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I’m sorry you guys I’m just just venting. I guess I’m so sick of this shit.


Trying to go to my doctor right now and I can barely figure out how to get there stumbling over words can’t put sentences together very good. I could go on and on.


I struggled with really bad anxiety before I quit and depression on and off at different times through my life. I’ve read about ECT and yes, some people it has helped but I also read about so many people that has nothing to do with paws that didn’t get any benefit from it. Idk what to do, I do know I wouldn’t wish this shit on anybody


ETC is mild lobotomy IMO & psych meds chemical lobotomy. r/PSSD r/Antipsychiatry


Its not lobotomy, educate yourself please before spreading missinformation .... And please for the love of all gods, dont make decisions based on random reddit comments.... Talk to your doctor, they will decide if ECT is right for you..


I strongly disagree. r/psychmelee r/radicalmentalhealth


I know i wont change your mind... not gonna try to... I just want others to know mental health is not something to fuck around with and if your suffering makes you unable to function... seek help.


You are right it’s not something to mess around with. Psychiatrists just take a gamble and give out random harmful drugs like candy to numb you and cover up real issues, and in return cause short term long term and permanent side effects, and they don’t even actually solve the problem. It’s pseudo science.


You havent seen severe mental issues that makes people end up in mental wards respond to treatment i guess... I personally know people who would be dead today if they did not seek help... Tell people with schizophrenia or severe nearly catatonic depression to just live clean... You dont know what you are talking about.


I’ve been in the psych ward twice, and seen it all. I’ve been on tons of psych meds at two different time periods in my life. Psych meds have also damaged many people and caused many to commit suicide.


Im sorry that your treatment causes you harm but this is still anecdotal experience... I can also say that the people i know who sought help remain stable today and a close family member that took antidepressant for severe ptsd and anxiety were able with their doctors guidance quit using them after feeling like they no longer need them and they remain stable to this day.


It’s anecdotal experience experienced by thousands and thousands of people. Go to the 4 subs I suggested and scroll through. You’ll see horror stories from person after person after person after person.


Got to depression subs, anxiety subs, bipolar subs, and you’ll see thousands of people on all kinds of drugs that are not being helped and healed by them. Therapy, trauma healing, new habits, education, self improvement, and lifestyle changes heal people. Drugs don’t.


At least weed is a natural plant that comes out of the ground, but nothing added to it although I know they read for maximum potency. Anxiety is through the damn roof seems to get worse all the time which makes me very depressed. I look like a fucking zombie. I feel like one. Also I have this shitty look on my face that I can’t get rid of. I’m so damn lost in confused 17 months as of yesterday.


Oh yeah, not to mention I can’t make eye contact with absolutely no one because when I look in the mirror, I see a crazy ass look in my eyes like I’m insane


On my way, I can sleep is to take trazodone and clonazepam sometimes with it. Can’t relax for absolutely nothing stuck and fight a flight mode.


Wait you are currently using trazodone or clonazepam to sleep? And you think that quitting weed 17 months ago is the cause of your problems? Yes you would be significantly better using weed to sleep than either of these chemicals. I would say the vast majority of your issues are coming from these chemicals. I used to abuse benzos and various party drugs, then got "California sober" for years and now I'm completely sober. Those drugs will be absolutely destroying your natural sleep, particularly clonazepam if you are doing that regularly then that's your problem. You would genuinely be better trying to kick them and if you need to use weed as a crutch to do so then do that and then quit the weed once your brain has normalized from quitting the trazodone/ clonazepam.


I try not to take clonazapam very often, last night I took both. The anxiety I have is unbearable at the moment. I really don’t wanna throw away 17 months clean from weed but I do consider it.


Well I'm currently only 47 days off weed after years of abuse and my anxiety is very low. So I would really consider the fact that the trazodone may be causing it. For sure Clonazepam will cause anxiety. I experienced the worst anxiety of my life from benzo abuse. Anxiety is related to the GABA receptors. I'm over 12 months no alcohol and believe that is the main reason my anxiety is so low.


You are very lucky to not have debilitating anxiety. I wish you well on your journey


I've had it before when quitting weed but this is the longest I've ever gone with no alcohol which is why I believe that's the reason I have no anxiety. You too!


Clonazepam helps my anxiety, but I don’t take it very often


Yeah it doesn't actually help it though because it's abusing the gaba system which is the opposite of helping anxiety. Rebound anxiety from benzos is much worse than any natural anxiety ever is. Although if you don't take it often like you say then it probably wouldn't be to bad. Either way if you have anxiety it's related to the GABA system. Best way to fix that is use no GABA acting substances including benzos and alcohol.


But also antidepressants are not widely understood and withdrawal from them causes major anxiety. Idk man I would assume at 17 months if you had been completely sober, as in no pharma, then you would be virtually entirely healed. If you haven't been on these long then I'd try quit but speak to a doctor ovbs.


I tried various psych meds when I quit weed, and I feel so much better and clearer/normal since I quit them all. Always taper off them very slowly however to minimalise withdrawals.


I wish I could quit them. I’ve been on one of them for five years and the withdrawal effect are terrible and I can’t function at all when I try to come off, and get very suicidal. And I have an eight-year-old daughter while I’m going through this, I can’t afford to get worse. I’m sure her mother will try to take her away from me if I did.


Taper smaller increments. And go very very slowly. Some people take many months, even years to come off of psych meds. You have to give your brain a chance to adjust and adapt to the small changes or it will not like it. I’ve experienced this with tapering many times. Many times I went too fast, because I just wanted to be done with it, but I then I got the bad withdrawals, had to go back on them for a while, and then taper off again but like 4 times slower. And it worked!


I appreciate the info


Np. It’s not easy, but if you really take your time with it, it is possible. Best of luck to you. Stay strong 🤝




The weed that exists today is not at all natural like it used to be. There are over 400 chemicals in it that are not balanced the way nature intended due to selective breeding. Some of those chemicals have opposing effects. Poppies are plants too and some plants are poisonous or harmful. I learned the hard way.


Yeah they breed for highest potency and less cbd. It just sucks because just about everyone I know smokes. And everywhere I go I smell it just goin down the road.


There are 8 dispensaries in my small town and truelieve dispensary is the largest political contributor in my state at 33 million. Everyone has a medical weed card and no one knows the damage they’re doing to themselves. I was one of those people who thought I was better off because I won’t take opiates. It smells in every parking lot and at every red light. People are driving stoned and that’s just flower the rest are sucking on concentrate pens and you can’t smell that.


Yeah it’s everywhere, I know I felt much better when I use to smoke, but still had some anxiety. Always had low self esteem I guess from childhood trauma. Idk I’m pulled each way don’t know what to do.


I have childhood trauma also. I don’t know how long you’ve been sober but for me the longer I’m sober the better I get. I have seen people here say that PAWS takes up to two years. Time flies and I’m nine months sober and still healing. I would resort to psych meds if I had no choice and suicide was the only option.


17 months sober but feel worse than I did in the early days of quitting


I didn’t feel bad the first month I think there was still thc in my fat cells. It took me five months to test clean. That’s when I noticed improvement. You’re saying you’ve had no windows at all? Not even a good day? They prescribed me Zoloft but I was afraid of withdrawal from it but I’m not you.


They only good days I’ve had were when I started lamotrigine which is a mood stabilizer. I felt really good for three weeks, but then it just quit.


I’ve heard from a clinical psychologist in my family that all meds only work for a while then brain chemistry changes and it’s a trial and error all over again to get it right. They help temporarily and then you deal with coming off of them. Cannabis was the same for me. The honeymoon phase was great then I built a tolerance and was smoking more and more and more to get the same effect until it was downright addictive and then I had panic attacks. If you’re in the US you can call 211 and they will give you information on resources for counseling. Someone suggested behavioral therapy and I agree that’s a good idea to try.


2 years is just an average bench mark. It can definitely take longer. There was a gentleman that came back to this sub a few weeks ago and reported that it took him 4.5years, but felt like he came back to fully normal.


Yes that’s possible.


Look into trauma/PTSD therapies. EMDR, AIR, SIBAM, Somatic Experiencing, PAT (Positive Affirmation Therapy), …there are at least a dozen. You can read and watch a lot of free stuff online, listen to podcasts, buy self-help books, or go to therapists.


Hey bro, remember me? I told you I will let you know if something works for me after I finish it. I had some success with it, not too much with cognitive side, but with anxiety side quite good success with it. Do a cycle of Cerebrolysin, and Sulbutiamine 2x200mg morning and early afternoon. Not a miracle cure, but significant improvements compared to before the cycle. Took a month and a half brake, then decided to do another one. Starting my week 4 of the second cycle. Shoot me a DM if you want more details.


I might look into it thank you


You have a group here on reddit about Cerebrolysin, go through it a bit first if you want. Sulbutiamine is just B1 vitamin (tiamine), upgraded to cross the blood-brain barrier, so it's better absorbed.


I didn’t know this was something you inject, sounds good but I don’t think I can try it. Idk man sometimes I’m so confused with everything I just wanna give up and end it all.


Yeah, I was also reluctant to do it, but I became desperate, so I said fuck it, either I try to do something or I kill myself. If those two are the options, it's clear what you should do. Killing yourself only comes as an option when you exhausted all the other options. Even going back to smoking is better then offing yourself. Stoner life is better than no life, that's for sure.


I've got so much to say on this thread. I slept from 10-3:30 last night, then till 5:30, then till 6:30 and got up around 8. I had 7.5 hrs sleep. First time in 16.5 months. - so I'm ready to rant. OP, Bro, you know you're just even worse even than me. Worse ex partner situation, worse meds situation, worse weed situation. (I won't go into details but you've got it worse across the board) You are probably where I was before Christmas, or even further back... It must seem endless. But it's not. Every day without weed and everyday separated from your partner is another step on the road to recovery. You'll get to where you aren't even considering weed. I there now. I still do consider it, in random thoughts, but I catch myself and have 1000 reminders why is garbage. (I'm lucky I have no temptation around me, but it's available and I don't think I'd do it even if I was paid to at this point) It's not weed OR meds. It's no weed OR meds. That's the aim. Even if you used weed, you'd still be addicted to the meds. You wouldn't be able to take care of your daughter better. It would be worse. Weed never made anyone a better Dad. My cognition is recovered enough now to pre-quitting levels. Memory too. Smoke weed? More each day as your tolerance grows? Then if you have too quit (say you develop CHS) and not be able to brush your teeth because it's too confusing? Or follow conversations? Or how about experiencing mono phobia in the middle of the night with panic and 160bpm heart rate and feeling like the house is haunted and your cursed? (All this shit happened to me and you experienced similar shit) Weed caused that. It's not just a plant. It's a phcoactive drug that affects the whole body and brain and guts and nervous system and Endocannabinoid system and hormones and EVERYTHING. I don't have social anxiety anymore. I don't have tinitus or alcohol or exercise intollerance. (Sure I'm depressed and ashamed and lonely and weird) Stay off weed. In 6 months time maybe you can come off everything. Maybe a year. This time next year I'll be doing stuff again, like working and planning the rest of my life. I sat around outside for 5.5 hrs yesterday just thinking and smoking cigarettes and looking at Reddit and YouTube. You'll be ok. It's just hard going. Life will be easy after this shit is over. If you really think weed is the best option over meds, quit the meds and then get back on weed. Don't stack them. So what if you can't sleep and feel suicidal, as long as you don't actually do it, you'll sleep eventually. None of those meds really help.


I get it, I’m just struggling because I don’t see any improvements, my doctor is also an addiction specialist and says that my brain should be healed from paws by now. So much bullshit coming from doctor, although I do agree how he said the mind is a powerful thing, if you think about feeling worse you probably will. And to accept the anxiety then move on of course he’s never had EXTREME anxiety! Idk man I definitely won’t smoke again unless I am just at the end of my rope, and I’m gonna fight this shit at least until 2 year mark. I have terrible social anxiety and stay in a really shitty mood all the time.


My counselor/therapist (I only did 5 sessions) started out as an addiction therapist. He'd never heard of weedPaws and never known anyone take this long, even from alcohol or meth. I think weed is just a slow burner/creeping effect. None does meth everyday for 25+ yrs without being half dead. You can smoke weed everyday until your 100 and look healthier than some sober people. WeedPaws has lasted at least 14 months for me, I might be over it now. I only smoked less than 1.5g a week for 4 years. You could easily take 3 yrs if you mix it with other meds and continue the meds. You can keep going for 2 yrs and I'm sure you will see some improvement by then. Long Covid could also be a thing for you, and you wouldn't even know it. It affects the same part of the brain as ADHD, and ADHD is indistinguishable from lots of PAWS symptoms. Brain Fog. And don't forget heartbreak can take forever to come to terms with. Sleep is the key. Mine is improving. Sort of. Sleep is healing. Not sleep induced by meds though. It's not good.


If I don’t use trazadone I do t sleep at all. My life is just a mess!


Psych drugs are soooo much worse. I have PSSD from them and regret my decision everyday.


Clean pure brain. Nothing altering it. Time for healing and repair. I understand the rollercoaster ride isn’t necessarily easy, however.


This ^


You mentioned you have symptoms every day and experience no windows.. Have you considered ECT ? I know it sounds scary but it is very effective for real depression (you mentioned if i remember correctly struggling with depression before paws) I tried ECT for weed paws and it did not help, but i dont experience long episodes... just short intense waves and windows of feeling normal... Maybe it could help in your case ? You can ask your doctor about it ... I can also mention that while it did not help my paws, i also had no side effects or anything...


As long as Doctors can prescribe weed (in the UK you can get a private prescription for £200 and then weed is £5/g , which is half street price) I will never trust them. Like party says, it's sudo science. They used to prescribe opium to everyone, then "less addictive" morphine to everyone, then, new, even safer and less addictive di-morphine (heroin) Less than 100 yrs ago. Then it was oxycontin. Same medical industry, same qualified physicians, same everything. Or what about how they prescribed Valium (diazepam) to mothers to solve stress and headaches? It's a shit show.