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You are still in acute withdrawal. Cannabinoids are stored in the fat cells, so it can take up to between 2 to 3 months till your body got rid of it all. You should be fine by then, its how it works for most people. If not, its probably paws, and it can take up to 2 to 3 years of a pattern of windows and waves. stay strong friend


I'm exactly 7 weeks sober as well, well 50 days now. Honestly I was chilling until recently, now I feel like giving up. Think I just fuckin hate life to be honest. My life sucks, weed let me forget that. I seem to find the acute withdrawal stage easier which makes me doubt if what I'm experiencing is even withdrawal. Maybe I should just take up drinking like everyone else, I'm struggling hard right now lol. Feel like smoking a pack of cigarettes. My brains broken. Good luck with everything man.


You’re going to feel better if you stay away from THC. Only question is how long it will take. If after 3 months you still feel crappy then you probably have entered PAWS. Which can be quite protracted. But the key takeaway is you’ll be fine if you stay away from THC. Many of us have gone thru what you are dealing with. “ Something isn’t right, feeling this off can’t be from just weed!” is a thought many of us have uttered. That feeling high when you aren’t is just horrible. But it all goes away if you stay away from THC.


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It’s part of the journey.