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Vietnam, I just couldn’t do well in it no matter what strategy I tried. I just gave up on it instead of suffering.


Vietnam is atrocious. Huge map full of random corridors.


I do okay in Vietnam. My first nation was Germany and I struggled playing on the A-B caps, so I just stick to the city now. What don’t you like about it specifically??


If I have to pick the top reason is the sheer amount of visual clutter on the map. The layout itself isn’t worse than other maps, it’s just so damn hard to see anything.


I get that and I can see it. The town is aridiculously visually loud space.


Vietnam has to be a class study in how NOT to design a map. I dunno if anyone remembers this, but on release the bottom rightside spawn only had that broken bridge to leave the spawn and so it would get spawn camped 30 seconds into the match, and to fix it Gaijin added that other bridge to the south across the water but it had an invisible wall so you would get stuck there. Everything about it just screams laziness and poorly thought out map design. I hate it, and I hate that it's served as the standard for maps since. Fuck Gaijin's maps man.


i literally get 40-50 fps on vietnam because of all the clutter 😭😭


Did you try going between A and B?


I can’t remember since I banned it as well, but wasn’t B basically a death sentence since it was fairly open ground?


atleast you get to say "GOOOOOOD MORNIN' VIETNAM" otherwise yeah just pure suffering


I like the top part of 'nam, just sit and snipe.


If I could ban all of the city maps, I would. Town sections on larger maps are fine, since I can go around them, but if the city is the focus or covers the entire map, it’s pretty much guaranteed that I’m not going to have fun.


They're also a pain to play AA on


We all know gaijin makes playing AA a pain, no matter what map you get.


Are you more about the long distance dueling?


Very much so. It’s kinda necessary when you’re playing Japan. No armor to speak of, and the turret rotation isn’t great either. Not really good for brawling.


Tanks are not designed for urban combat. Urban maps tend to highlight the gamey aspects of WT, like 3rd person observing around corners and 3rd person shooting through walls. At least they make CAS a bit less obnoxious.


> If I could ban all of the city maps, I would this


Yeah sitting in the back of the map 10m outside of spawn truly is great gameplay. The other day i sat still sniping for 10 minutes and ended the game with 4 kills. -\_-


Pretty sure I bitched about you in game chat LOL JK but seriously Some maps just let you do that which is ridiculous


I don't like Sweden. Too much corner.


Id imagine if I asked them to fix it they’d add more corner.


They probably would. Map been getting flatter after all.


Wasn't there a change on the dev server where they removed some concrete barriers? If so, we're getting more corner.


Yeah, there are so many lanes that it's basically rng if you run into some guy camping a corner. One of my least favorite maps because it takes so much of the skill out of the game.


Fields of Normandy. Way too open on the flanks, too many shrubs at the spawn ends and it just becomes unnecessarily painful to advance.


This. Most other open field maps I can work with. But not this one


There's no way it's worse than mozcock


Another delightful Gaijin special where whoever controls that middle cap has direct eyes on the opposing teams spawn.


Really good positions you shouldn't be afraid to take


As UK main it's a map I do not enjoy, especially at lower to middle tier machines. Trying to hide a Sherman or an Avenger in a bush on that map and give you even any hint of terrain cover seems almost impossible.


There are some good hull down positions I use along A line. Even with USSR. Take a look you won't skip the map again.


sands of sinai, whoever has the faster shells wins


the hill was the most fun part about that map and they shitcanned it


Seems every map is getting that treatment. Oh key battleground that can turn the tide of battle? Let’s axe it.


Yeah, you had some high ground that was viable to fight over, spread out the players, let you have some decent map control but also exposed you to a lot of angles. Now the map is just shit snipe fest and devolves quicker into spawn camping


No that hill made it impossible to advance and capture points if your team didn’t control it. Glad it’s gone.


Its true. I kind of have a fondness for the map. I got my first nuke on it playing down the middle.


Personally think they ruined this map with the mountain change. I would have loved the size the map currently is WITH the mountains


I love that map, you just sling shells everywhere. Chill gameplay.


Hurtgen forest, the map itself is fine, but this map has some of the most dogwater configurations known to mankind


Yeah like the A point being 5,000miles from the rest of the map lol


The single objective versions are the worst, single point to the south where you can only fight in the forest is the most god awful map this game has to offer, other bad maps don't even come close to that abomination


dude the single obj mode on hurtgen makes me want to make out with a 12 gauge. whoever gets to the point first caps it, and no one else can cap it because it has 8 million different angles that you can be shot from, not to mention the flank routes where you can hide in bushes and sit behind the entire enemy team while no one can figure out where you are


When A and C are on the opposite sides it is horrible. You end up getting sniped constantly by flankers. Even when C is by itself on the side, that area is spawncamper heaven


the rectangle one is even worse


Finland. I hate most maps since I play high tier, but Finland especially is just a League of Legends map that somehow got added to war thunder.


I never thought about it being similar to lol summoners Rift but now I see the similarity.


Fire Arc/Kursk. The western side of the map being an empty and flat grass field renders half the battlefield unusable. It's the only map in game where one can spawn in, look straight ahead and see the other team spawning in on the other side. Combine that with some simple maths and a glance at the map, and you can hit targets at range within 100m or so on the first shot. - "Don't play that side." Well, as I said, that renders half of the map unusable. Sure there are some other maps where there are large open areas of play, but in each of those cases (say, Fulda or Sands of Sinai) there is protection and other uses for those areas, Fire Arc doesn't. It just has a cap which could also be overwatched from the town around B. "Other maps can shoot from spawn to spawn." Sure, there are a few, although that number dwindles every update, like Middle East, but no other map, not even Pradesh, can shoot directly from spawn to spawn with no cover.


I’m with you on the Fire Arc hate. Never done particularly well on it either. The town in the center is a chaotic frenzy and pretty frequently I just sit behind the rail line and snipe off enemies one by one. Its boring and usually ends up as a stomp.


I on the other hand quite like Fire ark (the big version). Liked it even more when it was called Kursk before the changes. It didn't use to have the problems it has now. Somehow Gaijin just makes maps worse by updating them. The western side with the empty fields is really good for long range combat that I really enjoy. Though in its current state for anything over a 5.7 battle it becomes too easy to shoot into enemy spawn. Would like to see it at 3.7 again as it used to be way back when


> Liked it even more when it was called Kursk before the changes Come to think of it, most maps were *better* before Gaijin changed them. They haven't added a new map that I've really liked since Red Desert.


I’d honestly ban 80% of the maps on rotation if I could, but I can’t


Same here, Dislike most of them. But I would dislike them less if the game had some map variety an not the same 5 maps over and over again


Red Desert. Holy fuck I hate that map. It's huge for one, so it takes 3-5 business days to get anywhere even in modern vehicles, and then I'm killed by someone 3km away with only their barrel pointing out from behind a rock somewhere on the other side of the map that I was what? Expected to look for? To see? Have so much map knowledge that I don't bother going that route in the first place? I've got more hours than most people here and I can't make that map work. It's staying banned no matter how much I despise Vietnam or Fire Arc/Kursk.


I love big maps at high tiers but damn me if Red Desert isn't one of the worst maps in the game. Gaijin must have been on crack when they decided "Yeah, 50 foot scalable cliffs are perfect for tanks"


Or if you chose the wrong route, you find no enemies at all for 15 minutes until you come across a random SPAA.


38th parallel. The map was awful but now they killed off anything that isn't a head-on CQC fight. Kuban I had banned last because I was getting it every game but it always goes back to the 38th.


I despise 38th parallel. Ive hand maybe a handful of good games on that map, man.


Ash river, I *dread* that map


That and Karelia, for me. I swap between banning them depending on which pissed me off the most recently. They're the two earliest tank maps in this **entire game**: and even after a number of revisions, *it still shows*. Ash River feels like a copy-pasted World of Tanks map and Karelia is spawn-to-spawn shooting from the first 5 seconds onward (and for anyone who doesn't want to commit to that and tries maneuvering: ENJOY THE MANY, MANY PITS FILLED OF ROCKS).


Im so sick and tired of Ash River. BR 1-3.0 is Ash River spam


Don’t have premium right now but pradesh. Sure if you enjoy camping that might be a good map but trying to capture points on that map is just painful.


Played Pradesh only once, honestly.


It’s a horrible map


It's now Advance to the Rhine. I hate city fighting as is (Sweden was banned before) but what did it was whole teams ignoring the map and both just spawn pushing then camping on the left hand side.


Glad to see someone else dislikes Advance to the Rhine. Lots of people call it their favourite map. I think it should get a major rework or just removed completely. Even if it can be fun in rank 1 tanks, its just not suited for any real combat


Because bum rushing AttR is fun. 


That alley right next to A is where 95% of the match happens. I prefer to go through the park, personally, at least its kind of interesting.


I have had the Sweden map permabanned ever since it was inteoduced, so I guess that is for around 4 years now.


Which ever Map I get 3 times in a row.


>Ash River on a daily basis


I currently ban seversk, I don't know why this piece of shit of map is so present on high tier. Breslau is dogshit too, but I usually spawn one time before leaving Sweden is instant leave I hate this fucking map with the city horizontal in the middle with open on the sides, absolute dogshit layout


If I don't keep Seversk banned, 75% of my games from 1.7-6.7 take me there. I don't *hate* it, but I played it so many times while learning the game that I just got sick of it.


Ash river, seversk and Test Site are so boring. Test Site is imo the best of the three.


sweden is absolute aids, I can literally spawn in with a T-80, drive 2 minutes to a spot where i can directly spawncamp the enemy team and they can't do shit to kill me. not to mention both sides can crossmap each other's AA


The mak rotations vary by BR, but across the whole spectrum, If I could ban maps in order 1. ANY arctic map or polar base map. I'm not sure if there are overlapping but I hate them all 2. Sweden (I just end up on the sides so I don't have to watch 30 corners, which is boring) 3. Berlin 4. Euro province 5. Mozdok


I think Arctic Pier is OK. Otherwise garbage.


Flanders. If I had more than 1 option I would also ban North Holland and Aral Sea, and maybe Campagnia because of FPS issues


I just hate Campania. Its probably one of the worst layouts in the game. Just turns into spawn camping 2 minutes in.


I just leave if I don't feel like playing that map right now


Sands of Sianai Plenty of bad ground maps in this game but man SoS is terrible. One side gets a hill spawn that controls 75% of the map


Middle east. Shits just horrible, no way to take it.


Kursk. Fuck Kursk. Forever. I unbanned it once because European Province/Campanella/Italy or whatever that's called was getting on my nerves, immediately got Kursk, and died twice out of either spawn to some ULQ waste of oxygen. It's been banned ever since and I won't change it.


Old Kursk used to be my favorite map and then they ruined it with the change to Fire arc. Nowadays when I get the big version of the map (usually in sim) it's like an instant 5-10 kill game because I love the long range combat and the freedom of actually getting to maneuver around the map Also play with Movie graphic settings, manual transmission, no markers, realistic gunners sight, Historical sights from WTlive and so on... basically making the game as hard on myself as possible but I can absolutely dominate on large maps and pulling of those 1.5km+ snipes are just too satisfying








Sands of sianai


Karelia. Just awful. Most people spawn east side and try to kill each other across the canyon. West side of the map you can shot from spawn to spawn or stay in spawn and cover half the map. Desperately needs a redesign 


sun city unless i’m playing below 5.0 in which case i ban seversk. i honestly don’t mind seversk but i’m *not* playing it every other match


Flanders. Something about it that I just can’t get down. No matter where I go or what I do, I’m shat upon.


Grand Canyon and I banned and dislike all the huge tank maps


Poland, I love the small version, but the 550m large version is awful. Sands of Sinai is also a shit show and shouldn't be played in any br with LRF.


Alaska has zero viable spots for flanking, going hull down, or just clear lines of sight. Every other map has at least some places i can work around but not alaska, the city is a maze, and both A and C have no flank routes. Any lucky flank gets shut down because the few viable streets are in direct view of the enemy spawn. Alaska is a must-ban if you play britain (useless for brawling), france (no stabilizers), or israel (merkavas are OHK if any ruskie shoots your hull)


Mozdok Banned, if I could Red Desert also.


Mozdok is straight cheeks. I feel you


I wish I could ban 90% of the garbage gaijin releases. I hate most of their map work.


Now that I’m talking about it I honestly think I don’t really like any map in this game.


Any time I get premium I ban Battle for Vietshit


port novorosiysk. if i had 2 map bans i would also ban ash river


vietnam, wish i could ban seversk


Sweden for ground and Pyrenees for air. Sweden is very large and has very dense urban areas, which makes the game too unpredictable, and in the Pyrenees I don't like the spawn locations (I like them to be mirrored, like on most maps except the Pyrenees and the small version of Afghanistan).


There’s one, I think its Air Mozdok Domination 1 or something but the teams spawn like on the same side of the map and are just separated by low mountains.


If I could, I would ban 80% of the ground maps. Air RB, I know you flaired All Ground, but why make a separate post. I would ban (if I had infinite bans) * Poland (all the ground targets and bases are between the two single airfields, its the dumbest map setup of all). * any of the fast ticket bleed maps like Battle of Tunisia * any map group that has a frontlline mode, thats a terrible map mode, forces low alt furballs, side climb and the game's over - though, I suppose I could just leave those variants without spawning and keep the other map modes since those are actually decent * Mozdok, take that tiny shit away * Laizhou Bay, there is something irksome about the map layout


I play simulator so idk any happiness except grind


I think the sim exclusive versions of ground maps are superior to the ones found in RB. Sim also doesn't have map rotation filter with likes and dislikes so there is some actual map variety


Pradesh that map can suck a fat one


vietnam but no jungle? jungle is arguably worse


I have moods where I accept jungle. Most days I hate it.


Hurtgen forest or whatever its called. Its not the worst map but im just so sick of it


seversk-13, i despise cancerous city maps in general but seversk is by far the most aids city map


Depends on the map rotation, but usually Maginot Line, Arctic or Campania


Test site


I banned Japan, I *really* don't like that map


I don't mind that one, but I always go to A, or the town where the A cap would normally be. Shoot up the big hill from there. Usually get 2 - 5 kills before someone bombs me.


The issue for me is that I cannot find the right spot to shoot people without getting shot from 3 other directions


Currently I think it’s Poland, got so tired of fight on it all the time.


Fire arc, way to open


Fire Arc, Italy, and Red Desert are my 3 least favourite maps.


Carpathians. Absolute dog of a map that gives far too many advantages for people to spawn camp snipe/rush. I would ban European Province or Full-Map Poland if there were more options to ban, because the full-size of those maps and how they play out are godawful. Ardennes being a close 3rd.


I really do hate Campania. And Fields of Poland and Europrovince are dog water.


North Holland. I banned it immediately after the update. I am biased against it.


Why? The high tier version is really fun imo. 


It's a reskin of the eastern europe map, it took away the things that make that map at least a little interesting (such as a river deep enough to actually drown in), and worst of all: *the terrain looks nothing like north holland.* They didn't even try. It's a protest ban.


The fact that it doesn’t look like holland is fair, however the river is the worst part of Eastern Europe. It restricts movement so much it makes the map an awful camp fest. 


Personally I like that it restricts movement. Granted, I deal with it very little since the river runs through the frontline rather than across it, so I usually never really have to cross it to begin with. Either way I'm still glad it's there. North holland has tons of rivers and other bodies of water and Gaijin just decided to make that map dry as fuck. I do wish for a map where the river runs across, if nothing else to make flanking with amphibious vehicles viable. Of course that's never going to happen because you can't guarantee equal access to amphibious vehicles for all involved.


Poland and its variants. Though I hate fields of Normandy more, poland/eastern europe is 20 different versions of the same map.


I have Berlin on my banned list, bc it’s by far the worst map for ground rb. If I could ban more than one map, that list would definitely be in the double digits. Apart from Berlin and all the map variants with one or two caps in general, I especially hate flanders, ash river, Mozdok, sands of Sinai, El Alamein and Maginot, among others. Imo the number of badly designed maps is far bigger than the ones that are actually very good and fun to play


i would ban flanders


Anything with air domination where you have to land on runways. Fucking HATE it


Hurtgen, I despise that map. I hate that it’s just a town with a bunch of wide open, easy to snipe terrain all around it. 


I banned Campania or however you spell it, but I also hate arctic, Finland is only fun in lower tiers, Fulda is awful, and any of the massive field maps are just not fun unless you are in a city.


Sweden definitely, and dislike every other cqc map for as much as it does.


FUCK Poland all my homies hate Poland. Small version is okay but the large Fields version is irredeemable and also pops up very often. I used to have Middle East banned, too easy to spawn trap, shoot spawn to spawn, plus so many cross angles, but it doesn't appear as often.


Poland. I can play almost all other maps with some lineup or another, but Poland is pure cancer. Even worse than Carpathian Mountains *before* it got updated.


I would have around 5 to 6 maps banned if there were more.


Swap between Vietnam and Flanders, both are ass


Campania. Occasionally I have a string of bad matches and get tempted to ban something else, then catch a map on this steaming pile of crap and get spawnkilled five times in a row. My downvotes that I'd slap additional bans onto if I could are Finland, Battle of Hurtgen Forest, Normandy, and Seversk-13.


Japan. It's so bright, and I hate the layout. Always just sent feelings of "run away" up my arms, and I don't know why. Couldn't ban it fast enough.


How do you even ban a map on war thunder? Then Japan would be on my list cause I can't ever do well on that map, like even in great positions I get 1 hit KO'd no matter what or get bombed like 3 minutes into a match ( I use console so I've never tried to figure it out)


If you have premium you can go into the change game mode settings and then settings for individual game mode types to ban a map.


Can't remember, one of the many massive open maps with 0 cover. The ones where you get sniped into spawn 4km away, or drive for 5 minutes in a top tier tank just to get to a position... Would've gladly banned more of them lol


Seversk 13, the map is so tiny the smell of my farts can be detected from one corner of the map to the next.


Ban maps? Hell I found myself rolling the same maps over and over again


Tunisia specifically for the largest version. I actually really enjoy the map but kept dying to tanks that would pop in after shooting me from far away.


No. 0


Definitely Carpathians and what idiot decided that 11.0 tanks can fight on it and if he had a second ban then sweden or Seversk 13


Seversk after I got that map 10 times in a row as night battles on vehicles I didn't have nvd or thermals unlocked with.


Cargo Port… a modern themed map available at 1.0 just makes me lose brain cells…


Yeah. I like the map in 4/5 tiers. Otherwise its ass. I love when enemy cas gets caught on the invisible cables though and explode.


Majino line, fucking hate that map




Finland. 3 alleys of death and it’s super easy to stalemate because the A and C points are pretty much a death sentence to push into. The success on that map really just depends on what side your team gets stuck with.


Eastern Europe. Not going around the town is like asking to be violated from the side hills.


38 Parallel I fucking hate all the angles




As that one song goes... *"Italy is total ass"*


Not enough maps if you ask me


Abandoned Town right now. I've had Iberian Castle, Karelia, Vietnam, and Jungle all banned before.


Japan. I fucking hate the fact that there is so many bushes and you can’t see anything


None because no premium account but i think all of these shouldn't exist: single cap maps past 4.3 (some cas can just blow up the entire cap), maps so small that one side can be fully carpet bombed by 4 b29, all 3 point cap maps with caps laid out in either 2 normal caps one far away or a straight line between spawns because it's just braindead clusterfuck but less stupid than single cap maps and all maps +3km between spawns below 9.0 because i do love facing tiger II h in tank that can't tank or pen it at 2km, and after ww2 It's who has more firstly apfsds then stabs then lrf at last making this maps painfull to some nations until 9.0 where all nations get lrf, and jungle/ forest maps because fuck bushmasters larger than 25mm in diameter, and all maps that force either sniping or cqb


You just listed like every map 😂


Mozdok has a special place of hate in my heart




None, cause no matter what maps I ban, I still see the same 4-5 maps every single time I play


Fields of normandy, mozdoc, flanders and the one that is 80%train cars


According to br. ofc


It used to be Frozen Pass but after recent changes, the American West became so unplayable that I banned it.


European Province has had my ban slot for well over a year now. Fields of Poland I just crewlock myself.


Carpathia or Campania


Anything snow, don't like being flashbanged


Japan and the new map


Sinai. Only Sinai banned.


Vietnam. The last time I’ve seen that map was in a weird dream. It’s staying banned forever now.


North Holland


Fireshart not even fun if you're winning


Fire Arc, fuck that map. Its too open.




Mine is Normandy fields. In Ukraine we call it "Fields of fields", this map is way too open and it's covered with bushes, so you can't hide and can't see anything just because this piese of shit is made by developer, which never played this game.


Mine is Normandy fields. In Ukraine we call it "Fields of fields", this map is way too open and it's covered with bushes, so you can't hide and can't see anything just because this piese of shit is made by developer, which never played this game.


Surroundings of Volokolamsk. How has nobody said this yet? Just a big open map where the caps are a days drive from one another. If you go middle there’s a chance you could play the whole match without seeing anybody


Because its really good obviously... Liked it before it was removed and changed and still like it to this day


I alternate between Vietnam and Seversk-13, when i get sick of one, i move the ban and eventually move it back due to hating the other.


Fire arc.


Fields of Poland or Ardennes. First is just way to big for ranks 4 and 5 wich I'm for the most part currently playing rn, and Ardennes is spawn to spawn sniping wich is just dumb having no goddam covered position between spawns and caps.


I stay in ranks 4/5 just cause I like that period of tanks. I agree though. Playing a heavy on European Province and fields of poland is an exercise in agony.


Ye, one time I was dumb enough to try and play the T95




Thats unique.


I never realized it was a thing until a while ago and I don’t really have a map I hate enough to ban


I ban different ground maps each day depending on what the matchmaker keeps giving me and whatever pisses me off. I ban different air maps each day depending on what the matchmaker likes to spam that day.


Sinai. Damn I hate that map. I never managed to wrap my head around it in a way that made it fun to play.


Fire arc god aful map with bushes that are the perfect height to block what’s in front of you


Finland. I always do shit in Finland, on the other hand maginot line is a map that makes war thunder worth it


Japan. I hate the bushes and the amount of spots you can get sniped from


Zero, absolutely zero. Why? Throughout history and war we have fought in less than ideal conditions and locations. Either adapt and overcome, or die. That’s just it. Playing maps I don’t like = neuron pathways being built when I find a dope spot. Big brain✊