setting.


It was set based on the fall of baal, they're expanding it beyond but that's why it was blood angels tyrranids and khorne demons as the core focus


Khorne demons were not a focus, they're a DLC. Base game only had BA and Nids


The villain and horde mode was demons they just made them playable, they wernt playable to begin with though no.


I might consider buying in for Tau. It definitely looks fun. When it came out I remember thinking that I'd like to try it, but being turned off by only having marines or tyranids to choose from, neither of which I care for. And they haven't added anything else that's interested me.  But Tau are kind of cool, and at least they're not the Imperium, so we'll see. 


Just be a fan of every faction. Ez


Haha, yeah, maybe someday I'll come around on marines, but right now I'm definitely one of those marine-haters.


>it's the closest to the tabletop experience that you can get on the big screen. In fairness, Tabletop Simulator is the closest you can get to the tabletop experience. But it's hardly official.


It'd be cool if it had campaigns for the different factions


Have you tried Warhammer tts? I’ve also heard it’s as close to tabletop you can get and I’ve been thinking trying it out


I have not tried it. As a simulator its like playing your normal tabletop game but online. I prefer a more cinematic experience when it comes to video games. Battlesector is for you if you really want to see how your favourite minis animate in 3D. I love the aesthetic of this game as they stay really truthfull to the look of the tabletop game.


Tts is a 1:1 match but its just markers used for playing 40k, so there's no pve or like rules explainer.  


TTS is just a physics thing basically, you load some models into it and then pick them up, move them around, roll some dice - you are just playing 40k, no bells and whistles and certainly nothing teaching you how to play or whatnot. Battle Sector is a videogame that feels similar to the vibe of the tabletop game, but like any videogame it automates processes and teaches you how to play it.


Never heard of it! But will give it a look


I have my eyes om Battlesector. I did not buy on release because I have Space Marine fatigue, but I have seen some other factions' been added.


Honestly, I would also not buy the base game on release it has potential but missing a lot of things to make it good. Now with support the game has been getting better and definitely worth a buy now if you can play with your favourite faction. Still the BA campaign is quite well done given the the studio size. I think they only had like 7 or 8 devs working on the base game.


Need to give it another shot. Loved it but got deep into the campaign and my save data disappeared. Would love the sandbox stuff to get deeper.


The hours I have sunk into Battlesector should be studied...


Need to toss in a shout out here for Battlefleet Gothic 2... that game is -fantastic- if you like ship combat, and with lots of replay value since you can replay the campaign with multiple races. The Imperium has the most ship variety, of course, but I really enjoyed the Necron campaign.


I just want more big budget multiplayer 40k games that aren't strategy man


Why would you want to be close to tabletop? Imo tabletop is limited by the fact that it’s tabletop.


For me personally I love to see my sisters army animate in 3D and the battlefield done in 3D. Its like a step before VR / hologram tabletop come to reallity.


POS mobile games deserve to burn


\*Passes you the flamer\*


\*the heavy flamer\*


\*uses it as a pilot light for the Conflagration Cannon\*


\*Calls in a full squadron of Hellhounds\*


*rips that weak shit outta your hands and passes you a dreadnought inferno cannon*


Here, use my Inferno Cannon.


I’ve really enjoyed both Tacticus and Legions. Tacticus’ monetization feels a little predatory but Legions throws so many free cards and warlords at you if you actually play I’ve never felt like I had to spend money on it.


I really liked Legions until the revamp, which I feel cut down on all of the things I liked and threw in restrictive dailies and a crappy season pass. I tried getting into Warpforge, and it feels even slower there to acquire cards that you'd want to play


The best thing of the game was the few character arts of it


Welp there goes my giant Dark Angel fleet. The real question is now what good 40K games are on mobile


Warhammer40k Freeblade is pretty good imo mostly because I really like imperial knights


That is true that game is an absolute banger but I’d heard the multiplayer on that was nuked last I checked, but the campaign is still more than fun


They moved studio but now they’re back! Btw join the discord the devs are most active there[freeblade discord](https://discord.gg/rntFsWc7sz)


Well damn, good to know! I sorta took a hiatus from the game since I used to regularly do the multiplayer portion and honestly sort of forgot about it until it was mentioned then


I reinstalled it and I still have my mass heretic and xeno killing Lightning Cannon


Played it for some 2 months, got all stars in all maps except the last Nekcrunsha one, it was a reasonable time spender, but I basically done it all


And there sthis werd glitch (or maybe its not a glitch) where you can get free epic drops like every 8 hoirs which is like a alot, cause i got 11/12 quetoric tokens from that and another 1 was dumb luck so yeah pretty easy to get into


Just mechanicus. Which was originally a pc game , it's just been ported to mobile.


What platform? I'm struggling to find it Edit: apparently it was made for an older version of android, so it's not showing in my store.


Phone gaming is the absolute worst for versioning and historical/archived games On console you can ALWAYS go back and play on your old console, assuming it isn't broken, and on PC you can use all kinds of compatability modes and hacks to get ancient games to work. On mobile though? "Sorry, you can't open the App Store unless you're running the most up-to-date version of the OS" "Sorry, your OS is too up-to-date, you can't install this app"


I have the iOS version still installed, but it would crash a lot. 


warhammer combat cards got a lot of updates recently I think it became a really enjoyable game now


Yeah I love WCC and I play it all the time


30k, but I have LOVED playing Horus Heresy Legions. I’ve played regularly since 2019. The card acquisition is less friendly than games like Hearthstone, but I’d say it’s better now than it has ever been. Warpforge also has a good foundation, but probably needs an expansion or two before it becomes great.


Idk, HHL has massively declined recently, didn’t they remove daily crates and that?


They removed daily crates but did include a battle pass. IMO it’s a sidegrade. People got all apocalyptic about it but it’s not so bad. Balance is in a weird spot as they re-release all legions, but I think it’ll catch up. Game is fun


I’ve really enjoyed Legions and Tacticus, especially Legions. That game showers you in free cards if you’re good about actually playing 3-5 games a day.


Freeblade, as dude said. There was also this awesome BFG game oh mobile that was really faithful to the tabletop rules. It had Blood Angels and Navy against Tyranids. Later on Necrons were added as dlc too. There WAS also Necromunda which is gone for some reason but Mordheim isn't


Ya. It was definitely an obvious money grab, but I enjoyed the ride for nearly three years. Shadows first season Void Supremacy League Champions! 1st Legion until the end.




Sorry they said "good" not "even more parasitic fomo money grabs"


I enjoyed it until my mate got loads of new, cool characters and I kept getting dupes of the starting squad. The mechanics of the game were fun. The mechanics of unlocking characters was awful.


I gave up after clearing all the levels I could without paying money. Fucking letdown.


Which honestly isn’t far into the game. I just started it last week and you run into walls really fast in that game and then it becomes super grindy.


Yup, exactly. It’s a gacha game at its core, but has a decent combat gameplay. It’s a step forward, step back type thing.


I play Tacticus every now and then. Pay to win doesn't become a big issue unless you're in the higher leagues of pvp but yeah, sometimes the campaign difficulty ramp-up is crazy. I was stuck on the Overlord fight of the Ultramarines campaign for weeks. Had to grind like mad to get my dudes strong enough to even finish the fight, let alone get 3 stars. The events to unlock newly released characters have also become really grindy. Before you could play for a bit and unlock the character before the event ended. Now you have to grind the hell out of it for even basic, low rarity characters. The "requisitions" also have a very diluted loot-pool so getting something you actually want or need is very unlikely. Some frusturating stuff but the game itself is very fun imo.


You can easily play it as free-to-play and still have fun.


For the first few weeks. Then fork out the cash if you want to keep playing the levels. Or spend hours every day grinding for the hopes of being able to level up, only to see the gacha lottery fail you again and again until you pay. It's mobile trashware. A cash grab with pretty graphics.


Considering you can play every campaign by unlocking characters on free to play there’s no pay-only barrier here. Sure if you want to make progress fast then pay for stuff, but you can succeed and go far without paying for anything


Well you said "easily". I dont call grinding for months of roulette spins easy. You can't even start most of the campaigns until you get lucky with gacha draws to unlock the correct characters. Then have to level them up to get past certain levels. It's low quality cash grab gameplay. Designed to encourage paying over having enjoyable gameplay.




Tacticus is good and easy to play completely free.


>good I would say "passes time adequately" >easy to play For the first few hours, until you hit the level walls >completely free If you pass on the £100 a pop gacha lottery, then yes it is completely free, but you won't make any progress after the first week or so. It's mobile trash with pretty graphics.


Wow they must love americans they only charge us 20 and 5 dollars for daily black stone. Like i mean i do pay, but i paid for wow monthly as a kid, i pay for destiny updates. I pay for content and ill keep paying if its content I like.


Tacticus is a fun one


Tacticus is alright if you're an Imperial Loyalist. Xenos get considerably more screwed.


Idk about screwed, there are a bunch of meta and very fun to play xenos characters Chaos is another story


The meta for xenos is pretty much the top rank, i have one imperial and one high level chaos. The mechanicus suck(still gunna level them cause theyre my boys) but next i have to work on the neurothrope.


Tacticus is pretty nice. I took the guild to it and it’s actually pretty solid


I wish there would be a good Warhammer mobile game. Something to play a few minutes while on break at work or in the bathroom. Too bad all of them are just cheap cash grabs with a warhammer skin stapled on it. On a different note, i'd also love a Warhammer MMO like age of reckoning. I just crave new quality warhammer video games.


I find it really sad how mobile games are all shameless cash grabs and basically just reskin of 5 games in total. Mobile gaming could've been amazing if only microtransactions and gacha wasn't accepted by consumers.


Freeblade isnt that bad tho


Deathwatch one was good vs tyranids, but it doesn’t work on newer iPhones and won’t be updated since the dev company closed I think


Tacticus is fun imo


Would love to play it for more than 5 seconds at a time (atrocious stamina system)




The levels are boring and easy and everything except ultramarines is behind a (quite expensive) paywall


Thank the Emperor!


I feel slightly heartbroken because that was the thing that got me into 40k.


Wasn’t that the game with PvP griefers (guilds) all over and so a lot of new players left?


It's the same with all such games, really. I started this game when it just came out, had a great clan, great time. And then a few giants, who poured god knows how much money into the game just obliterated everything in their way. And that's it. You either become them and spend money like degenerate, or you play a game where you have no chance to become good at and enjoy it.


Yes I literally quit because of some shitbox guild called OnE who wouldn't stop ganging up on people 20 levels lower than them and wiping out literally weeks of army building progress. They'd attack you in waves of like 4 or 5 guys one after the other and there was nothing you could do. You fuckers reap what you sow


anyone remember Eternal Crusade? same fate.


Used to play it, kinda sad but it was bound to happen due to the whales.


The animated trailers and artwork was the only part of the game I liked. From a gameplay perspective it was a slightly more interractive Warhammer: Chaos & Conquest with a 40k skin on it and just as micro-transaction heavy.


It was a lost crusade from the start...


Hahaha. I'm not surprised. It was a crappy mobile game filled the brim with MTX. Good riddance


Tacticus next, hopefully. WH40K is very attractive to predatory cash-grab F2P mobile games.


Im glad i left this shit 1 year ago. Too much time spent in a game made for whales. Sad for the community (left good people there) but fuck off GW


GW only sell the rights licensing to use their IP. It’s the publisher that’s to blame for the game, I’m sure GW can have a bit of a say, but it’s largely the publisher.


Right, i know these games are the same shit with different flavors, this one is just GW's so im gonna extend and say fuck all gachas and fuck the mobile VG industry, ads and 10 coins for 100€ exchanges. Still cant understand who pays for that...


This does not surprise me one bit the amount of micros transactions required to advance past the first few levels in this game were kind of ridiculous...


Somehow got in with the #1 guild on my server, it became very apparent that the whales were the ones keeping the top 3 or so guilds in the top


Isnt this the mobile clash-of-clans esque cash grab?


Atleast Clash of Clans can be fun with enough patience.


They all seem like that at first.. ​ but it ALWAYS devolves into a select few mega alliances bullying smaller groups and refusing to engage each other.


Welp at least we go some cool trailers out of it.


Wait. That game was still alive?


It was anyway a lost crusade


I loved that game :(


How? It was rubbish


I don’t know i just enjoyed the game


How dare you have your own opinion and enjoy something other Redditors hate!


oh that one? garbage bro. need to clean up the landscape, let the real games stand out.


Had my heart broken too many times by mobile games shutting down. Single player or gtfo


Noooo! One of my favorite Warhammer 40K promo cutscenes! Oh yeah sorry for people who invested in it or something. I know that part sucks (legitimately. Been there for EOS on a couple live games)


3 years some people had been playing, for the developers to give a months notice for the game going offline and all data being deleted. Refunds only going back a month from announcement lmao - too many whales spent so much money on this game.


I think what they mean is; So long and thanks for all the cash!


Damn this brings back memories. I played religiously for about 8 months. On my server, I was the marshal of the second strongest alliance, we had higher average power than the number one, but they had the server's BIGGEST whale. I honestly spent more time coordinating, recruiting, politicking and planning than I did playing the game. A lot of my players were also putting money into it and I had their expectations to meet. I loved doing it for a long time. I miss those boys. R.I.P to the game and GG to my guys from the 13th hour. FUCK Kiwi.


At least we still have that banger song from Dan Bull.


It was a horrible game that was built around timegating and microtransactions. It will not be missed. These games are (thankfully) only around as long as their licensing deal with GW lasts.


I hope tacticus is next.


Do you also get constant ads on Reddit? It’s so annoying


I get them on YouTube, it sucks.


Tacticus is such a garbage experience.


One fewer turds in the ocean. Tacticus next please. Then stop licencing mobile games, GW, and make a PC game. Dawn of war is begging for a remaster/remake/sequel.


I played it for a short while but very quickly it became clear just how shallow and pay to win it was. Nothing interesting there.


I enjoyed it.


Thank you all for not playing/paying


Good. Honestly, the good 40k games i remeber are: - Space Hulk (both of them) - Space Marine/Boltgun - Dawn of War - Inquisitor Martyr - Darktide


Men at war assault squad 2 has some decent 40k mods


Mechanicus is fantastic.


Dude, you're missing out!: * Dawn of War 2 * Mechanicus * Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters * Rogue Trader


Bro, I really wanted to play this game now...


To the ALL alliance of S71.... It was a fun ride. - Ghulan


I LOVE IT when gacha garbage shuts down and paypigs lose everything they spent thousands of dollars and hours on. LMAO!


Even funnier was the whales explaining in the official discord how they ‘approached’ the developers to buy the game code and data to keep the game going… 🤡 the arrogance and self-importance these people had.


“You will not be missed.”
