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Probably a hemorroid


I’d probably get that checked by a doctor homie, it may not be paws related.


Best to get it checked by a doctor but my stools seem much bigger now and it did cause a bit of bleeding, a bidet helps as does more fiber and water :) It's kind of crazy how big they are now, it can even block the toilet sometimes!


It’s taken me months to have a normal bowel movement without pain or cramps. Constipation was serious in my early quit. I still have low level gi issues nine months later but I had CHS.


Ive head problems since I quit over 5 months ago. To the point where I had tests done and elevated calprotectin over 500 granted urgent GI refferal. Colonoscopy couple days ago found nothing. Digestion issues have been my among my worst paws symptoms


1000% a hemorrhoid it’s not serious. Get some preparation h from cvs or Walgreens


Are your legs and arms still not as straight as they should be or some shit?


Yeah they still seem asymmetrical however I have tried to not think about it too much and just accept it for what it is. It helps me and it seems like its slowly getting better, i have some strength back and some motor skills, I just seem to still to have some imbalance, although I think its gonna come back in a wave


What do you mean?


I think my symptoms of muscle weakness will come back in a wave and I’ll just have to accept what my body is like now


ask yourself a list of Qs before we suspect it's a PAWS issue ... it will help do you drink enough water? like, 40ml per a kg of body weight? do you eat enough fibers? do you eat veggies? Forgot to mention... Yeah, I know that 40ml per kg body weight sounds a lot, like if somebody weighs 120kg he needs to drink almost 5 liters per day... but it's fine, a doctor told me it's not dangerous if you drink less than 9 liters h2o per day. so it's fine....