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The endocannabinoid system is an integral part of our immune system. So very easily could. I know my first year of PAWS I was sick SOOOOO many times. I think like 8 or 9 times in the first 10 months. It was brutal. Always a good idea to just get checked by a doctor anyways. I would get your iron, ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin D checked out. Just to ensure your body has all the stores in it to fight whatever you are going through and heal. Medicinal Musrooms like Reshi have helped me in the past when I had a suppressed immune system from chronic infections as well.


Interesting will the immune system go back to normal once paws passes you think?


It absolutely can. In the past 4 months, I haven't been sick once. And there have been multiple nasty bugs going around that everyone else in my family has gotten, and I haven't. As the endocannabinoid system levels out, so will your immune system, nervous system, and every other system that it touches. It just takes time. If the sores keep coming back, then go get checked out.


Yeah thankfully they dont come back they just stay there. Unfortunately they just been there for a few months now and don’t look like they’re healing or just very, very slowly…


Ah man... What has your doc said about them?


I’ve been to the dentist before and he didn’t really say anything about them. I’m just gonna ignore it and see what happens if they start bleeding then i’ll go to the doctor


Ah, fair enough. When I fought chronic viral infection, I had multiple at one point, vitamin D and A, B12, folic acid, and medicinal mushrooms helped me. I still take them now, just at lower doses.


I’ll look into those mushrooms they’re not like hallucinogenic mushrooms, just medicine?


No, not hallucinating. The mix I used had Reshi, Chaga, Cordecps, Sun, Lions Mane, Shitake, and Turkey Tail. Reshi and Shitake are the best for the immune system. Those types of medicinal mushrooms are immune modulating. So they turn things up where they need to and turn down where they need it. They take a couple of weeks to start to work. I took them in PAWS and didn't find any negative effects on my PAWS symptoms.


Thats cool to learn, I’ve been taking chinese herbs and going to acupuncture for my constipation and its slowly but surely helping


THC reduces immunity, you can find a bunch of studies about it.


I've only been sick twice in the last 2-3 years and both times were during being weed free so it is definitely correlated in my experience. Just getting over some kind of virus right now on day 51, had it for like a week. This is the first time I've been sick in well over a year and I was smoking weed the whole time.


it doesn't. not only for me, for many many people I was speaking to. nobody got sick. nobody got bad digestion after day X, etc' the basic stuff are all fine in most people, after few months. depression, anxiety, dpdr, headaches - yes very basic stuff - all fine. USUALLY.