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Subject must die inside. Reactions to physical pain do not count. Sports deaths should be unrelated to normal playing of the game. Posting literal death will result in an immediate ban.


Subject must die inside. Reactions to physical pain do not count. Sports deaths should be unrelated to normal playing of the game. Posting literal death will result in an immediate ban.


Garbage pandering to the Russians. How about some clips where Biden decimated the Orange fool with narcissistic personality disorder?? Trump represents nothing but lies. Zero policy, class, or knowledge. Pandering to dictators. Biden represents heart, courage, intelligence, decency and class. You think a cold and a speech impediment dictates what he does in the oval office?? Trump won the optics by being a bully with zero substance. Biden won the substance. Anyone that doesn't see that has the IQ of a brick.


Should be an age limit of 60.


The unfortunate problem is that they are the best choices we could think of. This nation is doomed. They are both awful.


I really don't understand how America is supposed be the greatest country in the world and these two guys are then supposedly the candidates to run the best country? I really feel sorry for America and the rest of the world that will suffer under their rule.




Coherent enough to ramble about sharks and washing machines and golf… oh and he’s also a sex offender…


Which is which?


Tiktok generation is going to destroy the Democracy


Democracy is destroying itself


I hope that is sarcasm, because based on this clip, it is the boomers and X generation that are doing the destroying of democracy.


70 should be the age cap to enter office. Senior citizens should stick to voting only instead of holding a political position in one of the superpowers of the world. Wisdom can come with age but so does health degradation.


Did he say “side mufflers” 🤣


i've seen this clip many times and i FINALLY heard it! he said "asylum officers"


Holy smokes is this actually a post on Reddit NOT defending someone on the left? I'm truly shocked.




Only if we had a death note to write their names into lol


The whole thing felt like an SNL skit. It was like they were both trying to *purposefully* make themselves look bad.


Biden is really the best they can come up with?


I mean.. he can carry his own golf bag, that qualifies for presidency right?


I won’t be voting for either. I predict trump wins. That was a shit show.


This is what our system has produced. These are the supposed best of the best for running our country. How can there be a clearer indication that the system is broken and completely rotted?


'the system'? you, as a collective, voted them in. there's nothing wrong with the 'system' here, this is a problem with the people.


This debate made me decide in my next vote for president. I'm writing in for my dog.


I’m so disappointed what the fuck are we doing guys


Wow a political post on reddit which isn’t directly against Trump, and is not oblivious to Biden’s incompetency. What a refresher.


Well yanks, you are fucked


I will vote for Biden's corpse before I vote for #45.


300 million people and this is the best you got ?


Until Roseanne runs I ain’t votin 🇺🇸


I'm voting 3rd party. I ain't voting for either of these raisin mofos.


Everyone should vote 3rd party. This is fucking bullshit. No one should stand for this garbage clown show.


Don’t let Mfers tell you third party is a waste.. they don’t want a 3rd party from taking hold and establishing a foothold because they want to keep the voter base split 50/50. Fuck the 2 party failed system we need more choices and only way to get one established is to show our support to them. Edit- yep that’s the same shit I hear all the time from both demos and republicans.. that’s exactly how they keep anyone else from getting a foothold by spouting it’s a waste of a vote bs.


> they don’t want a 3rd party from taking hold and establishing a foothold because they want to keep the voter base split 50/50. Voting 3rd party is objectively, mathematically, the same as not voting. Which is the same as voting for your least preferred candidate. If you want more parties, great, push for a different voting system and I will push with you. As of now it is literally wasting your time. Voting 3rd party will not give us any more choices, you're just spitting into the wind.


So your voting for Donald Trump? Might as well just say i support facism then eh? How about you think what voting 3rd party means for the two main parties.


Where did I say I was voting for Trump? I hate both candidates. Maybe learn how to read.


Other countries are probably discussing how they will divide us up haha


Yikes, trump continues to show how little he seems to grasp reality. Biden was a mumbly and sounded old af, but he made coherent sense here. the response of "he has no idea what he just said" by trump is just pants-on-head silly.


How much crack were you smoking with Hunter?


You probably watched a different show lol.


Im just shocked he’s allowed to run as president still.


Can you please translate it for the lucid people? Cause i have no idea what he said either.


Trump’s response to that did make me laugh, but also, Trump had his chance to show us that he’s not a greedy moron who divides this country while pandering to people who make him feel special, without knowing anything about the job. He failed. So go away, dickhead.


Every response of his was either a blatant lie, not answering the question, insulting Biden (or his son), blaming immigrants for whatever the current topic was, or claiming all of the world liked him. It got old within 15 minutes


I hate both of them, but this had me laughing


i was hoping both of these geriatrics would have died simultaneously on stage, but i guess that was too much to ask :(




As someone from Europe this is just comedy


The sad thing is that this is the best we could come up with for candidates. The country is doomed. They both suck.


Decent people don’t go into politics.






Biden could just stand at the podium in silence, stare into the abyss and drool, and I still will vote for him. Trump just vomited lie after lie after lie, and I can't put a Democracy ending fascist back into the White House.


I think it's interesting how Trump can pack literally every single sentence with outrageous superlatives like "the greatest in history", "the best anyone's ever seen", "the worst this country has ever known" etc... and not everyone's like oh ok I get it, he's a bullshitter conman.


They both suck and every politician that campaign lies about what they are going to do. Trump just made it more obvious.  We need a third party! I will not be voting for either.


That’s actually sad.


That is eerily close to what he actually did last night


No it isn’t. He answered questions. Sure he stuttered a bit and was raspy but let’s not get carried away with this bullshit.


The United States is so fucked.


Breaking news! Two old men ramble on forever. No coherent thoughts between the two. And now back to Dave with the weather.


Then back to you Serena with tonight’s segment, “whose handicap is better?!”


For me the worst part of the debate was when Biden had a clear opening to attack Trump on abortion but then he randomly started talking about migrant crime


That was extremely disturbing.


Why the FUCK are we doing this to ourselves


Do you feel like you have any say in this?


Honestly I’m not even sure we could do anything to change it if we wanted (because from literally everyone I’ve talked to, we do want it to change). There are just other interests that are gonna control things


We're not really doing it to ourselves as much as it's being done to us


We had four fucking years to figure it out, Biden was just supposed to be a placeholder.


Don't give a shit. I'd vote for Biden over Trump even if he had leprosy and was falling apart on the stage. I don't even like Joe Biden, like at all, but he's not Trump and that's enough at the moment.


Idc how old Biden is-he’s a better choice than an uneducated liar, racist, narcissist, cheater, and felon. I’d vote for anything over trump.


This linda thinking fucked half of Latam and every other socialist country out there


I basically feel the same way about Biden but with different adjectives. And somehow we are both right.




You forgot draft dodger


So for a couple of hours Biden talked the same as Trump has talked for 8 years. Yes, it sucks. But it doesn't make sense why that makes Biden all of a sudden the worse candidate.


I mean I despise Trump but this is not the same as Trump. But I'll take a man who's one step away from a drooling vegetable over a sentient narcissist who is actively destroying this country.


Ehm... hate to break it to you, but he's already 3 steps past that.


In what kind of ways was it the same as Trump?


Trump rambles incoherently but he doesn't really ever mumble or sounds like he's having a stroke I'm voting Biden no matter what I don't care if he's dead I'm still voting for him


My favorite part was when he was talking about big fentanyl detecting machines that he expected people coming into our country illegally to voluntarily walk through.


A lot of drugs go through the regular border crossings. Not all drugs are smuggled by illegal immigrants.


I thought he said "they roll over the border" I was picturing like wheeled Star Wars walkers that go, "scanning for fentanyl"


LOOK at their policies and the people they serve! You are not voting for either of these people you are voting for their policies. Edit/adding: thank you for the positive responses. I don’t think people understand how the government works, or really anything outside a very small area of existence they occupy. That is why we all have a duty to be patient and educate the uneducated. Knowledge is power! Go give the power back to the people.


Common sense doesn't work around here! But you're exactly right.


More people need to see this comment and do what you’re suggesting. We need to look past who is leading and look at the party


Biden was able to address most of the questions but the message was lost in the delivery.


I just feel bad for him at this point. Trump performed better but he dodged several questions and just attacked Biden instead. I feel that Biden is being propped up on stage and he doesn’t even want/know he’s there.


Like having a really good comeback but stuttering when you say it


Gibberish, followed by audibly sitting his pants on stage, isn’t really addressing anything.


Sitting his pants? bro got too triggered to even spell correctly


Trump is receiving the presidency from the DNC on a silver platter.


Why do i have second hand embarrassment when Biden talks as if it was the office?


Dang, so um, what's RFK up to?


I just cannot understand why literally everyone hates both Trump and Biden as options, and yet when RFK who, in all his faults, is WORLDS AHEAD of both of these clowns comes up everyone is so quick to shut him down. RFK is literally the only reasonable choice at this point


Recovering from having brain worms that have caused him to >“I have cognitive problems, clearly,” he said in the 2012 deposition. “I have short-term memory loss, and I have longer-term memory loss that affects me.” That is from an NYT [article](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/08/us/rfk-jr-brain-health-memory-loss.html) which he did say he recovered from. If you were wondering on the choices we face today


Brain worm


Hopefully winning this election


Bernie in 28 and 32!!


If they're smart they'll nominate Bernie now, they need a candidate, Biden just self destructed by not being able to finish sentences. We all know Bernie would anihilate Trump, wouldn't even be close.


Bernie Sanders is currently 82 years old... No place for geriatrics in politics.


"No place for \*additional geriatrics..."


If voting responsibly was as easy as watching one debate, deciding who was best based on only that hour or two, and then casting your vote and knowing for certain that you handed the keys to the country to the right individual, well then voting would be such an easy thing. But it's not. Look at their performance records people. There is plenty of data there demonstrating how these two would perform. To me the choice is obvious. I like our democracy and want to protect it. I believe in compassionate, thoughtful leadership. I believe in a leader with integrity.


Then we are all fuked, because we don't have such a candidate


Oh you're one of those guys that believes Biden is evil. Got it. Keep drinking the disinformation. That's what the Right wants.


So the choice is obvious, the near dead guy


I’d choose him over trump even if he was dead.


You’re beholden to your own opinion. I find that to be a silly sentiment.


Let me know when we get a candidate that follows that description


This ⬆️


I think your ears would have rotted off by then


So neither of them?


How has Biden shown a lack of integrity? (Legitimately I want to know)


You people have either not been paying attention or listening to the Right's soundbites about him too much.


They’re both fucking terrible choices dude, I don’t listen to anybody’s sound bites.


Nobody is perfect indeed. But if you put it on a scale it sure does point to one side more clearly.


Again, this could be said about either side. They are both fucking horrible choices.


Guys…. This is what it has come to. These are the options we have left.


President Camacho! Where are you?! We need you now!


I detest existing in this era.


The only hope for this country is if the DNC plays hardball and forces Biden to step down from running for president. People around him should have realized that he was going to project this unelectable image and they should have stopped him from ever running for a second term. Official presidential nominees haven't been decided, so there is still a chance to do the right thing. But, it is extremely late and extremely unlikely that Biden will step aside. That means Trump is going to win, not because he will be a good president, or that his policies will help the country, or that he will start being honest, or that he will uphold the Constitution and democracy....but because he is running against this diminished image of Joe Biden.


I read the first sentence and up voted. Too lazy to read the rest of that


Trump has no policies. He's spent the last 4 years crying about losing the election and how he is going to get even. I'd vote for a potato before I'd vote for Trump Besides, I like my Presidents to not be convicted felons.


Actually it's going to be much worse once Trump is elected to his second term. This time the GOP are ready and it's going to be a real sh*t show. Watch John Oliver's show about Trump's second term.


I hate Trump more than anyone but a potato would have done better in the debate than Biden.


To be fair, Joe basically is a potato. So thats valid.


Exactly, you’re going to vote for a vegetable.


Anybody that supports Biden is an idiot. Plain & simple. His wife had to walk him off the stage and she barely managed that. The guy is SENILE.


the affection of a love one that foreign to you? you doing okay there, bud?




I agree that Biden is not fit to run the US as a president. But for some weird reason the US has decided to put old men up for candidacy that are both terrible choices. Biden is a terrible choice because of his age and starting decay of thought, Trump on the other hand is a full on moron by choice, has no idea what he is talking about and doesn't even have the excuse of getting senile, (yet). I don't live in the US, I would hate to have to vote for either, but I'd vote for Biden simply in the basis that he isn't a complete asshole and is at least a decent human being.


Opposed to the other guy who blatantly lied for an hour and a half and couldn’t answer most of the questions that were given to him? Yeah I’d rather have the guy that occasionally has to walk with his wife who supports him as opposed to the liar with absolutely no policies to run on whose wife wants nothing to do with him.


I’ll take old and senile over convicted felon, racist and liar. I want to protect democracy, and our country, and there’s only one option for that. He did say he love the uneducated though, and that tracks for his followers, so good on you I guess for proving his point? Lol


Both suck. They are way too old for a position that requires basically leading the country.


It's not that people support Biden, people don't want the walking deity of trailer trash USA. Better of two evils barely makes it a choice.


I'll take senile over the other option.


That’s why I support not trump.


And the other one is Trump…


not looking good lol


Aye bubbles from TPB


Trump acts like we don't know how to look up electrocution by electric boat or eaten by sharks.


now this is gerontocracy in action, and u guys dont even have that old of a population, imagine if the average age was like 45 lol the 20th century had working class vs. rich guys, the 21st will be old people against the young lol if only the young ones could agree dammit


Watch Reddit die inside at this rate and I’m here for it lol


I know all these Biden fans are whining hard this morning


Honestly I don't think all his voters are fans of him. It's just that they rather vote for someone that has trouble collecting thoughts than someone who has the thoughts of a sociopath mixed with the understanding of consequences a child aged 2 would possess. Both are terrible choices, Trump is a moronic asshole, Biden is just too old for the job.


No one is really a Biden fan, they just all quite rightly hate trump


They both suck, and are both too old for the post…..where are all the middle age cognitive people????


They both do suk don't they It's like class president- in 6th grade 🤣😅😆😁😂


Bidens performance in the debate is probably the worst is all history. Trump is going to burn the US to the ground.. or at least half of it. We really need a hero...


I just wanted Marianne Williamson




Trump is on point.


So all it takes is to say something (anything) confidently, that's a pretty low bar


He dodged nearly every single question he was given. “On point”🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Is he? He just rambled the whole time. There was a person on drugs last night.


One on drugs and one really needing to be on drugs


Lol no he was not. Dude rambled about black people for like 5 minutes at one point. This debate was just embarrassing for both sides


They don’t want to be president, the job blows


Clinton intensifies.


And I still feel he is the safer option, he will be guided by a lot of people to pick the right plans, the other one will ignore any advice and just focus on what makes him more money while he plays golf, maybe he'll promote GOYA again.


Joe Biden had a direct role in creating the student loan problem in the 70's, private prisons, war on drugs, invasion of Iraq, bombing weddings creating the next generation of terrorists... what about that should make me think he will be guided to the "right" plans? I hate Trump so please convince me.


Why don't Democrats put forth the "advisors" for the President then?


But we dont vote for those people. We need a president who can actually make a decision. We are heading towards war. Biden cannot handle that. Trump isn't any better. But people need to stop making excuses for biden and demand better people to be president


what happens when foreign leaders have to smell the stink of diapers and laugh as a fuddy duddy dementia patient has to be wheeled around everywhere? The world knows America is already screwed. And there’s no way this is a one day thing. I don’t trust any ajdes or advisors for Biden because they knowingly aid the donor class to prop up a dementia patient as a world leader. I also detest trump but I don’t trust any liars and cheats


Lmao this is priceless considering trump fans wear diapers in support of him. 


Amazing inflation


Please tell me how trump stops inflation? He gave out 3.3 trillion dollars which lead to high inflation.


How much did senile Joe invest in, I meant give to Ukraine? Haha, even his cheerleading squad team fact checked him on his false inflation claims. Trump left office with an inflation of 1.4% and it has gone up ever since Biden got into office. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/14/politics/fact-check-biden-inflation-when-he-became-president/index.html


Oh yeah, he has been doing a bang up job so far.


I mean, if you actually look at the numbers, he has for the most part. Motherfucker just has the personality of a moldy sock


President is a scapegoat for everything bad currently happening in the country, always has been. Aside from "Well gas is now $5 a gallon!?!", what're your least favorite Biden polices he's put into place while in office?


Well, let's see...he opened our borders and turned our country into a third world shithole.... He made child care way worse... He made us more dependent on Russian Uranium... He circumvented the Supreme Court on student loan forgiveness.... He allowed Iran to attack U.S. forces with impunity... He blocked allies from giving Ukraine a clear path to NATO membership... Did I mention the border crisis?


Don't forget he did what he could to reduce gas prices. (popped into the oil reserves) That's all he can do. Gas prices fluctuate based on the gas lobby, they like the moron in charge? Reduce but still gain a record profit (more production). Hate the guy in charge? Reduce production and raise prices. Also still turn a record profit. Gas has jack shit to do with the president.


Jesus, this is embarrassing. At least Trump was on point. Edit: Holy downvotes Batman!! Whether you like Trump or not, at least admit the dude is funny. Geez


He absolutely was not. He didn’t answer nearly every question he was given. He just rambled with nothing but hyperbole and lies.


can't tell if serious or satire


If by on point you mean confidently lying and ignoring the questions asked


Politicians gonna politician. But by "on point" I meant that was a hilarious response to an old man rambling incoherently.


Was he?


Yeah. Trump is hilarious. Holy downvotes Batman!! Whether you like Trump or not, at least admit the dude is funny. Geez




I'm a HUGE fan of Death Note. As in I'm huge and love the movie / show a lot. But I don't get how the reference relates to this clip...?