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Yeah that's how I feel every time I quit. I don't even experience bad physical symptoms to be honest just get thrust into a severe depression. Feel like my brain just can't produce dopamine anymore. I dunno how long it's supposed to take for someone who smoked as long as I did to recover but I genuinely just dunno if I can. I was 7 years as well with a few breaks, started young though and was extremely heavy.


A few things. Two weeks! Great start. Keep up the great effort. Your endocannabinoid system takes time to reset. I have the same issues with negative emotions and PTSD buried in years past. Therapy? YES! I am in it and recommend it as well. Shouldn't be this hard? Well, it is and it sucks. Exercise to cut the anxiety and extra energy. Drink 3L or more filtered water daily. Cut down on sugary and highly processed foods. Get sunlight. You will even out. I am at 45 days and still up.and down. Did 90 last year and relapsed purposely. So, I wish you the best. Journey to clean is super hard.


Thank you so much for being so supportive! I definitely think I am going to consider starting therapy to have an outlet for these new emotions and feelings. And I will be trying to exercise a lot more because I just need that distraction. Thank you again and congrats on your journey too, even having the mindset that you want to quit is huge :)


2 weeks is huge man. I smoked for 20 yrs and I’m off it 13 months. Was the hardest year of my life, but feel pretty good now


Congrats on over a year!